View Full Version : Must See Documentary Coming Out...

08-06-2008, 12:26 PM


Supported by BOTH the Heritage Foundation and the Brookings Institute. When those two book-ends can agree on something, its something to pay attention to.

About movie (http://www.iousathemovie.com/about/)

08-06-2008, 07:37 PM
Hey Brute........
Did you ever notice how when Democrats are in power the Republicans spout about the dangers of the
ever expanding National debt and the Dem's say it's not important and then when the Republicans are in power it's just the opposite? Then the Dems say
how important the debt is while the Republicans say it's not? I think politicians just like to spend our money so they can get re-elected.

The only time in the last 40 years the budget was balanced was with a Conservative Republican Congress and a
Liberal Democratic President.

Go figure.

08-06-2008, 08:42 PM
If as some say Gov't spending is an "investment" than there is no National Debt merely a capital outlay.

With revenues to the Treasury approaching $3 Trillion Dollars, 80% of the land owned by the Feds and taking 20% of every dollar in our economy that's the equivalant of a monoply with a growing revenue stream bringing in $300,000 every year and owing a $1,000,000 mortgage.

Keep in mind this monopoly doesn't charge half of it's customers, they get services for free. Meaning all they need to do is start charging the freeloaders a small "investment" fee or freeze the "services" it is giving to the free loaders.

When President Clinton first took office he was brought the SS Crisis and he said well this is simpe we change the COLA to CPI, problem fixed. He was told do not fix it the Dems need a campaign issue and don't ever think about touching SS.

There are millions who are on SS Disability who are not the least bit disabled, which cost $99 billion.

In 2006 the Feds spent $2.45 trillion of which $400 billion was on Defense and $1.16 trillion was on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.

If you believe there is a crisis it is being driven by SS, Medicare and Medicad.

Defense including the War in Iraq is less than 24% down from the 50 year post WWII average of 35%.

Aren Jay
08-07-2008, 08:03 PM
Politics is about getting elected and staying there.

The smart people join the civil service. They also have the power and don't have to worry aobut getting elected.