View Full Version : Not good for PR

08-18-2008, 12:31 PM
http://www.mysanantonio.com/pets/officers_actions_as_dogwas_dyi ng_anger_driver100.html

08-18-2008, 12:36 PM



08-18-2008, 12:41 PM

I hope the Police Dept gets their ass sued off.

08-18-2008, 01:44 PM
I hope that badge-wearer gets whacked on a late night stop, after all, its just a cop, they can train another one.

08-18-2008, 01:48 PM
I hope that badge-wearer gets whacked on a late night stop, after all, its just a cop, they can train another one.




08-18-2008, 02:01 PM
Could he have escorted them to the vet.

I had a similar experience and that is what the officer did.

Have you heard about the Mayor in MD where SWAT kicked in his door and killed his 2 dogs, no knock or identification. Apparenlty he was a victim of a ring that was having marajuana delivered to peoples porch.

They kept his mother-in-law face down on the floor next to one of the dead dogs for an hour.

An officer in New Orleans killed a dog shooting it 7 times that was recovering from back surgery when she went in the back yard in response to an alarm.

Another officer in New Orleans brandished her weapon because she got tired of waiting in a daycare p/u line cursing the woman in front of her. The kids ran and an adult called 911. The reporting officer escorted the guntoting officer and as he walked by the woman that was threatened he yelled out you shoulda capped her.

Fortunatley both were fired, but they are appealing the decision because the incompetent Police Chief first suspended them and you cannot fire a suspended officer.:mad:

08-18-2008, 05:35 PM
They were driving too fast, given.
But ask anyone who works in the behavioral sciences field and you will universally hear "people who abuse or are cruel to animals are generally prone to displaying the same sort of abuse to humans".

It really is THAT simple. Cops need to be given much more comprehensive psych exams before being put on the job. This no-class lowlife is a prime example of what comes from feeding an already overly aggressive personality disorder with the opportunity to further go over the edge.

Cops need to clean their backyards. I keep saying this, and will keep saying it. If they fail to get their crap together the public will stop the unilateral extension of respect, and then there will be unholy hell to pay. And I will have NO sympathy for any of them. Too many cops think too much of themselves. They think they have it rough, but compare it to a tour in-country...that's all I wanna point out.

The REAL protectors of our society continue to be our armed forces. Rarely will you see this type of transgression NOT result in some really severe punishment. Try this serving in arms, and you could end up in Leavenworth.
End of free life, sucker, bend-over-touch-your-toes-sweetcheeks.

08-18-2008, 05:56 PM
They were driving too fast, given.
But ask anyone who works in the behavioral sciences field and you will universally hear "people who abuse or are cruel to animals are generally prone to displaying the same sort of abuse to humans".

It really is THAT simple. Cops need to be given much more comprehensive psych exams before being put on the job. This no-class lowlife is a prime example of what comes from feeding an already overly aggressive personality disorder with the opportunity to further go over the edge.

Cops need to clean their backyards. I keep saying this, and will keep saying it. If they fail to get their crap together the public will stop the unilateral extension of respect, and then there will be unholy hell to pay. And I will have NO sympathy for any of them. Too many cops think too much of themselves. They think they have it rough, but compare it to a tour in-country...that's all I wanna point out.

The REAL protectors of our society continue to be our armed forces. Rarely will you see this type of transgression NOT result in some really severe punishment. Try this serving in arms, and you could end up in Leavenworth.
End of free life, sucker, bend-over-touch-your-toes-sweetcheeks.

I agree 100%, working in the LE field, this is an accurate description, every time I meet one of these *********s, it's makes me question my career choice that much more.

08-18-2008, 06:15 PM
Most of my personal experiences w/ LEO has been positive.

I have seen some things involving others that was wrong. Including the improper use of firearms by LEOs.

They need to raise the standards for all LEO to remove the very small bottom part that is rotten.

08-18-2008, 07:11 PM
I would still give any LEO who stops me the respect that 99% of them deserve. I used to live not far from where this happened and was almost killed in a very bad wreck with a drunk driver on that same highway. Every day I wish that drunk had been stopped before he got on the highway at night with no light, going the wrong way. I don't know the details of this stop, but if the officer had reasonable suspicion that the driver was under the influence, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Whether it should take 20 minutes to make that determination is another issue, and obviously, the comment that it was just a dog was totally inappropriate and unprofessional. Not all small town departments have the kind of training and in-depth background/phyc checks that some of the big departments can afford. sometimes they have to hire anyone who can pass the basic criminal check just to staff their department.
Anyway, my opinion is not to blame the 99% (or 95%, or whatever the actual percent is) good LEOs for the shortcomings of the few. You always hear about the bad ones, but you never hear about all the good ones. In my experience, I've met both, but the good ones far outnumber the bad ones that I have met. The good ones get crap for pay, yet they go out and are willing to risk their lives for us on any given day. You gotta give them credit for that.

Aren Jay
08-20-2008, 10:53 AM

Petition and everything.

Let peta know and they will have a million signatures in no time.


He was not disciplined, he was reprimanded.

08-20-2008, 11:37 AM
I hope that badge-wearer gets whacked on a late night stop, after all, its just a cop, they can train another one.

I don't give a crap if it was a dog or a horse, you sir are out of line. I'm not saying that Officer's conduct was correct but your no better than the WORST of any of them, that simple. Did the Officer screwed up big time, yes. I WOULD like to hear his story though, and how many years on the force he has. You would be amazed how things get twisted. This is probably what it is, but STRANGER things have been found to totally exonerate the Officer because the reporting party was exaggerating actions of the Officer and of the Subject.

08-20-2008, 12:03 PM
Our news in Iowa said that he was new to the force.
I wonder how mad everyone would be if it was a sick child.
I love animals, I raise Pembroke Welsh Corgis, and used to work as a vet tech. I dont see how anyone with a heart could let this dog choke to death.
Where I live most Vets dont work with large animals, some dont even do any work after hours. I can take care of most things myself, but if I do need a vet for my horses or my dogs he is less than a mile away and will make house calls, day or night. I got it good.
I think that both were wrong.
pet owner should have been driving fast, but not 100 miles per hour.
law officer should have been understanding and offered to escort them and then give them a ticket.
Just glad it was not me.

08-20-2008, 12:12 PM
Hm...going out on a limb here.

I disagree with a lot of what the press and people are saying. First and foremost how many excuses do you think a cop gets on a daily basis? "My dog is dying? Oh okay sir, go right on ahead..."

The guy was speeding and the cop did not want to hear his bull excuses. Unless the dog is bleeding or clearly dying - which I did not see but I will recheck the article there was no way the cop couldo f known how serious this was. And the girl pleading with him to take the dude and she continues to drive? No - suspects are suspects.

The cop was doing his job. He is not a vet - its a DOG. If it was a child the cop could easily tell and escort them. Its a mutt, and the cop was doing his job.

Drop the ticket, drop the case, and MOVE ON.

From what I read the cop did not look like he was doing anything deliberate - he thought he pulled some young people for speeding at midnight going clsoe 100mph. Bet your arse your getting a ticket.

No discipline should come to the officer since he is not a mind reader. How many of you can tell when an animal is in pain? The article made no indication of barking, blood, tears, etc. The cop has two people speeding on the highway they could be drunk, could be trafficing, could be doing anything.

If those two people hit someone on the highway we would all be signing a different tune.

O's Fan Rich
08-20-2008, 12:18 PM
They eat dogs in Korea.

08-20-2008, 12:18 PM
Lets move to Korea! that would of be a speedign ticket and a BBQ!

08-20-2008, 04:14 PM
Lets move to Korea! that would of be a speedign ticket and a BBQ!

You are an a-ss. Pure and simple.

08-20-2008, 04:19 PM
Hm not really. I was making a joke about the other posting who was kind enough to point out the cultural difference between two countries. We get all worked up over a dead dog and other people simply eat them as they would a chicken.

If a chicken died and I made that comment would I get LOL instead of a name calling? :)

08-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Even if the cop is doing his job, I don't see why a simple speeding ticket would take 20 minutes and include "chatting" with other officers. I mean have the least bit of decency and hurry up.

08-20-2008, 06:51 PM
A lot a people lie about their situations and are left speechless when officers offer their assistance to a hospital, all of sudden it's a miracle they feel better. On the officer's part... he should've observed the dog in not so good situation, use a little discretion and cut em' a break.

08-20-2008, 08:34 PM
I hope that badge-wearer gets whacked on a late night stop, after all, its just a cop, they can train another one.

What the Hell is that all about? If they would have wrecked and killed someone it would have been "well where were all the cops?" Late at night, on a highway, excessive speeds.... that spells trouble to me.

Your little post there is a tad bit over the line.

Aren Jay
08-21-2008, 11:27 PM
Police escort at a safe speed would have been a better thing to do. But instead an insentive boy in blue, with the ranks closing in around him. hmm.

ps Hacl he was being sarcastic.