View Full Version : Baby Talk

08-31-2008, 05:35 PM
I was talking to my mom last night and I actually said a few funny things that I don't remember as a baby.

When I was one year old a babysitter was taking care of me at a playground and pushing me on a swing. She calls my mom and says there is a problem. "I was pushing Dominick on the swing and I asked him how he liked it. He said everything is copasetic. I don't know what copasetic means!" Turns out it was ok, but I don't know if that was the same person I remember from years ago. I was a little over a year old.

The second story was when my mom and I were flying 1st class and I was 10 months old and could actually speak about 144 words... I kinda don't believe it. Anyway some flight attendant kept coming to us asking if we needed anything and me being ten months old said "Leave... us... alone." She wasn't too happy about that.

Finally, when I was three the whole family was flying. Me, my mom and my dad. We had first class and something happened and it ended up that we had to go to coach. I asked my mom "Is something wrong? Is dad not making enough money anymore? Is everything ok?" The other people in coach didn't appreciate this comment coming from me.

I do no remember any of these stories, but I wouldn't doubt any of them coming from me.

What stories do you have to share? I would prefer it being about yourself.

08-31-2008, 06:52 PM
Uhm ok, I usually just pissed on myself and babbled a few words at 1. Kinda like I will again in a few years...

08-31-2008, 06:56 PM
According to MANY, Permenent Memories do not begin until we are 3-ish.



08-31-2008, 06:57 PM
That's why I don't remember these things. I do remember being in my crib and what side of the room it was in, but keep in mind I didn't have a bed until I was 9. :lol:

Aren Jay
09-01-2008, 03:42 PM
I didn't speak till I was four. I had two older sister and I would point and make a sound or something and they would know what i wanted even though no one else would.

Why speak when you don't have to.

I bet Motorhead350 talks alot.

On the otherhand If I think about it, I can remember just about anything if given enough of a proding in a certain direction. I don't remember it on my own all the time that would be annoying but if I think back to a certain event I can usually remember it, I won't know what day of the week it was or what time of day, ok something i do, but but when your little everyday is either a weekday or a weekend day.

09-01-2008, 04:23 PM
I vividly remember saying at about a year old to my mother, excuse me miss.... When you get a chance... Would you mind changing my diaper, if its not too much of a bother?:)

09-01-2008, 06:41 PM
My mom and dad took me to a nice Seafood Resturant with our family when I was 2. I was in a high chair inbetween my mom and dad. The waitress made her rounds around the table and I patted her butt everytime she stood next to me. She started to get angry thinking it was my dad and finally caught me in the act right before she was going to yell at my dad.

Around the same timeframe, my mom broke her ankle and walked with a crutch for a few weeks. I mocked her walking everywhere we went.

09-01-2008, 07:16 PM
OK, I have one. This I somewhat remember myself but most of it I have on account from my parents.

A long time ago in a house far away . . . the night of a formal dinner party with many relatives to be present, my parents were going at it while hurrying to put on the last touches before going out the door. While waiting for my tux shoes to be tied I saw a finger pointed at me and preempted my mom in belting out "I's (a grammatical contraction of 'I is' that I later grew out of) Dunbar's son!" in that learning how to talk child's accent.

Explanation: My mom always messed with my dad to end an argument by shouting out that I was his uncle's son, who was known to be VERY promiscuous, and I also looked like him before puberty. (I am my father's son though, proven through science) and after a while I picked it up. And needless to say the night was over at that.

09-01-2008, 08:19 PM
I was born a toddler, at 10.78 lbs. Last of seven, no wonder.

When I was 2, my Father had a very serious accident at Ford and was hospitalized for a while. I have memories of the hospital room, where the bed and my Father was, the cast from his foot to his hip, drawing simple pictures of cars/trucks on his cast.

I could swim effectively when I was 3, spent all day in the pool from then on.

My Son could read at 3. Knew all his coors and animal sounds a 1, wanted to be a paleantologist at 2. Now, he is 15