View Full Version : Parking notices...

08-13-2008, 05:59 AM
So, I was wondering if anyone has ever visited this site or been on the receiving end of one of their notices:


I had not heard of it before. I dropped my daughter off at my mom's this morning and she showed me the notice someone left on her windshield. Now, I like the idea in theory, but maybe with a slightly towned down wordage. Maybe "Moron" instead of "*********".

But the one my mom got was left because the person didn't like the seat covers in her car. Now, they are not my personal favorite, either, but just like anyone else's car, I am not going to leave a note to tell them it is ugly or I don't like anything. Especially a note calling them an "*********".

So I have been spending some time this morning thinking about that and looking at some of the pictures on that website. I will agree that there are definitely some people that deserve a note like that, but it should not be a free for all. It does hurt some people's feelings - especially the one my mom got. Obviously the person that left that has some personal issues of their own to work out and that is how I would try to look at it, but my mom was a little offended (as I am sure any 61 year old would be by that). I think all something like this does is perpetuate the negativity already so prevelant in this world.

I am all for taking pictures of stupid parking, leaving a note saying "See your pictures here..." and posting them up, but the wording leaves something to be desired...

Sorry, just needed to rant a little this morning... And to the idiot that left that for my mom (not that it is anyone on here), you are an *********! Get a life!

EDIT: OK, so the forum software doesn't like the URL. Replace the astriks with ********* - without the $.

08-13-2008, 07:57 AM
I think its fantastic. I think it sucks your mom got a note but the guy writing has no idea who drove the car. And if she parked like one then she gets the note - nothing wrong with it.

I know I would be pissed if some called my moms that too dont get me wrong.

I would love to do that with people who cut people off or drive 15mph on the highway! Like if each car had like a voicemail or something lol imagine the swears then!

Aren Jay
08-13-2008, 08:53 AM
The rearview mirror video camera with up close motion sensitivity would let you know who left that note.

08-13-2008, 08:59 AM
Thats not a bad idea - a camera that turns on when something touches the frame of the car - find out who scratched ya ride!

I am sure it can be done with a perimiter alarm set close to the shell and once its tricked cameras pop on. See who dinged ya door etc etc.

Or the leaf that touch ya car!

08-13-2008, 09:03 AM
I think its fantastic. I think it sucks your mom got a note but the guy writing has no idea who drove the car. And if she parked like one then she gets the note - nothing wrong with it.

I know I would be pissed if some called my moms that too dont get me wrong.

I would love to do that with people who cut people off or drive 15mph on the highway! Like if each car had like a voicemail or something lol imagine the swears then!

The problem is, she didn't park in a way to deserve that. The little note has check boxes and the one checked off was "Other" and they noted her seat covers. What exactly does that have to do with parking and why call anyone - irregardless of taste - an ********* because you don't like something about their car?

08-13-2008, 09:18 AM
Nah I hear ya I thought she parked weird. Seat covers is a wtf move.

People abusing power - just like real meter maids!

Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-13-2008, 10:55 AM
Ah if something was hideous enough I'd probably do that too.