View Full Version : So I made Greenpeace mad at me

09-25-2008, 11:12 AM
I was walking out of school yesterday and I saw a group of Greenpeace people. The first group was talking with themselves so I passed. Just as I was on the block the Marauder was on a girl looks at me and says hi with a smile and she is a part of GreenPeace. I walk up close to her and say "Sorry, you're my enemy." "Why?" "Not you personally, but Greenpeace is my enemy. You people are the reason we cannot drill into parts of our own country for oil because it's a "nature or historical site" that no one visits. You also want to raise the average miles per gallon standard on cars by the year 2020. I bet you tell others to buy a Toyota Prius without even knowing how bad it actually is for the enviroment."

"Why wouldn't you want a car with good gas mileage?" "Those cars are boring! I would be doing better for the enviroment by buying a 1970 Chevelle with a 454 big block than buy a new Toyota because all used cars are Green Cars. Don't get me started with Critical Mass."

"I love critical mass." "Really? You ********* blow through all the stop signs, ignore traffic laws and when someone gets hurt it's always our (motorist) fault!"

At that point she started walking away without replying to me. I followed her for maybe five feet giving my opinion on her group and at that point said "Have a nice day." and was gone. Usually it's the other way around, but this time the gearhead fought back.

I wanted to do a burnout and get smoke all over the group, but for some reason two minutes later they were all gone! :eek: Imagine that.

09-25-2008, 11:19 AM
maybe they were mad that you reffered to them as greenpiece and not greenpeace.

09-25-2008, 11:23 AM
Yeah, what he said. :beer:

09-25-2008, 11:24 AM
maybe they were mad that you reffered to them as greenpiece and not greenpeace.

I'm begining to think you are a member. ;)

O's Fan Rich
09-25-2008, 11:49 AM
I had a Green piece once.... but it was moldy.

09-25-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm begining to think you are a member. ;)I think he's just a betr spellar than you are. :banana:

09-25-2008, 12:34 PM
Shoulda did a burnout in front of them, instead of finishing your speech. The burnout would have been more effective.

09-25-2008, 12:43 PM
I wish I could of, but they were gone. My best friend still thinks GreenPEACE is responsible for the theft of my K5 earlier this year. haha

09-25-2008, 01:08 PM
Was she at least hot looking?

09-25-2008, 01:09 PM
Was she at least hot looking?

Cute, but no ****. hahahaha!!!!!!

09-25-2008, 01:29 PM
I was walking out of school yesterday and I saw a group of Greenpeace people.

They prefer to be called "Orion Slave Girls". :P Here's Marta. :D


09-27-2008, 12:55 AM
This has absolutely ****ing nothing to do with marauders. I.e. RAMBALING. This is my right to post according to most marauder memebers.

09-27-2008, 01:35 AM
Dominick, didn't your mother tell you not to pick on lunatics?

09-27-2008, 03:55 AM
This has absolutely ****ing nothing to do with marauders. I.e. RAMBALING. This is my right to post according to most marauder memebers.DUDE, CHILL ALREADY!!!

You've already been told if you don't like the posts, Don't read them! If you can't understand that The Lounge is for all OFF TOPIC marauder unrelated posts, then maybe you should stay out of The Lounge.

I don't read every post, but if the title gets my attention, I'll look. If I'm not interested, I just hit the back button and look for the next post that looks interesting. I've got better things to do , then read every single post and reply to every post. Get a life and move on if these posts bother you so much. Your comment is an example of what I referred to in another post as "diarrhea of the mouth" If you've got nothing good to add, STFU!


09-27-2008, 03:58 AM
If you walk into a bar and see that people are drinking water instead of booze, I hardly think you'd have a right to complain. Its a bar - a gathering place - where people gather. What they choose to drink is their own choice. If you don't like it, or the choice of beverage makes you uncomfortable, leave.
Sounds a bit like visiting the Lounge, doesn't it? We're here to congregate, talk about whatever the heck we want, and if you don't like the conversation, leave.
I only came to this particular thread to see what inanities Dom would have to contribute to the Greenpeace vs Gearheads debate. I wasn't disappointed - they were inane. But it was my choice, just as it was his to start this thread.
And, on the chance you were merely being facetious, then I congratulate you for extracting this long winded diatribe from me first thing in the morning.

O's Fan Rich
09-27-2008, 05:06 AM

You've already been told if you don't like the posts, Don't read them! If you can't understand that The Lounge is for all OFF TOPIC marauder unrelated posts, then maybe you should stay out of The Lounge.

I don't read every post, but if the title gets my attention, I'll look. If I'm not interested, I just hit the back button and look for the next post that looks interesting. I've got better things to do , then read every single post and reply to every post. Get a life and move on if these posts bother you so much. Your comment is an example of what I referred to in another post as "diarrhea of the mouth" If you've got nothing good to add, STFU!


I think someone upset Ken.... and it wasn't me!:banana:

09-27-2008, 06:49 AM
I think someone upset Ken.... and it wasn't me!:banana:Nope, not Upset. Just fed up with the complaining about posts that he doesn't want to see. If he doesn't like what he sees, look elsewhere. He should pay attention to all of the positive replies to these threads. Marauderville or other meets aren't all about the car, it's about the people and the friendships cultivated.

Rich, while I enjoyed meeting you at Carlisle and MVIII, I also enjoyed reading about your mustang project (non Marauder) before I ever met you.

Don't like being told what we can post/read as long as its not causing any friction among us (ex. politics), which is exactly what LV is doing.


09-27-2008, 06:53 AM
Have you thought any more about that stamp ink stamp "Dom was here" at every burnout that you leave? Maybe google earth will get in on it and give you little flag markers.

BTW its rambling not rambaling and were good at it.

09-27-2008, 07:04 AM
Have you thought any more about that stamp ink stamp "Dom was here" at every burnout that you leave? Maybe google earth will get in on it and give you little flag markers.

BTW its rambling not rambaling and were good at it.Great idea! and it's we're, not were.:D


09-27-2008, 07:08 AM
Ha, only when we correct other people do we get caught!!!! Good one.

09-27-2008, 07:46 AM
Ha, only when we correct other people do we get caught!!!! Good one.Ain't that the truth! That's why I refrained from the correction, plus he had a bunch in another post. But I couldn't resist yours!:D


09-27-2008, 08:43 AM
Thanks for the spell check, you would make a great secretary, are you looking for a job, Ill hire you to replace mine If you pass the drug test and interview of course. Wear a suit, if you have one, to the interview.

and BTW I MUST read them, every time I click "New Posts" , ever think about that.

09-27-2008, 08:55 AM
Why don't we ban LVMarauder? He is causing more here problems lately than anyone here. I thought this would go away, but like a low self esteem person an in agruement they always bring up the past. I'm all for banning/vacation LV until he calms down. Anyone in favor?

09-27-2008, 08:57 AM
Can we get a spell-checker added to these forums. Please?:D

09-27-2008, 09:02 AM
Why don't we ban LVMarauder? He is causing more here problems lately than anyone here. I thought this would go away, but like a low self esteem person an in agruement they always bring up the past. I'm all for banning/vacation LV until he calms down. Anyone in favor?Dom, did you get a PM from LVMarauder similar to this too?

Hey Ken,
You are obviously a moron. This isnt "I just took a ****.net" This is mercurymarauder.net. You probably went to public school, dominated by liberal minded, underpaid teachers that taught you to be the above said MORON. Go **** yourself KEN. When people ask for prayers for their sick family, or we talk about the economy thats one thing, but that mother****er is SO OFF TOPIC that it PISSES ME OFF. And hey ken , thats my right. So again GO **** YOURSELF. And when you get a brain you might be able to put the square peg in the square hole.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

09-27-2008, 09:03 AM
Nope no PM for me!

09-27-2008, 09:04 AM
LOL @ the offtopic tangents.

The energy it takes to produce, maintain and dispose of 1 Prius battery, could produce, maintain, FUEL, and dispose of THREE Hummer H2s.

Want to be "green" buy a V8 without batteries.

Joe Walsh
09-27-2008, 09:23 AM
and BTW I MUST read them, every time I click "New Posts" , ever think about that.

That is my complaint too...I just get tired of going to "Today's Posts" and seeing over half the new threads are Dom using the site as a personal daily diary.

Why don't we ban LVMarauder? He is causing more here problems lately than anyone here. I thought this would go away, but like a low self esteem person an in agruement they always bring up the past. I'm all for banning/vacation LV until he calms down. Anyone in favor?


(Those who throw stones...)

Flame suit on!...Fire away everybody!

09-27-2008, 09:30 AM
That is my complaint too...I just get tired of going to "Today's Posts" and seeing over half the new threads are Dom using the site as a personal daily diary.


(Those who throw stones...)

Flame suit on!...Fire away everybody!I wish that I had enough free time to read every post. As others have stated: The ignore button is your friend. Put us on it.


Joe Walsh
09-27-2008, 09:38 AM
I wish that I had enough free time to read every post. As others have stated: The ignore button is your friend. Put us on it.



I just go over to MCM.com when I get tired of seeing Dom's threads.
I find myself spending more and more time over there.
I find SERENITY on MCM.com because Dom stays away from that site.

BTW: I do enjoy some of Dom's threads...It is always interesting to read about his latest cluster *****!

09-27-2008, 09:48 AM
lvmarauder just like to open his cockholster (mouth) in every OFF-TOPIC thread.

He's not the first to complain about dom. There's an ignore button. use it.

09-27-2008, 09:54 AM

I just go over to MCM.com when I get tired of seeing Dom's threads.
I find myself spending more and more time over there.
I find SERENITY on MCM.com because Dom stays away from that site.

BTW: I do enjoy some of Dom's threads...It is always interesting to read about his latest cluster *****!So there ya' go!! Pick and choose as I do which posts you want to read.

Don't tell me the ***** doesn't hit the fan over there, cause I've read the closed posts.

On MCM, you have dwasson and Don Carlson to name a few, that find some offbeat stuff to post. (Not a knock, because I do read them about half the time.) Over there, most everyone just doesn't bother commenting and complaining.

And some days I can almost hear the crickets chirping over there. If it weren't for the off topic threads, there would be almost no posts.


Joe Walsh
09-27-2008, 10:07 AM
So there ya' go!! Pick and choose as I do which posts you want to read.

Don't tell me the ***** doesn't hit the fan over there, cause I've read the closed posts.

On MCM, you have dwasson and Don Carlson to name a few, that find some offbeat stuff to post. (Not a knock, because I do read them about half the time.) Over there, most everyone just doesn't bother commenting and complaining.

And some days I can almost hear the crickets chirping over there. If it weren't for the off topic threads, there would be almost no posts.

Maybe that's because almost ALL the members of MCM are 'Old Guard' original Marauder owners who have already fully modified their Marauders.
They have seen and done everything that you can do to a Marauder.
You don't see posts about mods that were discussed and done years ago.

09-27-2008, 10:18 AM
What is going on here?!?! Why doesn't EVERYONE just calm the **** DOWN!

Joe Walsh
09-27-2008, 10:24 AM
What is going on here?!?! Why doesn't EVERYONE just calm the **** DOWN!

You are right...I am going to shut up and log off.
No sense in fighting over something that can be 'ignored'.

09-27-2008, 10:28 AM
:popcorn: :popcorn:


09-27-2008, 12:16 PM
i love my car

Ms. Denmark
09-27-2008, 01:29 PM
So do I.;)

09-27-2008, 01:36 PM
my eyes, my eyes... Oh the humanity! Ps, you can tell its a rainy crappy day everywhere.

09-27-2008, 03:17 PM
Sunny here:D

09-27-2008, 05:57 PM
I find some of Dom's post like watching a train wreck I try to overt my eyes but when I see the page count go up to 3 or more I can't help but look then I'm hooked.

09-27-2008, 06:29 PM
I don't see where the problem lies, seeing as this forum has a section for ALL OFF TOPIC non-marauder related posts.

And if you don't like what he is posting then do not even reply just hit back and move on, no need to be a douche bag to Dominick and make yourself look bad. We should feel lucky we have members here that share stories like these.

Dom, it would be boring and bland without you bud, **** the haters.

09-27-2008, 06:49 PM
This has absolutely ****ing nothing to do with marauders. I.e. RAMBALING. This is my right to post according to most marauder memebers.

Here we go again... You know this guy is only 23 years old?!? WOW, SO SERIOUS!!! Life is serious enough, so go out there and have fun, but not too much fun where you don't take life serious.

You're gonna have an ulcer by the age of 25!

Iowa Rick
09-27-2008, 08:10 PM
Maybe since we are discussing the ignore function someone can help me or clear up how that function works. There is one poster here (not Dom) who posts incessantly about things I have no interest in. I have set him up to ignore however it just blocks the body of his posts, not his messages or threads. Plus it tells me over and over again I have blocked this user. Is it possible with this software to just eliminate those posts and threads from showing up?? Thanks, Rick

09-27-2008, 08:28 PM
In regards to Dom's original post... You go girl! hehe That had me laughing. I mena I all for protecting/saving the environment, but some of these special interest groups need to get a life. Too bad you didn't get the chance to smoke them out.

09-28-2008, 04:32 PM
I have set him up to ignore however it just blocks the body of his posts, not his messages or threads. Plus it tells me over and over again I have blocked this user. Is it possible with this software to just eliminate those posts and threads from showing up?? Thanks, RickSorry.....that's the way "Ignore" works.

09-28-2008, 07:14 PM
Maybe since we are discussing the ignore function someone can help me or clear up how that function works. There is one poster here (not Dom) who posts incessantly about things I have no interest in. I have set him up to ignore however it just blocks the body of his posts, not his messages or threads. Plus it tells me over and over again I have blocked this user. Is it possible with this software to just eliminate those posts and threads from showing up?? Thanks, Rick

sorry rick for irritating you... hehe he wont get this:P


09-29-2008, 01:45 AM
Cockholster, thats so mature. I maybe heard that in Middle school. Since I am so young I can rememeber that far back. And Yes, MCM is full of owners that actually KEPT their cars since 02-03. Not sloppy seconds. Just a reminder for those that failed "reading comp" , MM.net is not equal to DominicksFreeRange.net. Off topic is off topic. THIS is someones personal BLOG.

09-29-2008, 01:54 AM
Cockholster, thats so mature. I maybe heard that in Middle school. Since I am so young I can rememeber that far back. And Yes, MCM is full of owners that actually KEPT their cars since 02-03. Not sloppy seconds. Just a reminder for those that failed "reading comp" , MM.net is not equal to DominicksFreeRange.net. Off topic is off topic. THIS is someones personal BLOG.Why are you still here, if MCM is so great? You're here for the reading!!! Quit your b*tchin and just enjoy!

This isn't LVMarauderb*tchfest.net either!


09-29-2008, 03:30 AM
Ken, If you had par ONE , you would know this is the owners website, in fact way more than yours. I've been here since October 2003 and hopefully that means something here. When did you show your slightly retarded dome? If you had any ,IQ , in that square cube of yours your call gray matter, you would know I ALREADY MADE THAT ARGUMENT. This site belongs to marauders, not anyone person you absolute fool. Please Keep proving you lack of IQ to the board. O and I am all over MCM.net. Its called an "internet search."

09-29-2008, 04:08 AM
Please Keep proving you lack of IQ to the board.

You are quite "thick". Nothing seems to sink in. Most of the membership on your recent threads disagrees with your rationale and your basic premise. Let it go already. :rolleyes: Disparaging respected members here does absolutely nothing for your reputation here. Wise up. If a topic does not interest you ... don't read it. It is that simple.

09-29-2008, 06:48 AM
MCM is full of owners that actually KEPT their cars since 02-03. Not sloppy seconds.

Only one owner does not have a marauder all the others are long time owners of the cars! You need to go to reading camp!

09-29-2008, 07:10 AM
Only one owner does not have a marauder all the others are long time owners of the cars! You need to go to reading camp!

And spelling camp along with "How to play well with others" camp!!

Dennis Reinhart
09-29-2008, 07:22 AM
Ken, If you had par ONE , you would know this is the owners website, in fact way more than yours. I've been here since October 2003 and hopefully that means something here. When did you show your slightly retarded dome? If you had any ,IQ , in that square cube of yours your call gray matter, you would know I ALREADY MADE THAT ARGUMENT. This site belongs to marauders, not anyone person you absolute fool. Please Keep proving you lack of IQ to the board. O and I am all over MCM.net. Its called an "internet search."

Personal attacks will not be, nor ever have been condoned here. That is why this is one of the best and most informative sites on the INTERNET for our cars. I suggest every one read, what one some members have apeared to have forgotten, about this sites TOS.
I do not care if you paint your car yellow, its your car and your choice. And no one on this site should post inflammatory responses to any one 's personal modifications, and this is not singling any individual out, all I am saying is there to seems to be more of this happening and, a lot of members are complaining and we do not want to run new members off, or have them feel reluctant to post.


09-29-2008, 08:38 AM
Ken has been around a lot longer than you Dave, he's smart and also a nice person. I have met Ken many times, can you say the same? Who are you to judge? I thought your problem was me.

09-29-2008, 09:48 AM
Back when I joined this board around four and a half years ago, this was one of the things I liked about this board - there was none of this kind of crap on it at all. Seems to be a WHOLE lot more common now.

09-29-2008, 09:49 AM
Back when I joined this board around four and a half years ago, this was one of the things I liked about this board - there was none of this kind of crap on it at all. Seems to be a WHOLE lot more common now.

Well in the past few days at least.

Dennis Reinhart
09-29-2008, 10:19 AM
Back when I joined this board around four and a half years ago, this was one of the things I liked about this board - there was none of this kind of crap on it at all. Seems to be a WHOLE lot more common now.

It still is the best site, we continue to grow please, just give the moderators a chance to do there job, remember they all have full time jobs, they cannot monitor every post, and a lot have been on the road from the past events I assure you they are aware of what is taking place.

09-29-2008, 10:40 AM
Dominick, there is nothing wrong with any of your posts.
In any and all other posts you contribute to, your responses are related to the topic at hand. I have yet to see you knock someone elses thread off topic.

If there was a rule you can only create so many posts per day/week, etc then you may be in violation.
However, there is no rule stating how much you can post or what topic.
It is the other members who choose to publicly pick on you that are the true root of this ongoing debate.

Dennis Reinhart
09-29-2008, 11:00 AM
I failed to see where he was the focus of this topic other than the fact you mentioned his name, again, its all been addressed, are we so bored this is the focal point of this board. I will post some shots of the gear vendor in about a hour.

09-29-2008, 11:06 AM
I failed to see where he was the focus of this topic other than the fact you mentioned his name, again, its all been addressed, are we so bored this is the focal point of this board. I will post some shots of the gear vendor in about a hour.Is she cute?

09-29-2008, 11:10 AM
Dominick, there is nothing wrong with any of your posts.
In any and all other posts you contribute to, your responses are related to the topic at hand. I have yet to see you knock someone elses thread off topic.

If there was a rule you can only create so many posts per day/week, etc then you may be in violation.
However, there is no rule stating how much you can post or what topic.
It is the other members who choose to publicly pick on you that are the true root of this ongoing debate.+1

Dennis, you've been on vacation, when you get some time review the last weeks posts.

BTW, how was the cruise?
