View Full Version : Got spoiled

Bradley G
08-26-2008, 05:50 AM
This past weekend at Byron, The Windy city Marauder members gathered for some Test & tune drag racing.
We happened to pick a test & Tune the same day as the motor cycle group and super stockers, they announced an attendance record of 448 entries.
I got there at gates open time, 9 ish, got teched right away and was cozied up next to my pal Mest30 and his wife,Who were the first ones there from our group.
We got a spot at the end of the staging lanes off on the lawn.
I think I counted seven Panthers 5 mms & 2 Vickies.
I got three runs in from 9am-6pm all were on a minimum 2-3 hr wait time so the motor was cooled off.
Temps were mid 80* & sticky humid
First run of the day proved to be the best @ 13.4 @ 101 1.9@60' best reaction time .117
Went with what I feel works best on launch, stab and roll the pedal to the floor.
I lost to Motormeat 350 on his best run of the day @12.8
(beat him to 60'):D

second run;
I got greedy on the roll and had to lift @60' to get traction and closed W 14.1 beat a lightly modified GTP ran 15.0
The last
was slightly less fruitful than the first with 13.5 @102 similar 60'
lost to a GTP highly modified ran 13.0
Great day! ton of laughs & lots of waiting!
I did not get my usual 5-10 runs in, Next time we will get an off day for more heads up action!

08-26-2008, 06:26 AM
Still some pretty good times, Brad, except that middle run. Better than my 18.4 with a 60 time in the 3s, lol. I think I'm getting some new tires asap and am going to try and go to Rt. 66 on 09/26/08 (friday night) so I can have a nice run before the winter comes. I know this car has a low 14 in it.

Lots of fun like you said. I was trying to find you before I left to say bye. I saw your car in the staging lanes but you were nowhere to be found!

08-26-2008, 05:06 PM
I should be in mid or low 12s before the summer is done.

08-31-2008, 08:35 PM
Damn i wish i couldve gone but i've been on vacation (cali) and now i'm back ....hey give me a jingle when ur free.:)

08-31-2008, 08:48 PM
Hey Josh didn't see you at chicken run, can we discuss this hood in the making sometime? Sorry back to topic