View Full Version : Gustav meets Honda Mech

08-30-2008, 01:51 PM
Jason, my middle son, the Honda mech, has joined his National Guard unit and deployed to Lafayette, Louisiana to serve during the Gustav Hurricane strike.

He say's the traffic out of the area is bumper to bumper @ 15 MPH with little to no traffic comming in. About 80% of the Guard is deployed along the I-10/New Orleans corridor.

He tell's me they will ride out the storm in local warehouses.

They are armed and have orders to assist in evacuation, maintain security of persons and property and rescue missions as needed.

The initial deployment is for five days but will probably last longer.

Storm is now a Cat 4, hitting Cuba, will achieve Cat 5 over the gulf and then weaken to a Cat 3 as it comes ashore somewhere on the Louisiana or East Texas coast. Expected arrival is late Monday.

Fill up your cars today, gasoline prices will spike as refining capacity is interrupted due to the storm. Hopefully things will not get as bad as Katrina. The storm is much smaller, hence a lower surge even though the winds may be stronger.

08-30-2008, 02:42 PM
Your son is a good man, hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for him.

08-30-2008, 03:03 PM
Yes! To drop everything and head into the danger.

God Bless!


08-30-2008, 04:18 PM
May God watch over your son and his unit. They will be in our prayers. I'm afraid if NOLA gets hit again, thats the end for that fine city. :(

08-30-2008, 04:46 PM
Be proud of all your children, but the middle son gets the honors! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!