View Full Version : my birthday

08-04-2008, 09:31 PM
Friday, august the 8th is my birthday. I'am asking that no one make any reference to this what so ever. Its not a big deal, I never do anything on my birthday, I could care less, got it? So lets review, when august 8th comes, just let it go buy like any other day, please, for the love of Pete. pretend it never happened, go do something else, look the other way, what ever it takes. thanks.:banana2: Have a nice day.

08-05-2008, 04:35 AM
Let me be the first to piss you off by saying "Happy Birthday". Mine is the 10th.

For a long time, I've only wanted to get a phone call saying happy birthday from a few close friends on my birthday. Not many - just a few. After getting disapointed by more than one each year, last year I started a new routine. I call all the people I want to hear from on my birthday. I consider it my birthday present to myself.

I always think its interesting to go back 40 weeks from someone's birthday to see what the reason for the "celebration" was. Backing up from mine puts me at around the first of November. Could I have been a little Halloween mischief?