View Full Version : Bad accident today - My first

09-25-2008, 12:17 PM
Not in the Marauder thank goodness.

My 2006 Focus is slightly 'out of focus' at this point.
Paid in full last winter. Figures.:(

The following pictures were taken within moments of the accident on a small stretch of two lane in Austintown, Ohio a few hundred feet before crossing the resevoir. It is a very narrow stretch of highway with only 2' of berm on either side of walls. The speed limit is 55, and most vehicles roll 60-65 through this dangerous area.

It all happened so fast, the actual impact is kinda fuzzy.

The way I now understand it is that a highway patrol officer flashed his high beams at a black caddy with NJ plates to get his attention (to) turn off his right turn signal. The caddy driver apparently made the dumb decision to pull over. Not neccesarily over, since there is no berm, but just abruptly stop in the slow lane. An older man on a Harley that was behind the police car had to quickly swerve into the fast lane to avoid the now stopped police car and caddy. In doing so, the bike was clipped from behind by a red pickup truck, and subsequently went down and slid down the roadway.
A white camry behind the pickup had no where to go and hit the back of the pickup and the left retaining wall. I in turn 'creamed' the camry with little warning nor attempt to slow down. I had to have hit him at 55 or better. The impact pushed me right of center, coming to a stop in the middle. I could see the motorcycle, but not the driver. It turns out he was under the front of my car. HAD I made any attempt to avoid the camry, I would have killed that guy.

My first first instinct was to run back to the police car and ask why the hell he made a stop on a busy highway blocking a lane in rush hour traffic.
I totally blame the officer for lighting up that car where he did for merely having an errant turn signal flasshing. All he had to do was wait until we cleared the two lane construction on the bridge. The officer claimed that all he did was "flash" the driver, and the DRIVER decided to stop in the roadway.

Whatever...I am out of a new car, all bruised and sore from the seat belt(the air bags did NOT deploy), nearly killed a motorcycle driver, and get this...got a frigin TICKET for failure to control. ARE THEY FREEKIN SERIOUS!!!? We ALL got tickets. Even the bike rider that was removed from the scene in an ambulance. The damn newbie patrolman deserved a ticket as well.

Here's the pics. All I had with me was my point and shoot. Quality is poor.

See how narrow the road is?
The skid marks are from the bike laying down.

Surprising little damage to the camry with my speed of impact.
Motorcycle in from of me.

The driver on the ground in front of my car. I had no idea I had come to stop inches from his body. I remember nothing after the impact.


09-25-2008, 12:19 PM
Well...the estimater hasn't called yet.

Think she's totaled?




09-25-2008, 12:21 PM

I am glad you are ok!

Is the guy on the bike ok?


09-25-2008, 12:21 PM
I'm glad everyone is OK.


Don't let those SOB's protect their own!

09-25-2008, 12:24 PM
Its totaled!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2008, 12:27 PM

I'm really shocked at how little damage it looks like the Toyota took.

I could see your car going either way on being totalled or not. Is it repairable, yes. If the estimator "forgets" a couple things and writes for some aftermarket/used parts, then the bodyshop supplements the "forgotten" parts, i could see it being fixed.

09-25-2008, 12:28 PM
Gald you are alright. I would get a new car. if nothing other than the fact it came so close to hitting the guy.

09-25-2008, 12:29 PM
The guy on the bike doesn't look very ok.

Glad you are alright Cruz. I carry a point and shoot around just for stuff like this too. The pics are fine. I think that is the least of your worries right now.

I also agree, that it didn't look like a good spot for the cop to hit his lights.

09-25-2008, 12:34 PM
Dayum Barry .... glad that you are OK. Recommend that you get checked out by a doc just in case. Sounds like you temporarily blacked out upon impact. Sorry to hear about your Focus. :( Very surprised that the airbags didn't deploy 'cause that looked like a very hard hit. Hope the motorcycle guy is OK too.

The Caddy driver is at fault. Clear rule is to "pull over to the side WHEN SAFE TO DO SO". You're right that the police probably should have waited until clear of the restricted zone for a blinker warning. 20/20 hindsight there. Flashing headlights does not normally mean "pull over". That's what the Blues and Reds are for.

Caddy driver should lose his license for 12 months, have his car impounded, then crushed. Far too many fricken idiots on the highway. One less would be better.

09-25-2008, 12:39 PM

I'm really shocked at how little damage it looks like the Toyota took.

I could see your car going either way on being totalled or not. Is it repairable, yes. If the estimator "forgets" a couple things and writes for some aftermarket/used parts, then the bodyshop supplements the "forgotten" parts, i could see it being fixed.

Did you see the front of the toyota?

Glad everyone involved is well Cruz.

09-25-2008, 12:39 PM
What an idiot cop and how dare they give you a ticket! This is all a result of the police officers mistake, but they find a way to take your money anyway. Failure to control my butt! If you didn't hit the car you would have run over the biker. With your luck you would be in jail for "control." What a load of BS and I'm so sorry everyone has to deal with this.

Berry you've had it tough lately. First that crash in front of your house and now this. Good luck with everything and if you need anything call me. I better see you at Zacks in a few weeks. ;)

09-25-2008, 12:56 PM
Well...the estimater hasn't called yet.

Think she's totaled?It'll buff out!

Seriously, Glad that you're alright. Hope that the biker makes it.

My guess: They'll repair it, cut off the front structure, weld on a new one, A good body shop should have it back to brand new in about six weeks.


09-25-2008, 01:02 PM
Six weeks??? :eek:

Where do you go to?

My truck will be done in about a week and the damage was pretty much just as bad as far as having to cut out bent parts and putting in "doner" parts.

09-25-2008, 01:03 PM
Wow I hope the biker is okay. As for the tickets, the black Caddy for sure, but not for everyone else, unless you have no DL, failure to produce a DL, or no Ins.

09-25-2008, 01:05 PM
Air bags didnt deploy because the impact didnt hit the sensors is my guess....the bumper (except for the top) looks relatively unscathed...

09-25-2008, 01:10 PM
Did you see the front of the toyota?

Glad everyone involved is well Cruz.

I meant the BACK of the toyota, not the front. My understanding is that Barry rear-ended it?

Six weeks??? :eek:

Where do you go to?

My truck will be done in about a week and the damage was pretty much just as bad as far as having to cut out bent parts and putting in "doner" parts.

Uh...not so much Dom. The focus would need to be cut just ahead of the A pillar/firewall, and then the new clip welded on and EVERYTHING being moved over. This is assuming the secondary damage didn't go too far. Looking at the pics again, the windshield looks intact, which is a good sign, but it also looks like the cowl is possible bent. This could mean that the firewall portion of the A pillar is damaged, and possibly buckled the rocker.

09-25-2008, 01:12 PM
I was just typing about having to cut and weld, not saying that my job would be the same. I think we knew what I meant, but I didn't observe quite what you did. The more you know. ;)

09-25-2008, 01:15 PM
Da*m. After looking at those pics everyone is lucky that thats all that happened. It sucks that you got a ticket. I wouldn't have written it. I would have gotten the caddy for Improper stopping on the roadway or something. The Officer should have used some sense and just stopped the guy after the narrow roadway. Fight the ticket, and thats something I rarely say.

Thats a shame too. I liked that Focus. Made me almost want to buy one as a daily driver just by looking at the pics. I'm glad you are okay, but maybe you should see a doctor just for a check out.


09-25-2008, 01:29 PM
First Barry, glad you are Ok. Cars can be replaced. Contest the ticket. Based on what your saying you will get out of it.

09-25-2008, 02:07 PM
It is good to see noone was severly hurt, with the info provided. But what if YOU had hit the biker while he was already down...who'd fault whould it have been then? You dont have to answer that I'm just wondering...

As for the Foucs...sometimes it depends on the Insurance ppl...

09-25-2008, 02:18 PM
Glad you are ok, that sure is a mess. I can't help but wonder who removed the biker's helmet??? :fire:

09-25-2008, 02:21 PM
Glad your okay man! That was one of the nicest focus' i have seen too :( Sorry about the car

09-25-2008, 02:22 PM
Wow Glad you are OK and FIGHT THE TICKET!!!! Do not pay that ticket, go to court and fight it.

09-25-2008, 02:31 PM
Six weeks??? :eek:

Where do you go to?

My truck will be done in about a week and the damage was pretty much just as bad as far as having to cut out bent parts and putting in "doner" parts.The work may not take that long, but ordering the parts, and then getting it scheduled into the shop to get the work done. My f-150 ($4700/damage) that I wrecked the first night of Barry's gathering was in the shop 5-6 weeks, till i finally got it back. I just dropped it off yesterday to get the last pieces installed and repair a couple other items that I noticed from the accident. Looks like I won't get it back today either.


09-25-2008, 02:42 PM
Then again it did take me a few weeks to track down the parts/doner vehicle for my crash.

09-25-2008, 02:46 PM
Thank god youre ok :sweat:

09-25-2008, 02:53 PM
in ohio if you hit someone from the rear you get a ticket for failure to control. even on a slick road and you slide 2 miles into the car. still ticket. if the car just decides to stop in the middle of the highway. still ticket. i understand it but not sure i agree in every situation as in this one. but they will always say if you where far enough away from the car you could have stopped.

09-25-2008, 03:06 PM
That sucks cruz. I hope everyone is ok. Looks like its time to car shop and i wish you the best with insurance payouts.

Ms. Denmark
09-25-2008, 03:14 PM
Big relief to know you're OK. Such a close call having that biker under your bumper and not knowing it. Hope and pray he'll be alright. Fight the ticket!

09-25-2008, 04:10 PM

Be very carefull driving over the next few weeks.

I had a fender bender back in 2003 and was an exceptionally poor driver for a while afterwards. Honestly, I shouldn't have been driving at all.

Something like this can really play with your head.

09-25-2008, 04:20 PM
Thank you all for the kind words.

I wasn't detailed in regards to the motorcycle driver.
I do not know his current condition. However, at the scene of the crash he was alert and conscience. He was concerned about his bike. As I learned later, he was in his late 50's and had just bought the bike. He was also an inexperienced rider.

Judging from the sheer amount of protective wear, he had little or no road rash. But dropping a bike at 50+ mph at that age likely yielded some broken bones.
I believe the officer removed his helmet.

As far as fighting the ticket, I am not sure it will amount to anything other than my taking a day off work to make a hundred mile round trip and lose.
Ohio is pretty clear in regards to citing drivers that lose control of their vehicle. It does not matter how nor why nor what the circ0mstances.

I would like to fight the points on my license however as I have been ticket free for nearly 10 years, and accident free for nearly 20.

I looked at blue book value of my car. 2006 Focus SES loaded 43k= 12,600 or so. I am now wondering if it behooves me to have the car totaled???

Aren Jay
09-25-2008, 04:41 PM
You could all sue the officer.

09-25-2008, 05:02 PM
Glad to hear your alright. About the ticket, some states do have to issue a ticket for BS stuff like that. One of my friends had the choice of hitting a guy head on since he was half into his lane or take a dive into the ditch and kiss a tree. He took the 2nd options and the state trooper explained to him that it's standard practice for writing something at the scene of the accident. He also told him to go to court, I will explain everything and everything will get dropped.

09-25-2008, 05:05 PM
Can all of you use the same laywer as a class action lawsuit to the city? My coworker here in illinois recieved a ticket for flashing his lights at an oncoming LEO (not noing he was one) because of him having his brights on. The next thing he knows the officer pulls a u-turn and gives him a ticket for flashing his headlights and stated that was illegal. Check your state law on flashing headlights, if it is illegal then he's at fault. The only lights that give him power is the ones that make you crap your pants.

09-25-2008, 05:18 PM
First off--Barry- Glad your ok and sorry for the crap your going thru--you may remember Mine with the MM in the earlier years--anyway--

in ohio if you hit someone from the rear you get a ticket for failure to control. even on a slick road and you slide 2 miles into the car. still ticket. if the car just decides to stop in the middle of the highway. still ticket. i understand it but not sure i agree in every situation as in this one. but they will always say if you where far enough away from the car you could have stopped.

This stuff^^^^^^^^^^^^and crap below---

and the state trooper explained to him that it's standard practice for writing something at the scene of the accident. He also told him to go to court, I will explain everything and everything will get dropped.

really means ---------If your dealing with a State Trooper--YOU or Someone is Definately gonna get a TICKET...........cause....

Tropper are trained (and schooled to this--regardless of your know how) that if there is an accident.....it was not an accident--it was caused by someone--this = a Ticket---otherwise--the accident would not have happened---when that someone is identified by the Trooper who "caused" the accident --that would not have happened if that person did not "do" whatever" he did to "cause " it--See- clear as mud--right--but the TRUTH--CAN YOU HANDLE IT! ..carry on all--just had to tell it like "they " do it--

Yes it read right--just re-read it and slow--it makes sence--

09-25-2008, 05:21 PM
Holy crap man glad you are well just saw this,thats what I thought when I had my incident that fast wow. Your car totaled most likely,toyota done! I got the same crap during mine.But again Glad you OK CLOSE CALL ON THAT RIDER!

09-25-2008, 05:30 PM
Cruz.. glad all is okay with the newbie biker, yourself and the Camry driver... I am not happy that an LEO caused this accident, then played with the bikers life by removing his helmet. This drips of total inexperience and Napleonic complex from an obvious yong officer. As an LEO with youngins on my watch, I hammer into them constantly that we are not God... if this one had been assigned to me on my shift ... well, lets just say it would be a lengthy little chat out behind the woodpile ...


09-25-2008, 06:52 PM
Glad you are not injured. Sorry about the car. You can always replace things. People are another thing.

09-25-2008, 08:00 PM
Barry, glad your okay and everyone on scene survived. Just go home and stay in a padded room with the family. Too many scares in the past year.

09-25-2008, 08:26 PM
Bear, sorry to hear about the accident....glad to hear you're OK. Scary!!

09-26-2008, 01:54 AM
Glad to hear you are ok Barry. Sorry about your Focus, but its replaceable.
Ref the ticket, standard here in NY is if you hit someone from the rear you get a Following Too Closely summons. Of course that is not mandatory, but is common practice for reasons cited above by others. Its up to you, but I personally would never plea guilty to anything.

09-26-2008, 05:32 AM
Barry - glad to hear you weren't seriously injured. Looking at the scene its clear all concerned were lucky. Fight the power baby!! Looks like a total to me.

09-26-2008, 09:03 AM
Wow, you, and the biker are soooooooooooo lucky. Guardian angels working ot!

09-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Glad your ok man. Just curious as to how the Trooper wrote up the crash as to who was at fault? I've worked several accidents in my 12yrs of law enforcement and who ever does the hitting from behind gets the at fault part..your insurance may get stuck with the Camry's bill. Good luck and glad your ok.

09-26-2008, 11:58 AM
The body shop is uploading the repair estimate as we speak.
They found an entire front end.
It is about $6,702.

Blue book is around 12k.

I guess I just wait for the call from Statefarm now.

09-26-2008, 04:02 PM
The body shop is uploading the repair estimate as we speak.
They found an entire front end.
It is about $6,702.

Blue book is around 12k.

I guess I just wait for the call from Statefarm now.The real question is how much is it worth to you? and how much will it be to replace it like it is?


09-26-2008, 05:55 PM
The real question is how much is it worth to you? and how much will it be to replace it like it is?

Yes what he said!

09-26-2008, 07:13 PM
I believe the officer removed his helmet.

WTF? If so, what a stupid thing to do. :eek: I would have let the medical staff remove the helmet.

We had a local cop run over a man in a wheelchair in a crosswalk. The video shows the cop jumping out, physically grabbing the man, and placing the man back in the wheelchair.

Bottom line, genrerally speaking as a rule of thumb, you as a police officer do not touch or move an injured person unless it's absolutely necessary to prevent further injury.

09-26-2008, 07:24 PM
Not in the Marauder thank goodness.

My 2006 Focus is slightly 'out of focus' at this point.
Paid in full last winter. Figures.:(

The following pictures were taken within moments of the accident on a small stretch of two lane in Austintown, Ohio a few hundred feet before crossing the resevoir. It is a very narrow stretch of highway with only 2' of berm on either side of walls. The speed limit is 55, and most vehicles roll 60-65 through this dangerous area.

It all happened so fast, the actual impact is kinda fuzzy.

The way I now understand it is that a highway patrol officer flashed his high beams at a black caddy with NJ plates to get his attention (to) turn off his right turn signal. The caddy driver apparently made the dumb decision to pull over. Not neccesarily over, since there is no berm, but just abruptly stop in the slow lane. An older man on a Harley that was behind the police car had to quickly swerve into the fast lane to avoid the now stopped police car and caddy. In doing so, the bike was clipped from behind by a red pickup truck, and subsequently went down and slid down the roadway.
A white camry behind the pickup had no where to go and hit the back of the pickup and the left retaining wall. I in turn 'creamed' the camry with little warning nor attempt to slow down. I had to have hit him at 55 or better. The impact pushed me right of center, coming to a stop in the middle. I could see the motorcycle, but not the driver. It turns out he was under the front of my car. HAD I made any attempt to avoid the camry, I would have killed that guy.

My first first instinct was to run back to the police car and ask why the hell he made a stop on a busy highway blocking a lane in rush hour traffic.
I totally blame the officer for lighting up that car where he did for merely having an errant turn signal flasshing. All he had to do was wait until we cleared the two lane construction on the bridge. The officer claimed that all he did was "flash" the driver, and the DRIVER decided to stop in the roadway.

Whatever...I am out of a new car, all bruised and sore from the seat belt(the air bags did NOT deploy), nearly killed a motorcycle driver, and get this...got a frigin TICKET for failure to control. ARE THEY FREEKIN SERIOUS!!!? We ALL got tickets. Even the bike rider that was removed from the scene in an ambulance. The damn newbie patrolman deserved a ticket as well.

Here's the pics. All I had with me was my point and shoot. Quality is poor.

See how narrow the road is?
The skid marks are from the bike laying down.

Surprising little damage to the camry with my speed of impact.
Motorcycle in from of me.

The driver on the ground in front of my car. I had no idea I had come to stop inches from his body. I remember nothing after the impact.


:eek: Glag to hear that you're OK Barry as well as all involved :eek:

09-26-2008, 07:38 PM
Damn, its amazing how fast things can go from normal to chaos in seconds. Glad your still kicking. I'm surprised the airbags didn't come out!!

You should just let the car get totalled out. Because then you'll have that accident hanging over the car and its value over the next few years. Also I can vouch for a few people with big damage. They always say the car NEVER drives the same. Since your a car guy you'll notice this for sure.

09-26-2008, 09:29 PM
my son's 07 focus had that much damage and they totaled it....

09-27-2008, 06:05 AM
Damn, its amazing how fast things can go from normal to chaos in seconds. Glad your still kicking. I'm surprised the airbags didn't come out!!
I commented on this too. However, in some of the pics, it looks like the front bumper on the Focus didn't take too much direct impact damage .... probably not enough for the sensors. :dunno: Looks like Barry's car nosedived under the Camry with his driver's corner and lifted the rear end 'cause a significant part of the damage is at the driver's headlight or above extending back through the fender and hood.

09-27-2008, 06:19 AM
I smell high mile MM daily driver in your future :up:

Glad you are ok Barry.

09-27-2008, 09:17 AM
I smell high mile MM daily driver in your future :up:

Glad you are ok Barry.


I drive for a living averaging 16k or more a year.
The Focus got 30 mpg.

I regret not getting the 5-spd as my knees aren't what they used to be.
But with the new '08 Focus manual getting nearly 38mpg...I am actually hoping they total it so that I can upgrade.

09-27-2008, 09:37 AM
Will you be able to get your goodies off of the car and sell them if you can't reuse them?

If you need an X-plan PIN, let me know!


09-27-2008, 04:19 PM
Hey Barry, really sorry to hear about your Focus. Seems like Focus owners aren't having much luck.... I totaled my Foci about a month and a half ago...bad experience altogether. I got a ticket too, even though that probably doesn't make you feel better...and I'm going to court too. blahh Anywho, I hope everything turns out ok. It sucks being out of a car though... I'll be praying for the best outcome. Drive safely lol. ~Rachel <3

09-27-2008, 04:54 PM
Will you be able to get your goodies off of the car and sell them if you can't reuse them?

If you need an X-plan PIN, let me know!


Why thank you Ken!
But Jessy's brother is a big wig at Marshal Ford and is ready for the hookup if needed.

As far as goodies....State Farm is pretty cool. The wheels should be an easy exchange. The Magnaflow full exhaust may get tricky as the day it was replaced I was in a wierd mood. The old exhaust wouldn't easily come off the car in one piece and I delagated to have it diced up. Inevitably I got lazy and pitched most of it. :stupid:

I totaled my Foci about a month and a half ago...bad experience altogether.

Wow...Jessy and Chris talk and she never mentioned it.
Sorry to hear of this. Was the payout not in your favor?

09-28-2008, 08:45 AM
Glad you are okay Barry!! Hope everything works out ok.
I'll send you a PM.

10-01-2008, 03:07 PM
Glad you are OK. Chit happens in a fraction of a second.

10-02-2008, 07:43 AM
The car is being repaired after all.

It came in at 65% repair value versus book value.

A new front clip will be chopped in apparently.

Pics to follow.

10-02-2008, 09:20 AM
why did the copper take the guy's helmet off??? what a crappy situation. i hope it works out for you man. thats enraging considering whos fault it was >= |

10-02-2008, 01:20 PM
The car is being repaired after all.

It came in at 65% repair value versus book value.

A new front clip will be chopped in apparently.

Pics to follow.I had a new clip welded on my brand new 90 Probe GT, Mullinax Ford did an excellent job. (back in Fall 1990) The only thing that I could find wrong was gap between drivers door and fender was about 1/16" wider than pass. side. Originally, figured to trade it in immediatelly after repair. Ended up keeping for another 7.5 years with no problems. Hope you get as lucky. :up:


10-21-2008, 03:57 PM
I learned a bit in regards to the motor cycle driver today. His insurance company called me and needed a recorded statement.

He was in intensive care with a broken neck, spine, and internal injuries for quite some time.
He is now in rehabilitation to get him walking again.

The NJ driver that stopped in the slow lane was indeed cited...for something...and the officer falsified his report and claimed he had no idea why the car stopped in the slow lane.

I ended up paying my ticket, but refused to sign it. They cashed it anyway, and I have not heard back from them.

My Focus was released, repaired, to me today. Overall it looks great.
However I declined to accept it as the new hood was not flush with the new left quarter panel. The drivers door was not flush with the rear right door, and the right side undamaged front left quarter was never looked at and now sits nearly one inch out from the body at the pillar.

It is still at the shop for corrections.

10-21-2008, 04:10 PM
...and the officer falsified his report and claimed he had no idea why the car stopped in the slow lane.
:shake: ^^^ Absolutely no character whatsoever.

Glad that the motorcycle guy is doing better. He's lucky; but still has a long road of recovery ahead. I suspect his riding days are done.

Hope you get the Focus fixed to your satisfication.

10-21-2008, 06:25 PM
Did you get it fixed nearby or in Southern Ohio?


10-22-2008, 12:28 PM
Andy's autobody here in Broadview Hts.

They are an authorized Statefarm repair facility.

10-22-2008, 02:13 PM
You make sure that car is done right,you want no problems later.THE CYCLEST GOT BANGED PRETTY GOOD WOW GLAD TO HEAR THAT HE IS DOING WELL.Typical that the cop denied involvement...

10-22-2008, 09:02 PM
You make sure that car is done right,you want no problems later.THE CYCLEST GOT BANGED PRETTY GOOD WOW GLAD TO HEAR THAT HE IS DOING WELL.Typical that the cop denied involvement...

Who is going to take the hit for the motorcyclist? In NY they are NOT covered by no fault.

10-23-2008, 09:42 AM
Who is going to take the hit for the motorcyclist? In NY they are NOT covered by no fault.

Not me that's for sure. :o

Here is a pic of the dismantle job a few weeks back.


10-23-2008, 01:25 PM
I see a turbo coupe Tbird in that pic wonder if they would like a Ford decklid spoiler for it? I have one that will bolt right on to it.

10-23-2008, 03:44 PM
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/6/2/6/FOCUSWRECK.jpgNekkid! :D


10-24-2008, 11:20 AM
Waiting for a cab.
Going to pick it up here shortly and give it a run on the highway.

It looks like new. We'll see if handles like new.

10-24-2008, 12:35 PM
I see a turbo coupe Tbird in that pic wonder if they would like a Ford decklid spoiler for it? I have one that will bolt right on to it.
Will it look good on mine!!!!!

10-24-2008, 01:12 PM
WOW berry glad your all good ....... sorry to hear about your now repaired focus. and i myself have recived FAILURE TO CONTROL VEH.SPEED TO AVOID A COLLISON TICKET once for hitting a honda what a day that was so i feel for you ... hope the biker fully recovers. be carfull out there

10-24-2008, 01:49 PM
Waiting for a cab.
Going to pick it up here shortly and give it a run on the highway.

It looks like new. We'll see if handles like new.
Well? :dunno:

10-24-2008, 02:33 PM
It seems ok overall. Everything works as well.

The only issue to be resolved is a slight pull to the right at highway speeds. There wasn't much steering / suspension damage. But I did notice the steering wheel out of align immediately after the accident.

I assume it needs a front end alignment.

Looks good though >>>>


10-24-2008, 02:54 PM
Woulda never known !

10-24-2008, 03:33 PM
Looks like they did a great job and the car looks great!!!!

10-24-2008, 03:46 PM
Wow the little hotrod is whole again :D Looks good just needs an alighnment from the sounds of it.

10-24-2008, 07:31 PM
Awesome car man! Wouldn't know the accident happened if i wasn't told.

10-25-2008, 11:06 AM
Wow it looks good man. They did a nice job.

10-25-2008, 01:10 PM
i love the mini marauder look you got out of it lol