View Full Version : whos the ticket king?

08-22-2008, 09:16 PM
cruztaker's recent post got me wondering....

Whos got how many tickets in the MM?

Ive been lucky with my stupidity and there were no cops around, so for me its 0, I havnt gotten one in about 5 yrs.

My last was the same as cruztakers, Burning rubber in the tahoe got me my 15 minutes of curbside fame.:banana:

08-22-2008, 09:24 PM
7 years of driving and not 1 ticket... KNOCK ON WOOD!!!

08-22-2008, 09:47 PM
24 over after s/c install, just another time slip, this time from local pd instead of track.

08-22-2008, 11:16 PM
Does this include convictions only?

08-22-2008, 11:44 PM
27 over in a 55 after S/C install...... man this car is fast

Blk Mamba
08-22-2008, 11:57 PM
The last I had was a 33 in a 25, (not a school zone) 4 years ago, none in the MM, not that I don't deserve one.

08-23-2008, 01:08 AM
Who has 4+ and have you considered a "radar" " detector". Mr. R sells the laser blinder system too, food for thought.

08-23-2008, 03:22 AM
I carry a get out of jail free card from my employment. :D

08-23-2008, 05:34 AM
Does this include convictions only?
said the nervous guy :lol:

08-23-2008, 06:40 AM
motorhead is the 4+... I guess if youve been handed a ticket by mr badge and gun then thats what im talking about

Ms. Denmark
08-23-2008, 07:27 AM
Talking on a cell phone in April. None for speeding. (That's a miracle) :burnout:

08-23-2008, 07:41 AM
I was going to post the same poll!

08-23-2008, 08:45 AM
i voted 1 but then i just got one in the mail today lol.

1. tint
2. appently my ezpass didnt work

08-23-2008, 09:09 AM
Got 1, but it was for window tint and I never took it off :D

08-23-2008, 09:19 AM
never hads a ticket before... one for the tint, removed and now its taken care of

and then 2 in the past 2 weeks. 60 in a 35... yeah he got me.
and then 1 for running a yellow... im fighting

08-23-2008, 10:05 AM
Got a ticket 2 weeks after having my marauder, 79 in a 55 :D

08-23-2008, 10:14 AM
In the MM...3 Warning's... 1 patrolman signed for me in the space where I was suppost too??

08-23-2008, 11:26 AM
I had nine yes thats right 9 tickets in one year a couple speeding, rolling thru a stop sign and those damn seat belt tickets about six of those and yes i now wear my damn seatbelt. After a paid about $800 in tickets i could not afford to be the road side attraction anymore.

08-23-2008, 11:42 AM
Pulled over once for a "spirited launch" from a traffic light. No ticket though... I think i just startled him. :D

08-23-2008, 12:16 PM
Motorhead are you checking in?

08-23-2008, 01:03 PM
where is dom?

08-23-2008, 05:57 PM
Pulled over once for a "spirited launch" from a traffic light. :D

Gee--In that case --I missed getting pulled over ---now lets see--5--no 6 years------43K miles----oh about---600 launches------holly crap man----isn't that what we all do --especially if your pipes roar--..like mine....every time the light goes green!!!!!!--Thats what Marauders Do!!.......I'm sorry officer---a slip of the pedal against the tranny wall--....please forgive me!!!---guess I am lucky here than your state..........carry on!

08-24-2008, 10:47 AM
Never for a ticket. Both local and State Police have stoped me but always for an excuse to check the car out but never any tickets.

It actualy led to 2 races that the police wanted to do. One with a State Police car another with a Local Police car. Needless to say they never stood a chance.

The only after comment was I am glad there isn't a lot of these cars around in kid's hands.

I'm not saying that there were not times I deserved a ticket but every time I went by a Cop on the highway going at a good clip they never botherd to pull me over.

I can probably count on both hands in the 4 years I have owned her how many times I have been over 100 mph. Always to show off except for once and that was rushing someone to the hospital.

08-25-2008, 08:55 AM
I have been issued one warning ticket for going 1 mph over in west Texas and got one coming back from Austin in Selma....that one got dismissed....so I guess you could say I have 0 tickets in the Marauder.....

08-25-2008, 03:43 PM
I have been issued one warning ticket for going 1 mph over in west Texas

1 over? WTF!!

08-25-2008, 03:57 PM
I got pulled over in Iowa in my Lightning, 87 in a 55 he dropped it to 11-20 over, and it was like 125.00 ticket. I guess I wont ever speed if I'm in Texas.

08-25-2008, 04:25 PM
My internet is down so here is what I can think of.

Got busted at 17 for speeding while racing a Lightning... didn't mention that.

Michigan has gotten me at least 3 or 4 times while driving to Midland.

Almost went to jail last weekend, but wasn't caught in the act of racing.

Almost got arrested in Kentucky.

Went to traffic school twice here in Chicago.

Almost got convicted of Naglegent (I don't know how to spell that one) driving, but I was the only one who showed up to court.

I have nine speeding tickets or so and probably seven are due to the Marauder.

Wish I could rememeber more details, sorry guys!

Joe Walsh
08-25-2008, 05:13 PM
My internet is down so here is what I can think of.

Got busted at 17 for speeding while racing a Lightning... didn't mention that.

Michigan has gotten me at least 3 or 4 times while driving to Midland.

Almost went to jail last weekend, but wasn't caught in the act of racing.

Almost got arrested in Kentucky.

Went to traffic school twice here in Chicago.

Almost got convicted of Naglegent (I don't know how to spell that one) driving, but I was the only one who showed up to court.

I have nine speeding tickets or so and probably seven are due to the Marauder.

Wish I could rememeber more details, sorry guys!

Definitely something to be proud of!

Maybe its not the stupid things that you do....maybe you're just not lucky!

08-25-2008, 05:42 PM
I'm not stupid, I just don't have time to go the speed limit!

Aren Jay
08-25-2008, 08:34 PM
You have nothing on the ticket king.

I went to college with him, and he has more tickets than you have ever seen.

Mind you they were almost all parking tickets.

He averaged 30+ a month. One month he was on holidays back home in Sweden and he missed his due date, he arrived back two weeks later and the local police had his arrest warrant waiting for him. He paid his 40 tickets that night though and given his record they let him go. I wonder how much they missed him when he finally went back to Sweden. He must have been worth $4K a month back in the early 90's.

Yes he was rich, really rich, he parked were ever he wanted and just poped the ticket in his glove box. It was a routine.

They never did tow or clamp his Jaguar or Mercedes though.

08-25-2008, 08:42 PM
back in '83. . .I know, that's a long time ago. . .

I was coming back from paying a moving violation and
received another before I got home :banana2:

08-26-2008, 06:29 AM
I got one in the MM for "passing contrary to marker" which was complete BS. He couldn't get me speeding so he made up something else. This was the Iowa State Patrol, and as I learned by state law if you don't have a witness in your vehicle to corroborate your side, you lose. It doesn't matter what the trooper says you did -- you did it.

As for the "ticket king" we had a similar story.

There was a guy when I was a junior in college who would park his Mercedes on the sidewalk (well, one of those hybrid sidewalk/driveways) by the campus auditorium. He did this every day for an entire semester. Every day he did it he got a $25 ticket. I would suspect over 16 weeks of class and having class every day that would easily be at least 70 of those, 80 if he didn't miss.

The day of the final, he arrived and found 3 campus patrol cars waiting for him. He parked, got out and asked "so am I in trouble or something?"

The officer replied "No, I just wanted to shake your hand. Thanks for fixing the budget shortfall. We're going to miss you." (or something like that) Apparently he had several other tickets from other areas of campus, too. It was published in the campus newspaper that he paid (in order to graduate) IIRC over $6500 in fines that semester alone.

Why tow him? Then he couldn't park there anymore and they lose money!

You have nothing on the ticket king.

I went to college with him, and he has more tickets than you have ever seen.

Mind you they were almost all parking tickets.

He averaged 30+ a month. One month he was on holidays back home in Sweden and he missed his due date, he arrived back two weeks later and the local police had his arrest warrant waiting for him. He paid his 40 tickets that night though and given his record they let him go. I wonder how much they missed him when he finally went back to Sweden. He must have been worth $4K a month back in the early 90's.

Yes he was rich, really rich, he parked were ever he wanted and just poped the ticket in his glove box. It was a routine.

They never did tow or clamp his Jaguar or Mercedes though.

08-27-2008, 07:56 PM
I received a ticket that stated
"120 mph When he slowed down"

08-27-2008, 08:00 PM
UHmmm .... do I dare state how many I have GIVEN ? Oh dahhhm ...puttin flame suit on ....:flamer:


08-28-2008, 12:32 PM
I almost didn't reply w/ my "0" as I don't want to jinx myself. Had a few close calls though....thankfully these MM are relatively quiet...

Egon Spengler
08-28-2008, 01:00 PM
I average two a year... I am the pull over king but I get oyut of it because of the fireman thing (knock on wood)

I have been pulled over around 2 dozen times in my driving career (10 years)

Is anyone here able to beat that?

Cops are drawn to me... being nice and saying the proper things to a police officer help ALOT! I am always kind "hello officer" "yes sir" etc... seatbelt on, car off, tell them where I need to reach to grab my liscense and reg... common sense ***** to let them know you are on their side and respect them... The fireman thing doesn't hurt either I guess

08-28-2008, 01:47 PM
in my previous car, lets see
stop sign
4 parking tix (exp registration, street cleaning, meter ran out x2)
3 red light camera treats
2 speeding, one before i got my escort and one after (laser)
1 noise ordinance, got the car towed for that one

with the crown vic
and just now speeding (laser again) so traffic school here i come!!

so that would be a total of 12
total on record.....0 :D

08-28-2008, 02:01 PM
Talking on a cell phone in April.

Ah you know thats a bad thing to do in NJ now :D

none for me

09-04-2008, 09:08 AM
The only one I got in the MM was a BIG one.Clocked @ 172 in a 55 zone on what I thought was a practically empty Interstate @ 2:00 A.M. on a Sunday morning in 2004.

09-04-2008, 09:51 AM
172? .. .. .. ..

09-04-2008, 09:55 AM
1 over? WTF!!

Yep....1 over...must have been the shiney car with the shiney rims coming from west Texas.....usually equals drug runner or dealer....but once I showed him my comission card he didnt even bother to check my car...just a little paper that said warning with the speed on it....81 in an 80...I couldnt believe it myself...what a waste....of paper....and that was Texas DPS....they are sticklers...they drive black and whites with brown uniforms with red and blue patches and cowboy hats.....its part of the uniform.....

09-04-2008, 10:05 AM
got one for 85 in a 55 2 years ago...good thing i slowed down for the curve from 110 :burnout:

09-04-2008, 10:15 AM
172? .. .. .. ..
Yes 172 !!! I had decided to air out the new 12 Lb.set-up I got from Trilogy and LIDIO on the new taller and wider NITTOS. I had actually slowed down before he clocked me !!! Who knows how fast I was REALLY going ?? It's been said that I hold the unofficial top-end speed on this site for MM's.

09-04-2008, 10:15 AM
Yep....1 over...must have been the shiney car with the shiney rims coming from west Texas.....usually equals drug runner or dealer....but once I showed him my comission card he didnt even bother to check my car...just a little paper that said warning with the speed on it....81 in an 80...I couldnt believe it myself...what a waste....of paper....and that was Texas DPS....they are sticklers...they drive black and whites with brown uniforms with red and blue patches and cowboy hats.....its part of the uniform.....

Don't be so tough on them. Even with my black windows and 25+ over, the guy simply told me to slow down and have a great day. If I were going to be in his area, I would have definitely :beer: with him.

09-04-2008, 02:21 PM
one ticket, 65 in a 50. Bright sunny day, sunday afternoon, sparse traffic jus lettin the Mustang stretch her legs. pulled a "uey" and met me at the bottom of a hill. I deserved it. nothin since then except a licence check.