View Full Version : Cop Cars or What??????

10-06-2008, 04:18 PM
As many of you know I am a Sheriff's Posse member and we wear real neat uniforms.

Today I was driving back to the Sub Station from another district in my SB Marauder with another posse member, in uniform, in the right seat.

We were lined up in the turn lane behind a PU truck with two young men inside. When the light changed the truck pulled smartly away and entered the thoroughfare. However, the thoroughfare is partly under construction and the speed limit has been reduced to 15 from 45 MPH. Signage obvious.

The truck was prolly doing close to 35 and still accelerating when all of a sudden his brake lights came on and I had to do a quick slow down.

I said WTF to my partner and he then noted the truck was proceeding at 15 MPH.

The driver of the truck prolly looked in his rear view, saw the blacked out grille, my GPS peeking above the dash and two uniformed "policemen" in the car and thought "aw Sh_t" I'm going to get a ticket.

My partner and I got a big chuckle out of this.

So gents, it's true our cars do look like cop cars, He, He.


10-06-2008, 04:27 PM
i fool with people all the time. specialy with the steelies. its pretty fun. of corse i dont do anything crazy that would be considered impersonating an officer

10-06-2008, 04:41 PM
So gents, it's true our cars do look like cop cars, He, He.

Are you just figuring this out, Pat?? :rofl: The Crown Vic Effect is real. But sometimes it works for you (when the cars slide right out of your way on the highway) and sometimes it works against you (when the drivers freeze in their lane, drop to 5 MPH under the speed limit and are afraid to make any sudden move). I have found that it doesn't matter too much what you are wearing 'cause I have had it happen when I was in a T-Shirt & Jeans (deep undercover). :D

Of course, in Northern Virginia only 3 in 5 drivers actually use their rearview mirror to check traffic behind them. And 1 in 5 is completely oblivious. :rolleyes: 1 of the other 2 is on the cellphone or text messaging. :banned:

10-06-2008, 04:42 PM
on my way into the Brewers game yesterday , was driving in the right hand lane with cruise set at 70. Car full of 20 somethings stayed on my tail for awhile before creeping up around me in the left lane-all five of them stared thru the window at me for a few seconds, finally the passenger looked at the driver as if to say, "that aint no friggin cop", and they sped on by....:)

10-06-2008, 06:02 PM
Stopped at a red light the other night, i see a Seirra truck pull up next to me on my drivers side and the kid driving, and "only" one in the truck, started looking at me. i pull up closer so our windows are close, and the kid continues to stare at me......

long story short, i see a girl pull her head up, back facing me, and turn around witht he look like oh crap, COPS!!

hahaha i had a grat laugh. I called ImpalaSlayer to share the humor that night

Egon Spengler
10-06-2008, 06:34 PM
try having lights in the grill, light under the rear view, and a gps!!!!

10-07-2008, 06:43 AM
People still get out of my way with my HIDs and cowl hood.

I just love the people that fly up in either side of me when I am on a 3 lane (one side) highway and I usually cruise in the middle lane. Speed up, creep up next to me, take several looks to make sure I'm not a cop then take off and I slowly merge over to follow whoever is faster and they quickly merge into the slow traffic and stay there lol.

The wife gets a kick out of it all the time. Help making getting to the movies onto a breeze lol.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
10-07-2008, 07:05 AM
I thought more people would be fooled by the MM but with the bling wheels, foglights, grand marquis grille, and especially the smoked headlights, it's just not happening. The front end treatment is different enough that the MM doesn't really scream cop car from the front. Out here in NoVa people will pass me on the right doing 80+ in a 55 without giving it a second thought. I don't think anyone has ever held off because they thought I was a cop.

10-07-2008, 07:43 AM
My burgundy 2006 Taurus pulls it off better than any other car you can imagine. The Lee County guys here use them in the Criminal Investigations Division and I wind up being the pace car in traffic. It has dark windows including the windshield and my through-the-glass external antenna kinda looks like cop fare.

10-07-2008, 09:21 AM
I live in the trenton area which is next to bordentown, NJ and both trenton and bordentown have brand new chargers for their PDs. My Ex bought a brand new Charger R/T and EVERYONE gets outta her way. Nobody moves over for the MM anymore :(

10-07-2008, 09:33 AM
I still have great success in getting slower traffic out of the way on highways
going to Carlisle PA this year for the Ford show,my wife was amazed how everyone bolted out of the way when they saw us coming in the fast lane. I had my cruise on 90mph most of the way and never had to tap the brakes!

Aren Jay
10-07-2008, 09:44 AM
Try doing 5 under the posted limit in the centre lane with a box of kleenex/tissues on your dash while wearing a blue shirt.

10-07-2008, 11:37 AM
Try doing 5 under the posted limit in the centre lane with a box of kleenex/tissues on your dash while wearing a blue shirt.
They have "center lanes" up there in Canada? I thought everything was two lane, rock or dirt roads. Man, did I get the wrong info. :rolleyes:

10-07-2008, 04:58 PM
Cruising down the road one night at 70mph I see 2 sets of headlights coming fast. It was 2 cars racing. Stang and a Civic...

As soon as they got right next to me the Civic SLAMED and I mean LOCKED up the damn brakes down to 65. Scared the hell out of my mom that was with me. Then looks over at me directly and started to pull over off the freeway into the E-lane!!!!

It was when I had my black car. Freaking Hilarious moment.

Aren Jay
10-09-2008, 08:48 PM
They have "center lanes" up there in Canada? I thought everything was two lane, rock or dirt roads. Man, did I get the wrong info. :rolleyes:
Remember Calgary is the oil capital of North America.

All I could find were four lane roads:http://www.galen-frysinger.us/canada/calgary08.jpg

This is the new city hall and the old (purple roofed) city hall.

Then again we do have this too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plus_15