View Full Version : Close this thread

Agent M79
10-03-2008, 03:22 PM
Who believes that 'Freedom of Speech' and/or 'Freedom of Expression' is a universal 'right' applicable to any venue?

Do you believe that every privately owned, non-government sponsored web forum *must* allow users to say anything they desire within the confines of the law (avoiding things like libel)?

If I set up a web forum and I decided that everyone that had a screen name that started with 'M' and signed up on a Saturday was banned for life, have I violated your 'rights'?

If I decide I didn't like your politics? Banned.

If I decide I didn't like your ethics? Banned.

Religion or lack thereof?

Age? Race? Sexual orientation?

Could I have a website for bicurious eskimo cross-dressing nazi's over 5 feet tall and between the ages of 20 and 35 who are Virgo's with acne and exclude you if you didn't fit with those constraints?

When it comes to web forums, is your 'right' to freely express yourself or is your 'right' to not visit that web forum?

10-03-2008, 03:29 PM
I agree w/ no politics and religion. Those can be hot topics anywhere. However, I feel that when a site has growing pains, it needs to be discussed thoroughly. Deleting and closing Threads and Posts lead to more issues. Discuss it CIVIALLY and with FACTS, not hear-say and slander or libel.... whichever it is. Much would be learned and everyone would see how things progress. No back-door ninja activities.



10-03-2008, 03:30 PM
There are rules in place that allow the Admins to censor what they deem to be offensive or flammatory towards the sponsers of the site.
Take a look at unmoderated forums and you'll understand why its better to have some rules in place.

The admins dont feel the need to discuss the topic at the moment. They run the site so its their desicion.

10-03-2008, 03:33 PM
offensive or flammatory towards the sponsers of the site.

.....even if it is true?



10-03-2008, 03:34 PM
.....even if it is true?




10-03-2008, 03:36 PM
i agree w/ no politics and religion. Those can be hot topics anywhere. However, i feel that when a site has growing pains, it needs to be discussed thoroughly. Deleting and closing threads and posts lead to more issues. Discuss it civially and with facts, not hear-say and slander or libel.... Whichever it is. Much would be learned and everyone would see how things progress. No back-door ninja activities.



x 10,000000

10-03-2008, 03:39 PM
x 10,000000

Why, when you quote, does it get rid of caps and some punctuation?





Local Boy
10-03-2008, 03:41 PM
"Could I have a website for bicurious eskimo cross-dressing nazi's over 5 feet tall and between the ages of 20 and 35 who are Virgo's with acne and exclude you if you didn't fit with those constraints?"

Nah...my Brutha...

It really comes down to how you treat people...

Whether, in person or on a web site, there are certain codes of ethics, in how we choose to socialize with eachother...

We are all responsible to speak out, when we feel mis-treated...

Your point, is well taken...


Agent M79
10-03-2008, 03:45 PM
You, sir, are off topic. You opining policy and discussing user governance. I am discussing what you believe to be your 'rights' on a web forum.

I agree w/ no politics and religion. Those can be hot topics anywhere. However, I feel that when a site has growing pains, it needs to be discussed thoroughly. Deleting and closing Threads and Posts lead to more issues. Discuss it CIVIALLY and with FACTS, not hear-say and slander or libel.... whichever it is. Much would be learned and everyone would see how things progress. No back-door ninja activities.

Agent M79
10-03-2008, 03:47 PM
The admins dont feel the need to discuss the topic at the moment. They run the site so its their desicion.

.....even if it is true?

'Truth' is not relative to the topic, gentlemen. The topic is the 'right' to 'Freedom of Speech' as it applies to web forums.

Agent M79
10-03-2008, 03:50 PM
Nah...my Brutha...

It really comes down to how you treat people...

Whether, in person or on a web site, there are certain codes of ethics, in how we choose to socialize with eachother...

We are all responsible to speak out, when we feel mis-treated...

Your point, is well taken...


You speak of what matters in life to maintain good karma, my island brother. I offer no disagreement to your points, but they do not speak to the topic as presented.

Dr Caleb
10-03-2008, 03:56 PM
Who believes that 'Freedom of Speech' and/or 'Freedom of Expression' is a universal 'right' applicable to any venue?

*Any* venue? No.

We have the universal right to think and say what we want. We do not have the right to be heard.

I run a website, and it is 100% about politics. And the same rules apply as they do here. It can get pretty nasty sometimes, but we don't filter bad words. And so long as you are posting something related to our broad mission, you won't get the boot. As soon as you come into my 'living room' and start spouting off, you get shown the door. (not you specifically M79, 'you' in the general sense)

I don't spend money on bandwidth and server space so people can come and post Neanderthal hate speech, or hawk crappy Nike ripoff shoes made in a garage in Tiawan. They can get their own server if they want to do that.

Now, I don't know what this relates to. I must have missed something. But that's my 2 cents.

10-03-2008, 04:01 PM
I run a website, and it is 100% about politics..




Dr Caleb
10-03-2008, 04:07 PM



Hope this doesn't break any rules (but nothing is for sale!).


It might be a bit left for you folks, I'm one of the few Right wing people there.

Our partner site http://www.canadaka.net/ might be more to your liking. :) Far more centrist, good mix of Left/Right.

10-03-2008, 04:08 PM
:) Far more centrist, good mix of Left/Right.



10-03-2008, 04:10 PM

Too much Canadia talk for me. You know.... it's not a real country anyways!!!



10-03-2008, 04:12 PM
Too much Canadia talk for me. You know.... it's not a real country anyways!!!





10-03-2008, 04:16 PM
They run the site so its their desicion.

YOU (meaning us), made MM.net possible, and what it is today. By idly standing by and letting people get taken advantage of, is WRONG. How dare ANYONE tell us differently. Closing threads is CHILDISH and the motives behind it are less than honorable.

Everyone here who doesnt praise the almighty knows the tales. I for one, know personally the horror stories of blown motors at the track while a certain member was overseas serving our country. A big league Padre...A man of the lord. Yes, we all know who im talking about. If you dont, i cant help you.

Its not about taking sides here. ITS ABOUT TRUTH. This is a ******ing community thats going to eventually fall apart is this is kept up. I wasnt here for the Logan era, but i'm certainly not standing for this. :bs:

Consider this my last post on whats to be a forgotten enthusiast site for the Marauder.

Go ahead and shut every thread down - They'll be more, so many your head will spin. By weeks end, you'll just wanna shut the site down. This is far from over, but like i said...its OVER FOR ME!

PS - Paul, dont hold back on what you want to say about whats going on.

10-03-2008, 04:19 PM
YOU (meaning us), made MM.net possible, and what it is today. By idly standing by and letting people get taken advantage of, is WRONG. How dare ANYONE tell us differently. Closing threads is CHILDISH and the motives behind it are less than honorable.

Everyone here who doesnt praise the almighty knows the tales. I for one, know personally the horror stories of blown motors at the track while a certain member was overseas serving our country. A big league Padre...A man of the lord. Yes, we all know who im talking about. If you dont, i cant help you.

Its not about taking sides here. ITS ABOUT TRUTH. This is a ******ing community thats going to eventually fall apart is this is kept up. I wasnt here for the Logan era, but i'm certainly not standing for this. :bs:

Consider this my last post on whats to be a forgotten enthusiast site for the Marauder.

Go ahead and shut every thread down - They'll be more, so many your head will spin. By weeks end, you'll just wanna shut the site down. This is far from over, but like i said...its OVER FOR ME!

PS - Paul, dont hold back on what you want to say about whats going on.

Heated posts like this, do not help.




PS - :beer:

10-03-2008, 04:20 PM
Heated posts like this, do not help.




PS - :beer:

Believe me - that was civil.

10-03-2008, 04:21 PM
Believe me - that was civil.



Agent M79
10-03-2008, 04:29 PM
YOU (meaning us), made MM.net possible, and what it is today. By idly standing by and letting people get taken advantage of, is WRONG. How dare ANYONE tell us differently.

We could debate the 'who made mm.net' but it would be semantics and off topic for this thread. However, passivity in the face of injustice I will agree is wrong. Also off topic.

To try to bring this back to the topic at hand, do you think that you have a 'right' to post your dissenting opinion (your pronouncement of 'wrongness') without hindering? Or rather is it your 'right' to provide your own venue (website, pamphlet, sky writing) or find a supporting one and share your feelings (lawfully) there?

If I had a 'how to cook kittens' website and I quashed every 'you monster how can you cook kitties?' post, would I be violating that posters rights?

10-03-2008, 04:33 PM
We could debate the 'who made mm.net' but it would be semantics and off topic for this thread. However, passivity in the face of injustice I will agree is wrong. Also off topic.

To try to bring this back to the topic at hand, do you think that you have a 'right' to post your dissenting opinion (your pronouncement of 'wrongness') without hindering? Or rather is it your 'right' to provide your own venue (website, pamphlet, sky writing) or find a supporting one and share your feelings (lawfully) there?

If I had a 'how to cook kittens' website and I quashed every 'you monster how can you cook kitties?' post, would I be violating that posters rights?

Point being, this needs to be addressed. I know this is "off topic", however this is directly on topic. I'm gonna need to revise my "last post" statement to "last thread".

This is a PUBLIC venue. It is not private to the likes of lurking guests. That is OFF topic to discuss. Truth needs to surface. Like a cancerous tumor, it spreads like wildfire.

Agent M79
10-03-2008, 04:40 PM
Point being, this needs to be addressed. I know this is "off topic", however this is directly on topic. I'm gonna need to revise my "last post" statement to "last thread".

This is a PUBLIC venue. It is not private to the likes of lurking guests. That is OFF topic to discuss. Truth needs to surface. Like a cancerous tumor, it spreads like wildfire.

So I can cook kittens?

10-03-2008, 04:41 PM
So I can cook kittens?

Yes - :lol::lol:

10-03-2008, 04:45 PM
So I can cook kittens?Of course you can, but they taste like chicken, and aren't even available at Publix.

Dr Caleb
10-03-2008, 04:50 PM
Too much Canadia talk for me. You know.... it's not a real country anyways!!!



Yea, I know. It's something we refer to as 'English'. It's not so bad, but easy to miss . . .all tucked away down there.

10-03-2008, 04:54 PM
Yea, I know. It's something we refer to as 'English'. It's not so bad, but easy to miss . . .all tucked away down there.



10-03-2008, 05:03 PM
Of course you can, but they taste like chicken, and aren't even available at Publix.I hear that it's on the stove at some Chinese restaurants. And it is tasty! :food:

Ken :hide:

10-03-2008, 05:56 PM
freedom of speach only applies to public / personal venues. the Mercury Marauder.net is a privatly held web site that happens to allow enterance to the public. The owners have full discresion as to the rules they impose. The contents and views expressed on this site are subject to the owners complete discression and they have the right to censor any content they deem unfit.

To be free....one must be chained

10-03-2008, 07:34 PM
All I know is I have seen lots of posts and references to a "free Zack."

I want my free Zack, but I didn't receive one. I have lots of ***** around here that needs to get done and I'm too dang lazy to do it myself. A free Zack would be useful.

Do I need a coupon or something? Is it part of a group buy incentive?

With the economy the way it is I can use some free stuff.

10-03-2008, 07:37 PM
Do I need a coupon or something? Is it part of a group buy incentive?
It has something to do with a group buy.

Agent M79
10-03-2008, 08:30 PM
freedom of speach only applies to public / personal venues...<snip> </snip>

Oh... My... God... Its on ON TOPIC REPLY! There is not even a tangent.

You are correct. A web forum has no obligation to provide the right of Free Speech to any user. Your 'right' is to communicate your thoughts and beliefs through your own medium.

So, if you get on my kitty cooking forum and you don't like something I say (like use turmeric with Maine Coon) and I delete your posts and ban you, I have not violated your right of free speech. You may start www.kittycookersucks.com (http://www.kittycookersucks.com) and rant all you like there (within the limits of the law, let's not be libelous, eh?). Or write a book. Air a news story. Or blubber like a baby on YouTube.

I've gotten myself worked up over crap that ultimately has zero impact on my life in the past. Probably even here. So I can understand anger. It's the extent of the indignation and entitlement mentality I see when people start with 'my free speech rights' have been violated by a web forum.

No. They haven't. ***** went down you didn't like. Your friends suffered some insult. Your values were assailed. You are angry. Hurt, even. Because you are squelched on a web forum does not mean that your rights have been violated.

It presents an opportunity to exercise your actual for real rights.

Start a web forum. A minimal effort reveals there are free hosted forums covering inumerable topics. You can choose one or make your own.

Boycott. Your contribution in a web forum has value, does it? Stop contributing. Evangelize your cause via email, fax, phone call, billboard, picket. Get others to remove their value from the monster that so offends thee.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it... but not on my web forum." -Voltaire, Jr.


10-03-2008, 08:30 PM
PS - Paul, dont hold back on what you want to say about whats going on.


There are plenty of outspoken members here that can make the point known.
I like the site and Ill continue to be a proud member of it. I'd rather not get involved with the drama. I've never had a vacation from the site and I dont plan to earn one now.

10-03-2008, 10:24 PM
There once was a wise Canadian stranded in Texas who said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This is my house. Just because I let you come in doesn't give you permission to cr@p on my coffee table." Or something like that. ;)

10-04-2008, 04:57 AM
There once was a wise Canadian stranded in Texas who said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This is my house. Just because I let you come in doesn't give you permission to cr@p on my coffee table." Or something like that. ;)
+1 .... Close enough.

10-04-2008, 05:10 AM
There once was a wise Canadian stranded in Texas who said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This is my house. Just because I let you come in doesn't give you permission to cr@p on my coffee table." Or something like that. ;)And I'm beginning to miss him!!


Bradley G
10-04-2008, 05:27 AM
So I guessed right!:banana2:

10-04-2008, 08:14 AM
First Amendment rights extend to government intervention only.
Privately owned/funded media (not including FCC regulated broadcast media) is not required to provide equal time to opposing views. It may not appear fair - but that's how it is.
As far as the current situation goes I did not see all that transpired so I have no opinion about it.
The bottom line is if somebody feels abused, there are no chains on anyone holding them here.

10-04-2008, 08:46 AM
If you do not like it here, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Ms. Denmark
10-04-2008, 10:46 AM

There are plenty of outspoken members here that can make the point known.
I like the site and Ill continue to be a proud member of it. I'd rather not get involved with the drama. I've never had a vacation from the site and I dont plan to earn one now. Well said. I appreciate the sentiment and example set. :)

Blk Mamba
10-04-2008, 11:02 AM
This is always so confusing, I'm never here when the SHTF, and then when I try to understand, either no one will talk to me, or I'm told to shut-up. If y'all are gonna act like that, name the soap opera, so I can catch it later.

10-04-2008, 12:26 PM
All I know is I have seen lots of posts and references to a "free Zack."

I want my free Zack, but I didn't receive one. I have lots of ***** around here that needs to get done and I'm too dang lazy to do it myself. A free Zack would be useful.

Do I need a coupon or something? Is it part of a group buy incentive?

With the economy the way it is I can use some free stuff.

oh the jokes.... haha

i have nothing to say on the topic..... because its none of my business. just found this response hliarious.

Agent M79
10-05-2008, 01:11 PM
Alrighty, I think this is about wrapped up.

As of the time of this writing, 35 of you are aware that a web forum doesn't have to afford you the right to freedom of speech. And they don't. Really.

There are 15 of you that either believe that web forums either should or are lawfully compelled to allow freedom of speech. If you fall in the 'should' category you are going to be repeatedly disappointed by your web forum experience. If you feel web forums are lawfully compelled to allow freedom of speech, you are wrong. They don't. Really.

17 of you are inviting a bite rather than answer the question.

O's Fan Rich
10-05-2008, 01:44 PM
All I know is I have seen lots of posts and references to a "free Zack."

I want my free Zack, but I didn't receive one. I have lots of ***** around here that needs to get done and I'm too dang lazy to do it myself. A free Zack would be useful.

Do I need a coupon or something? Is it part of a group buy incentive?

With the economy the way it is I can use some free stuff.

I have a Zack.... it eats my food, runs up my phone bill, devours electricity, uses all my hot water, drinks my booze, stays up all night and has a habit of sitting in front of a computer playing some stupid WOW thing....
YOU want a free ZacK?

10-05-2008, 02:27 PM
We've already been bitten.

Dr Caleb
10-05-2008, 04:12 PM
I have a Zack.... it eats my food, runs up my phone bill, devours electricity, uses all my hot water, drinks my booze, stays up all night and has a habit of sitting in front of a computer playing some stupid WOW thing....

YOU want a free ZacK?

Is it house trained? Can it do windows?

(I think this is going to be a better meme than 'Buttermilk')

Mike Poore
10-06-2008, 04:07 AM
Is it house trained? Can it do windows?

(I think this is going to be a better meme than 'Buttermilk')

Here we go again. :D
We might even have a poll to guess when the Bunny will shut it down; just like she did with the Buttermilk thread. Even the timing is right, 'cause we lost Buttermilk on new year's day, as I recall.

For you newbies it's the all time greatest thread in MM.net history.

Since it's started; I got my free Zack on the trip to Connecticut last fall and was nearly hospitalized. Thankfully, it got cured by a 15 day course of Erithromycin and two weeks of bed rest, but, sadly, I missed the club championship shoot because of it. In retrospect, I think Charlie's bout of free Zack put him in the hospital and caused him to miss MMV IV.

I guess getting free Zack can be analogous to sex. It can be really great, but there's always the potential of STD's.

Ms. Denmark
10-06-2008, 06:50 PM
Well my Zack wasn't free! I paid $ 14.99 for it! I got ripped off!!!!! I don't appreciate hearing all the rest of you gloating. :P

10-07-2008, 04:17 PM

I'm tired of beating a dead horse!!!

Bottom line - If the owners weren't around to own this place at all, then we'd have no place to even b!tch about! So STFU about what it isn't - enjoy what it is and get back to the CAR and the FRIENDS!!!

BTW, I voted BITE ME!

10-07-2008, 04:22 PM

I'm tired of beating a dead horse!!!

Bottom line - If the owners weren't around to own this place at all, then we'd have no place to even b!tch about! So STFU about what it isn't - enjoy what it is and get back to the CAR and the FRIENDS!!!

BTW, I voted BITE ME!

i agree 100%

:beer: my friend

10-07-2008, 04:24 PM
I voted Bite Me as well.

I enjoy this site, and I wish the BEST FOR THE SITE. That is the reason I have spoken MY OPINIONS AND THOUGHTS on the matter.

Open communication makes ALL relationships BETTER!



Ms. Denmark
10-07-2008, 04:49 PM
Another Bite Me response here.

10-08-2008, 11:55 AM
Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul T. Casey
10-08-2008, 12:46 PM
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it... but not on my web forum." -Voltaire, Jr.


Dave, you're Voltaire, Jr.? I knew it! "You sure can parse them words for a southerner." (in my best Alabama accent).

Paul T. Casey
10-09-2008, 04:56 AM
If I had a 'how to cook kittens' website and I quashed every 'you monster how can you cook kitties?' post, would I be violating that posters rights?

Am I to assume you were here?


Agent M79
10-09-2008, 06:49 AM
Am I to assume you were here?


Wow! Satire becomes reality. Me-OW!