View Full Version : $1500.00 for Middle School Students in DC

09-30-2008, 06:06 PM
What do you think of this idea? :rolleyes:

The Washington DC Public School System is about to start a pilot program to give Up to $1500.00 per year to middle school students. And, they have set aside $2.7 Million of taxpayer funds to do it. The program begins on 15 October 2008 and is being offered to 4,000 students in 15 DC public schools. Supposedly, it is an “incentive” program to get kids to go to school and learn.

Here’s how it works: Points are awarded over a two week period (10 school days). The student gets $2.00 for every point accumulated over the period. Money is deposited in a bank account established for each student. There are 15 two week periods in the school year. Points awarded for:

1. ATTENDANCE/TARDY (Max 10 points = $20.00)
2. BEHAVIOR (Max 10 points = $20.00)
3. DRESS CODE (Max 10 points = $20.00)
4. HOMEWORK (Max 10 points = $20.00)
5. GRADES (Max 10 points = $20.00)

TOTAL Maximum is 50 points = $100.00 (every two weeks)

Up to $1500.00 for the year (i.e. $100.00 * 15 periods)

I don’t make this stuff up …. Washington Post, Metro Section, 30 September 2008

Basically, a kid could just show up on time, keep his mouth shut, and wear a clean T-shirt (with no bad words on it of course) and collect a $60.00 check every 2 weeks without even cracking a book. Wonderful !!! …. I think our educational leadership in the “District of Columbia” has lost its collective mind.

Since the system only budgeted $2.7 Million for this “program”, they are counting on the fact that 25% of the students in the pilot program can’t even max out 1, 2, and 3 above. :shake:

09-30-2008, 06:26 PM
Great... money for them to spend on booze and drugs.
I keep a close eye on how much money my 14 year old spends and where he spends it. He is smart with his money and very rarely buys anything before thinking about it for a while.

09-30-2008, 06:31 PM
Are you kidding me, jeeeezzzz! What ever happened to it's your job as a kid to get good grades, attend school, and behave. No wonder other countries think us Americans are soft!

09-30-2008, 06:32 PM
I would get my a$$ beat if I didn't go to school. I thought that was a great incentive.

09-30-2008, 06:35 PM
I would get my a$$ beat if I didn't go to school. I thought that was a great incentive.

Now is that olde fashioned or olde skool? I wouldn't even dare ask my parents money just because I got good grades or just showed up. Nice tryb but uhhhh NO!

Joe Walsh
09-30-2008, 06:42 PM
The District of Columbia is a friggin' mess.
It has the crappiest school system and this is just another quick fix.
They love the; "Let's throw money at the problem" and see if it gets better approach.

Pay kids to attend and do well at school!?!?:eek:

Watch what a fiasco this will devolve into....:mad2:

I always laugh when they bring up wanting to become a State....Hell, they can't even function as a City!

09-30-2008, 07:57 PM
As a recent graduate of the DC Public School system(Class of 2007), I'm going to have to agree with the majority here on this being a bad idea. My parents, throughout my schooling and to this day, kept me on the right path to a successful future. This is what still should be happening nationwide. I can only imagine what the students will do with the money.

09-30-2008, 08:03 PM
in stead of giving them money why dont they start throwing kids out for all the dumb **** they do. the school i went to was retarted, kids did all kinds of crap and got to stay.

09-30-2008, 08:22 PM
If they did that, the criminal justice system would be overwhelmed more than it already is though...sorta like an ongoing cycle...

09-30-2008, 08:38 PM
It's a d**n shame when you have to pay kids to go and do good in school. What's this world coming to?

09-30-2008, 08:41 PM
WELL...I think that the article forgot to say how BAD the DC Public school system is...As a resident of the DMV...This is a way to up the numbers of the school system...if they pay the kids...the numbers, on which the mayor and the new "chancellor" lives by, will go up and they keep their jobs...

Even worse part about it is that 15 schools in DC will not cover the students that NEED to be in school...

09-30-2008, 09:19 PM
and this is exactly why home rule is a joke.

09-30-2008, 11:59 PM
Ummmm... Aren't we already paying for their education? Did I miss something? :confused:

How about making the failing kids pay US back?

Grade A. Good! You're using our tax payer funded education facilitys effectively.

Grade B....No soup for you!

Grade C....You owe the American tax payer some money kid. We strongly suggest getting a paper route. School lunch will be Government Cheese only.

Grade D.... Welcome to metal shop! Here you will learn how to make license plates...after school. Lunch will still be served. If you don't like bread and water you'd better pick up them grades.

IMO rewarding good behavior is always a bad idea.

10-01-2008, 04:10 AM
Watch what a fiasco this will devolve into....:mad2:

I always laugh when they bring up wanting to become a State....Hell, they can't even function as a City!

I agree Joe. In 6 months, we will find out that 1/2 of the money never made it into the program and that the accounting was too complicated to manage. To improve all the students self esteem, they were all awarded the maximum bonus and the funds came up short because of fraud, theft, and corruption. They will be coming back in April 2009 for another $2.7 Million to cover the overrun. :rolleyes:

Come on Joe .... State?? City?? You and I both know that DC is not even qualified to be a decent Cub Scout Den because they have NO ADULT SUPERVISION at all. What a joke. Not a week passes without a major scandal within the corrupt DC system. Locally, it is known as the "District of Corruption". How else could a tax collecting supervisor walk away with more than $42 Million and NO ONE even notice?? :o

BTW --- Per pupil spending by the DC Public School system is among the highest in the country (i.e. well over $10,000 per student). However, its performance, test scores and graduation rates are among the lowest in the nation. Money allocated to fix the buildings, upgrade HVAC systems, and make emergency repairs never actually makes it to the schools but ends up in someone's pocket. Apparently no one checks on anything in DC.

Yeah, $1500 for every Middle School student is gonna make it all better. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the rant. :soapbox: I'm done. :shake:

10-01-2008, 05:06 AM

I'm glad you made that last point, DC schools are terrible AND they spend more money per student than most other systems. The DC government is a joke. As a fellow Virginian, I've always said to return DC to Maryland with a few non-residential federal areas reserved for locations like the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, etc. I bet the state of Maryland could clean the place up and they would quit crying about becoming a state which is another joke. Plus it would end this unfair lack of representation in Congress of the citizens of the city - they would become Maryland citizens.

10-01-2008, 06:50 AM

I'm glad you made that last point, DC schools are terrible AND they spend more money per student than most other systems.

The latest published figures that I could find showed $12,979 per student spending for DC Public Schools for the 2004-2005 school year. Inflation brings that to about $14,608 per student in the 2008-2009 current school year. That is about 46% higher than the estimated average per pupil spending in Virginia for the same period. It is higher than most private schools. I think that this is proof that More Money does NOT equal better performance. The Education Associations would like you to believe otherwise. Unless the money actually makes it to the classroom, it doesn't help at all.

Some people calculate DC's spending per pupil is closer to $24,600 when all sources of revenue are calculated.

What the H3LL is happening to the money?? From the external evidence, it appears that much of it is NOT going into the school system.

Lest someone feel that I don't not support Public Education -- both my daughter and daughter-in-law teach elementary school in Virginia public schools.

Done again. :soapbox:

Joe Walsh
10-01-2008, 07:55 AM

I'm glad you made that last point, DC schools are terrible AND they spend more money per student than most other systems. The DC government is a joke. As a fellow Virginian, I've always said to return DC to Maryland with a few non-residential federal areas reserved for locations like the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, etc. I bet the state of Maryland could clean the place up and they would quit crying about becoming a state which is another joke. Plus it would end this unfair lack of representation in Congress of the citizens of the city - they would become Maryland citizens.

This alternative has been mentioned before and Maryland has said:

"H*LL NO !!!!!" ...:eek:

The founding fathers specifically created the DISTRICT of Columbia so that the National government would not be seated in a STATE.

10-01-2008, 08:52 AM
So, how has THAT worked out, then?! Best laid plans and all...........

If I were in MD, I'd say no too but I'm in VA :)

10-01-2008, 10:17 AM
Yet teachers are told to not bring treats to class because extrinsic rewards don't motivate students.

Now we'll just use the intrinsic motivation of greed that has worked so well for the financial sector...

Yay, greed!


10-01-2008, 11:09 AM
What do you think of this idea? :rolleyes:

The Washington DC Public School System is about to start a pilot program to give Up to $1500.00 per year to middle school students. And, they have set aside $2.7 Million of taxpayer funds to do it. The program begins on 15 October 2008 and is being offered to 4,000 students in 15 DC public schools. Supposedly, it is an “incentive” program to get kids to go to school and learn.

Here’s how it works: Points are awarded over a two week period (10 school days). The student gets $2.00 for every point accumulated over the period. Money is deposited in a bank account established for each student. There are 15 two week periods in the school year. Points awarded for:

1. ATTENDANCE/TARDY (Max 10 points = $20.00)
2. BEHAVIOR (Max 10 points = $20.00)
3. DRESS CODE (Max 10 points = $20.00)
4. HOMEWORK (Max 10 points = $20.00)
5. GRADES (Max 10 points = $20.00)

TOTAL Maximum is 50 points = $100.00 (every two weeks)

Up to $1500.00 for the year (i.e. $100.00 * 15 periods)

I don’t make this stuff up …. Washington Post, Metro Section, 30 September 2008

Basically, a kid could just show up on time, keep his mouth shut, and wear a clean T-shirt (with no bad words on it of course) and collect a $60.00 check every 2 weeks without even cracking a book. Wonderful !!! …. I think our educational leadership in the “District of Columbia” has lost its collective mind.

Since the system only budgeted $2.7 Million for this “program”, they are counting on the fact that 25% of the students in the pilot program can’t even max out 1, 2, and 3 above. :shake:

Sounds like a good Idea.....They need to get rid of the Gang control in public schools... Major problem. Make them wear Uniforms; no exuses. This would help some with gang clothes affilitation. My 2cts

10-01-2008, 02:29 PM
This is such a joke, when I was born my parents moved out of DC so I wouldn't have to deal with the public school system there... Now I'm a senior in a VA public school, and our leadership program goes into DC public schools to volunteer all the time. Sadly I can honestly say I'm more intelligent than many of the teachers I help out.

Joe Walsh
10-01-2008, 02:35 PM
This is such a joke, when I was born my parents moved out of DC so I wouldn't have to deal with the public school system there... Now I'm a senior in a VA public school, and our leadership program goes into DC public schools to volunteer all the time. Sadly I can honestly say I'm more intelligent than many of the teachers I help out.

If you were a quality teacher, would YOU want to work in the DC school system?
If you discipline or embarass a student you can get shot....by the student or even their parents!

10-01-2008, 03:31 PM
^^^^Very true, sad but true.

10-01-2008, 03:36 PM
While i agree this is very retarded, if it were to be for 4 years at my school, i coulda bought a trilogy M112 by june :D