View Full Version : For those of you who owe tickets, watch out!

10-08-2008, 12:18 PM
You know how you will have a boot on your car if you do not pay 3 tickets? (at least here in Chicago) Well I just found out police do not have to run your tag anymore, it's done for them. Let me explain:

A co-worker almost got a boot on his car because he owed $750 to the city. He literally caught a city worker putting a boot on his car and he insisted that he take it off and that he would pay his tickets that day. The city worker actually let him go. This is how it works: A van will drive down a street and that van has 4 cameras on it. Each camera is for different angles observing the outside. If that van goes slow it can scan each plate. Cars (as the van drives along) that owe a ton of money will make the computer flash and alert the driver to put a boot on that car.

If you owe money you have three options. One PAY, two park in a garage or three if you park on the street make sure the rear of the car is close to the car behind you to block the plate. Since we all have Marauders the best bet would be to park behind a truck since our plates are above the bumper.

That is all and be careful out there.

10-08-2008, 01:23 PM

Best bet is don't get a parking ticket.

If you do. pay it!



10-08-2008, 02:16 PM
Those vans have been out for a while!!! You should see how quick they put those on too. They now also wear bullet proof vest, because recently one of them got shot! BTW I almost got (2) tickets the other day by a metermaid (1) for tint & (2) for tinted plates, I was able to schmoooze my way out of both of em' I caught the metermaid starring at the car, she told me she didn't start the process, because she couldn't figure out what kind of car it was. Gave her a brief history,she told me the car was really cool and that she had no clue what Marauders were. She cut me a break! I guess the chopped up rear emblem & the badgeless grille helped out. YESSSS!!!

10-08-2008, 06:04 PM
And that "chopped" emblem looks very nice BTW.

10-08-2008, 06:06 PM
And that "chopped" emblem looks very nice BTW.

Trying to catch up to you! :beer:

10-08-2008, 06:25 PM
You allready have a better wardrobe atleast last saturday!!!

10-08-2008, 06:58 PM
You should see what's underneath!

10-08-2008, 07:02 PM

Best bet is don't get a parking ticket.

If you do. pay it!



+ 1 :beer: