View Full Version : Can we be mature about this?

09-08-2008, 11:57 PM

I didn't know all of that info until just now and no I have never tried it.

If you go past the 2:00 mark you will bypass all the political stuff. 2:00 and after is the lession.

09-09-2008, 12:49 AM


09-09-2008, 05:01 AM
http://www.funnyforumpics.com/forums/attention-whore/2/AttentionWhore2.jpg (http://www.funnyforumpics.com)

09-09-2008, 05:39 AM
http://www.funnyforumpics.com/forums/attention-whore/2/AttentionWhore2.jpg (http://www.funnyforumpics.com)

You Sir are correct!

09-09-2008, 05:44 AM
Saw the tittle and just X'd out of the screen....

09-09-2008, 05:45 AM
Now that's funny! :rofl::laugh:

http://www.funnyforumpics.com/forums/attention-whore/2/AttentionWhore2.jpg (http://www.funnyforumpics.com)

You Sir are correct!

09-09-2008, 04:09 PM
Everytime I try to show you guys new info this happens... I'm losing a lot of respect for the site, maybe not the site, but the members....

09-09-2008, 07:02 PM
Jeez Dom. No offence but you posted a video where;

1. People are cheering on the Earth First terrorist group.
2. The military is being slammed.
3. The whole crowd seems to think if you don't like the law you can ignore it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but most folks here respect the law, the military, and have very little regard for what anyone named Jello thinks.

You actually wonder why this went over like a lead balloon?

09-09-2008, 08:15 PM
Another idiotic post.

09-09-2008, 10:13 PM
John I didn't know what you could build/make out of this plant and I thought it was interesting. I said the first 2:00 weren't what I wanted anyone to listen to and it seems like you were the only one. Others just judged by the title like a bunch of children. I think I'm done, I've had enough of this. Not you, but.... whatever.

09-09-2008, 10:43 PM
Jeez Dom. No offence but you posted a video where;

1. People are cheering on the Earth First terrorist group.
2. The military is being slammed.
3. The whole crowd seems to think if you don't like the law you can ignore it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but most folks here respect the law, the military, and have very little regard for what anyone named Jello thinks.

You actually wonder why this went over like a lead balloon?

The man does have a point.

Alot of my posts im sure piss people off and/or dont give a crap. But thats ok :beer:

09-09-2008, 10:48 PM
I think I just realized I have to keep a lot more to myself than ever before.

09-10-2008, 01:29 AM
I think I just realized I have to keep a lot more to myself than ever before.

Awww, Don't be that way!

Being a member here is easy! Just try not to mention;

E-85, liberals, wing nuts, Mariah Carey, Hyundais, oil, blowers, blower oil, tire pressure, viscosity, tire viscosity, tire oil, strange helicoptors, new cars, old cars, Toyota trucks, Maserati cars, Ancient Mayan calanders, the French, Canadians, newfys, health care, public education, spelling erors, street racing, rusty Marauders, gas prices, diesel prices, bush, bushes, shrubs, shrubbery, hair pie, apple pie, guys with pie charts, hooters, blooters, global polluters, heat range, heat waves, country music, rock music, adult contempory music, muzak, movies, TV, AM, FM, short wave, pot, pots, Harry Potter, God, the devil ,deviled eggs, noobs, boobs, rural hillbilly rubes, fuel economy, the economy, the New World Order, or dubs.

There! Avoid discussing any of the above and you might be OK.

09-10-2008, 04:12 AM
Now that's funny!

09-10-2008, 04:25 AM

09-10-2008, 08:24 AM
Ya seriously.

But I realized in the end what I posted was "political" I guess, so again I am in the wrong.

As far as being a whore.... I wish!!!!

09-10-2008, 09:22 AM
Dude never be afarid to post anything you deem interesting and worth discussing.

If some disagrees with you its their American right - freedom of speech.

If you go all turtle and do not speak your mind you end up a child in a dark room crying while the Government, your parents, and the boogyman run your life.

Best part of being American is being able to tell the Government to screw off when you think they are messing up and protest it anyway you can - blogging, chaining yourself to a tree, or just voting.

Americans died so I can say I disagree with American capitalism and the direction greed and money are taking this country. And I can say that with minimal worry - maybe a name calling or someone ignoring me. Try that anywhere else get fined, jailed, or killed.

God Bless America - screw politicans and their greed!

09-10-2008, 10:27 PM
You are right, but I'm just getting sick of crap from people everytime they disagree or neglect to even look at something and judge so fast... frickin' people... :shake:

09-10-2008, 11:47 PM
You are right, but I'm just getting sick of crap from people everytime they disagree or neglect to even look at something and judge so fast... frickin' people... :shake:

Dom it's understandable you get frustrated when many people pass judgment on a post so quickly and seemingly without opening their minds to an alternative point of view.

I'm not trying to lecture but one of the things I've learned on these messageboards is that the people on the other end of the monitor can be a LOT different than anyone you've ever met in person, and the "common factor" which is usually the theme of the forum helps everyone get along as their differences are not aired frequently in public discussion. Topics like your post bring everyone out of this "comfort zone" and most people either immediately become defensive or post something reactionary, like the "Attention Whore" picture.

This is not to say I agree with anything in your post, nor do I need to tell you how to improve your social skills. Just don't get discouraged with the community when your attempts to diversify the topics of conversation are met with resistance. Like I said, you never really know who's on the other end of the monitor. We all like to think that Neo-Nazis and Jihadist Muslims can get along here because they eat, sleep, and breathe Marauders with the rest of us. I think the political stuff is best left for in-person conversations where its far more obvious that the audience is open-minded or not.

-Another Dom

09-11-2008, 01:26 PM
I didn't think it was political, it was "Guess what you can do with this" sort of a thing... except for the first 2 minutes that I stated. That's just the way people are.... I need my Anti-Nowhere League CD now....

09-12-2008, 11:04 AM
Awww, Don't be that way!

Being a member here is easy! Just try not to mention;

... hooters, blooters, global polluters ...

Hey, that rhymes! (and has a nice rythm, too!)

09-12-2008, 05:55 PM

First ...you ARE and attention whore your post titles are written catch the most attention as possible

2nd... You post what interests you and your not embarrassed to do so... I like that in a person.

3rd... I'm a firm believer if your embarrassed about speaking about something you do in private ...you shouldn't be doing it...

4th... Don't ever change who you are unless what you are is hurtful toward others

Don't change on my account....:beer:

09-12-2008, 06:48 PM
...you ARE and attention whore your post titles are written catch the most attention as possible

Wrong and right.