View Full Version : CCW Guys...Traveling with your "Friends"

08-12-2008, 08:46 AM
I'm flying out to TX to pick my car up...

When we picked up my wife's car we just bought a new piece there and drove back with it. Nothing beats a gun with a story. However I'm a little more strapped for cash right now and my dad and I want to have our guns fly with us.

Has anyone here traveled with them via flying? If so give me as much details/tips/problems I may run into and how to be prepared. Is it more hassle than its worth? Is it worth doing on a fight with a transfer? Ever had your gun get lost? Thats my biggest fear is loosing it. Do they allow it to be shipped with ammo? or do you have to buy some once you get to your destination?

I've come to have my friend feel like a 3rd nut to be honest. I don't ever leave home without it. :flamer: I have also thought about just Fed Ex'ing it to the guy I'm buying the car from and just telling him its a tuner. But that worries me even more.

I know my CCW permit is valid in all the states I'm driving through, so no worries about that.

08-12-2008, 09:35 AM
Shipping a firearm to a non FFL will get you jammed up, bad. They will need to be carried and locked in airline approved box's, Pelican is one of them, you cannot take them with ammunition IIRC, you must show the weapon to the ticket agent in the case, they(the airline) will need to inspect it. It's a hassle to say the least.

Now, if your LEO, that changes the rules, if you have the creds and paperwork, you can carry on the plane :D.

If you ship to a FFL, then you will need to be a state resident to pick up said weapon, fill out a 4473, pay them for doing the paperwork etc.

Of coure, I am wrong most all the time (according to the wife), so none of this may be correct. I would call the airline your going to fly on and see what their proceedure is.

08-12-2008, 09:37 AM

My concern is just member's experiences in doing so. I've contacted the airline and told I would be called back.

I didn't think even LEO's can carry unless they are really high up above standard police, aka fbi,cia, judge ect...

08-12-2008, 12:11 PM
Shipping a firearm to a non FFL will get you jammed up, bad. They will need to be carried and locked in airline approved box's, Pelican is one of them, you cannot take them with ammunition IIRC, you must show the weapon to the ticket agent in the case, they(the airline) will need to inspect it. It's a hassle to say the least.

Now, if your LEO, that changes the rules, if you have the creds and paperwork, you can carry on the plane :D.

If you ship to a FFL, then you will need to be a state resident to pick up said weapon, fill out a 4473, pay them for doing the paperwork etc.

Of coure, I am wrong most all the time (according to the wife), so none of this may be correct. I would call the airline your going to fly on and see what their proceedure is.

Whats FFL?

Never mind.....federal firearm license

08-12-2008, 12:44 PM
While flying with your weapon, call your specific airline to get THEIR rules and regulations. Simply put, a good lockable case, as mentioned earlier, will house the weapon. Declare it at check in, show that the weapon has been made clear (might want to partially strip), lock the box, and place it in your locked luggage. That's the basic gist of things, but after declaring it, your airline's rules will apply.

As far as I can recollect, your shipping ammunition could be a very tricky state by state thing. Here in Tennessee, I can carry just about any kind of ammo I want. However, my Remington Golden Saber .40 cal hollow points, if caught, will send me straight to jail in the state of New Jersey. Also, you might want to check on the capacity of your magazine. The state of Kalifornia (incorrect spelling is on purpose due to their wacky gun laws) only allows IIRC a maximum of 10 rd magazine. Also, it's the same process for shipping ammo as for your weapon. (Might be easier for you to buy a box when you get to your location?)

Do NOT ship it to anyone other than a Federal Firearms License holding person! In order to ship it, you will put the weapon in a box that is secured, once again, the Pelican brand is good, but not pushed onto you, attach a copy of the FFL inside the box, and take it to FED EX. Once you arrive at your destination, you will show identification, pay their transfer and background fee, and you're on your way. (Very simple process from what I was just told by my local gun store.)

Good on you for checking your CCW status!

Only certain law enforcement officers are allowed to carry onto aircraft and that's after very specific training and very unique circumstances. My gun store buddy just told me that it's so rare that a US Marshall that frequents them was transporting a prisoner and had his firearm on him and he had to go thru a song and dance to get allowed on the aircraft. He had to secure his knife in his luggage. LOL

I think that I addressed all of your points.

08-12-2008, 01:57 PM
its risky...


08-12-2008, 03:55 PM
This is why the gun I'm going to take is one thats easliy replacible. Alot of the S&W's I have and carry are "rarer" ones.

08-12-2008, 04:05 PM
How often do stories like that actually happen? I'm not going to say that they're rare, but be realistic about it.

BTW, Vortech, I hope that I was able to answer your original questions.

08-12-2008, 04:30 PM
Sounds good. Thank you.

2003 MIB
08-12-2008, 04:44 PM
LilCop is right. I do this about 8 times a year on American. No issues if you follow his advice above.