View Full Version : Is this guy a true Marauder Lover ?

10-15-2008, 05:22 AM
:mad2:I got off work lastnight. I work in downtown DC, I was over by the Washington Monument when i saw a marauder coming up on my left. We stopped at the light, my friend said, oh my god look at his marauder. I turned my head and what did i c ? This guy marauder was dirty :censor: hell. I mean dirty. Rims, wheels the hole car. He look like he went off roading in his marauder. I put my windows down so did he, guest what he said 2 me ? I LOVE MY MARAUDER. I looked at my friend and she said u better not, i said :censor: that, u don't love ur Marauder that much, look how dirty she is, what a disgrace. I put my window up light turned green and i took off. Now u tell me, do u think he think he loves his marauder ? I say hell no ! :mad2:

10-15-2008, 05:30 AM
he don`t love his Marauder !

and he is a big loser !

10-15-2008, 07:49 AM
Maybe he loves it and is just a slob!

10-15-2008, 07:53 AM
Maybe he loves it and is just a slob!
X2...I agree!

10-15-2008, 08:12 AM
Maybe he loves it and is just a slob!

x3 yep, I've come across a lot like that.

10-15-2008, 08:13 AM
I say you were an *******.

He loves his car so much that he DRIVES it. He was being polite enough to recognize that you have a Marauder.

10-15-2008, 08:44 AM
Who knows what he had just been through? Long day, up at 4 am, travelling dirt roads making calls. God knows what his story was. I don't think that this was the best possible way to acknowledge a fellow owner. I've had days when I woke up to my shiny, freshly washed MM and had to go straight to a jobsite - mud, dirt, whatever. It makes me cry to know I have to go home and wash it all over again, and somedays I'm too depressed to do it. It happens. When I'm having one of those downer, long old work days, I really hope I don't get greated by someone like you. No offence to you directly as I'm sure your a decent guy. A comment like that simply wouldn't improve my day any.

Local Boy
10-15-2008, 08:50 AM

Be nice, for we know NOT, others peoples hardships...


10-15-2008, 08:52 AM
Now u tell me, do u think he think he loves his marauder ? I say hell no !
I am sure that there are plenty days where you might catch my Marauder in less than Car Show shape. :o Give the guy a break.

10-15-2008, 08:56 AM
Gonna have to agree with these last few posts. I love my MM to death, and every scratch I keep finding is like a dagger in the back, and the dirt it finds so easily is nothing less than frustrating. Sometimes life doesn't give you enough free moments to baby your MM the way it deserves to be. Lord knows I love to hand wash mine, and I just can't find the time these days.

10-15-2008, 10:29 AM
I totally dislike driving mine when it is dirty, but I guess that still beats the heck out of the alternative. I bought mine to drive and enjoy.

The street I live on at one time was a dirt road. I had a black '98 Camaro SS. I could spend all morning washing my car, only to drive from my house a few blocks to a paved road, and it would immediately look like crap.

I guess like some have said, the guy was friendly and acknowledged another Marauder, but who knows what his circumstances were.

He could be heading home after just completing the Baja 1000. :)


10-15-2008, 10:43 AM
My BLUE is dirty 6 out of the 7 days in a week.
The smile I get from enjoying it far outweighs its cleanliness. :up:

10-15-2008, 11:04 AM
cars get dirty, give the guy a break. he rolls down his window to talk to another owner, and all you do is berate him and drive off? sorry, thats just not cool

10-15-2008, 01:47 PM
Half the time both of mine are dirty and we still drive them. It's only when I have the time do they get TLC and had-washed by me. Else, they sit dirty -- no car washes for my babies.

10-15-2008, 01:51 PM
My wifes DTR is dirty 75% of the time. The interior is spotless but since she drives 50 miles to work and 50 miles back it gets a bit dirty during the week. My MM is dirty roughly 50% of the time, usually whenever I am going to meet up with other MM owners.

I agree with the others, just becuase he has a dirty car doesn't mean he doesn't love it. My wife refuses to drive anything else, and the only other car I like to drive is my Crown Vic Squad car at work.

Give the guy a break.

10-15-2008, 01:57 PM
That was me you were yelling are you jerk! :P

10-15-2008, 02:03 PM
My friend called me yesterday and said...YOUR CAR IS SO DIRTY!!! My reply was...well why didnt you wash it then?!?:rolleyes:

There comes a time when my car will be dirty...but hey its a black car...then there are time it can be DIRTY...I refuse to go to a carwash, detailers cost and sometimes I dont have the time to clean. So, damn Damien...why you didnt just tell him it would be nice this week and get out there and clean her up so he can meet up wit the CAMers thursday or friday...:D

Dr Caleb
10-15-2008, 02:16 PM
I hate driving my car (or truck) when it's dirty - but I still have to drive it to the car wash first.

10-15-2008, 02:21 PM
One winter my Marauder looked white and I still love the car. Its whats under the dirt that matters!

10-15-2008, 02:31 PM
I pay 30 bucks a month for unlimited car washes so my car is clean about 90% of the time, and almost every Saturday morning I usually hand wash it, but I would never bit** someone out for having a dirty car.

10-15-2008, 02:38 PM
Mine rarely gets dirty anymore. However the first year i owned it i drove to work every monday and parked in the adjacent corn field. My boss owned the field and threw a very small amount of rock down for traction in the snow and mud. There she would sit till friday collecting everything chicago could throw at her while i had the work truck at home in the garage. Atleast she didn't see too much salt. That being said every friday after work i would have to drive about 10 miles between my shop and the car wash and cringed at the thought of being seen. Now the wife hates the fact that if its raining then there is a 95% chance that her car is the one going out.

Ms. Denmark
10-15-2008, 04:03 PM
My BLUE is dirty 6 out of the 7 days in a week.
The smile I get from enjoying it far outweighs its cleanliness. :up: Ditto for my Silver Birch. Love it but it's not a Garage Queen. It earns it's keep getting me safely where I need to be each day.....and keeps me smiling every mile. :):):):):)

10-15-2008, 04:34 PM
cars get dirty, give the guy a break. he rolls down his window to talk to another owner, and all you do is berate him and drive off? sorry, thats just not cool
I agree,I drive a cement truck and when I was driving mine to work it got drops of cement on it,not to mention some of the most horrendous and destructive dust all over it along with slurry under it on the chassis,rocker panels,quarter panels,wheels,tires and inner wheel wells.If you saw it on my way home from work you'd have thought I didn't give a damn about it.I do love it and love driving it,so I bought a 2002 CVPI P71 for a work car so I don't ruin my MM.
Although I've been able to clean the exterior back up pretty nicely I haven't been able to get it cleaned up under the hood as it was a year round daily driver here for years before I got it and the salt corroded all the bare aluminum and I still have to get all the crud from work cleaned off. :eek:
Ask Motorhead350,justbob or takedown,they've seen it with the hood opened (very briefly).
Until I can afford a spare timing chain cover and valve covers and a few other parts to send out to get silver powder coated and installed it's gonna break my heart every time I pop the hood. :bigcry: But for now,time,money and circumstances prevent it.It will NEVER be a show car,it'll still have scratches and nicks and look driven,cause it has been and always will be and to me first and foremost that's what a car is for. :coolman: :beer:

10-15-2008, 05:11 PM
im new to this site and a new owner of a beautiful 2004 mercury marauder black paint.I have owned this car for one week and I have changed the oil twice(the first time i did a oil flush)and after a 700 mile trip i changed it again.Ive flushed the transmission and changed the filter,changed the fuel filter,and changed the air filter.I have washed the car 4 times and waxed it,polished the rims with chrome polish.The seats have been cleaned and conditioned.Also the ac duct have been cleaned with a deoderizer and mildew remover.People give me strange looks at my obsessive ways I take care of my car but what can i sayITS A MARAUDER!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE THIS CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-15-2008, 05:16 PM
My BLUE is dirty 6 out of the 7 days in a week.
The smile I get from enjoying it far outweighs its cleanliness. :up:
Agreed , only mine is black and looks like shat 15 minutes after its washed, but for what i pay each month you can bet i will drive it , dirty or not:D

10-15-2008, 05:24 PM
welcome to the site jvillerauder

10-15-2008, 05:41 PM
im new to this site and a new owner of a beautiful 2004 mercury marauder black paint.I have owned this car for one week and I have changed the oil twice(the first time i did a oil flush)and after a 700 mile trip i changed it again.Ive flushed the transmission and changed the filter,changed the fuel filter,and changed the air filter.I have washed the car 4 times and waxed it,polished the rims with chrome polish.The seats have been cleaned and conditioned.Also the ac duct have been cleaned with a deoderizer and mildew remover.People give me strange looks at my obsessive ways I take care of my car but what can i sayITS A MARAUDER!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE THIS CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WELCOME to the site!! you are justified to be proud and even a bit obsessive, its a sign of good mental health. stick around and learn what you can, and pitch in when you can. enjoy the car, you are correct to be obsessive!:D

RF Overlord
10-15-2008, 05:47 PM
It makes me cry to know I have to go home and wash it all over again, and somedays I'm too depressed to do it.I know just what you mean. I love the way my front lawn looks after it's mowed, but I hate mowing it.

Maybe I should start washing the lawn and mowing the car...

10-15-2008, 06:50 PM
Ill be honest at this moment in time my car looks like ****..:(
She is so dirty it is disgusting. I refuse to bring her to a car wash and my schedule has been so crazy the only time I have to wash her is at midnight with a spot light.
But under all the dirt and crap there is a very thick coat of wax.:)
When I get time she will be nice and spotless again..
The guy probably hasn’t had time to clean his baby…!

10-16-2008, 04:50 AM
But to be honest, even when it is dirty, my MM looks much better than all those Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Hyundias, etc that I see on the road every day. Much Better!!! .... and that is what counts. :D

Dirty, Yes. But never Filthy. :rofl:

Ms. Denmark
10-16-2008, 08:39 AM
But to be honest, even when it is dirty, my MM looks much better than all those Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Hyundias, etc that I see on the road every day. Much Better!!! .... and that is what counts. :D

Dirty, Yes. But never Filthy. :rofl: I chose Silver Birch partly because I knew I could never keep a Black car looking like so many of yours do.....shiny and clean. My car never really looks filthy because the color hides a multitude of sins.( My main problem is keeping the chrome sparkling.) But like the man says, even on it's worst days, my car makes me proud. Wouldn't trade it for anything else I see in my rear view. ;) BTW.... thought it was cool that the guy acknowledged you and complimented the Marauder. Most of the time other Marauder drivers I encounter seem oblivious. He sounds like a good guy to me. It's a small Club. We got to stick together! :burnout:

Aren Jay
10-16-2008, 10:00 AM
Damien is an elitist; one of those "Special" people.

A neat Freak!

Egon Spengler
10-16-2008, 10:11 AM
Give the guy a break! HE has a marauder and loves it. My car is clean now, but I live in New England... you should see the car in the winter with the marquis wheels on it... HIDEOUS! But I still love it... you should have handed him a MM.net card or told him about the site instead of b****ing him out.

Help other MM'ers, don't hurt them

10-16-2008, 01:28 PM
cars get dirty, give the guy a break. he rolls down his window to talk to another owner, and all you do is berate him and drive off? sorry, thats just not cool
/agree http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/ibossi/emoticons/010.gif

10-16-2008, 02:20 PM
in the few time i have met non-members of the site they haev been nothing but a-holes.... i would be so happy if someone yelled out tp me that they loved their marauder

One winter my Marauder looked white and I still love the car. Its whats under the dirt that matters!

its coming back soon!




10-16-2008, 02:40 PM
I actually had a Marauder owner pull up next to me yesterday morning, he was in a left turn only lane and I was going straight, (both cars were sparkly clean) we rolled down our windows, said how much we admired each others car and he said he loved my bumper inserts, then the light turned green and that was it, I didn't have a chance to mention the site though:(

Ms. Denmark
10-16-2008, 03:37 PM
All this talk about dirty cars got to me, especially since we're headed to a CAM weekend in Gettysburg tomorrow. So.......I washed and waxed the car this afternoon. It cleans up nice! Of course not an hour after I finished it started to rain. But it was lookin' good guys, I swear! :cool4:

10-16-2008, 03:50 PM
It cleans up nice! Of course not an hour after I finished it started to rain. But it was lookin' good guys, I swear! :cool4:
I have it down to 45 minutes flat. :rofl: Have been considering moving out to Arizona or New Mexico as a rainmaker during drought conditions. ;)

Heard that Merc is bringing the "white gloves" this trip. Uh Oh !!! :D

10-16-2008, 06:27 PM
hmm... seems the Damien2003 has not posted back to this thread

Aren Jay
10-17-2008, 09:43 AM
Has not posted at all since this post.

Egon Spengler
10-17-2008, 10:14 AM
mmmmm can't wait for this again!

10-19-2008, 04:04 PM
if you see him again and its dirty then bust his balls....but if its clean then tell him your sorry for the smart ass comment the other day and give him the thumbs up :banana: