View Full Version : SGT Joe Friday - Just the facts Mam

08-07-2008, 08:43 PM
Look at the following facts;
• "Misery Index”, inflation plus unemployment, under President Bush are 7.89.Under President Clinton7.80. Under President Carter 16.27 and under President Nixon 9.98
• Unemployment USA May 08 – 5.5% and EU 6.7% or 22% higher
• Defense Spending as a % of Federal Spending from 1946-1996 35%. Defense Spending under President Bush including the War in Iraq 24% or 30% less than the 50 year post WWII average
• Military Deaths under President Clinton - 7,500 and under President Bush ~10,000
• Gov't spends 30% of every dollar in our economy.
• The Feds spend 20% of every dollar of which 5% of every dollar is on Defense including the War in Iraq
• Gov't spending is $15,000 for every man woman and child in this country
• Who is the biggest Landlord, tenant, transporter, medical buyer & payer, employer, consumer of energy? Answer Federal Gov’t
• Number of new laws passed in a lifetime 55,000
• Military Deaths in Iraq 4,000
• Number of people killed on US Roads every 6 weeks 4,600
• Military Deaths Vietnam 58,178
• Number of days Obama has been in the US Senate <240
• Number of days McCain was a prisoner of War 1,900+
• Who owns 67% of the untapped oil below US Land? Answer "Big Gov't"
• Who owns 100% of the untapped oil off US Coast? Answer "Big Gov't"Who refuses to sell this oil? Answer "Big Gov't"
• How much is this oil that "Big Gov't" refuses to sell? The same amount of oil we are currently buying from the Middle East.
• For every dollar of gasoline sales "Big Oil" makes 4 cents profit.
• For every dollar of sales "Big Oil" makes 8 cents profit.
• For every dollar of gasoline "Big Gov't" makes 15 cents in taxes.
• The average price paid for a gallon of gas in March 2008 was 10% lower in today’s dollars than March 1982.
• Chemical, Non-auto mfg, drug, alcohol and tobacco industries in 2007 were more profitable than "Big Oil" in 2007.
• In 2007 the market capitalization of "Big Oil" which consists of 184 companies was $1.6 trillion. "Big Gov't" takes $4.5 trillion per year in taxes.
• Exxon sells 3.2% of the World Supply and owns .62% of the World's known reserves.
• The top 1% of income earners pay about 32% of all income taxes. The top 5% pays 51.4%. The top 10% of high income earners, pay 63.5%. The top 20% of income earners pays 78% of all federal income taxes.

FYI, for those that did not know the above open your eyes has to how the Media is brain washing you. Scary isn't it that in this information age intelligent people who think they are informed perceptions are being completely manipulated.:mad2:

08-07-2008, 08:48 PM
How do they figure the military deaths number under Clinton/Bush? Something doesnt make sense.

08-07-2008, 09:30 PM
Like I said it shows how controlled our perception is.

You can pull the figures straight from the DOD.

Some will say well under Bush more were killed in action than Clinton.We were under peace with Clinton. If you were killed in the service of your country does it realy matter how or where you were killed? Either way you are dead and the impact on the survivors is the same.

08-08-2008, 05:39 AM
Amazing stats. The media has waaaaaaaaaaay to much control of the way America percieves our world and these stats. They, IMO, are the major cause of why the public does not know 2/3 of what is going on in this world. I cannot stand the media:mad:. They state being objective but only the way they see it, not reality.

08-08-2008, 06:38 AM
I love it when you post this stuff, Billy!!!

08-08-2008, 06:52 AM

Straight from DoD (thru 2004). Note deaths from hostile activity/terrorism.

08-08-2008, 07:44 AM
Well, it just goes to show that "figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure"

08-08-2008, 08:40 AM
I could prove God statistically. - George Gallup

We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality.' And reality has a well known liberal bias. - Stephen Colbert

08-08-2008, 02:28 PM
Look at the following facts;
• "Misery Index”, inflation plus unemployment, under President Bush are 7.89.Under President Clinton7.80. Under President Carter 16.27 and under President Nixon 9.98
• Unemployment USA May 08 – 5.5% and EU 6.7% or 22% higher
• Defense Spending as a % of Federal Spending from 1946-1996 35%. Defense Spending under President Bush including the War in Iraq 24% or 30% less than the 50 year post WWII average
• Military Deaths under President Clinton - 7,500 and under President Bush ~10,000
• Gov't spends 30% of every dollar in our economy.
• The Feds spend 20% of every dollar of which 5% of every dollar is on Defense including the War in Iraq
• Gov't spending is $15,000 for every man woman and child in this country
• Who is the biggest Landlord, tenant, transporter, medical buyer & payer, employer, consumer of energy? Answer Federal Gov’t
• Number of new laws passed in a lifetime 55,000
• Military Deaths in Iraq 4,000
• Number of people killed on US Roads every 6 weeks 4,600
• Military Deaths Vietnam 58,178
• Number of days Obama has been in the US Senate <240
• Number of days McCain was a prisoner of War 1,900+
• Who owns 67% of the untapped oil below US Land? Answer "Big Gov't"
• Who owns 100% of the untapped oil off US Coast? Answer "Big Gov't"Who refuses to sell this oil? Answer "Big Gov't"
• How much is this oil that "Big Gov't" refuses to sell? The same amount of oil we are currently buying from the Middle East.
• For every dollar of gasoline sales "Big Oil" makes 4 cents profit.
• For every dollar of sales "Big Oil" makes 8 cents profit.
• For every dollar of gasoline "Big Gov't" makes 15 cents in taxes.
• The average price paid for a gallon of gas in March 2008 was 10% lower in today’s dollars than March 1982.
• Chemical, Non-auto mfg, drug, alcohol and tobacco industries in 2007 were more profitable than "Big Oil" in 2007.
• In 2007 the market capitalization of "Big Oil" which consists of 184 companies was $1.6 trillion. "Big Gov't" takes $4.5 trillion per year in taxes.
• Exxon sells 3.2% of the World Supply and owns .62% of the World's known reserves.
• The top 1% of income earners pay about 32% of all income taxes. The top 5% pays 51.4%. The top 10% of high income earners, pay 63.5%. The top 20% of income earners pays 78% of all federal income taxes.

FYI, for those that did not know the above open your eyes has to how the Media is brain washing you. Scary isn't it that in this information age intelligent people who think they are informed perceptions are being completely manipulated.:mad2:

Statistics are like bikinis - what they reveal is exciting but what they hide is vital.

08-08-2008, 02:53 PM
I have found that tin foil wrapped around the cranium is helpful.

08-08-2008, 03:00 PM
Statistics are like bikinis - what they reveal is exciting but what they hide is vital.

My thoughts exactly, 90% of statistics can be made to say anything, 50% of the time, statistically speaking that is . . .

I always look at anyone or anything that spout off percentages like that sideways. They usually are trying to curve your view through other means than directly discussing it. Just look at CNN . . .

08-08-2008, 03:18 PM
The Media no longer reports the news or statistics but opinons such as "Vietnam like Quagmire". "Bush's Economy is the worst in 20 years". "The EU has a healthy economy".

What is the basis of these opinons, certainly not reality by any measure.

Why did I have to spend considerable time researching various government data bases to come up with the facts? Because there are so few facts in the media, just opinons.

Numbers do not lie, they are the one truth, in heaven or hell 1+2=3. It is pure clarity, no nuance, no misunderstanding, no 3 or 4 definitions, no multi interpetations. Numbers are the enemy of liars and the devil.

People who understand numbers see truth.

People who understand words see only words.

Words lie, how many different names are there for the devil or god? How many words have multiple definitions? How many times are words subject to interpetations such as our Constitution?

08-08-2008, 03:58 PM
FYI, for those that did not know the above open your eyes has to how the Media is brain washing you. Scary isn't it that in this information age intelligent people who think they are informed perceptions are being completely manipulated.:mad2:So, just out of curiosity, what Media was used to acquire all of these "facts"? :D

08-08-2008, 04:54 PM
Numbers do not lie, they are the one truth, in heaven or hell 1+2=3.

When used in a valid and clear context, yes (assuming they aren't pulled out of thin air). Listing total "military deaths" for two different presidential terms, any rational person would assume you were referring to hostile acts. Your omission that it was *NOT* just hostile acts is an example of media bias in action. Your excuse that "impact on the survivors is the same" was kind of bizarre too.

You perpetrated the very act you condemn.

08-08-2008, 05:32 PM
When used in a valid and clear context, yes (assuming they aren't pulled out of thin air). Listing total "military deaths" for two different presidential terms, any rational person would assume you were referring to hostile acts. Your omission that it was *NOT* just hostile acts is an example of media bias in action. Your excuse that "impact on the survivors is the same" was kind of bizarre too.

You perpetrated the very act you condemn.

You need to have a serious drink of reality. What are you thinking here? Facts are facts, do some research and have a drink of reality. Nothing that was stated is out of line.

08-08-2008, 06:40 PM
BTW, numbers can lie. Just ask Enron. There are the factual numbers and there are the "public" numbers". Go research that reality. Think Vietnam body count. Think federal budget. Government numbers are notorious for being "best guesses" or at worst "what we need the public to think".

08-08-2008, 06:47 PM
Listing total "military deaths" for two different presidential terms, any rational person would assume you were referring to hostile acts.
No .... you made an incorrect assumption. Just looking at the numbers, it is easy to see that it includes ALL causes. Just because it doesn't fit your paradigm doesn't make it wrong or misleading.

08-09-2008, 05:43 AM
[quote=BruteForce;644861] Think Vietnam body count.quote]

I am very familar with the Viet Nam body count. Ever been to the wall? Several of my friends on it. Those numbers don't lie.:mad:

08-09-2008, 08:10 AM
[quote=BruteForce;644861] Think Vietnam body count.quote]

I am very familar with the Viet Nam body count. Ever been to the wall? Several of my friends on it. Those numbers don't lie.:mad:

I guess you're not familiar with the term as it was used at that time. It referred to enemy body count, not our own. See how an unclear statement can be misinterpreted based on our own assumptions?

08-09-2008, 09:06 AM
I guess you're not familiar with the term as it was used at that time.
UFB !!! Watching the nightly news when you were 8-13 does not make you an expert on this matter. Questioning Tom's understanding of the topic is sheer brass, ignorance or both.

08-09-2008, 09:46 PM
So, just out of curiosity, what Media was used to acquire all of these "facts"? :D

Mostly Gov't, DOD, DOe, GAO.

08-09-2008, 09:53 PM
BTW, numbers can lie. Just ask Enron. There are the factual numbers and there are the "public" numbers". Go research that reality. Think Vietnam body count. Think federal budget. Government numbers are notorious for being "best guesses" or at worst "what we need the public to think".

Numbers don't lie, they can't lie.

People use words to lie.

A budget is just that a budget. Spending is just that spending.

Using the GAO, or DOE or DOD to compare data from the GAO, DOE or DOD results in an accurate comparison.

No where do any of the Facts contain budget numbers or "Vietnam body count".

The Facts can be found from several public and private sources that all come in very close.

08-09-2008, 10:10 PM
When used in a valid and clear context, yes (assuming they aren't pulled out of thin air). Listing total "military deaths" for two different presidential terms, any rational person would assume you were referring to hostile acts. Your omission that it was *NOT* just hostile acts is an example of media bias in action. Your excuse that "impact on the survivors is the same" was kind of bizarre too.

You perpetrated the very act you condemn.

Look at the "casualty statisitics" for any war kept by any military and there are several categories, Killed In Action, Wounded, Military Deaths.

It is a known term by anyone who has studied war.

For example in WWII ~300,000 killed in action and ~405,000 military deaths.

When I see the media they always tout military deaths as the statistic, just like 58,178 military deaths in Vietnam.
In the 5 years of reporting on the Iraq War I have always heard the media use the Military Deaths. For example per DOD as of 8-2-08 Military Deaths 4,122 of which 3,354 KIA and 768 Killed in Non-combat.

When comparing President Clinton to President Bush why is it then wrong to compare Military Deaths? Why is it not said that the Media has an "omission" or you use "it as an example of media bias"? Or as Bruce Force put it;
...........Your omission that it was *NOT* just hostile acts is an example of media bias in action. Your excuse that "impact on the survivors is the same" was kind of bizarre too.

You perpetrated the very act you condemn.

I made a comparison using facts about the Vietnam war to the war in Iraq since many in the media have made this comparison with out any facts. The comparison I mmade was from the DOD the same source and military deaths the same definition.

The camparison of one President to another using the same database source and the same criteria that is most often cited is not an excuse. The explanation of which is called an answer to a question.

Please explain how being killed by a bullet on a battle field, killed by a bomb on a ship in a friendly port, killed in a helicopter crash on a training mission, dying from wounds from being bombed on a base have a different impact on the person who is dead or the survivors they leave behind?

That is why military deaths is the figure most often cited when discussing the impact and huma toll a war has had. I find nothing the least bit bizzare about it.