View Full Version : The Milkman

Aren Jay
08-03-2008, 10:49 PM
Anyone still have a Milkman?

I havn't had one since I got back from England. And didn't have one for years before I moved over there in the late 80's.

What happened to them all?

Ocassionally I see an ice cream truck, or hear the ice cream truck, but i never see a Milkman any more.

08-04-2008, 02:01 PM
last time i saw the milkman in my hood was back in the early 70,s
i think there pretty much a part of history now

08-04-2008, 02:06 PM
There's still milkmen in my area, gotta love how cold that milk gets in those glass bottles, not to mention they have the best chocolate milk in the world!

08-04-2008, 02:12 PM
There's still milkmen in my area, gotta love how cold that milk gets in those glass bottles, not to mention they have the best chocolate milk in the world!

Can we assume Oberweis. Still got the cooler never reordered.

O's Fan Rich
08-04-2008, 02:14 PM
Anyone still have a Milkman?

I havn't had one since I got back from England. And didn't have one for years before I moved over there in the late 80's.

What happened to them all?

Ocassionally I see an ice cream truck, or hear the ice cream truck, but i never see a Milkman any more.

Use to... then the kids all started looking like him....

Ain't seen the Milkman.....

08-04-2008, 02:20 PM
Can we assume Oberweis. Still got the cooler never reordered.

Nope we used to get crescent ridge, I think my grandmother still has them

08-04-2008, 02:26 PM
Oberweis still deliveres in chitown the last i knew, i think deans also.

08-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Anyone still have a Milkman?

I havn't had one since I got back from England. And didn't have one for years before I moved over there in the late 80's.

What happened to them all?

Ocassionally I see an ice cream truck, or hear the ice cream truck, but i never see a Milkman any more.

Can't see him due to all the snow and him wearing all white.

He's there and is most likely the one who has messed with your TV, computer(s), coffee pot, phone line, alarm system and frequents your attic.



08-04-2008, 02:43 PM
Use to... then the kids all started looking like him....

Ain't seen the Milkman.....


Ive never seen a milk man

08-04-2008, 02:55 PM
The rumour is he has a lot of kids! They were around when I was a kid.

Jolly Roger
08-04-2008, 03:45 PM
Used to get Sealtest then Hillside dairy,
been a long time.:(

08-04-2008, 04:46 PM

Forget the milkman, when I was a little kid living in Far Rockaway I remember the Sodaman (Hammer soda I think), and there was also a big truck with a ride mounted on the bed that came around every week. It had a pirate boat that swung like a pengilum.

.................I now return this thread back the the milkman

O's Fan Rich
08-04-2008, 04:56 PM
.................I now return this thread back the the milkman

ain't seen no Milkman.... move along now.

08-04-2008, 05:16 PM
Use to... then the kids all started looking like him....

Ain't seen the Milkman.....

hahaha wow!

Blk Mamba
08-04-2008, 07:54 PM
The Charlie's Chips Man.

08-04-2008, 07:57 PM
Just something that came to my bonehead mind... It is now illegal for ice cream trucks to be around Beverly in Illinois because one of those trucks ran over some kid. I never see them go more than 7mph when looking for business, but you never know.

Larry Staunton
08-05-2008, 09:18 AM
Yoder Dairies in Virginia Beach, Va. still delivers. I receive a delivery of 4 quarts every Wednesday. Yoder can also deliver butter, cottage cheese and all types of creams. It'll be tough to do without them if they ever decide to close shop.

Aren Jay
08-05-2008, 09:44 AM
Hmm This might be a good business to start again. Half of my grocery shopping is spent going to get more milk.

There are the grocery delivery businesses but they charge mucho money for little service.

In England the whole milk business is a green enterprise. They have glass bottles, with metal foil tabs, electric delivery trucks, usually with three wheels, and they wash and reuse the bottles. Completely eco friendly and there are never any lonely housewives on the block.

The one time the guy took his kid along for a tag along to your parents work day thing, that was the one day the milkman was an hour early.


08-06-2008, 09:28 AM
Anyone still have a Milkman?

I havn't had one since I got back from England. And didn't have one for years before I moved over there in the late 80's.

What happened to them all?

Ocassionally I see an ice cream truck, or hear the ice cream truck, but i never see a Milkman any more.

No milkman in SoCal since early 60's. I can recall my Mom pizzed off because he regularly screwed up the deliveries. However, the egg nog and choco milk were the best! :D
Here we had drive thru dairies because of the many local dairy farms in the Bellflower / Artesia area of LA. Always cold, fresh and delish! :P
Did have the Helms breadman home delivery until the late 70's. They had cool vehicles - like large PT Cruisers - best donuts available at the time. :rolleyes:

PR :burnout:

Joe Walsh
08-06-2008, 09:39 AM
The Charlie's Chips Man.


A blast from the past!!!

I haven't seen or heard of the Charlie's Chips man since we moved from Binghamton, N.Y. when I was a kid.

We (5 kids in my family) would be lined up waiting for the big tan & brown tin of chips to be delivered....like a pack of crack addicts!...:drool:

Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-06-2008, 10:24 AM
I'm only 25 and we had Marcus Dairy in CT deliver milk and OJ when I was in grade school. We had a little galvanized steel insulated box w/ a lid on our front patio

08-06-2008, 10:24 AM

A blast from the past!!!

I haven't seen or heard of the Charlie's Chips man since we moved from Binghamton, N.Y. when I was a kid.

We (5 kids in my family) would be lined up waiting for the big tan & brown tin of chips to be delivered....like a pack of crack addicts!...:drool:

We had Charle's Chips delivered for a time when I was young. Sometimes my sister and I would devour half a large can before my parents got home from work. Those were some of the best and freshest chips I have ever eaten. :drool:

08-11-2008, 09:53 PM
you can still get charlie's chips here in ohio! just not delivered by the CC man.