09-07-2008, 09:42 AM
Well the wifey has the polished Marauder for about a week and its killing me. Thanks to her crap chrysler in the shop till tues. So now she's out in the rain, parked in the same parking lot where it recieved its first scratch (5" down to metal:eek:) when it was a year old, and being driven by a hater:(. Actually she has hated the car since purchased because my car always hurts her. Door stabs her in the chest, seat belt has pinched her hand, and on one occasion the glove box opened by itself and clocked her shin!:D Ah the war of my car and wife is funny they both hate each other so much till lately. Lately the wifey has been wanting to drive it because of the new exhaust, that blows my mind she like most women just don't get the need for a throaty exhaust untill now.:D Anyways i just thought that i would rant, sitting here all weekend with only a ford escort to drive is depressing so i'm just sitting back and taking it easy. And before anyone asks she don't drive stick hence me getting the little work car.