View Full Version : Bonehead Move of the Week/Month

08-14-2008, 12:51 PM
I see quite a few “bonehead” drivers on the road. You all probably have seen them too – cellphone talkers, lane weavers, text messagers, tailgaters, left lane draggers, etc. However, last night on the way home from work, I saw the biggest and worst driving move ever in my 40 years on the road.

I was headed south on US Route 1 in Fairfax, VA. The road here is 4-lanes --- two lanes in each direction and separated by a double yellow line. Posted speed limit is 55 MPH. I was behind a Tahoe in the right lane doing the speed limit. A blue Toyota Yaris was in the left lane pacing the Tahoe side-by-side. They were leading a parade of about 20 cars.

All of the sudden a silver Honda Civic (fart-pipe equipped) and driven by a young guy about 20 or so decides to pass and crosses the double yellow line from about 5 cars back in line. If this isn’t bad enough, he has done this just before a blind hill about 1/8 mile ahead. Traffic is always heavy in both directions on this highway. Dumb --- and stupid.

Fearing the worst and anticipating a fiery crash ahead, I backed off the accelerator to give me some space and time to react to the impending wreck.

It didn’t happen. The Civic was luckily able to clear the hill and move back into the southbound lane ahead of the Yaris without incident. He was lucky this time; but I suspect that his days are numbered with dumba$$ driving like that. Definitely a Darwin Candidate practicing for a future award.

This all happened so fast that I didn’t get a chance to get the license number off the car. This guy needs to be taken off the road before he kills himself and other innocent drivers. :(

I won’t ever be able to approach that hill again without thinking about a Honda Civic coming toward me in my lane at 70+ MPH.

Post up some “Bone Head” moves that you have seen.

08-14-2008, 01:03 PM
find him and knock the s**t out of him that should work charlie

08-14-2008, 01:13 PM
I know the road you are talking about and about where this happened - suffice to say you are super correct that was incredibly stupid and dangerous!

I almost got my 'stang totaled on that road, by a driver almost as boneheaded. I was cruising in the right lane, at about 50mph. All of a sudden I see in the rear view a Volvo coming up on my left doing about 70mph, in the mirror the car was in the left lane.

All of a sudden I see out of the side of my car a 70mph Volvo swerving right at me. I swerve to the right as close to the cement barrier (right past the one overhead bridge there), and slam on my brakes, and the Volvo passes my front fender within 1/2" from hitting me. In front of me the Vovlo swerves 1/2 the distance into my lane for about 50 feet, then corrects back into the left lane.

I was NOT HAPPY. As luck would have it, I came up next to the Volvo a few lights ahead. I saw a woman typing away on her "sidekick" phone, sending text messages. I honked to get her attention and she was completely oblivious and wouldn't look up. All I wanted to do was inform her she nearly caused a serious accident and perhaps that fact would be enough for her to stop texting.

08-14-2008, 01:13 PM
That wasnt THAT bad...I mean an 1/8th of a mile in a Civic...those are like 10 seconds stock. Did he have stickers on it? If he had stickers it was a sure bet!

Bonehead move of the month goes to my brother! He was racing a Camaro on the highway, Z28 LS1 and in order to pass him and win the race - in his mind - he had to weave into the breakdown lane at 100mph. It was bad enough this was in traffic but the grooves on the lane surely damaged a stock rim or too or more. He broke his suspension arm mounting bolt - the BOLT on the on ramp later. On ramps at 75mph puts a lot of strain I guess - I told him he is lucky the tire didnt fall off from the brake down crap he pulled.

And to make matters worse - there is a trash bag in the lane! Filled with mystery! He hits the bag 100mph and it explodes to reveal food, diapers etc.

He won the race but his car was covered in Sh%t! I laughed the whole time - I was in the car which makes me bonehead number 2!

This was back in college when we young and dumb - now I am youthful and dumb :)

08-14-2008, 01:38 PM
Evidence and witness testimony will prove that a Honda Civic does nothing "suddenly".

08-14-2008, 01:58 PM
Glad nothing happened to you and ol blue :sweat:

08-14-2008, 02:05 PM
Evidence and witness testimony will prove that a Honda Civic does nothing "suddenly".

LOL so true!

Suddenly backfires? Suddenly chirps second and proceeds to run 18.4 in the 1/4

08-14-2008, 02:11 PM
It's one thing to create your own problems, but to involve others is unfair. Go ahead and kill yourself stupid just don't bring us with you... is what I say. We'll see how well a honda takes a front end collision, but more then likely stupid will unfortunately bring down an unexpected driver.

08-14-2008, 02:13 PM
LOL so true!

Suddenly backfires? Suddenly chirps second and proceeds to run 18.4 in the 1/4

Lol, what's up with that all the little kazoo's in my area spin the tires in 1st and chirp 2nd, and you look at them and they're barely moving.

Joe Walsh
08-14-2008, 02:15 PM
Evidence and witness testimony will prove that a Honda Civic does nothing "suddenly".


Although an oncoming Tractor Trailer WOULD make a Civic STOP suddenly!

That pimpled Ricer punk will be gone soon enough with that type of driving.
I just hope that he doesn't kill anyone else when it happens.

08-14-2008, 02:23 PM
I know the road you are talking about and about where this happened - suffice to say you are super correct that was incredibly stupid and dangerous!

I hate that part of US Route 1 between Backlick Road and Telegraph Road. If traffic is coming at you in the opposite lanes, the closing speed is about 110 MPH. I will ride in the right lane to give myself that extra 1-2 seconds if one of the people crosses the double yellow line into on-coming traffic. I always try to have an escape plan.

08-14-2008, 02:37 PM
I hate that part of US Route 1 between Backlick Road and Telegraph Road. If traffic is coming at you in the opposite lanes, the closing speed is about 110 MPH. I will ride in the right lane to give myself that extra 1-2 seconds if one of the people crosses the double yellow line into on-coming traffic. I always try to have an escape plan.

Yeah the two double lines only give about a 6" margin for error, not much combining 55mph in either direction

08-14-2008, 04:31 PM
Evidence and witness testimony will prove that a Honda Civic does nothing "suddenly".
........................except STALL.
:lol: :lol:

Ms. Denmark
08-14-2008, 04:32 PM
Several years ago when we lived in Manhattan, we drove out to our weekend house every Friday night. After work we'd go home, get the dog and hop into our Toyota Celica for the drive west on Rt. 78. One lovely Spring evening at dusk, we had just passed Newark Airport driving in the left lane in light traffic. As we started around a sweeping curve on a bridge suddenly there was a van stopped dead in our lane, no flashers no warning and a guy relieving himself over the guard rail. We couldn't change lanes as there was a car to our right and not enough time to stand on the brakes. I wasn't driving and I remember thinking calmly...... " We're going to die, but at least we're all together" (somehow this was comforting, knowing one of us wouldn't be left behind to grieve for the other two for the rest of their life) I felt so serene and the sky was such a beautiful color of violet and silver. There hadn't been time to say a word to each other it happened so fast. Just as suddenly we were past the van without a scratch. We had managed to avoid both the van and the other car, slipping through somehow. To this day I cannot explain how or why. We should have impacted that van at high speed. It has crossed my mind that perhaps we did and we're dead and don't know it! It's almost as though we passed right through that other vehicle. The fact that the guy parked on the freeway to pee, pales in comparison to the mystery of why we're still alive.:)

08-14-2008, 04:49 PM
i saw a woman driving the other day.... female drivers equals no survivors

08-14-2008, 05:31 PM
Just as suddenly we were past the van without a scratch. We had managed to avoid both the van and the other car, slipping through somehow. To this day I cannot explain how or why.

Wow .... and your memory of the event is so clear and almost told in slow motion.

>cue music<

"You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!" ... or the MM.Net. Your choice. ;)

08-14-2008, 08:16 PM
I was going to the doc's office yesterday morning. Its antique weekend here and the idiots are in the area early. This woman doesn't even look just turns left right into my path. How I didn't Tbone her is nothing shy of miraculous. All I could think of is oh no I just got it back from the bodyshop!!!! There will be tard drivers all over US20 this weekend. I plan on avoiding it. AND I'm off so I don't have to deal with it. :D