View Full Version : So umm yea, i was fired...

09-08-2008, 12:03 AM
and my "union" isn't helping me. Tell me what you think about this:

I used to work for Verizon, an evil corporation by the way, and they used to run contests for sales and everything, one day i told them that the contest they were running was bs and that it would induce cramming (the placing of products on a customers acct w/o authorization) and that it should be stopped ASAP. The next day (a friday no less) i woke up, in a VERY good mood (something VERY unusual for me) and came into work, was complimenting everyone, offered to help a supervisor out with something i don't usually get involved in, and just generally positive and pleasant. My third customer contact of the day went like this, "I pay comcast 60$ a month for internet what can you do for me?" (yes no lie, that's the first thing he said when he came on my phone). I say, "well sir, we have high speed internet available in your area that will give you comparable speeds to comcast, and put it on the same bill as your home phone to make it easier for you, it's free for the first 6 months (the promo in jersey right now, idk about the rest of the country, they fired me so PLEASE don't PM and ask), and then after that i's 29.99 per month, so for the first 6 months we could save you $360 and then after that we could save you 180$, for a total overall savings of $540 the first year. If you would like I could go ahead and get the gears moving for you." The customer then told me, "Wow, you know what, that sounds great, i would save a lot over comcast, I like it, set me up!" I told the customer, "ok no problem, bear with me just one moment, I'll go ahead and get it set up for you and I'll be right back with your confirmation number." The customer said, "yes great do that." I said, "ok will do, please hold one moment." I then proceeded to place the customer on hold and put the order through for internet. About 40 seconds into it when I get to the submit section the customer hangs up and my next call comes in. I sametime (our work for instant message) my team leader (a totally useless position that is our DIRECT supervisor but they do nothing but tell us that we'll get fired if we don't sell DSL or HSI aka High Speed Internet) what happened, she sametimes me back "I like to move it move it, you like to MOVE IT" which is what she says whenever something is going on that she likes and approves of, i automatically think this means, "he agreed to it, put it in," so i do that. About 5 hours later my boss looks at me and says, "Hey Martin, Arlene wants to talk to you." (Arlene is her boss) I say, "Oh ok, no problem." So I walk into Arlene's office and say, "Hi Arlene, you wanted to see me?" She STARES at me like I just punched her daughter in the face and goes, "LUNCHROOM!" So I walk to the lunchroom, there's a union rep in there that says nothing to me, then Arlene and my boss walk into the lunchroom and Arlene says, "Martin, do you know what 'Cramming' is?" I said, "Of course, it's the addition of services to a customers account without securing the customers permission before adding those services to the account." She looks at me and says, "I was observing on your call with 'John Q. Customer' this morning, do you want to tell me what that was about?" I say, "Oh, well he agreed to take the internet, and Dewey (my boss) said it was ok to put it on there and..." at that point my boss interrupted me and said, "I don't recall ever telling you anything today!" I sat aback for a moment not knowing what to say, then Arlene (bosses boss) looks at me and says, "give us a moment, we need to discuss what to do with you." All the time the union rep is in the chair next to me not saying a word. My boss and her boss leave the room then the union rep looks at me and starts yelling at me, I still have no idea for what. Then my boss and her boss come back in the room and Arlene looks at me and says, "Martin, it is our opinion that you have violated the Verizon sales ethics and cramming policy, and that you crammed your customer, you are hereby suspended without pay until our investigation is complete, go to your desk and collect your things." I said, "Ok Arlene, I don't agree with your decision but I will, but one question: on that call the customer also made reference to being blatantly lied to by our disconnect department, have you spoken to the rep that spoke to them our their supervisor yet, or are you just out to get me?" She looked directly at me and said, "Martin it is our opinion that you have violated the Verizon sales ethics and cramming policy, and that you crammed your customer, you are hereby suspended without pay until our investigation is complete, go to your desk and collect your things." I looked at her and said, "Ok I take that as a no then." One week later I was fired. I mean, if I HONESTLY was a cheat and a liar and put stuff on peoples accounts without their knowledge I wouldn't care, I'd be like, "Ah you caught me" and just get over it, but i HONESTLY don't think i did anything wrong, this angers me so much. To think that just 2 days earlier i was "talked to" because my sales aren't high enough and i'm not "selling enough" for them, but yet i'm, "putting things on customer accounts even without their permission".

Verizon is seriously an evil corporation that treats their grunts like pieces of crap then tells them that they are the most important people in the entire company and that they would be bankrupt without them. Don't **** on my shoe and tell me it's raining!

Sorry for being so long winded everyone, i don't even care if i don't get any responses or if the responses are negative or anything, i just needed to vent. I carried this around for almost a month w/o saying anything to anyone save for a few close friends of mine.

09-08-2008, 12:17 AM
Martin I know exactly what it's like when you are told to do something, you do it and get punished for it. I can give you one example that would have gotten me fired if I wasn't working for my dad at the time. My boss was mad at me one day because I kept buying stuff for the business (stuff we needed) and it was not only costing too much, but he couldn't find the recepts. (Like I was stealing) So after having a yelling contest I found all the papers and put them on the windshild of his car attached to the driver's windshild wiper. It couldn't be any more obvious than that! He was so mad, but than again so was I. What a day that was!

These people that you worked for sound like they thought they were god's or something. I might even loose sleep over this one! :mad2:

I'm really sory dude, go to the shooting range. I know you have guns! ;)

09-08-2008, 12:21 AM
I'm really sory dude, go to the shooting range. I know you have guns! ;)

Last membership expired a year and a half ago, lol, i may have to spend my last 350$ to get a new one and take the 1k rnds of ammo i have for a spin. LOL

BTW, i'm sorry I forgot to send you the money for your CD, it's just i'm super forgetful and have ADD something fierce, i actually just thought about it when i read ur response and feel really crappy about it :(

09-08-2008, 12:23 AM
Dude life is like a *****, sometimes it gets hard.

You can always go to a shooting range. I know you don't have to be a member for that, heck they let me in!!!

09-08-2008, 04:43 AM
If the car goes up for sale, contact me first. :eek:

09-08-2008, 05:46 AM
wow looks like you might have a lawsuit on your hands. i know some people that were screwed by some other big corporations and got a nice chunk of money out of it...

09-08-2008, 05:59 AM
Its not a lawsuit situation. Its all his word agaisnt theirs. Legal fees etc etc the average worker can not afford this and that allows big companies to push them around.

Sadly you spoke your mind and chanegelled your managers - right or wrong and smacked a huge Target on your back.

Then came this call - what you SHOULD of done was realize the customer got disconencted or dropped and that if they wanted Verizon they would call back. Instead you added it to their bill when they were not on the phone and probably didnt review it with them or go over some fine print or bill of sale stuff. You know you were wrong, an instant message telling you its ok will not save it. Especially when you use slang in it or the words lead to assumed things.

Snow is not coke, move it move it does not mean add it to the customers bill.

Sorry dude.

09-08-2008, 06:00 AM
They sound just as assified as Comcast

09-08-2008, 06:41 AM
Verizon is the devil in a corp. business suit.

Sorry to hear about that Martin but sometimes things happen for a reason and your probably better off doing something else. Verizon is not worthy of your skills.

09-08-2008, 07:00 AM
That was a trap...they set it up, and you walked right into it. Live and learn.

Iowa Rick
09-08-2008, 07:29 AM
I wonder if the comcast "customer" was legit or someone used to set you up?? Yes Verizon sucks but unfortunately out in my neck of the woods they have the coverage.

09-08-2008, 07:35 AM
Why does everyone assume its a setup? Lets not flame the fires of what if's and "omfg dude you got setup sue!"

Point is he crammed a customer. Sorry dude thats life

09-08-2008, 07:47 AM
As a longtime union rep, I'm guessing it's probably being used as a way to downsize. I'll bet you are not the only one. If it is their word against yours and you have no evidence then your union rep. cannot help you with the compaint -- all they can do is make sure procedure is being followed properly. Do you have any evidence?

And, make sure your union rep. *IS* doing their job by tracking the procedure. If the company violates procedure, you can appeal and win back pay eventually.

Next time - paragraphs. I'll read faster that way.

Iowa Rick
09-08-2008, 07:48 AM
Why does everyone assume its a setup? Lets not flame the fires of what if's and "omfg dude you got setup sue!"

Point is he crammed a customer. Sorry dude thats life

Of course it was a setup. The Black Helicopters were up that day!

09-08-2008, 07:58 AM
My girlfriend's dad works for Verizon...so I've heard about "contests" they do. He never stops working, it's rediculous.

09-08-2008, 08:42 AM
Sounds like some pretty crappy working conditions and some real A-holes for bosses. Not what I would consider ideal working conditions. Good riddance. Move on -- something better with a more cooperative working environment will come along and you will be much better off for it. Here's hoping the transition to your next job is quick and smooth.

Aren Jay
09-08-2008, 09:15 AM
So if we blanketed their swtich board for three days with complaints about arlene would that help?

09-08-2008, 10:29 AM
So if we blanketed their swtich board for three days with complaints about arlene would that help?

I'm game for it.


Honestly Martin you were let go because you didn't get your TPS report in on time.

Has anyone seen my stapler?

You should apply for Comcast now lol.

09-08-2008, 11:02 AM
That's horrible! I wish the best for you

SC Cheesehead
09-08-2008, 11:27 AM
I'm game for it.


Honestly Martin you were let go because you didn't get your TPS report in on time.

Has anyone seen my stapler?

You should apply for Comcast now lol.

So if we blanketed their swtich board for three days with complaints about arlene would that help?
Hey, if the two Bobs think that's the way to go, let's go for it!

09-08-2008, 11:42 AM
If the car goes up for sale, contact me first. :eek:

Dream on

Martin sorry to hear about this :( Are you going to look into comcast TV installation like you told me last time?

09-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Is it possible too that the USELESS Union Steward works for one thats in agreement with Verizon ? You know.... whatever Verizon wants, they get ...


09-08-2008, 12:21 PM
Its sad but all these People companies are just
waiting for you to bendover and pick up the soap.
I've been in similar situations!!
And HR/Union reps still pull the corp. line!

09-08-2008, 01:03 PM
Sorry to hear Bro...

And I was just about ready to get a Vorizon Family plan. I'll have to re-think that.

Go back to school and try to make your employer pay by paying unemployment for the next three years...

Your union dues, hard at work.

09-08-2008, 01:16 PM
^+1 thats actualy sound advice if you can make it happen.

Go to school and get a new skill set so that you have more then one option then incoming sales. My brother works that for Bose...not fun!

09-08-2008, 02:22 PM
I'm game for it.


Honestly Martin you were let go because you didn't get your TPS report in on time.

Has anyone seen my stapler?

You should apply for Comcast now lol.

Just like the movie, they felt it was better to fire him on a Friday!! Sorry to hear about this Martin. Im sure you'll be posting up about landing a better job in the very near future.

09-08-2008, 06:15 PM
I know how you feel - and that is all I will post about this.

Just know that every time life sent me for a loop like this, I always seem to get ahead. I can not (will not) get into it here. Just trust me.

09-08-2008, 06:44 PM
I'm sorry to hear about this, I hope it turns into a positive thing for you - hopefully you can find something better and bosses that treat you better!!

You are right it sounds like you got screwed over. You took the heat for your boss not transmitting there wishes to your properly, and then letting you take the heat for their mistake. From what I read, the failure was on your bosses part - it's their job as the lead to help you from getting caught by something like this.

I'm not sure if you want to hear much else, or head advice, so only read beyond if so. What I'm gonna write is simply advice, and not meant to criticize, it's just taken from what I've learned in my professional life...

The sad part is that even if you had IM logs there is nothing the boss said that'd help you. The goofy response that usually means "Yes" to you won't mean too much otherwise if you tried to make a case of it, cause in text, yes wasn't there, even if it was there in spirit or meaning.

I would recommend in situations that are "Grey areas" like this that you make sure you're getting proper guidance from your boss. Had you written back saying "Does this mean yes, proceed?" and they responded "Yes it does" then it would've been a different story..

I've learned a few seconds or minutes to get the details or confirmation in writing on things that could come back is quite handy. Especially if your boss/supervisor is less than reliable, it'll help.

But again, I bet this will all work out for you, find a better gig with a better boss, someone who is more reliable, and will look out for YOU which is what a real leader should do for you!

09-09-2008, 05:26 AM
I know how you feel - and that is all I will post about this.

Just know that every time life sent me for a loop like this, I always seem to get ahead. I can not (will not) get into it here. Just trust me.

I agree with Charlie on this one - The best way to 'get even' is to get ahead!

Ultimately - they did you a favor and taught you a lesson.

09-09-2008, 08:47 AM
verizon:rolleyes:. why didnt you bring up the "i like to move it move it" statement in front of Arlene? then ask your boss what that meant and see what her response was. it sounds like your boss blatantly lied to your face with the "i havent said anything to you today" statement, and just judging from what you typed, it seems like you didnt call her out on that. but it is verizon so you are probably better off.

09-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Martin - Sorry about your situation.

In the long run you will probably be better off.

09-10-2008, 09:26 AM
If you want to really get back at your boss. Go after her for sexual harrasment for the " I like to move it "statement. It can be taken as a sexual advance and if it makes you uncomfortable it is harrasment. If they are going to play dirty so can you. Then go after them for wrongful termination because you denied the advance she found a way to get you fired.