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09-07-2008, 08:28 AM
Do I need an attic fan?

Previous owners had installed a roof with NO venting. Thanks to a tree, we replaced that roof last summer with a good 30-year roof with a nice vent along the top.

Anyway, the obviously 20+ year old attic fan was being run from an automatic thermostat up there - when it got to a certain temp it would kick on. We left it in place when we did the roof.

The last week or so the fan got noticeably louder and yesterday made too much noise for me to let it live. Do I even need to bother replacing it? It seems most (if not all) of the energy saved by blowing the air out of the attic would be spent running the fan. That, and we have not more than a year left in this house before we move, I'm guessing.

Anyone know whether it's worth having a fan up there? Or am I missing something crucial we need from running one?

09-07-2008, 09:10 AM
Attic fans are inexpensive and provide a significant improvement in air flow and reduced AC costs. Since the fan only has to be replaced it should not be a difficult job. I have a 3,200 SF 2 story house and have two large roof attic fans that do a great job in Atlanta. I also have one in my garage loft. They also reduce moisture build-up in the attics. I would replace it.


09-07-2008, 09:18 AM
Most definately replace. The vent system that you are reffering to on your roof is referred to as ridge vent and is the best possible venting system to date but will never do as good a job as a fan. Fans kick on at the temp. that you set it to and i recommend about 130 degrees. Your ridge vent is sufficient enough up to that temp. Fans are very inexpensive and very easy to replace however i find it easier to replace the hole unit as every manufacturer has differences in mounting of the motor and with your roof just being replaced it would be a sinch to relace the entire unit.

09-07-2008, 09:22 AM
Replace it, our attic gets fawking hot until it kicks on. its definitely needed!

09-07-2008, 04:36 PM
If there is no way for air to freely come into the attic via soffit vents then your ridge vent is next to usless,even if you have soffit venting on an older home i'm sure noone took the time to move the insulation out of the way so the air can get thru.... replace the fan,better yet look up the right size fan for the cubic feet of space for your attic and install that one.

09-07-2008, 06:20 PM
I concur , replace the attic fan.

09-07-2008, 06:29 PM
I have the ridge vent also and have 2 fans..... I'd replace it and maybe even install another one if possible.

09-07-2008, 07:16 PM
I do have ventilation from the soffits and yes they are clear of insulation. The main concern here is moisture, not temps as lots of houses around here don't have fans. I think I will replace it since a fan is only $60 and the install is about 1/2 hour.

Thanks for the replies.

Aren Jay
09-07-2008, 07:17 PM
What is an attic fan? Up here your attic is a cold space insulated from the rest of your house by huge amounts of fibreglass batten or other insulations.

Pipes do run through it and some are vented but rarely do they have fans on them except for some that use wind powered fans to pull air out to prevent CO build up.