View Full Version : 2 Questions. Fighting a TX ticket & Pinstripe Removal

08-24-2008, 10:06 PM
Okay first up....

Got nailed for 87 in an 80. Cop was a bonified *******. Funny thing was he never even checked the registration or my lisence OR permit even after I told him myself and my Father were packin... Just radioed in to see if the car was stolen. He was an idiot and far from an icon of model law enforcment. I totally could of had that car stolen, he didn't even check that the registration was in the sellers name. Not to mention he was over 300lbs. If anything he should of been nice because I pulled over and waited for his slow ass charger to catch up. :D I did EVERYTHING by the book, extremely friendly, car off, ect... He was a mono toned F-head. We were in and out in like 5 minutes. I've never recieved anything that fast. It was faster than getting an allsport ordered at mc d's

So what are my options with this baby? TX people I need your help. God the fine is HORRIBLE $140. A ticket like this wouldn't even be issued in my state unless they marked it down from like 17 over and it would be a 80$ fine.


Removing painted pinstripes. I have read online that some people have had really good results using "easy off" oven cleaner. This scares me a ton...:shake: HOWEVER. Everyone has posted good results...

I would mask the car off AND use a Q-tip.


I'm also a fan of this idea... What grit would I use? I would want some seriously fine stuff right?

Also found this...

I'm a big fan of the wet sanding.... I can see the SB paint coming off on my rag and me crying like a baby. :bigcry::bigcry:

The pinstripes are actually kinda thin. You can see it in the lines that the brush wasn't fully loaded with paint in some places.

08-25-2008, 07:18 AM
So what are my options with this baby? TX people I need your help. God the fine is HORRIBLE $140. A ticket like this wouldn't even be issued in my state unless they marked it down from like
17 over and it would be a 80$ fine.

Quit whining and suck it up. You were 7 over and got caught. Don't speed and we don't have to hear you whine about it.

As for the paint pin stripe, I got nothing. Take it to a bodyshop and have it done professionally. Then you have someone to whine about if it doesn't come out right. (whine = blame)


08-25-2008, 07:22 AM
Hey, you were doing 87 in an 80 zone, you were speeding. They usually will give you a 5 mph break here, thats it. Officer was doing his job. Pay the fine.

08-25-2008, 07:32 AM
Pay the fine and forget it. You earned it. Haven't you had enough of Texas, yet? Take your pin stripe to your trusted body shop and they will fix it. John is exactly right, you played the speed game and lost...to a fat dummy with a monotone. Why are you telling everyone everyday about boneheaded mistakes? We thought you were a bright upstanding and All American young man. don't ruin your image any more. Dennis:beer:

O's Fan Rich
08-25-2008, 07:44 AM
In these days of municipalities falling short in their budget numbers, we all need to expect more tickets to be written.

Smile, and pay up.

08-25-2008, 08:20 AM
Are you guys joking? 7mph?

Man you guys are weak. In Mass 65 = 73 all day no problem from the cops what so ever. This cop was a pig plan a simple.

Just because you support LEO's doesnt mean you have to bend over for them either.

Fight the ticket the Magistrate will probably laugh and throw the ticket out or have it seriously reduced.

7mph? You got to be f***** kidding me. A total joke.

Speeding is going 15mph or more, 10 if the cop wants to meet his quotta.

Stop acting like cops are always right. Its pathetic.

08-25-2008, 08:56 AM
Are you guys joking? 7mph?

Man you guys are weak. In Mass 65 = 73 all day no problem from the cops what so ever. This cop was a pig plan a simple.

Just because you support LEO's doesnt mean you have to bend over for them either.

Fight the ticket the Magistrate will probably laugh and throw the ticket out or have it seriously reduced.

7mph? You got to be f***** kidding me. A total joke.

Speeding is going 15mph or more, 10 if the cop wants to meet his quotta.

Stop acting like cops are always right. Its pathetic.

This train of thought doesn't work if they are already giving you 80mph. The gratis on 5 over is for speedo error. 85mph in a MM is one thing, but quite another in a everyday POS that is most likely driven on their highways. Its their yard, you have to play by their rules.

08-25-2008, 09:01 AM
I thought he said 87 in an 80mph zone. In which case its only 7mph over the POSTED. Usually you go 5 over naturally - and then there is leway on that.

Its their yard - and we pay for for them to have it. Do not let someone bend you over because of a badge.

Aren Jay
08-25-2008, 09:22 AM
Did he zap you?


Pay the fine and be fine.

Quit whining.

08-25-2008, 09:46 AM
I realize I was going over...Thats fine...

Its just in my resident state you don't get pulled over for 7 over on the freeway. I havn't had a ticket in 3 years. Around here on I-15 if you don't drive 75-80 (in a 65) you get ran over.

Coming back from Steamboat Springs for a national car show our 4 car convoy got pulled over for 81 in a 65. The officer was nice as hell and even BS'd with us for a bit about the cars and let us go with a written warning and said "hope to see you back in CO soon." This guy was like "get the hell outa here" in my state you can do a plea in obeyance and they'll hold the ticket for 6 months, if you dont' do anything wrong it goes away. Does TX do the same thing?

I'm not saying I want it to go away, and I understand I did something wrong, I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to try and reduce the fine. Just looking for some constructive opinion's other than "take it in the ass" and "quit whining"

Btw if the officer was doing his job he would of checked the registration, ran my lisence to see if it was valid and checked to see if my CCW permit was valid. He didn't do a damn thing. That specific officer was an idiot. Why the hell would he zap me? Is that common practice in Canada?

If you have a problem with my posts and want to call me a bonehead keep it to yourself. I think your a ricer for considering a "detail" a mod worth putting in your signature. hhhahahah

08-25-2008, 09:52 AM
I realize I was going over...Thats fine...

Its just in my resident state you don't get pulled over for 7 over on the freeway. I havn't had a ticket in 3 years. Around here on I-15 if you don't drive 75-80 (in a 65) you get ran over.

Coming back from Steamboat Springs for a national car show our 4 car convoy got pulled over for 81 in a 65. The officer was nice as hell and even BS'd with us for a bit about the cars and let us go with a written warning and said "hope to see you back in CO soon." This guy was like "get the hell outa here" in my state you can do a plea in obeyance and they'll hold the ticket for 6 months, if you dont' do anything wrong it goes away. Does TX do the same thing?

I'm not saying I want it to go away, and I understand I did something wrong, I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to try and reduce the fine. Just looking for some constructive opinion's other than "take it in the ass" and "quit whining"

Btw if the officer was doing his job he would of checked the registration, ran my lisence to see if it was valid and checked to see if my CCW permit was valid. He didn't do a damn thing. That specific officer was an idiot. Why the hell would he zap me? Is that common practice in Canada?

If it were here, I'd advise to plead not guilty and contact the DA's office about a reduction. You can't be told no unless you ask.

Aren Jay
08-25-2008, 09:55 AM
I drive the speed limit, anyone who passed me not on official business deserves to be ticketed.

Probably didn't Zap you as you both said you were armed.

Also didn't want to stick around with an agitated armed "Law Breaker" any longer than necessary.

Besides he probably ran your tags while behind you, or realised you were out of state and didn't want any more hassle than his $140 credit to his Quota.

I realize I was going over...Thats fine...

I realize I was going over now I have to pay my fine.

08-25-2008, 09:59 AM
Thank you. All I wanted was decent input, not bashing on my character. If you say/do certain things you can get the ticket reduced.... This is something that someone from TX should prolly answer.

08-25-2008, 10:27 AM
Thank God I dont live in the Midwest anymore. 7 MPH over? SEVEN?! People CRUISE at 90+ on the 15, 405, 605, 210, 101. which is 15 over the limit and cops dont even look at them. I say fight fight fight. 7 MPH could be attributed to a speedo error and a 5% decline going downhill. How do you know the officers Laser / Radar Gun was caibrated properly? Was he current on his certification to use that device? Theres lots of ways to reduce if not get out of that ticket. Does he have a history of issuing bs citations? Don't forget you have rights. There is nothing wrong with complaining .And most importantly the government is NOT your friend.

08-25-2008, 11:16 AM
Its not complaining - the cop is wasting time busting someone for 7 mph over the the limit. Seriously? Is that the best you can do?

The zone is 80mph, he was going 7mph. All you QQ'ers telling him to the pay fine please write to your local PD the instant you go 6mph over and ask for a ticket.

Are you guys seriously dim witted? He was going 7 mph. Just admit that the LEO was a pig and writing up an out of state person to make his quota knowing the guy wouldnt want to come back into state to fight it in court. Seriously get a clue.

08-25-2008, 11:47 AM
It's in Texas and that's a long way to go. If you want to fight it you gotta go back to appear in court. You may be able to get a lawyer to represent you in absentia to get it reduced and keep it off your record. Cost will be about the same as just paying the ticket and being done with it.

08-25-2008, 11:47 AM
I rarely drive right on the limit, and realize that breaking the law is what I am doing.

If I get pulled over for speeding, I broke the law. No one else's fault but mine.

That is a chance I am taking, and would pay the fine unless the officer's reading varied greatly from my speedo.

Whether it is 15 over or 7, it's still breaking the law.


Aren Jay
08-25-2008, 11:53 AM
As for the pin stripe, is it painted on or a sticker?

If a sticker goo gone or the like will make taking it of easy.

If it is paint, you might want to have a pro paint over it.

08-25-2008, 11:53 AM
You might get lucky and the judge will just throw it out, especially if the cop doesnt appear in court. My brother got nailed for doing 10 over and they just dropped the ticket.

It happens, one time he had his fine dropped a huge ammount just because they couldnt find the record for 2 hours.

08-25-2008, 12:50 PM
I received mine going 72 in a 65 heading into the city of Ventura on my way back from Santa Barbara heading south on US 101. Online traffic school for me.

08-25-2008, 02:30 PM
online traffic school. See thats what I'm talkin about!!

Thank you for the help guys. I would say 99% of the people on this board got their cars for the speed punch. Otherwise we'd all drive a prius right?

I'm going to call them tomorrow and see what I can come up with. I'll keep you all updated.

And up the pinstripes are painted. I will get them off...Oh yes I will...

Ms. Denmark
08-25-2008, 02:38 PM
It was a revenue stop plain and simple. Knows he's gotcha because you won't likely come back to Texas to fight it. Your out of state plates sealed your fate. I'm pretty surprised at the strict law and order routine you've gotten from this crowd. I, for one, think it sucks. $140 for 7 MPH over in an 80 zone is , well, highway robbery. It's the points and insurance penalties that really hurt. Good luck, but you may have to pay and move on. ;)

08-25-2008, 02:52 PM
just got nailed for 55+ in a 30 and it was $200 how does that work out if yours was $140 for 7mph over?

7=140..... $20/mph

guess New England is cheap lol

08-25-2008, 02:57 PM
idiots like him are the reason there was (not sure if there still is) a mandatory 0-7 mph-over warning here in florida. some people just let the badge get to their head :shake:

08-25-2008, 03:03 PM
idiots like him are the reason there was (not sure if there still is) a mandatory 0-7 mph-over warning here in florida. some people just let the badge get to their head :shake:

You mean Florida does not have an absolute speed limit law like the rest of the country? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

08-25-2008, 03:05 PM
idiots like him are the reason there was (not sure if there still is) a mandatory 0-7 mph-over warning here in florida. some people just let the badge get to their head :shake:

Where on earth did you hear that?

Tickets for 1 - 4 mph over can be written for Failure to Obey TTD

Speeding Tickets can be given for anything 5mph+

Police Officers usually just don't care about 5 or so over unless you are doing something else stupid or you are in a no-no area late at night or something... then it's an excuse to pull you over and see what you are up to.


If the pinstripe is surface painted or a sticker you can use this eraser type thing that goes into a electric drill. I forgot what they are called. Nothing but a big eraser that spins.

08-25-2008, 03:22 PM
I have never heard of an 80MPH speed limit..:eek:

08-25-2008, 03:23 PM
What a joke! 7mph over the speed limit are they nuts! They would not even set the donut down for that in Canada! I guess that why I travel with my Valentine 1 when I cross the border;)

Guess your going to have to pay the fine:flamer:


08-25-2008, 06:37 PM
I grew up in Texas. You gotta watch the little po-dunk towns. A lot of the time they make a large portion of their income from speeding tickets. Out of state plates are an invitation, because they assume you won't drive all the way back to fight it, so for them it's a freebie.
Get a V1 and keep your eyes peeled. That's about all you can do, unless you are willing to keep it less than 5 over.
RE the suggestion to hire a local lawyer - that will likely cost you much more than the ticket.
Do call and ask if you can take a driving course to get the ticket dismissed (they usually make you pay a processing or court fee, but it will be a lot less than $140). Also make sure they will allow you to take the course in UT and it will still count (if they say ok). Here more info on the safety course:
Good luck.

08-25-2008, 06:44 PM
Looks like any of the provides with an "A" after the name can provide the training via alternate means (Course has been approved to be delivered by an Alternative Delivery Method (ADM) such as the Internet, DVD/CD, Cable TV, or Videotape. (http://www.tea.state.tx.us/drive/activedsnet.html)). One of those should have something that you can take, preferably via internet. Of course, they will charge you a fee, but the combination of their fee and the court cost/fee should still be well below the cost of just paying the ticket.

08-25-2008, 06:55 PM
Are you guys joking? 7mph?

Man you guys are weak. In Mass 65 = 73 all day no problem from the cops what so ever. This cop was a pig plan a simple.

Just because you support LEO's doesnt mean you have to bend over for them either.

Fight the ticket the Magistrate will probably laugh and throw the ticket out or have it seriously reduced.

7mph? You got to be f***** kidding me. A total joke.

Speeding is going 15mph or more, 10 if the cop wants to meet his quotta.

Stop acting like cops are always right. Its pathetic.

+1 Chitown has better things to do. 7 over on a highway? Thats crap

08-25-2008, 07:31 PM
I received mine going 72 in a 65 heading into the city of Ventura on my way back from Santa Barbara heading south on US 101. Online traffic school for me.

VT is pretty anal about their traffic stuff. they dont plea bargain either.

08-25-2008, 08:03 PM
when we flew down and picked up the marauder in houston, we took backroads all the way up to arkansas. the speed limit changed every 600 ft or so,and there were "small town troopers" behind every other tree.
we decided pretty quickly to use the cruise control a lot, and look hard for the hidden and obscured limit signs. on the other hand, the car still had Texas plates, so I could have probably gotten away with it...

08-25-2008, 09:20 PM
Thank you. Windsor gave me the EXACT information I needed to know. To others than you for understanding the frustration in a ticket thats so low. Its just way outa the ordinary for me.

08-26-2008, 05:57 AM
I have never heard of an 80MPH speed limit..:eek:


I posted this almost a year ago....I guess no one was interested in it then....maybe not now either....but there it is and now you have heard of an 80 mph speed limit....

08-26-2008, 06:13 AM
You can take defensive driving or ask for deferred adjudication (6 months to a year probation) in which if you dont get a ticket in that time frame your ticket will be dismissed.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-26-2008, 06:45 AM
I would say 99% of the people on this board got their cars for the speed punch. Otherwise we'd all drive a prius right?

I don't know anymore, we have guys who say they don't go over the speed limit, and lots of guys getting self proclaimed 25+ mpg. Sounds like some people really should be driving priuses.

Aren Jay
08-26-2008, 09:21 AM
I got my car for the sound and the size. I literally do not fit in a prius.

08-26-2008, 09:58 AM
I thought he said 87 in an 80mph zone. In which case its only 7mph over the POSTED. Usually you go 5 over naturally - and then there is leway on that.

Its their yard - and we pay for for them to have it. Do not let someone bend you over because of a badge.

Sorry, but the speed limit is 80 and you were pushing closer to 90 than 80. Pay the fine and slow down....

08-26-2008, 02:58 PM
7mph over and the fine is $140 LOL. My first speeding ticket that I didn't fight was a month after I got my MM. 72 or 73 in a 55mph. $75 fine and 2 points, I made in my payment and moved on about it all.

If it was me I would just pay the fine and keep on truckin. You will spend more time and maybe money trying to get it dropped or reduced.

As far as the pin stripe, if you have access to a steamer (like travel steamers for clothes) use one of them. Start on one end, hold the steamer over the edge of it and then snag it with your finger nail. GENTLY pull slowly on the pin stripe while holding the steam directly behind it and then just work your way down the side. The steamer also helps leave no glue behind, if it does then just get goo gone or take a small rag and spray some WD-40 on it and buff it and the glue will come right off. This steamer trick is good for tint on windows also and helps if you have finger nails lol.

Ms. Denmark
08-26-2008, 03:07 PM
Sorry, but the speed limit is 80 and you were pushing closer to 90 than 80. Pay the fine and slow down.... I figure they give you 5 over in most cases so..... he's only over by 2. And I bet the road was straight and visibility was good. ;)

08-26-2008, 03:55 PM
Its a painted pinstripe, not vinyl. If it was vinyl I woulda pealed it off durring the trip.

08-26-2008, 05:29 PM
Get an Escort 9500ci and a Laser Interceptor.

You'll be untouchable.

Of course, those combined are $2800, but they are pretty much foolproof.

08-26-2008, 06:26 PM
Why are you guys busting his balls for 7 over. Come on. Its 7 over in a car he's had for hours. Thats 62 mph in a 55. I thought we were past the AARP reputation these cars give off. I guess I'm going to hell for a 68 in a 35 ticket I got a few weeks back. It was under BS terms as well and I didn't hesitate to ask for help from friends as my job depends upon my clean driving record.

08-26-2008, 06:59 PM

I posted this almost a year ago....I guess no one was interested in it then....maybe not now either....but there it is and now you have heard of an 80 mph speed limit....

There are a lot of good things about Texas. 80 mph speed limit is one. That is right around what people tend to drive, so it makes sense (especially out in west Texas where there are miles and miles of nothing).
Your ticket encounter obviously ain't one of the good things, though. Take one of those courses and get the ticket dismissed. As long as you have a clean driving record in Texas, they have to let you take the course to dismiss the ticket (another good thing about Texas). You will pay the course fee and some court cost/fee, but overall it will be much cheaper than $140. And another benefit of doing this is that the agency that wrote the ticket won't get their "cut" of the fine. Not quite even, but you should get some satisfaction from that.
If I got a ticket every time I was running 7 over, I would have lost my license a long time ago!

08-27-2008, 09:52 AM
Why are you guys busting his balls for 7 over. Come on. Its 7 over in a car he's had for hours. Thats 62 mph in a 55. I thought we were past the AARP reputation these cars give off. I guess I'm going to hell for a 68 in a 35 ticket I got a few weeks back. It was under BS terms as well and I didn't hesitate to ask for help from friends as my job depends upon my clean driving record.

Drew I agree with you in so many ways. :bows:

Windsor: thank you, I'll be hitting the phone today and see what I can come up with.

08-27-2008, 02:04 PM
I guarantee you that EVERYONE on this site has at one time gone at minimum 7 mph over the speed limit. Just because you didn't get caught doesn't give you the right to bust his balls over what most consider a rediculous ticket. Lets keep in mind that he only had this car a couple hours and probably was busy testing or just getting to know what he purchased. I know before i would trust a new car purchase over a long trip home i would be braking plenty of laws to work the bugs out. Your better off to pay it and try for supervision atleast it won't go onto your insurance.

08-27-2008, 03:58 PM
My point as a LEO is that you are already being allowed to legally travel at 80MPH. The "usual" cushion so to speak, does not apply here. The "average" persons driving skills are not up to the test of driving 90+ MPH. I also believe that as was already stated here Vortech was caught in a revenue generating speed trap. They do exist. Right or wrong it is a fact of life.

08-27-2008, 05:01 PM
My point as a LEO is that you are already being allowed to legally travel at 80MPH. The "usual" cushion so to speak, does not apply here. The "average" persons driving skills are not up to the test of driving 90+ MPH. I also believe that as was already stated here Vortech was caught in a revenue generating speed trap. They do exist. Right or wrong it is a fact of life.

By that logic he could have been pulled over at 81mph and it wouldn't be a ridiculous ticket??

08-27-2008, 05:12 PM
Btw, when I was recieving said ticket I was extremely friendly and when the officer stopped me and asked the loaded "do you know why I pulled you over" (come up with something else for the love of god) I kindly said, "yes sir I was going 87"

08-27-2008, 06:26 PM
By that logic he could have been pulled over at 81mph and it wouldn't be a ridiculous ticket??

Speed laws are absolute. At 80.01 mph you are in violation. Point being you are not getting a large cushion with that high of a speed limit. There is a small village in a adjoining county here. They pinch at 5 over. Its their yard, thats their rule and there is no go to school, make the fine go away here. Plus, there is a surcharge tacked onto every moving violation in NYS. Be happy you weren't here.

08-27-2008, 06:27 PM
Btw, when I was recieving said ticket I was extremely friendly and when the officer stopped me and asked the loaded "do you know why I pulled you over" (come up with something else for the love of god) I kindly said, "yes sir I was going 87"

See mine and other posts above. Your ticket was revenue generation for that political subdivision of the state of Texas.

08-27-2008, 06:44 PM
My point as a LEO is that you are already being allowed to legally travel at 80MPH. The "usual" cushion so to speak, does not apply here. The "average" persons driving skills are not up to the test of driving 90+ MPH. I also believe that as was already stated here Vortech was caught in a revenue generating speed trap. They do exist. Right or wrong it is a fact of life.

I have to agree with your comment that the average person's driving skills are not up for 80 or 90 mph. Your point about LEOs reducing the "buffer" at high speed makes sense in this context. And you are absolutely right that he got caught in a revenue trap, IMHO.
BTW - thank you for your service.

Iowa Rick
08-27-2008, 07:01 PM
By that logic he could have been pulled over at 81mph and it wouldn't be a ridiculous ticket??

When does it stop being a BS ticket??? 88, 89, 90, 91, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 100+..................??? Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Iowa is the same way, the last time they raised the speed limit the said publicly there would be no longer be any cushion. Western Nebraska is also coming down hard on speeders. Iowa and Nebraska double the fine for speeding in construction zones. A kid I know got Nailed for over $800 for speeding, he was more than 25 over in a construction zone. Cop gave him a break writing it down to 25 over, else he'd have lost his license for a while. <!--StartFragment -->Society doesn't work when you only obey the laws you like. Rick

08-27-2008, 07:04 PM
How hard is this to understand. Whether or not a 7 over ticket is BS is not the point. If you play the speed game, and I do all the time; you have no ***** if the LEO writes you up. If you play you pay. Where in the rule book does it say that you have a right to exceed the speed LIMIT by even ONE mile and hour with impunity? I have a Valentine One, F&R laser Blinders and work the odds. I have been lucky, as we all are not to have been bagged many times; but any day now I will get tagged. I won't be crying no fair and looking for a grammer school do over when it happens. Have some respect and take some responsibility. Just a thought. Dennis

08-27-2008, 07:41 PM
If the speed limit is 80MPH I'm assuming it is safe to do so? I doubt they'd make a speed limit that high if it wasn't safe to travel 5-10MPH over the speed limit. I cruise at 75 to 80 on highways in my area (65MPH limit) and I'll have cars blowing by me, and cops too.

Aren Jay
08-27-2008, 09:55 PM
Paint over your pin stripe, I would recommend a Pro otherwise a can of matching paint and some sanding and re matching until it blends the stripe out is another option.

08-30-2008, 06:00 AM
You can take defensive driving or ask for deferred adjudication (6 months to a year probation) in which if you dont get a ticket in that time frame your ticket will be dismissed.

I agree DA is the way to go Unfortunately the fine is still the same, BUT if you do not get another speeding ticket in the State of texas in Six months it goes away and is not going on the record, same sort of deat as defensive driving. You were going to call the clerks office how did that qwork out?

Joe Clancy

OH by the way with the 80 mph speed limit they are real picky about going over at all that is life. At least they did not impound the car and make you pay before leaving town...