View Full Version : Cargo Carrier Laws?

08-13-2008, 07:08 PM
Hi guys,

Do any of you know the laws when using a cargo carrier? I bought one of those "everthere cargo carriers and weather proof bags" to use in the trailer hitch just in case I need some extra room (used to owning SUVs and go tail gating often.)

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/3/5/1/3/CargoCarrierinX-terra_thumb.jpg (http://mercurymarauder.net/showcase/showimage.php?i=13840&c=3&userid=3513)

Anyway, when installed, it covers or blocks the view of my license plate.

I went to the DMV tag office and asked them if I could purchase another plate to install on the carrier and they said "no". You are not allowed to have more than one (1) plate and if using the carrier blocks the view of your plate then it is illegal for you to use the carrier. Period.

I asked them what all the boat owners and gardeners do when towing trailers and she wouldn't answer. I left because fighting with her was going to get me nowhere and I wasn't going to trust her answers at this point anyway. (We have a real problem with the work force in this Country.)

Can anyone tell me what the law is concerning these carriers or where I can find the law?

Thanks guys.

08-13-2008, 07:13 PM
Why not take the plate off of the back of the car when you mount the carrier and mount it to the carrier so that it is visible. That would work during the day. You might run into a problem for not having a light on it at night, though.
Just a thought.

08-13-2008, 07:42 PM
You might run into a problem for not having a light on it at night, though.

Make a harness for the carrier tapped off the tag light and use a white neon surround. Easy.

08-13-2008, 08:13 PM
Make a harness for the carrier tapped off the tag light and use a white neon surround. Easy.

LOL. You must think that we all have your skills.

I know better than to allow myself to mess with the wires. How much can I pay you to fab something for me? White neon surround might be too flashy and not my style.

I'm thinking something that is legal and weather proof.
Must install and uninstall fast.
Won't show evidence of it when not in use (I don't want wires permanently attached to the trunk when I'm not using this rack (359 days of the year).

Maybe we can just buy a frame that has a simple light on it. Maybe I can send you some $$, give you the measurements and you fab the wire harness for me and you walk me through the install process?

I know that your time is limited so please don't feel bad if you are too busy for this small and odd project. I'll figure something out I just haven't even began looking yet. Because of the members here, this site is almost always my first stop.

Aren Jay
08-15-2008, 08:53 AM
hmm Never thought of that.

Someone here has and uses one for tires, what does he do?

can you get a trailer plate for the cargo carrier?

08-15-2008, 09:00 AM
Just take the tag off and put it in the back window.
At least 1/2 the cars in Detroit are that way.... it's easier to remove it when commiting a crime I guess... :rolleyes:

08-15-2008, 09:05 AM
Ask one of your local LEO's on the street - he's the one who would be writing the ticket if it was indeed illegal.

08-15-2008, 09:59 AM
hmm Never thought of that.

Someone here has and uses one for tires, what does he do?...

That would be me.:coolman: I had never thought about it, but technically the rear plate is supposed to be visible.


I have never been stopped with either the cargo rack or bike rack attached, but that does not make it legal.:help:

08-15-2008, 10:14 AM
Most SUVs have a trailer plug as standard these days. Does yours? If so, pick up a trailer plug and lighted lisence bracket. Power the light from the tail light wire on the connector. Really, really simple. Assumes that you have the factory harness, though.

08-15-2008, 04:14 PM
Someone here has and uses one for tires, what does he do?

That would be me.:coolman: I had never thought about it, but technically the rear plate is supposed to be visible.
I have never been stopped with either the cargo rack or bike rack attached, but that does not make it legal.:help:

I use one as well...but it doesn't block my plate.


08-15-2008, 06:08 PM
Most SUVs have a trailer plug as standard these days. Does yours? If so, pick up a trailer plug and lighted lisence bracket. Power the light from the tail light wire on the connector. Really, really simple. Assumes that you have the factory harness, though.

The pic was just to show you the items that I bought for "my Marauder".

Sorry for the confusion but thanks for the advice.

08-18-2008, 12:40 PM
What sort of hitch are you guys using on your MM's ? Thinking of getting one installed for occasionally towing a utility trailer, but worried about the look when not in use.

08-18-2008, 03:56 PM
What sort of hitch are you guys using on your MM's ? Thinking of getting one installed for occasionally towing a utility trailer, but worried about the look when not in use.

I just bought the cheapie 500lb cap. version online.

I think it was under $70 to the door.

Home Depot carries a similar style for $46.

08-19-2008, 01:23 PM
Thanks. I'll have to check out Home Depot.