View Full Version : What's Your Ed-umacation level.

09-27-2008, 08:38 AM
I've been fighting an uphill battle for sanity around here and I now wonder what the Demographics of MM.net are. How many people have A) Graduated High School B) Gone to a private HS instituation, and B) Gone to a 4 year University and C) Hold basic degrees ( B.A. B.S. ) and finally D) Hold Advanced degrees. Please, post what you want. If its biased against me becuase of the current ongoing threads, please, DONT BOTHER.

09-27-2008, 08:40 AM
Looks like you need a poll to me. High school for me and lots of hard knocks!

09-27-2008, 09:15 AM
In my short lived life...I always thought that college kids were dumb...thats why they try to futhermore their edumacation...:lol:

But seriously...you 23...why you so bitter?

09-27-2008, 09:15 AM
High School drop out
15 years of serious hard knocks
Sobered up and then in rapid succession...

Bachelors (BASW)
Masters (MSW)

Back to the work force
Started my own business

In my opinion, higher education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When I went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), I was focused like a laser because I knew what I wanted.

09-27-2008, 09:18 AM
High School drop out
15 years of serious hard knocks
Sobered up and then in rapid succession...

Bachelors (BASW)
Masters (MSW)

That's impressive. Good for you!

09-27-2008, 09:20 AM
This is an example of OFF TOPIC, marauder unrelated threads that he complains about!!! :rofl:


09-27-2008, 09:32 AM
This is an example of OFF TOPIC, marauder unrelated threads that he complains about!!! :rofl:


You are right Ken! :D I do not know what he is trying to prove here. I know we have from very little Ed. here to people who have a PHD. Not sure that it matters other than we all need to get along. If you do not like it here you need to go elsewhere! Cant please them all:puke:! Doms posts can go over board but so what! Ignore them when they do not affect you.

09-27-2008, 09:49 AM
This is an example of OFF TOPIC, marauder unrelated threads that he complains about!!! :rofl:


And while he is trying to prove some type of point...he couldn't figure out how to make a poll.... :lol:

09-27-2008, 09:54 AM
LVMarauder seems to need some reassurance from this community.

My education level was High school, AF Tech schools, strong desire to achieve and adept at storing experience. Tried college but couldn't hold it together.

Made good choice's in career moves, achieved self-actualization in the eighties and nighties. Retired and applying much of my time in volunteer work.

It's a lifelong process so don't feel your locked in to any one path. Don 't be afraid to change course as necessary.

I also learned that a good woman can really be a positive motivator.


09-27-2008, 09:58 AM
LVMarauder seems to need some reassurance from this community.

My education level was High school, AF Tech schools, strong desire to achieve and adept at storing experience. Tried college but couldn't hold it together.

Made good choice's in career moves, achieved self-actualization in the eighties and nighties. Retired and applying much of my time in volunteer work.

It's a lifelong process so don't feel your locked in to any one path. Don 't be afraid to change course as necessary.

I also learned that a good woman can really be a positive motivator.

Regards,Well said! :up:


09-27-2008, 10:23 AM
i received my B.A. in communications from john carroll university in 2003.

Blk Mamba
09-27-2008, 10:38 AM
I don't see that education has anything to do with the point he is trying to make, (whatever that is), myself, I have received diplomas, certifications, and degrees, went to more schools and graduated, than I wish to list, from high school, tech school, MCI, flight school, electronics, (aircraft), & culinary, (a friend once told me that all those awards are dubious). What the hell is the point, we aren't as intelligent as he because we read, or don't read posts by another member. Someone needs to go wax their car.

09-27-2008, 10:38 AM
[originally posted by BruteForce] In my opinion, higher education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When I went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), I was focused like a laser because I knew what I wanted.

I agree. I've known alot of college educated dumb A$$es. A friend of mines girlfriend had her masters in something or other and one day he gets a call because she is stranded. She let her car run out of gas becuase she did not know what octane to put into it. Too many choices.

I graduated highschool, went to college but did not take it seriously, came close to getting my associates in Commercial Art, then joined the Army. When I left the Army I had made up my mind as to what I wanted to do. I got out went to school got my degree in Criminal Justice and am now a Police Officer.

I put my education on hold while my wife finishes her Masters in Counselling. When she gets done next summer, I'll start back up.

In my humble opinion real life is the best education of them all. Just my two cents.

09-27-2008, 10:46 AM
[originally posted by BruteForce] In my opinion, higher education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When I went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), I was focused like a laser because I knew what I wanted.

I agree. I've known alot of college educated dumb A$$es. A friend of mines girlfriend had her masters in something or other and one day he gets a call because she is stranded. She let her car run out of gas becuase she did not know what octane to put into it. Too many choices.

I graduated highschool, went to college but did not take it seriously, came close to getting my associates in Commercial Art, then joined the Army. When I left the Army I had made up my mind as to what I wanted to do. I got out went to school got my degree in Criminal Justice and am now a Police Officer.

I put my education on hold while my wife finishes her Masters in Counselling. When she gets done next summer, I'll start back up.

In my humble opinion real life is the best education of them all. Just my two cents.

The last statement is the best one of all. Nothing like the school of hard knocks to to teach us the true meaning of life. :)

09-27-2008, 11:07 AM
I'd like to refine the poll to what education level were you at when you were 23. for me it was HS diploma, Automotive Tech, Associates in electronics, and I knew NOTHING about women (other than they looked great in Bikini's), or rather they knew a heck of a lot more than me. That's why I reside in Fort Lauderdale.

That is my ED ucation level. Cheers :beer:

09-27-2008, 11:10 AM
I'd like to refine the poll to what education level were you at when you were 23.Can't remember that far back.

09-27-2008, 11:10 AM
The last statement is the best one of all. Nothing like the school of hard knocks to to teach us the true meaning of life. :)


i went to a trade school in hopes of preparing myself better for the working world and then starting off witha good paying joba and not having to start as a bottom feeder in an industry....

i helps, but does not prepare you for anything. after i saw the trade for what it really was i opted out and now have gone to be a pressman at a printing shop, a job i really enjoy.

problem with highschool is that the ciriculum needs to change. plain and simple. when a teacher can tell you exactly what they have done and will be teaching for then next 5 years, its a problem. they are not teaching, but rather reviewing, and moving on with or without every student. i just graduated highschool in 2007 and have more than one complaint about the way it is currently run.

Ms. Denmark
09-27-2008, 11:27 AM
I've been fighting an uphill battle for sanity around here and I now wonder what the Demographics of MM.net are. How many people have A) Graduated High School B) Gone to a private HS institution, and B) Gone to a 4 year University and C) Hold basic degrees ( B.A. B.S. ) and finally D) Hold Advanced degrees. Please, post what you want. If its biased against me because of the current ongoing threads, please, DONT BOTHER. If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be a member of an online car club and I would enjoy it, I would have called them crazy. First of all, I don't love computers and second, I'm not a gear-head. To my complete amazement I have found a community of people who are crazy about Marauders, who are so knowledgeable about anything/everything to do with Marauders and wonder of wonders are willing to share that with someone like me. Trust me, in general this is a very smart group, no matter the formal education. And beyond that, this is a very nice group. Most have a well developed sense of humor which I think speaks volumes more than someones degree. Having met many members at various events, my suspicions were confirmed........it's a group I'm proud to be associated with. Don't let ONE MEMBER bother you. Don't take ONE MEMBER so seriously. And let other members do as they see fit. I wouldn't waste my time on a forum full of people I had no interest in even if they loved Marauders. The fact that I'm still here coming up on my one year anniversary ( of joining this forum) and looking forward to getting together with the CAM crowd in Gettysburg says it all. And I do have a degree! Wow! I didn't know I felt so passionately about you guys. BTW I corrected your spelling.;)

09-27-2008, 11:30 AM
The last statement is the best one of all. Nothing like the school of hard knocks to to teach us the true meaning of life. :)

I agree 200%. I quit initially school because I thought I already knew it all. It was the hard knocks that convinced me that maybe school had something to offer (if I made my best effort). School helped me to pull it all together (the hard knocks lessons) and move on to a new level. In my case I needed some of both to achieve the "American Dream".

09-27-2008, 12:02 PM
If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be a member of an online car club and I would enjoy it, I would have called them crazy. First of all, I don't love computers and second, I'm not a gear-head. To my complete amazement I have found a community of people who are crazy about Marauders, who are so knowledgeable about anything/everything to do with Marauders and wonder of wonders are willing to share that with someone like me. Trust me, in general this is a very smart group, no matter the formal education. And beyond that, this is a very nice group. Most have a well developed sense of humor which I think speaks volumes more than someones degree. Having met many members at various events, my suspicions were confirmed........it's a group I'm proud to be associated with. Don't let ONE MEMBER bother you. Don't take ONE MEMBER so seriously. And let other members do as they see fit. I wouldn't waste my time on a forum full of people I had no interest in even if they loved Marauders. The fact that I'm still here coming up on my one year anniversary ( of joining this forum) and looking forward to getting together with the CAM crowd in Gettysburg says it all. And I do have a degree! Wow! I didn't know I felt so passionately about you guys. BTW I corrected your spelling.;)Thank You ms. demark, and as you meet more of us, you'll enjoy it more. Too bad, you joined after MV5, You'd have gotten to meet more of us, Even Dom! I met some more friends last weekend at MV6. More of the same, good people! It's not so much about the car as it is the friendships developed here and renewed at different meets. Don't like it when friends are treated the way Dom has been treated.


09-27-2008, 12:25 PM
High school - all basic classes and nothing taken seriously.
Night school oxy welding - Top in class
Currently in my fourth year of a five year plumbing apprenticeship associated with this is numerous welding certs including med gas.
As long as i'm a union member i get college credits to any class they offer. Oh and all the classes are free.

09-27-2008, 12:36 PM
Not enough that I don't f-up really well sometimes, but enough to know that Motorhead is not going anywhere on this forum. I guess that makes most of us one up on you.

09-27-2008, 01:07 PM
In my short lived life...I always thought that college kids were dumb...thats why they try to futhermore their edumacation...:lol:

But seriously...you 23...why you so bitter?

What? 123456789

09-27-2008, 01:08 PM
High School drop out
15 years of serious hard knocks
Sobered up and then in rapid succession...

Bachelors (BASW)
Masters (MSW)

Back to the work force
Started my own business

In my opinion, higher education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When I went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), I was focused like a laser because I knew what I wanted.

Nice, i agree once you find your calling nothing stands in your way.

09-27-2008, 01:09 PM
And while he is trying to prove some type of point...he couldn't figure out how to make a poll.... :lol:

Thanks for your comment, its no more off topic than everything else MH does.

09-27-2008, 01:09 PM
If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be a member of an online car club and I would enjoy it, I would have called them crazy. First of all, I don't love computers and second, I'm not a gear-head. To my complete amazement I have found a community of people who are crazy about Marauders, who are so knowledgeable about anything/everything to do with Marauders and wonder of wonders are willing to share that with someone like me. Trust me, in general this is a very smart group, no matter the formal education. And beyond that, this is a very nice group. Most have a well developed sense of humor which I think speaks volumes more than someones degree. Having met many members at various events, my suspicions were confirmed........it's a group I'm proud to be associated with. Don't let ONE MEMBER bother you. Don't take ONE MEMBER so seriously. And let other members do as they see fit. I wouldn't waste my time on a forum full of people I had no interest in even if they loved Marauders. The fact that I'm still here coming up on my one year anniversary ( of joining this forum) and looking forward to getting together with the CAM crowd in Gettysburg says it all. And I do have a degree! Wow! I didn't know I felt so passionately about you guys. BTW I corrected your spelling.;)
Yep, yep, yep ^^^^ to all of the above .... +1. B.S. Engineering-Physics, Minor in Math and lots of US Army training. :D

09-27-2008, 01:11 PM
i received my B.A. in communications from john carroll university in 2003.

sweetness 12345

09-27-2008, 01:14 PM
I don't see that education has anything to do with the point he is trying to make, (whatever that is), myself, I have received diplomas, certifications, and degrees, went to more schools and graduated, than I wish to list, from high school, tech school, MCI, flight school, electronics, (aircraft), & culinary, (a friend once told me that all those awards are dubious). What the hell is the point, we aren't as intelligent as he because we read, or don't read posts by another member. Someone needs to go wax their car.

Thats sweet, I've always thought about getting my private pilots as well.

I cant ask questions here on MM.net. No one says anything when other member post off topic threads. I never said anything about myself.

09-27-2008, 01:16 PM
I'd like to refine the poll to what education level were you at when you were 23. for me it was HS diploma, Automotive Tech, Associates in electronics, and I knew NOTHING about women (other than they looked great in Bikini's), or rather they knew a heck of a lot more than me. That's why I reside in Fort Lauderdale.

That is my ED ucation level. Cheers :beer:

Ed-umcation is just a funny way say education, I didn't mean anything by it.

And what does my age have anything to do with it. It was a general question to the board. Nothing to do with sun ups and sun downs under your belt.

09-27-2008, 01:19 PM
problem with highschool is that the ciriculum needs to change. plain and simple. when a teacher can tell you exactly what they have done and will be teaching for then next 5 years, its a problem. they are not teaching, but rather reviewing, and moving on with or without every student. i just graduated highschool in 2007 and have more than one complaint about the way it is currently run.

+1 to that, here in NV we are something like 47 or 48th in high school graduation and our drop out rate is sad. Teachers should be some of the highest paid people in the country but somehow they are not.

09-27-2008, 01:22 PM
If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be a member of an online car club and I would enjoy it, I would have called them crazy. First of all, I don't love computers and second, I'm not a gear-head. To my complete amazement I have found a community of people who are crazy about Marauders, who are so knowledgeable about anything/everything to do with Marauders and wonder of wonders are willing to share that with someone like me. Trust me, in general this is a very smart group, no matter the formal education. And beyond that, this is a very nice group. Most have a well developed sense of humor which I think speaks volumes more than someones degree. Having met many members at various events, my suspicions were confirmed........it's a group I'm proud to be associated with. Don't let ONE MEMBER bother you. Don't take ONE MEMBER so seriously. And let other members do as they see fit. I wouldn't waste my time on a forum full of people I had no interest in even if they loved Marauders. The fact that I'm still here coming up on my one year anniversary ( of joining this forum) and looking forward to getting together with the CAM crowd in Gettysburg says it all. And I do have a degree! Wow! I didn't know I felt so passionately about you guys. BTW I corrected your spelling.;)

?? Congrats on being here a year, I've been here 5. I have seen alot of members come and go. I too agree that with few stellar exceptions this board has alot of well educated and bright members. We all have our opinions, as this years election race is highlighting, and we are all right in one regard or another. What was your degree in?

09-27-2008, 01:25 PM
High school - all basic classes and nothing taken seriously.
Night school oxy welding - Top in class
Currently in my fourth year of a five year plumbing apprenticeship associated with this is numerous welding certs including med gas.
As long as i'm a union member i get college credits to any class they offer. Oh and all the classes are free.

Nice bob, whats oxy short for and med gas? +1 on working the unions. Thats what the dues are for right?

09-27-2008, 01:28 PM
Yep, yep, yep ^^^^ to all of the above .... +1. B.S. Engineering-Physics, Minor in Math and lots of US Army training. :D

A math guy, Im jealous, Thats why I got out of Chem Eng in school. ****g calculus kills me.

Your army training comment made me think of bill murray ins stripes.

"what kind of training soldier?" , "Ba AAAAArrrmmeeeeeeeee Training Sir."

09-27-2008, 01:31 PM
"what kind of training soldier?" , "Ba AAAAArrrmmeeeeeeeee Training Sir."
That's my favorite line in that movie. :D

09-27-2008, 01:38 PM
Any one that doesnt like me or my posts doesnt have to read them, as many members have graciously informed me, so negative comments about me , please dont PM or email me anymore, further, I dont care, they get deleted. I've been here a long time and im not going anywhere , well until I buy that Ferrari I've always wanted.

As for me I graduated HS as salutatorian , wrapped up my BA in Law and Society at UCSB a few months ago, and just started my first year working on my JD at the Boyd School of Law. Now Im sure some will insult me as to how I read infinite pages a day and still have time for MM.net , but , like Mr. Obama said the days before last nights debate, multitasking.

09-27-2008, 01:38 PM
I hold a IA, imbecile at large

Ms. Denmark
09-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Any one that doesnt like me or my posts doesnt have to read them, as many members have graciously informed me, so negative comments about me , please dont PM or email me anymore, further, I dont care, they get deleted. I've been here a long time and im not going anywhere , well until I buy that Ferrari I've always wanted.

As for me I graduated HS as salutatorian , wrapped up my BA in Law and Society at UCSB a few months ago, and just started my first year working on my JD at the Boyd School of Law. Now Im sure some will insult me as to how I read infinite pages a day and still have time for MM.net , but , like Mr. Obama said the days before last nights debate, multitasking. So summing up;you are not very well spoken,have poor writing skills, even worse people skills ,are nauseatingly patronizing and can swear like a sailor. But you've got a law degree. Good luck with that. ;)

09-27-2008, 02:31 PM
If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be a member of an online car club and I would enjoy it, I would have called them crazy. First of all, I don't love computers and second, I'm not a gear-head. To my complete amazement I have found a community of people who are crazy about Marauders, who are so knowledgeable about anything/everything to do with Marauders and wonder of wonders are willing to share that with someone like me. Trust me, in general this is a very smart group, no matter the formal education. And beyond that, this is a very nice group. Most have a well developed sense of humor which I think speaks volumes more than someones degree. Having met many members at various events, my suspicions were confirmed........it's a group I'm proud to be associated with. Don't let ONE MEMBER bother you. Don't take ONE MEMBER so seriously. And let other members do as they see fit. I wouldn't waste my time on a forum full of people I had no interest in even if they loved Marauders. The fact that I'm still here coming up on my one year anniversary ( of joining this forum) and looking forward to getting together with the CAM crowd in Gettysburg says it all. And I do have a degree! Wow! I didn't know I felt so passionately about you guys. BTW I corrected your spelling.;)

She said 'MEMBER' - exercising the well-developed sense of humor...:D

This group is what it is due to the main demographic the car was targeted to. This was the medium educated upper middle class mid aged male. Translation: Dads. Guys who have EARNED this car in their lives (including me) appreciate it. I'm proud to be around these kinds of folks. The demographic has branched out to women (yay) and younger folks. Through that transition, this very forum dropped in maturity level - and then rose above. Seems the younger 'grow up quick' amongst us and I for one am proud that our 'way' has become part of those people's lives.

I'll not let one immature, ranting, unadjusted, and unassimilated individual take that away from the 3500 other of us. Period.

09-27-2008, 02:33 PM
Ed-umcation is just a funny way say education, I didn't mean anything by it.

And what does my age have anything to do with it. It was a general question to the board. Nothing to do with sun ups and sun downs under your belt.

His NAME is ED... pay attention.:shake:

09-27-2008, 02:35 PM
So summing up;you are not very well spoken,have poor writing skills, even worse people skills ,are nauseatingly patronizing and can swear like a sailor. But you've got a law degree. Good luck with that. ;)

My Darling, you owe me a case of electronic cleaning wipes!!!


09-27-2008, 02:41 PM
3 years at Florida Institute of Technology - Science Education Secondary
2 years at Community College
A vast array of certification training such as Boilers, Pool Chemistry, Archival Picture Framing, Novell Administration, MCSE, MCP, CCNA, N+, A+, blah blah...

I've been a Certified Professional Picture Framer, a Certified (by NSPI) Pool Operator, A certified commercial Baquacil pool operator, an internet entrepreneur (first commercial retail swimming pool products web site - ever in 1995), an office machines repairman, communications installer, Cat5 certified cable technician, project manager, network engineer, car stereo installer (MECP certified), now a small business owner - and I know I've left some out!

College means nothing as a measure of a person's education, worth, maturity or experience.

09-27-2008, 03:16 PM

de minimus
09-27-2008, 03:52 PM
education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When I went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), I was focused like a laser because I knew what I wanted.

Very well said. I took a 4 year break after HS until I knew what I wanted then I earned a BA and three years later a LLB.

So summing up;you are not very well spoken,have poor writing skills, even worse people skills ,are nauseatingly patronizing and can swear like a sailor. But you've got a law degree. Good luck with that. ;)


09-27-2008, 03:57 PM
Bachelor's degree from online "university" or at least that is what Guido put on the certificate.

I'm also an olympic silver medalist and former heavyweight champion of the world in synchronized bowling.

Now I spend my time working as a spokesmodel for "men's health items." ;)

Does that help?

09-27-2008, 03:59 PM
guys really, How often do you want to read a Thread called "I
took "this or that colored poop today" OR i am considered for this part of the music buss. or this part of the vetenary club", I mean ,I dont remember asking for prayrers for my family when my Dad was dying of Brain Cancer, as the Off topic section is used for. But when we talk about an 88 rocket lighting matches on top of their tire and then braking, and lets face it we have ALL seen his Redicuolus comments that have nothing even to do with civil society... he wants attention. and YOU have given it to him . Its MM.net my friends, not MMIJUSTTOOKA****.net OR MMIJUSTGOTADEAL.NET. Lets be serious people in this regard.




09-27-2008, 05:40 PM
B.S.E.T and later B.S.E.E. Started my masters in control theory and DSP but realized the job market for those disciplines are limited. Like trying to be rock star. More asses than seats.

09-27-2008, 05:53 PM
High School : Scientific - College Prep
Drexel University: BS - General/Industrial Engineering
Drexel University: MBA - Business/Management
School of Hard Knocks: Phd

Founder and past President and Editor of the Fairlane Club of America. I guess I am more proud of this accomplishment then most.

Not sure what it all means, but decided to post anyway.

Glenn :burnout:

09-27-2008, 06:02 PM
So summing up;you are not very well spoken,have poor writing skills, even worse people skills ,are nauseatingly patronizing and can swear like a sailor. But you've got a law degree. Good luck with that. ;)Straight to the point!! :up:

Explains a lot.


09-27-2008, 06:51 PM
high school drop out
15 years of serious hard knocks
sobered up and then in rapid succession...

bachelors (basw)
masters (msw)

back to the work force
started my own business

in my opinion, higher education is wasted on many youngsters. Too busy dealing with hormones, social climbing, and general doofusness. When i went back to school as an "older" adult (over 30), i was focused like a laser because i knew what i wanted.

bruteforce i like your style!

09-27-2008, 08:41 PM

BS= bull ***** :)

MS = more of the same:):)

PHD= pilled higher and deeper :):):)

2,500,000 miles and 35 years of driving all over the USA :up: & Canada!

14 year break runnig the office and maintance area of tuck and bus garages.

Back on the road (for now)

09-27-2008, 09:00 PM
High school drop out here, got my GED shortly after I dropped out, young and stupid, lots of mistakes but I'm on the straight and narrow now.

09-27-2008, 09:08 PM
High school drop out here, got my GED shortly after I dropped out, young and stupid, lots of mistakes but I'm on the straight and narrow now.
its the only real way to learn. also went trade school for an associates degree in automotive/diesel technology

09-27-2008, 09:13 PM
Education? What's that? I just sit around smoking crack all day.

Nah, just kidding. High school? Done. No real honors but I did better than, 70% (?) of my graduating class. Spent seven years at three schools on getting a B.S. that ended up being B.S. I suppose if Chemistry didn't almost kill me (literally), that would have been worthwhile. I had the aptitude, but not the constitution for it.

Been working go-fer type jobs since 2005, and a year ago started back up in school. Going to DeVry for networking management. It combines two things I like... Computers, and tinkering with stuff.

And, I don't mean to nit pick, but no one seems to have caught this, or at least mentioned it. LV, you have two items labeled as "B". Just thought I'd bring it to light.

09-27-2008, 10:06 PM
Public schools = 12 years - High School Diploma
Uncle Sam = 4 years Navy Submarine Service - Associates Drinking Degree.
Corporate America = 40 years - Master's Drinking Degree.
Now Retired = Education on hold, Doctorite Drinking Degree.
After all that, my Wife says: :stupid:


09-28-2008, 06:11 AM
I'd like to refine the poll to what education level were you at when you were 23.ED ucation level. Cheers :beer:

By the time I was 23 (a long while back), I had a double major (two B.S. degrees) in business and economics and had already owned a profitable business and was in my third year of law school.

Not a lot of moss grew under my feet when I was younger. Now I am getting old and cranky but reaping the benefits of my hard working younger days and enjoying the fact that I am smart enough to generally ignore Dom's posts and the posts that relate to them.

That's my two cents -- keep the change!

09-28-2008, 08:07 AM
Street smart, military mind, college edu-ma-cated!

09-28-2008, 09:07 AM
I barely escaped High School myself and wouldnt have lasted one semester if I had tried to go to college right afterwards. I was 17 years old and an immature kid, and besides, I didnt have a dime to go to college anyway. Well, nine years of active duty in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club has a way of making a man out of you and focusing your motivations. Went to university on the Vietnam Era Vet GI Bill and got my BA in three years. School was a piece of cake after the military. Then moved to Washington DC and got a government job where you had to have a four year degree (but it didnt matter what it was in thank god) and made my career there for another 20 years. Education is important but sometimes young folks need a more disciplined environment and might be better off in the service.

09-28-2008, 12:45 PM
HS Diploma and returned to College 30 years later to receive a Bachelor's Degree.:D

09-28-2008, 02:06 PM
Great photo effects, as usual.

(Oh, I hold a bachelors degree in Psychology, for whatever that's worth...:confused:)

09-28-2008, 02:33 PM
Left High school into the Marine Corps in 1968. Got back, went to a community colllege on the GI bill, got an associates in liberal arts. Became a cop in Mass, went to school nights and received a BS in Criiminal Justice at Northeastern. Four year later got a Masters in Social Psych due to the money incentives from the Quinn Bill in Mass. Left it all to work for myself in training. Been at it (working for myself) since 1983, other than a three year stint at MSI/Federal Labs in Bennington, Vermont from 1993 - 1996.

09-28-2008, 03:10 PM
Graduated from McComb, Mississippi High School in May, 1946--finished 3 year Pre-med course at Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky--applied for Medical school at age 20--rejected to make room for returning WW II veterans--Air Force Aviation Cadets and active duty in SAC til Oct. '53--back to U of L to refresh my pre-med--flew P-51 Mustangs in KYANG--accepted for med school for May, 1956--joined American Airlines as a co-pilot based in New York in April, '56--that ended my formal education. Am now happily retired after 32 years with AAL and 31 years of retirement--had a ball all the way thru. You young'uns just remember, do what you have to do to accomplish your dreams--it's great to look back and say you did it all. God Bless all of you in your endeavors, Maury

09-28-2008, 03:28 PM
Graduated from McComb, Mississippi High School in May, 1946--finished 3 year Pre-med course at Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky--applied for Medical school at age 20--rejected to make room for returning WW II veterans--Air Force Aviation Cadets and active duty in SAC til Oct. '53--back to U of L to refresh my pre-med--flew P-51 Mustangs in KYANG--accepted for med school for May, 1956--joined American Airlines as a co-pilot based in New York in April, '56--that ended my formal education. Am now happily retired after 32 years with AAL and 31 years of retirement--had a ball all the way thru. You young'uns just remember, do what you have to do to accomplish your dreams--it's great to look back and say you did it all. God Bless all of you in your endeavors, Maury

It is great to see you did what you wanted to do. I admire your outlook on life. God bless you.....................

Local Boy
09-28-2008, 03:49 PM
Lets see...

I've been mobbed (several dick heads)...and still won...many times!!!:nono:

shot at :uzi:...fortunately, bullets only travel in a straight line...he missed...looser!:down:

stabbed...got the knife on my wall as a trophy....:trophy:

Batted in the head, when I was kicking the sh$t out of his brother...I wasn't looking...won the battle, but lost the war...OUCH!...Got the scars to prove it...:cool:

Had beer bottles and glass ash trays, thrown at me...many times...duck and weave - brah...:D

Attacked with a HOT BBQ...That dude paid for that!!!...:censor:

Been in more fights (most...I was out numbered...[p$$ys])...than most have had birthdays...Gives a new meaning to "last man standing"...which was yours truely...:D

Just can't remember the rest...

Learned more than any school can offer...

Oh...There is the un-important stuff like...

A degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Child Psycology and Development...and other stuff like that...:sleepy:

Life's been GREAT!!! :beer:


09-28-2008, 04:28 PM

09-28-2008, 04:38 PM
high school, then Wyo Tech. then 15 years, then TAUGHT high school (private) while getting an AA in Bus Admin, then two BAs, one HR/Management, one Religious studies.

I could get another BA in various business areas with 2-3 addl classes. thinking of a Masters in ED, but I 'm not teaching right now, so I'll wait.

I agree, college should be 5-10 years after high school, its wasted on 20 yr olds.

09-28-2008, 05:03 PM
17 - graduated high school
18 - tech school for emergency medicine
20 - auctioneer licensing
24 - certifications obtained from Marine Mechanic Institute
25 - joined United States Coast Guard

I am 26 now and I will be enrolling in a police academy in Feb.

09-28-2008, 10:48 PM
About to graduate college. Imagine that! :eek:

09-29-2008, 01:58 AM

Thats sweet Fordnut, I wish I could have gotten one too. I still love the analytical aspects of chem ( bonding, molecular gemoetry, EN, etc ) , but the numerical and fiscal aspects dont mesh with my gray matter.

09-29-2008, 02:02 AM
So summing up;you are not very well spoken,have poor writing skills, even worse people skills ,are nauseatingly patronizing and can swear like a sailor. But you've got a law degree. Good luck with that. ;)

Well your post above has proven that you lack basic reading comp skills. I have not yet completed my JD, im working on it. Do a search and read my syntax and diction, dont cry about it. I am patronizing, I am a complete *******. and Yes I do have an affinity ( liking ) for colorful language.

This thread wasnt about me , it was about you and MM.net and who I am speaking too. So far you have given a negative mark, I KNOW that MM.net members have more to offer than YOU. Welcome to the site.

09-29-2008, 02:05 AM
Bachelor's degree from online "university" or at least that is what Guido put on the certificate.

I'm also an olympic silver medalist and former heavyweight champion of the world in synchronized bowling.

Now I spend my time working as a spokesmodel for "men's health items." ;)

Does that help?

Hey troll, Dont tell me its Cialis, thats not to meant to be an insult, but thats how your quotes made it seem. Did you get the silver in bowling as well, if so thats sweet and thanks for representing the country. Who did you play agains the the silver games?

09-29-2008, 02:07 AM
Maginthat - We all already know that you and I hate each other and do NOT get along. You obviously missed the first post of this thread.

09-29-2008, 02:08 AM
B.S.E.T and later B.S.E.E. Started my masters in control theory and DSP but realized the job market for those disciplines are limited. Like trying to be rock star. More asses than seats.

Ok this one im confused by, im not sure if your making a joke or stating what you hold. Could you clarify what a BSET and BSEE are. DSP too. Why is your market limited too?

09-29-2008, 02:11 AM
High School : Scientific - College Prep
Drexel University: BS - General/Industrial Engineering
Drexel University: MBA - Business/Management
School of Hard Knocks: Phd

Founder and past President and Editor of the Fairlane Club of America. I guess I am more proud of this accomplishment then most.

Not sure what it all means, but decided to post anyway.

Glenn :burnout:

Its not supposed to mean anything, everything in life is subjective as we all know. So what you work in upper management for an engineering firm, I guess? How was running the fairlane club, more headache or triumph? Thanks Glenn.

09-29-2008, 02:11 AM

BS= bull ***** :)

MS = more of the same:):)

PHD= pilled higher and deeper :):):)

2,500,000 miles and 35 years of driving all over the USA :up: & Canada!

14 year break runnig the office and maintance area of tuck and bus garages.

Back on the road (for now)

LOL I may like this response the best. True that Jimbo.

09-29-2008, 02:17 AM
Education? What's that? I just sit around smoking crack all day.

Nah, just kidding. High school? Done. No real honors but I did better than, 70% (?) of my graduating class. Spent seven years at three schools on getting a B.S. that ended up being B.S. I suppose if Chemistry didn't almost kill me (literally), that would have been worthwhile. I had the aptitude, but not the constitution for it.

Been working go-fer type jobs since 2005, and a year ago started back up in school. Going to DeVry for networking management. It combines two things I like... Computers, and tinkering with stuff.

And, I don't mean to nit pick, but no one seems to have caught this, or at least mentioned it. LV, you have two items labeled as "B". Just thought I'd bring it to light.

Good for you Led,
I know what you mean about chem, my 3rd or 4th day of chem in HS I left class all pissed cuz the teach called on me and I had no clue the answer, anyway as we left class I vented to a friend saying id slash the teach's vette's tire. He tried to cover but it was obvious i was FUBAR'd. Anyway he called me in for extra help and we are best friends to this day. Hey what do you mean I have two items labeled B?

09-29-2008, 02:18 AM
Straight to the point!! :up:

Explains a lot.


Ken , Again man, this is a legitmate thread, I dont care that we disagree.

09-29-2008, 02:20 AM
Public schools = 12 years - High School Diploma
Uncle Sam = 4 years Navy Submarine Service - Associates Drinking Degree.
Corporate America = 40 years - Master's Drinking Degree.
Now Retired = Education on hold, Doctorite Drinking Degree.
After all that, my Wife says: :stupid:


OK this IS the funniest reply I've read. By the time you are in your late seventies your thesis will be on the intracacies of drinking and spouse management. Did you serve on a boat and what corp were you with?

09-29-2008, 02:25 AM
Left High school into the Marine Corps in 1968. Got back, went to a community colllege on the GI bill, got an associates in liberal arts. Became a cop in Mass, went to school nights and received a BS in Criiminal Justice at Northeastern. Four year later got a Masters in Social Psych due to the money incentives from the Quinn Bill in Mass. Left it all to work for myself in training. Been at it (working for myself) since 1983, other than a three year stint at MSI/Federal Labs in Bennington, Vermont from 1993 - 1996.

Well thank you for your service TJA. I bet being a cop ( and soldier) during that time was.... intersting..... to say the least. Thats something I always wonder about. What, then do you do with your BS and Masters. CSA stuff by chance?

09-29-2008, 02:31 AM
Graduated from McComb, Mississippi High School in May, 1946--finished 3 year Pre-med course at Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky--applied for Medical school at age 20--rejected to make room for returning WW II veterans--Air Force Aviation Cadets and active duty in SAC til Oct. '53--back to U of L to refresh my pre-med--flew P-51 Mustangs in KYANG--accepted for med school for May, 1956--joined American Airlines as a co-pilot based in New York in April, '56--that ended my formal education. Am now happily retired after 32 years with AAL and 31 years of retirement--had a ball all the way thru. You young'uns just remember, do what you have to do to accomplish your dreams--it's great to look back and say you did it all. God Bless all of you in your endeavors, Maury

That is a story from the greatest generation. My goodness you have done it all. SAC, Korea, AAL, this has got to be a pilots dream. Thank You for your service. I appricate it today. Hey , what did you fly with AAL DC-10's , MD 80's the 737-400-800 Series?

09-29-2008, 02:32 AM
Lets see...

I've been mobbed (several dick heads)...and still won...many times!!!:nono:

shot at :uzi:...fortunately, bullets only travel in a straight line...he missed...looser!:down:

stabbed...got the knife on my wall as a trophy....:trophy:

Batted in the head, when I was kicking the sh$t out of his brother...I wasn't looking...won the battle, but lost the war...OUCH!...Got the scars to prove it...:cool:

Had beer bottles and glass ash trays, thrown at me...many times...duck and weave - brah...:D

Attacked with a HOT BBQ...That dude paid for that!!!...:censor:

Been in more fights (most...I was out numbered...[p$$ys])...than most have had birthdays...Gives a new meaning to "last man standing"...which was yours truely...:D

Just can't remember the rest...

Learned more than any school can offer...

Oh...There is the un-important stuff like...

A degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Child Psycology and Development...and other stuff like that...:sleepy:

Life's been GREAT!!! :beer:


Well Aloha to you local boy, Ill treat that as a hostile and potential physically threatenting statement. Thanks for your reply.

09-29-2008, 02:35 AM

This is the type of response that is susinct and brief ( +1) . That Bad ass Buckwheat. are you NACDL or AA of America or any other organization?

09-29-2008, 02:36 AM
I agree, college should be 5-10 years after high school, its wasted on 20 yr olds.

I respect your accomplishments whd, thanks for returning the favor. And demonsrating YOUR maturity level as well.

09-29-2008, 02:40 AM
About to graduate college. Imagine that! :eek:

... Good for you MH350, I know its a ***** to wake up every day and haul your ass to class at 8 AM after reading all day and being out all night but hey, thats why we went right? Besides everyday the rest of our lives will be challanges that make that look like play-dough. Any way, whats your major bro. Please dont tell me journalism ( thats a joke) ;)

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 08:53 AM
Nah...LV (hand shake)

My reply was not intended to be threatening...My apologies, Brutha...

My only point is that a mans worth and value is greater than his education level...

I just had the unfortunate experience of having people mistake my kindness for weakness...That's all...

Again, my apologies...Brutha...

Wishing you and yours, ALL the best...


09-29-2008, 09:21 AM
Private Grade school, Private High School, 1.5 years at U of L Speed Engineering School before deciding college wasn't for me. I do, however, have over 300 hours of training and classroom in NFPA Firefighter 1.

09-29-2008, 09:27 AM
Did you serve on a boat and what corp were you with?Served on the USS Tirante (SS-420), which was part of Submarine Squadron Twelve, stationed in Key West Florida.

It was an old diesel boat, and was the only submarine in the U.S Navy that had a figurehead mounted on the bow. The figurehead represented a vicious, deep water fish known for it's aggression, and from which the boat got it's name. It had bling.

09-29-2008, 10:23 AM
Local Boy, Sounds like you and I should get out some time. Been in a lot of 'unfair' fights myself. Have not been shot at, but the rest is solid. I still feel kinda' bad for the guy who swung a chain at me. He wasn't so bright.

It's amazing what happens to a group of people wanting to kick your azz after you take out the biggest, meanest dude that has a weapon.

High school was jail to me.
Had to graduate early due to Reaganomics. (Dad was medical retired, and I am youngest of seven)
Was swept off to Private College for a 2 year Marketing degree.
Dad died just as I finished, had to get a full timne job at the grocery store I worked P/T at.
Became apprentice meat cutter, 6 mos. later a Journyman Meat Cutter. Ran a $500,000 per month meat department with 40 employees for 15 years. Yes, I know all there is to know about meat....

Got tired of standing on a cold concrete floor so I quit and went back to school full time. Yes, they are verified solid brass.
Finished a 5 year Accounting Degree in 2.5 years and, to my surprize, graduated Cum Laude. Not bad for 'Joey Bag-O-Donuts'
Spent a bit of time in a local bank, who hired me before I graduated. (I just couldn't work in cubicle)

Now, I can't say where I work, or what I do, but I like it.

Moral of the story, fear nothing, the worst that can happen is you live through it...

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 10:33 AM
Right-on Joe!!!

I knew we had alot more in common, that was not spoken...

I never had a chain come at me...but sounds like fun...

Looking foward to hanging out wit ya sometime...Brah...


BTW: I suspect takedown is one of us also...lol

09-29-2008, 10:39 AM
I have to admit, I boxed for 7 years, was a trainer for 5 of them.

Lifelong skillz men, lifelong skillz....

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 10:52 AM
OK, I'll admit too...

13 years Kajukempo...5 years had my own School

Bounced in night clubs for @ 10 years...

AMEN...Lifelong skillz...


09-29-2008, 10:56 AM
OK, I'll admit too...

13 years Kajukempo...5 years had my own School

Bounced in night clubs for @ 10 years...

AMEN...Lifelong skillz...


Unlike you Local BOY, I still call Samoans... SIR! I believe that's called FEAR! :lol:

09-29-2008, 11:07 AM
Don't mess with the locals!

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 11:07 AM
I suspect your statements, takedown, are derived from humility rather than reality...LOL

Good to hear from you, Brutha...


Local Boy
09-29-2008, 11:10 AM
Brotherhood of the Black eye...

We give 'em...Not get 'em...LOL


09-29-2008, 11:34 AM
I'd love to throw back a few brew's with local boy and drag city, sound's like we could have some fun:beer:

09-29-2008, 11:36 AM
I'd love to throw back a few brew's with local boy and drag city, sound's like we could have some fun:beer:

Hey, what's wrong with you... You forgot me, Jeeezzz! :beer:

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 11:42 AM
Looks like sd8638 is the newest member of the Black Eye Brotherhood...LOL:banana:

Welcome aboard Brutha!!!:beer:

4 members and counting!:beer:



09-29-2008, 11:56 AM
Actually, Once you're labeled as a New Yorker, you never loose that status, or accent.

I have an idea:
The next Marauderville needs to be held in Hawaii. Any objections? :beer:

Ed :beer:

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 12:05 PM
I'M ALL IN!!!:beer:

Welcome to the club, ED...:beer:

At this rate, maybe we can get our own forum???...LOL:lol:

5 members, and counting!:banana:


B.E.B just hijacked this thread...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

09-29-2008, 12:27 PM
Funny, no one is stopping us?????

I'm in for a Hawaii meet.

Now, how am I going to exlplain transporting my Marauder to Hawaii?

Local Boy
09-29-2008, 12:32 PM
No need Joe...

What's mine...is YOURS!!!

Just get down here, and I'll take care the rest...

B.E.B. takes care of thier own!!!


09-29-2008, 12:37 PM
My Brother-In-Law has a condo on the Ala Wai Canal. Hoping to save up enough for a Family trip there in the next 16 months. With the price of airfare these days, I just don't know.

You are on my call list Brah.

09-29-2008, 06:15 PM
High school... thats it, just high school didn't even graduate very high in my class

09-29-2008, 06:19 PM
High school... thats it, just high school didn't even graduate very high in my class

Common sense goes a long way too. I see a lot of book smart people and ummmmm...:shake: I'll leave it at that!

09-30-2008, 12:23 PM
This is the type of response that is susinct and brief ( +1) . That Bad ass Buckwheat. are you NACDL or AA of America or any other organization? Na. Quit the ABA because they're a bunch of liberals ignoring the constitution. Now my only organization is the Utah CCW permit holders.

09-30-2008, 12:30 PM
This thread reads like the who's who of the .NET site. over 100 replies and nearly 1500 views.

Bet this group could solve the nations banking crisis. C'mon Mr. President ask us.

10-01-2008, 05:46 AM
I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten.

10-01-2008, 05:52 AM
I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten.

The one thing I remember about kindergarten was Finger painting 101, and the fact the teacher wouldn't let me do it as often as I wanted to.

10-01-2008, 09:54 AM
The one thing I remember about kindergarten was Finger painting 101, and the fact the teacher wouldn't let me do it as often as I wanted to.

There was book out a while ago called "All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten" or something like that. These are some of the things I remember from it.

Share everything
Play Fair
Don't hit anyone
Put things back where you found them
Don't take anything that's not yours
Take a nap after lunch
Wash your hands
Clean up your own mess
Say you are sorry when you hurt someone
When you go out into the world stick together, hold hands and watch for traffic

10-01-2008, 09:59 AM
There was book out a while ago called "All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten" or something like that. These are some of the things I remember from it.

Share everything
Play Fair
Don't hit anyone
Put things back where you found them
Don't take anything that's not yours
Take a nap after lunch
Wash your hands
Clean up your own mess
Say you are sorry when you hurt someone
When you go out into the world stick together, hold hands and watch for traffic

Somehow, I have to print that up, really Large. But where to put it...at home.....at work......BOTH.

10-01-2008, 12:23 PM
Somehow, I have to print that up, really Large. But where to put it...at home.....at work......BOTH.

Yes, I am trying to get my boss to buy into the 'nap after lunch' part. :D

Aren Jay
10-01-2008, 12:48 PM
BA Philosophy Ox...
Working through my Masters in AI
6 black belts in Addi Pai Sil Lum Kung Fu

10-01-2008, 12:50 PM
6 black belts in Addi Pai Sil Lum Kung FuThat should hold your britches up. :)