View Full Version : I thought it was pretty funny :)

09-26-2008, 08:39 PM
<title>Message</title><style></style> http://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/video.html

Go to the "Cold Opening" video.

de minimus
09-26-2008, 09:06 PM
Good clip - the only show on CBC worth watching IMHO.

09-27-2008, 03:48 AM
If you've got kids, or even if you like a pleasant drama, try Heartland. Very well done with all the elements of a good show - good stories, good actors (maybe the farm-hand excepted) and excellent production value.
I also used to love DaVInci's Inquest and was very depressed when it got canceled. Don't discount 22 minutes - its the best its been in years. The new cast has some of the best comedians in Canada (which means, anywhere).
Some of the new "Shot In Canada" shows are pretty good, too. Flashpoint comes to mind with its 80% Canadian cast.
I've always been a pretty big fan of Canadian TV. I find the actors are more genuine because we've sent all of the overactors to the US where that sort of thing is the norm (think William Shatner, Jim Carey) and we get the really good ones like Nicholas Campbell, Paul Gross and myriad others who wouldn't be caught dead working in the US.
Sorry. I'm not overly patriotic or anything, but I really like a lot of what we make here at home.