View Full Version : Need some help guys...

Local Boy
08-21-2008, 03:52 PM
I'll get right to the point:

When I 'am going down a hill (No throttle) and wanting the car to "coast", it does not...

What happens is that the T/C stays locked, and results in the car compresion braking..."No coasting" Thus, I have to step on the throttle, just a little to get the car to "coast".... And my MPG's disappear...

Love the way the car drives, but 'am willing to give up the race car feel for a little more MPG's...

I know some of you have spoken about how your tune unlocks your T/C when "off the throttle"...allowing the car to "coast"

My tuner does not know how to do this...He is the ONLY guy here on the island, that is a SCT dealer, and tuned my car after the Procharger install...So I have no choice but to help educate him as well as myself, on this matter...

I suggested using the TP settings to trigger the T/C to unlock...But he said no can do...:help:

Regarding unlocking the T/C when off the throttle...How'ed they do that???

Thanks guys...


08-21-2008, 03:54 PM
I am not the best at this, but get a tune from someone off of here...

Local Boy
08-21-2008, 04:31 PM
Thanks Tito...

But, not looking at changing tunes...Mine's is GREAT!!!

Just want to know "How'ed they did that"...So I can adjust mine accordingly...


08-21-2008, 05:08 PM
If I hear you right you like your engine tune but your Tranny portion of the tune has you a little unsatisfied. It is possible to tune your Tranny and leave your engine power tune alone. In that case your tuner needs to contact SCT, or maybe Dennis or another tuner could modify your tune to help correct the problem. Then there is always the option of changing it yourself if you use an XTR file.


Local Boy
08-21-2008, 05:16 PM
The odd thing about it, is that my tuner said he E-mailed SCT and that they said it can't be done, without changing the lock up schedule...

Basically...He is saying that I would have to set the T/C to remain "open" while up-shifting...so it stays "open" when I take my foot out of it...

Not acceptable to me...

I want it to contiue to lock in 3rd gear while accelerating, but un-lock, in third, when "off the throttle"...Is this possible...

Those who's T/C's unlock when off the throttle...are your T/C's locked while "on" the throttle???

Does "locked in 3rd"...mean "locked in 3rd" when off the throttle also???...


08-21-2008, 05:37 PM
The odd thing about it, is that my tuner said he E-mailed SCT and that they said it can't be done, without changing the lock up schedule...

Basically...He is saying that I would have to set the T/C to remain "open" while up-shifting...so it stays "open" when I take my foot out of it...

Not acceptable to me...

I want it to contiue to lock in 3rd gear while accelerating, but un-lock, in third, when "off the throttle"...Is this possible...

Those who's T/C's unlock when off the throttle...are your T/C's locked while "on" the throttle???

Does "locked in 3rd"...mean "locked in 3rd" when off the throttle also???...


I got one word for ya. "Zack"

Local Boy
08-21-2008, 07:03 PM
Thanks Rich...

I'll PM Zack...to see if he has any ideas...


08-21-2008, 11:05 PM
I have an 03 MM and the SCT database for this car. What you want to do can be accomplished easily. If the guy who tuned your car would be open to it, I would be willing to contact him about this. You can send me a PM.


08-22-2008, 03:09 AM
I PM'd ya as mine does the "unlock on coast" thing and the SCT guy may be right?? My TC does not lock until I'm above 40 MPH in 3rd or 4th gear and does not lock at all at WOT (up to 120 or so??:eek:)......:D

I have been advised that the TC clutch will not last locking under full power and for that matter why would you want it to??:confused: Once you reach the stall speed of the TC it is essentially locked anyway.:beer:


Local Boy
08-23-2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks for your responses Gentlemen!!!

MitchB you have a PM...


I have Darin's T/C and have been assured, by Darin, that this T/C can take the abuse...

I specifically wanted a T/C that could handle being locked at WOT...

Talk about getting pushed back in your seat!!!

MarauderTJA's, 10 sec. Procharged MM, has Darin's T/C also... I believe, his is tuned to be locked in WOT, hence the 10 sec. pass...Needless to say, his motor has ALOT to do with it...But, my point is...if his T/C was "un-locked" at WOT, I don't think he would get as good results...

What are your thoughts Gentlemen...


09-01-2008, 02:54 PM
Randy, can you ask your tuner what he has this calibration set to?


http://shutter04.pictures.aol.com/data/pictures/21/004/77/6E/FA/04/nJBqRDrh2yzhWYaoLiGytB6OBS0KjB al0300.jpg

09-01-2008, 05:34 PM
Mitch, what version of the software do you have?
I for the life of me cant find that feature on mine. :confused:
You have MANY more controls available than I do :bigcry:

EDIT: Found it

I suppose upping this value in incriments of +5 will be worth trying

09-01-2008, 08:49 PM
Mitch, what version of the software do you have?
I for the life of me cant find that feature on mine. :confused:
You have MANY more controls available than I do :bigcry:

EDIT: Found it

I suppose upping this value in incriments of +5 will be worth trying

I would work with the scalars first. If he cannot accomplish what he wants, then I would adjust the lock-up curves to open the converter when below 11 counts throttle.


Local Boy
09-02-2008, 12:08 AM
Right-on Mitch!!!

Going to pass this on to my tuner...

We'll give it a shot...

Thanks for your help and support...


09-07-2008, 01:35 PM
I for the life of me cant find that feature on mine.
Just for others' reference, "Throttle Position to Open Conv at Closed Thr" is located under Trans Torque Converter Control -> Misc in the version 3.3 with the latest updates. As Zack suggests, you'd want to try incrementing the throttle position value to get the desired effect. Please post back with your findings.

09-07-2008, 01:46 PM
I would work with the scalars first. If he cannot accomplish what he wants, then I would adjust the lock-up curves to open the converter when below 11 counts throttle.
Zack suggested modifying the the stated scalar by using small increments :confused:. Is it also possible that the dealer has "time to remain locked closed throttle 4th" set? I don't know whether this is implemented for the Marauder.