View Full Version : Bowling anyone?

09-30-2008, 07:30 PM
I have belonged to bowling leagues for most of my last 18 years. I was never a spectacular bowler. I averaged in the low 200's for the last 10 years or so. Took 4 years off after my kids were born in the early 2000's. Back in 93, I even had a 299 game. I never practice and have never bowled more than 1 nite a week. This year, I reluctantly rejoined my team. Missed 2 of the first 5 weeks of the season due to work and little league with my son. I thought of trying to find a replacement to bowl for me this season but every time I show up, I realize the reason I go is because it is the 1 nite a week I can get away and just hang out with the guys.

Tonight was a little different. Being the last night of the month, I was late closing out last month's business. I almost blew off bowling but got there in time to start the first game without warming up. First game started pretty bad but finished with the last 4 strikes. Second game, ball was finishing well. Next thing I know, it's the 10'th frame and I have the first 9. Nerves started setting in. 10'th frame, first ball, solid strike. Second ball, solid strike. Here I was, 1 strike away from my first perfect game. A goal every bowler strives for and something I was close to a few times, unsuccessfully. I started to feel the butterfiles. The lanes on either side of me stopped bowling to watch. I threw the ball and it looked pretty good. Wouldn't you believe it, they all fell. I bowled a friggin 300 game. My first 300 game. There are 120 people in the league and I think most of them were gathered behind my lanes watching me. When the last one fell, the place erupeted in cheer. I got high 5's and handshakes from everyone. It was so awesome. I couldn't believe it, I bowled a 300 game. I called my wife, she announced it to my boys and they all cheered for me. What an awesome feeling.

Just thought I would share. Anyone else here bowl?

09-30-2008, 07:37 PM
Oh man, you gotta feel real good about that. I don't bowl much, and never really got that close to a perfect game when I did.


You just gave me the urge to have a drink.

09-30-2008, 07:38 PM
Ahhhhhh, a good old-fashioned natural bowler huh? thats awesome, congrats!:beer: My personal best is a 298 with a 777 series-retired 6 years ago, loved it, but the darn season is sooooo long.....

09-30-2008, 07:45 PM
Ahhhhhh, a good old-fashioned natural bowler huh? thats awesome, congrats!:beer: My personal best is a 298 with a 777 series-retired 6 years ago, loved it, but the darn season is sooooo long.....

The hand gesture in your avatar... Is that the proper way to hold a bowling bowl? :lol: :beer:

09-30-2008, 07:55 PM
nice, make fun of my ring-finger-less left hand. :( That's why I had to quit, not as bad as Roy Munson but, sheeeesh!:D

09-30-2008, 07:55 PM
:congrats: that's not an easy accomplishment. I can't even imagine the nerves before that last strike. A friend of mine bowled a 300 5 years ago in a league, but I haven't been bowling in about 10 years. The best I did was a 250 something.

09-30-2008, 08:12 PM
In your younger years, you probably spent your Saturdays watching Candlepin Bowling with Don Gillis on Ch. 5, didn't ya! I certainly did.... That Stasia Czernicki was something else! ;) :congrats:

09-30-2008, 08:46 PM
How funny...I went bowling today...2 games...122 and 104...YES...I bowl for the hell of it...BTW my 2 year old daughter bowled a 55...no bumpers... :eek:

10-01-2008, 02:11 AM
In your younger years, you probably spent your Saturdays watching Candlepin Bowling with Don Gillis on Ch. 5, didn't ya! I certainly did.... That Stasia Czernicki was something else! ;) :congrats:
We never missed it at our house. I used to like Steve Popalo, man that guy could whip a ball. After I moved to FL, my folks would tape episodes and bring them down with them when they visit.

I'm sure you remember Candlepins For Cash with Bob Gamere. Back in '77, my mother was on and hit the jackpot. She was the town hero in Marlborough, got interviewed by the local paper and even got stopped on the street. It was such a big deal back then. I miss it up there sometimes.

Mike Poore
10-01-2008, 03:11 AM
I they all fell. I bowled a friggin 300 game. My first 300 game.

:trophy: Congratulations!:trophy: There was a guy on the radio the other day telling how his mother shot a hole in one, and comparing it to bowling a perfect game. Not even close. A hole in one is just dumb luck; but that 300 is something special .....way to go.:woohoo:

Um, you DID stop on the way home and buy a lotto ticket, right? ;)

10-01-2008, 03:27 AM
Congrats for sure. I have never done that. I love to bowl but never can find the time. I used to love to do duck pin bowling many years ago. Bowling is a lot of fun!

10-01-2008, 04:06 AM
We never missed it at our house. I used to like Steve Popalo, man that guy could whip a ball. After I moved to FL, my folks would tape episodes and bring them down with them when they visit.

I'm sure you remember Candlepins For Cash with Bob Gamere. Back in '77, my mother was on and hit the jackpot. She was the town hero in Marlborough, got interviewed by the local paper and even got stopped on the street. It was such a big deal back then. I miss it up there sometimes.How cool is that!!!! Yep, I remember Bob Gamere. Don Gillis died this past April. He retired to Falmouth.

Last year in Philadelphia was the first time I ever bowled ten pins. Considering I'd only ever bowled candlepins and it'd been 20 years since I'd last been to an alley, I did pretty good! :D

10-01-2008, 05:23 AM
A PERFECT GAME :eek:...Congratulations... I'm still in aw of the concept, and no, I have never come close. I love any sport that allows you to drink during the game ;). If it were me, I'd probably stop bowling after a perfect game, I wouldn't want to mess up the streak. I wish my knees would let me bowl again, but alas age and gravity has taken it's toll.

:beer: Again Congratulations :beer:

10-01-2008, 04:33 PM
Wow! Congrats! Best I ever bowled was a low 200...

10-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Congrats on the 300!!!

10-01-2008, 04:51 PM
Congrats!! A goal I've been very close to several times. Several 290's but never a 298, 299 or 300. I carried a 224 average in the league I bowled in and subbed in the Masters League when they needed me. Always qualified for the 700 series patch 9+ years running and had the honor of placing second in the Iowa State Tournament in Doubles where I rolled a 793 series. Barry, my partner, placed third in Singles that same day. I can only imagine if we could have both scored high during the doubles.

I retired my bowling days to arthritis of the fingers. They don't look bad, and you would think a computer programmer would have very strong fingers! But I kept dropping the weight of bowling balls and still had severe pain. So I picked up shooting pool again and play in the masters league in that now.

I kept my favorite two bowling balls and my shoes, just in case...

Now, when you get your ring, make sure you take a picture with it and your ball and post up. Again, CONGRATS!!


10-01-2008, 04:54 PM

10-01-2008, 06:55 PM
Thanks guys. It really was a special thing for me. Believe me, there has to be a lot of luck involved too. 12 perfect balls in the same game can net you a few 9 counts. I threw a good game but the stars and moon were aligned for me.

Ed, your right. What other sport can you play where you can drink beer during the game? Gotta love it!:beer:

10-02-2008, 03:59 AM
:congrats: on your 300 game. I have not been in a league since my YABA days. Maybe that will change in time. My highest is a 235 and kept around a 150 avarage.

Mike Poore
10-02-2008, 04:26 AM
I kept my favorite two bowling balls and my shoes, just in case...

My friend John, who's uncle in Saugerties, NY owned a Bowling Alley, set pins, and bowled, ....a lot. "One day", he said, "I came home and ran my bowling ball through the band saw". :mad2:

Also, I recall bowling the small pins, Duck Pins, as I recall. I assume no one has ever rolled a perfect 300 in that game. Some guys could really make those things fly, sometimes into the next lane, which always brought howls of protest from the pin boys.

10-02-2008, 05:10 PM
Congrats. 300 games aren't as hard to get as they once used to be, but still a 300 is a 300. I bowl 2 leagues a week and enjoy the hell out of it. A great way to get away from the kids and have fun with the guys.