View Full Version : Why did my Chili explode?

08-04-2008, 07:12 PM
I was making myself a snack from those Campbells chunky chili bowls that you put in the microwave, when it exploded after 1:45 minutes or so. I had the same thing yesterday and it didn't explode. I usually keep it in there for 2 minutes, but today it blew the lid off and spilled all over the inside of the microwave. I took the tin off the can and put the plastic lid back on and boom it's off and yes I did scoop it all up and eat it anyway. There is a bad storm going on, but I doubt that has anything to do with it.

Ok what did I do here? :confused:

08-04-2008, 07:16 PM
That's happened to me before except it was a bowl of beefaroni

08-04-2008, 07:37 PM
I had that happen once at work, except it flipped the whole container over. No, I didn't eat mine. But the microwave did get a good cleaning that night, had to take the turntable up to the restroom and wash it off in the wash basin, then mop up the rest from the top and sides of the microwave. Only time that ever happened, and that was at least 3+ years ago.

Another night, I had one of those containers in my backpack that I carried into work, when I drove my forklift into the back of a trailer, the backpack fell off the lift and hung off the side as I rode along the wall of the trailer. Broke that container into the newspaper and long sleeved shirt that I always carried for those cold evenings on the docks. Talk about a mess!


08-04-2008, 07:38 PM
Ya know, for a 22 year old, you must be really bored to post this **** here. :shake:

08-04-2008, 07:40 PM
Ya know, for a 22 year old, you must be really bored to post this **** here. :shake:Damn! What does that say about me? 50 yrs old and I responded!:rolleyes:


08-04-2008, 07:40 PM
Ya know, for a 22 year old, you must be really bored to post this **** here. :shake:

Ray I like to learn why stuff happens. Yes I am bored and a little hungry, but what happened to my chili? It's a stormy night so it's best to stay in.

08-04-2008, 07:41 PM
at least nobody stole it, then you found it impounded. :lol:

08-04-2008, 07:44 PM
at least nobody stole it, then you found it impounded. :lol:

I'll be ready for the next time around.

Yes no one better steal my chili!

Blk Mamba
08-04-2008, 07:47 PM
I believe that you have to partially open the top before you micro-wave them.

08-04-2008, 07:50 PM
I took the tin off and put the plastic top back on as I stated before.

08-04-2008, 07:50 PM
Ray I like to learn why stuff happens.

Me too, Why was this thread started? :D

08-04-2008, 07:51 PM
I believe that you have to partially open the top before you micro-wave them.He said that he took off the foil, then put (vented) lid back on. I've had it happen to me too.


08-04-2008, 07:54 PM
Me too, Why was this thread started? :D

It was started due to the exploding chili! :eek:

HOW HOW HOW?!?!?!?

08-04-2008, 08:19 PM
I had wendy's chili tonight, and i do believe it will also explode, but later.

08-05-2008, 06:29 AM
I saw the out come of some dumba$$ putting a sealed tin can of soup in a industrial microwave back in 1974. :lol:

08-05-2008, 06:44 AM
The answer is in the replies when you removed the metal lid and replaced just the vented plastic top.
A. the vent was somehow blocked or dirty enough where it did not vent.
B. usually there is some slight give in the plastic tops maybe the one that exploded was deformed.
C. the reason is simple when heating in a microwave the magnetron boils the liquid inside if there is not enough gas bleed off the Chili ( or whatever) will Explode.

Joe Clancy:beer::beer::beer:

08-05-2008, 07:28 AM
Im at work now and about to heat up a Cambells Chuny Chili (with beans) "Firehouse" hot & spicy
that being said ill see if I can get it to explode...
yes it is a boring day at work...
my guess would be 1 or many "beans" heated rapidly and exploded.... causing the excitment... they were probably near the top end of the package during heating therefore heated quikier then the rest of the chili....

08-05-2008, 07:48 AM
I do enjoy chili...is the Cambells Chunky good? I usually make my own...

Lets post chili receipes:

I use Ground Bison seared every so gently I hate tough red meat. This is tender and healthier then straight up beef check it out.
I season it with some chilli powder and then I grab some Kens steakhouse buffalo wing sauce - this stuff can go on anything and make it better!
I throw on some KC Master piece bbq sauce - not sure why but it taste smokey and good
Tabasco - i use this in almost everything I consume
ringed onions
Beans - i like a lot
Pepper jack cheese from the start to give it the essence of cheese
Cheddar on top for the final

You need to mix the sauces just right or else you get soup! This is something I just threw together on a Saturday - not sure if anyone else will eat it lol

Of course you can use the "traditional" tomato based chilli......snore...

08-05-2008, 08:51 AM
The campbells Chunky is tpretty good for a quik fix...

You'd like the Fire house with a touch of Tabasco Im sure...
I personally get the "firehouse: since it packs a bit of kick from the start...

I like to add Pepper jack cheese & onions whens possible.
I do the same from "wendy's" they will add it to order if you ask for it. Wendy's is pretty good chili too ...for fast food chain.

Aren Jay
08-05-2008, 09:39 AM
Chilli is made in a pot on the stove. You reduce it to the desired taste and texture. It does not explode.

Try not cooking it in the microwave, use that just for reheats.

Reheat not using plastic but a glass container that has a rubber lid (not plastic) with an air vent hole.

Never have any problems.