View Full Version : Serenity Now

09-25-2008, 01:16 AM
I feel like im taking crazy pills, the name of this site is mercurymarauder and I simply feel we should limit discussion to that.

09-25-2008, 03:42 AM
He is a member here just like you and if you do not like what he posts don't read them.

There is an ignore list for your non-viewing pleasure.

O's Fan Rich
09-25-2008, 04:57 AM
I will try to limit the scope of this text. However, I firmly believe that Mr. Motorhead350's posts the last 6 months have been grossly off topic to the cuase of the marauder. IF the member's demand, I WILL post a list of the non sensical posts ( it is 4 pages long) he has made in the last year. Beyond that I would urge the administartion , with support of some MM.net members to , revoke, ban or limit the pointlesss rants of Motorhead350. on the site. Thank you for a comprehensive evaluation.


awwwww... you're just handling it all wrong.... you got to roll with it... rock with it.... go with the flow and enjoy the show....

then make fun of him!!!!!:D:D:D:D

he can take it.... he's The Dom!

09-25-2008, 04:59 AM
I will try to limit the scope of this text. However, I firmly believe that Mr. Motorhead350's posts the last 6 months have been grossly off topic to the cuase of the marauder. IF the member's demand, I WILL post a list of the non sensical posts ( it is 4 pages long) he has made in the last year. Beyond that I would urge the administartion , with support of some MM.net members to , revoke, ban or limit the pointlesss rants of Motorhead350. on the site. Thank you for a comprehensive evaluation.


Dude, he's not the only one who starts pointless threads. If you go after him then you have to go after others. But the point of the Lounge is: All OFF-TOPIC, marauder unrelated posts.

09-25-2008, 05:21 AM
What a nerve after some of the crap you've pulled yourself!!!

Pointless? Maybe to some.

Off Topic? Just fine in the proper forum.

Respectful? Dom's got you head and shoulders on this one. Sorry. :down:

09-25-2008, 05:24 AM
If its off topic, it goes in the lounge. If its offensive, it goes in the trash. Its that simple. I don't read 90% of Dom's posts (No offence, Dom. They just aren't that interesting to me), and I would guess everyone has the right to make that same decision.

09-25-2008, 05:47 AM
Don't always agree with the kid, but hey it's America and last I heard we still had free speech. Don't like his posts don't read 'em. He's still driving it like he stole it..

Aren Jay
09-25-2008, 08:14 AM

I thought this was going to be a Firefly post.

09-25-2008, 08:19 AM
Dude, he's not the only one who starts pointless threads. If you go after him then you have to go after others. But the point of the Lounge is: All OFF-TOPIC, marauder unrelated posts.


I thought this was going to be a Firefly post.

I rest my case!!!! :D

09-25-2008, 08:45 AM
This post was created at 3:25am.
That = Drunk posting :D

09-25-2008, 09:14 AM

I thought this was going to be a Firefly post.

I was hoping it was, but I was thinking

Seinfeld . . .

09-25-2008, 10:48 AM
Open your mind !
And if you can't, nobody obliges you to read his posts, anyway.


09-25-2008, 11:41 AM
That didn't go well did it?:P

09-25-2008, 12:49 PM
hahaha this is great.

Dude if I posted in the Marauder section with all of these off topic subjects, then you would have a case. If it's not related to The Marauder and it's in the Lounge you have no case. I still give people info on the car and still post up about the car as well as give advice. If all I did was tell you who I got mad today or what I got away with the day before ok I can see that, but I don't.

Seriously lighten up.

Hugs and kisses with sugar on the top.


09-25-2008, 12:54 PM
Use your ignore button, it's just part of the community discussion. Dom is Dom and I find him entertaining. Jeeezzzzz at 23 yoa you're already that serious! Sit back relax and laugh or just simply ignore him!

09-25-2008, 03:11 PM
I dont know if its because Im still new here or not, but I read all of Dom's posts just in case there might be some comic relief in them. Keep em coming Dom, you have fans!:D

O's Fan Rich
09-25-2008, 03:23 PM
Keep em coming Dom, you have fans!:D

Oh, see? now it's just going too far...... can I change my vote?

09-25-2008, 05:57 PM
It's like Howard Stern, if you don't like him than don't pay attention.

09-25-2008, 06:12 PM
If you dont like it dont read it.
I dont read all of them, but some of them I like.
I do think that some of you guys a little hard on him.
Remember that we all were young once.
Now I feel old:( let him be

09-25-2008, 07:13 PM
If you dont like it dont read it.
I dont read all of them, but some of them I like.
I do think that some of you guys a little hard on him.
Remember that we all were young once.
Now I feel old:( let him be

You couldn't have said it any better. The guy is twenty some years old and he already sounds like a bitter bitter old man left alone to rot by himself. Jeeeez, it's just Dom! :shake:

09-25-2008, 07:29 PM
If you do not like someone posts..... ignore them, or do not read posts in their forums (:rolleyes:)

It isn't that hard.... life goes on.

This group is made up of MANY folks and backgrounds, and I will be DAMNED if I want to CENSOR anyone for their thoughts. Me no like, me no read.

Why, in Hell, is that so hard?



09-25-2008, 07:51 PM
I understand that Dom is just a kid (relative to my age). I also understand that he is a Marauder owner like all of us. That gives him the option to post on these forums.

I don't always agree with what he says, but that's ok.

Based on that, I don't think that he should have his own forum, nor do I think he should be banned.

There are much more important things to worry about. Dom doesn't bother me, and I don't understand why he should bother anyone else.

He's just very verbal, and that's not always a bad thing. If nothing else, he adds variety. If you don't like it, just pass over him and read about hood squeaks, or something else that interests you.

There are lots of posts on here that aren't Marauder related. Many are not started by Dom.

Now, I'll have another drink and find something else to do.


09-25-2008, 07:54 PM
I understand that Dom is just a kid (relative to my age). I also understand that he is a Marauder owner like all of us. That gives him the option to post on these forums.

I don't always agree with what he says, but that's ok.

Based on that, I don't think that he should have his own forum, nor do I think he should be banned.

There are much more important things to worry about. Dom doesn't bother me, and I don't understand why he should bother anyone else.

He's just very verbal, and that's not always a bad thing. If nothing else, he adds variety. If you don't like it, just pass over him and read about hood squeaks, or something else that interests you.

There are lots of posts on here that aren't Marauder related. Many are not started by Dom.

Now, I'll have another drink and find something else to do.


That's "Olde Skool" talk! :beer:

09-25-2008, 07:57 PM
you really have an affect on people Dom!.. :D

09-25-2008, 09:02 PM

Motorhead350 and Diabolicalwhatever discussing their next thread topic.

09-25-2008, 09:05 PM
VORTEX... LOL! That's a good one!

09-25-2008, 09:05 PM
:rofl: :laugh: :rofl:


Motorhead350 and Diabolicalwhatever discussing their next thread topic.

Crown Vicman
09-25-2008, 09:48 PM
hey anybody remember George Castanzas dad on Seinfield?

Serenity Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serenity Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serenity Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serenity Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-26-2008, 12:03 AM
Keep em coming dom. :up:

09-26-2008, 01:13 AM
How could you seriously consider banning someone who creates this much discourse? I say give him his own forum, Dom on the side...

09-26-2008, 07:54 AM
You know I might actually go see AC/DC in a few months! That really is me!

09-26-2008, 08:07 AM
Dom, you brighten my day, you can take a lick'n and keep on tick'n. From multiple sites at once too.

With all the Draconian news of late, I was waiting in line for the Hale-Bopp comet to come around so I could hitch a ride, but after reading this I think I'll stick around.

Regards, to all my Marauder Brethren.

09-26-2008, 09:30 AM

Motorhead350 and Diabolicalwhatever discussing their next thread topic.



09-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Marauder Brethren.

And THAT, Sir, is what it's all about!!!

Egon Spengler
09-26-2008, 09:35 AM

09-26-2008, 09:43 AM
Based on its current trajectory.... This site will soon elect Dom as leader and he will be the voice of reason. Can you imagine that. dom the sensible one? Standing up to all the increasingly sick, pointless posts that are awaiting all who feel compelled to read from this site. Like watching a car wreck in slow motion.

09-26-2008, 02:44 PM
Marauder Brethren.

And THAT, Sir, is what it's all about!!!
And Marauder Sisteren too!! :D

09-26-2008, 03:06 PM
Sisteren Mary,

You got it.

Ms. Denmark
09-26-2008, 03:15 PM
Ignore option works beautifully. No need to infringe on anyone elses idea of a good time.

09-26-2008, 04:36 PM
Not that serious young republican...............

09-26-2008, 04:51 PM
Were you hoping for a better outcome? How can you possibly have such a problem with one guys posts? Kick back and stop a bashing a good guy for something so little.

09-26-2008, 07:55 PM
Dom is Dom and I find him entertaining. Jeeezzzzz at 23 yoa you're already that serious! Sit back relax and laugh or just simply ignore him!

As soon as I read the first post, I knew what this subject was about and where it was going! :lol:

OK, having said that, I can hardly wait to see what his next thread is going to be about. We're currently facing a week's worth of rain according to our local forecasts. I will need something to read!

09-26-2008, 08:52 PM
Use your ignore button, it's just part of the community discussion. Dom is Dom and I find him entertaining. Jeeezzzzz at 23 yoa you're already that serious! Sit back relax and laugh or just simply ignore him!

:bows: :bows: Well said!!! All the other :bigcry: needs to stop! Way to go Dom :banana:

09-26-2008, 08:56 PM
You know I might actually go see AC/DC in a few months! That really is me!

AC/DC is in 5 weeks according to my debit card.:beer:

09-27-2008, 01:13 AM
guys really, How often do you want to read a Thread called "I
took "this or that colored poop today" OR i am considered for this part of the music buss. or this part of the vetenary club", I mean ,I dont remember asking for prayrers for my family when my Dad was dying of Brain Cancer, as the Off topic section is used for. But when we talk about an 88 rocket lighting matches on top of their tire and then braking, and lets face it we have ALL seen his Redicuolus comments that have nothing even to do with civil society... he wants attention. and YOU have given it to him . Its MM.net my friends, not MMIJUSTTOOKA****.net OR MMIJUSTGOTADEAL.NET. Lets be serious people in this regard.

09-27-2008, 04:06 AM
Still not getting the concept of "The Lounge", eh?

Ms. Denmark
09-27-2008, 07:02 AM
Can't resist one more attempt to clarify. Some people need massive amounts of attention. Fortunately for them other people need to supply massive amounts of attention. It works out so nicely for all involved. If this isn't your gig......don't get involved in this group activity. There are more than enough interesting and informative threads to keep you busy for hours without ever having to go near The Lounge. Enjoy ALL the other great features of this forum. You won't be missing a thing.......except your aggravation. What you should appreciate is that many members of this site are extremely patient and protective of their own, Loyalty is a quality that should be admired. That's one reason I enjoy this forum and it's members. Now I'll shut up because I'm starting to bore myself.;)

09-27-2008, 07:05 AM
Can't resist one more attempt to clarify. Some people need massive amounts of attention. Fortunately for them other people need to supply massive amounts of attention. It works out so nicely for all involved. If this isn't your gig......don't get involved in this group activity. There are more than enough interesting and informative threads to keep you busy for hours without ever having to go near The Lounge. Enjoy ALL the other great features of this forum. You won't be missing a thing.......except your aggravation. What you should appreciate is that many members of this site are extremely patient and protective of their own, Loyalty is a quality that should be admired. That's one reason I enjoy this forum and it's members. Now I'll shut up because I'm starting to bore myself.;)Well said!;)


09-27-2008, 07:25 AM
... he wants attention Could this be true of LV? :rolleyes:

09-27-2008, 07:31 AM
HA!! Called out!!

09-27-2008, 09:17 AM
wow i just went through 4 pages of this...lounge is the lounge man, its a place where everyone can post just about anything they want..whats so bad about that?

lounges in a car forum give people a vision of what someone is all about, lets people see what their personality is like. and like real world lounges, it needs some freakin humor once in a while!

09-27-2008, 09:32 AM
Dave - your objection to Dom's threads is so noted. Members have replied with advice for you to manage your viewing (or not) of Dom's threads. This OFF-TOPIC thread is now closed.