View Full Version : McCain or Obama

08-12-2008, 06:04 PM
somebody had to do it...Just vote like you would if it was real, lets see who the next president is.

No Need to reply, just your vote

Mike Poore
08-13-2008, 03:50 AM
He said "no need to reply", not reply prohibited.

Why can't we see peoples comments?

The reason is that MM.net has a clearly stated no politics policy, along with the ones about personal attacks, pornography, and profanity.

The administrator(s) decide what is political or in conflict with our guidelines, not the poster, nor the originator of the thread.

The poll is an interesting exercise and, frankly, I wish there had been only two choices; because the third one means you plan on not voting.

Mike Poore
08-13-2008, 05:23 AM
Then why did you not just close this thread from the begining, that way no one could reply?

It was a tough call, Gordon, and in retrospect, perhaps we should have closed it. Once a thread is started, and a poll attached, I don't think our software allows us to close the thread and allow the poll to continue.

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to know what Logan would have done; but he's not calling the shots anymore, and we have been, in my opinion, a lot more liberal when it comes to allowing members to express their views, on any number of issues once considered verboten.

The poll in itself, though, seems innocent enough, and as expressed, earlier, interesting, to me, at least. :)