View Full Version : Is this realistic

09-07-2008, 07:01 AM
I was thinking, since the demand of gasoline is so high therefore the price is high. BUT if the conversion to economic cars is so great, and causes the demand of gasonline to drop lets say >25% then gas should drop back down to a dollar, and all of us with V8's win... right? or is this just hopeful thinking...

09-07-2008, 07:06 AM
too many other factors that would quickly eat up any surplus caused by the conversion to smaller automobiles. besides, if gas got that low, OPEC would just cut production to support prices.
i'm betting on OPEC cutting production at $100/barrel to make a price floor. highly unlikely we will ever see $1 gas again.

09-07-2008, 07:32 AM
Anything is possible. Extremely douptfull, but possible. As much as analists love to get paid to predict futures keep in mind that you can't tell whats in the future you can only predict. Do you remeber when they knew it would hit $5.00 a gallon three yrs. ago? Or how about now when they say it should go down to $3.00 by end of summer? They don't know wtf will happen. But why can't we see $1.00 a gallon when this war is over and every Tom, Dick, and Larry is driving a Prius? They will always find a reason from now on to keep prices high and profits record breaking whether it be wars, hurricanes, plant fires, or demand. I can only hope the new president whoever it shall be can help address this issue. It would also be funny for the goverment to force payback of oil companys record profits to the american people. This gas issue has cost everything to go up and is killing the american family, Have you gone out to buy grocerys lately?