View Full Version : Selectmen order tinted windows removed from cruisers

08-18-2008, 09:55 AM
Selectmen order tinted windows removed from cruisers

<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript> var isoPubDate = 'August 18, 2008'</SCRIPT>By Mary Ann Bragg (javascript:NewWindow(500,550, '/apps/pbcs.dll/personalia?ID=mbragg',0))
August 18, 2008 6:00 AM
TRURO MA — Truro's elected officials have told the police chief to get rid of the "Darth Vader" window tint in the front seats of all 12 police cruisers — and any future cruisers — so that citizens can see who's driving.

The unanimous vote of the selectmen comes in a year where they have begun to assert more administrative control over Police Chief John Thomas, who has held the job for 15 years. That control includes stricter reporting requirements, an upcoming department budget review and conversations with town counsel about what the selectmen can and cannot tell the police chief to do.

Selectmen Fred Gaechter cited citizen complaints about the cruisers' Darth Vader windows, referring to a sinister, black-masked character in the Star Wars movie series. The tint is so dark that it prevents anyone outside the car from seeing whether it's occupied, he said.

The town mechanic will scrape the tinted film off the windows at an estimated cost of $550, said Thomas. "The chief was not able to present a compelling reason to have them," Gaechter said. "At a time when citizens are having a little difficulty identifying with the police department, it would be nice to see them when they're patrolling."

Thomas declined to explain why, since 2000, he added tint to the cruisers. "It's a moot point," Thomas said, referring to selectmen's vote to get rid of the tint.

Police chiefs across the Cape and the state police said dark tint is acceptable when used to reflect heat away from cars holding police dogs, for detective or surveillance work in unmarked cars, to protect the identity of witnesses and to reduce the need for air-conditioning.

"If a detective is on an investigation and has a victim in car, and pulling up to a potential suspect, I think it would be nice if the suspect couldn't see the victim," said Mashpee Police Chief Rodney Collins.

State law allows car owners to add tint to side and back windows of private cars up to a certain level of darkness. A six-inch band of tint may also be applied to the top of a windshield, according to the state Registry of Motor Vehicles.

The exceptions include limousines and cars whose owners have a physician's note about needing more sun protection.

Police are exempt from that limit. According to state police policy, window tint is not applied to regular police cruisers, state police spokesman Trooper Eric Benson said. Window tint may be applied, with written permission from managers, to cars that carry police dogs or for unmarked cars that are used for non-patrol or investigative work, or on a case-by-case basis, Benson said.

An informal survey indicates that police departments in Bourne, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Provincetown, Truro, Sandwich and Yarmouth used window tint, though generally limited to unmarked cars.

The Truro police department owns at least one unmarked car, a police official said.

Those departments without tinted windows include: Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham and Wellfleet. Officials in Barnstable and Orleans did not respond to a request for information Friday.

Egon Spengler
08-18-2008, 10:07 AM
Window tint is bad for PR in my opinion... Let the people see you out there and be friendly with them... don't shut them off and hide behind the tint... I live in MA and still don't know where Truro is!!! I'm done... google earth time

08-18-2008, 11:11 AM
Window tint is bad for PR in my opinion... Let the people see you out there and be friendly with them... don't shut them off and hide behind the tint... I live in MA and still don't know where Truro is!!! I'm done... google earth time

Its on Cape Cod between Chatham and P-Town.............

Police Dept.'s are just like racing teams in the sense that they feel window tint gives them some "advantage" they would not have with lesser tints or normal windows. The question is................. What is the specific advantage???? The Truro chief could not, or more likely did not want to answer.

The truth is, alot of Police like the intimidation factor..... They feel intimidation is an "advantage". They don't want to be seen as approachable. They want ppl. to keep their distance. This is how alot of Police interpert "respect".

It seems alot of police depts. outfit their vehicles in a manner to please their officers. Don't know if this is the case here, but it answers the orginal question about the specific "advantage"...Officer morale.

I'm sure not every officer in Truro likes the tint, but the ones who don't probably just live with it as a non- issue. Wonder if the Police who do like the tint will be able to just live without it now.........

There are lots of good MA cops out there. I know my share from growing up in Middlesex & Worcester County's. There are also some real pieces of work too..........:eek:

Egon Spengler
08-18-2008, 11:22 AM
There are some great cops and some guys that shouldn't have been given a badge and a gun! I went to school with both types... The cops in MA seem to show some respect to the firemen so I can't complain!! Got pulled over the other day and got let off with a warning on my speed and he only wrote me for an expired sticker... cops are usually nice to me... I like the tint on cop cars because it looks cool like that, but as a fireman, PR is a big thing when it comes time to vote on the budget and shutting yourself off from the community like that with the tint, people might not like it too much and turn down a new cruiser or building or something along those lines... just went through it in my town!

08-18-2008, 11:31 AM
I never say the point of the window tint other then to hide the trooper sleeping in the car park on the side of the highway. Nothing more then an impression of control.

RF Overlord
08-18-2008, 11:54 AM
I think that's a BS response on the part of the Truro selectmen. Patrol LEOs have to ride around in that car all day...why are they not entitled to the same comforts as normal humans?

Selectmen Fred Gaechter cited citizen complaints about the cruisers' Darth Vader windows, referring to a sinister, black-masked character in the Star Wars movie series. The tint is so dark that it prevents anyone outside the car from seeing whether it's occupied, he said.What a crock. If the car is moving, it's occupied, and if it's not moving, why should anyone care if it's occupied?! Plus, it's a damn POLICE CAR...who do they think is going to be occupying it? Freddy Kruger? Jason?

Sounds to me like the selectmen in Truro don't have anything better to do... :shake:

Egon Spengler
08-18-2008, 12:11 PM
Sounds to me like the selectmen in Truro don't have anything better to do... :shake:

DUH... It's Cape freakin' Cod!

08-18-2008, 12:13 PM
"I think that's a BS response on the part of the Truro selectmen. Patrol LEOs have to ride around in that car all day...why are they not entitled to the same comforts as normal humans? "

Front window tint is illegal in MA for us normal humans...

And what benefit does this have to begin with? They were sunglasses and hats etc so its like the opressive northeastern sun is beating down on them.

Its barely news worthy - and only passes because of the water cooler and empty conversations it generates.

RF Overlord
08-18-2008, 12:27 PM
Front window tint is illegal in MA for us normal humans...No, it's not. The only glass we can't tint is the windscreen, and that isn't what the article is talking about.

08-18-2008, 01:51 PM
Let them have SOME tint. I'm in my Merc alot and I can't stand having it not tinted.

08-18-2008, 03:00 PM
We all know town administrators know how to police the community better then the police chief, so I say they should remove the tint.

08-18-2008, 03:53 PM
i found it awfully interesting wheni was pulled over because of my window tint that the cruiser had tint equally dark... 5%.

oh and i have nothing but good frienly experiences with LEO's in MA so far, mostly worcester countys but there is one cop out for me...

2 ticlkets in 3 weeks, and i had never had one before. Says he heard the car and knew i was speeding and then pulled me for running a yellow light.... an honest yellow. accumulated to $400 for both tickets. And felt the need to harrass me about the previous encounter last time. and needed 2 cruisers for running the yellow, and took 30 minutes to write the ticket after pointing to everything different on my car with the other officer.

08-18-2008, 05:00 PM
I did not mean to come off as bashing LEO's in general....... I do however feel that when people, who have a right too, question what tools (if you want to call window tint a tool) are being used...How/why. That they be given a straight answer. Being able to watch others while remaining invisible is I guess in certain applications a useful tool. Not always though.

Oversight is a touchy subject for those who's jobs require a great deal of nimble improvisation. It is however, neccesarry from time to time. From the article Mary posted, it looks like the Chief though displeased with the selectman's ruling, has decided to "accept and avoid" rather than "justify and fight".

Probably smart, from the PR angle anyways.