View Full Version : Almost a year..

10-16-2008, 03:34 PM
...since I last visited. (11-22-07/10-16-08) Some freakazoid with a blue Marauder from JakeandElwood, Illinois pokes me with a stick every couple months to come back. Mission accomplished, bro! I'll be up thataway for a wedding in the spring, let's get :beer:crunked. (that's drunk for all you non-gangstas)
I see some folks are still around that I thought pretty highly of. I see some of the reasons I left still go on tho. But I digress, it is not my website.
I (finally) retired from the Navy after 20 years and 1 month. I was over 2 months into the Hampton Fire Academy when I realized they were implementing and enforcing new rules that I didn't agree with, and dropped out. I was ranked 6th out of 22 at the time. Things like you can't have an exposed tattoo that is bigger than the palm of your hand. You can't smoke for any reason, not even a celebratory cigar after you shame some fat intern in your oval cubicle. Some other goofy rules. I just spent 20 years defending peoples rights to do those kinds of things, couldn't see playing that game. (for the record I never shamed any fat interns, or recommend doing it. It will ruin your career. Unless you are the president) I was able to get certified to drive fire trucks and ambulances in the state of Virginia before I bowed out, so that was cool. Not THAT cool, I never really needed flashing lights to drive fast and make people move anyway, but cool nonetheless.
So now I work for a huge defense contractor inspecting welds on aircraft carriers and I *****ing love it, I wake up with a b*ner every morning. Kind of like before I had this job, come to think of it.
I still hate my cat.

10-16-2008, 03:40 PM

Welcome back! And YES, I noticed you were gone :(

And.... Grats on the new gig! Having a job you ENJOY makes life SOOOOOOO MUCH easier!



10-16-2008, 03:46 PM
...since I last visited. (11-22-07/10-16-08) Some freakazoid with a blue Marauder from JakeandElwood, Illinois pokes me with a stick every couple months to come back.

Welcome back, CBT. :welcome1: Glad to hear that things are working out for you in your newly acquired retired life. Hope to see you around the forums and CAM meets again. :up:

10-16-2008, 03:55 PM
Thanks fellas!
I'm all for gatherings again, I'll try and keep tabs on the CAM meets. Can't promise anything tho, that would make me a politician. And I hate me some politicians.
What's up with people knowing the exact number thier car was built? Someone found the list? And I hear I may have to change my plate to 1of327, whaddap with that?
Still hate my cat!

10-16-2008, 04:01 PM
What's up with people knowing the exact number thier car was built? Someone found the list? And I hear I may have to change my plate to 1of327, whaddap with that?
Still hate my cat!
PM "RoyLPita" with your VIN and he can tell you the build number.

After nearly 4+ years of research, it was discovered (by RoyL...) that one of the original Blues ended up getting the Silver Birch paint job. Thus 1 less '03 Blue and 1 more "03 SB that we thought. That's how I remember it. ;)

10-16-2008, 04:05 PM
After nearly 4+ years of research, it was discovered (by RoyL...) that one of the original Blues ended up getting the Silver Birch paint job. Thus 1 less Blue and 1 more SB that we thought. That how I remember it. ;)


That was done at the factory????


10-16-2008, 05:01 PM
Hey what's up? I was telling everyone that your cat, Je'sus Sa'tan, ate you.

(I know , you hate your cat!)

10-16-2008, 05:08 PM
Welcome back and thank you for your service brother...........

10-16-2008, 05:10 PM
Welcome back, CBT. Don't be a stranger.

10-16-2008, 05:22 PM
:poke: 'Bout time. Geeze, thought I was going to have to send in the extraction team to get you back here. Update: my car is 134 of 327 (and I have the plate to prove it). Still love my dogs. Still hate your cat. I still don't drink, but there is a nasty rumor involving a jell-o shot. Still counting daze (not days) 'till my 20 is in, (22 as of today). Drove a Fire truck, wrecked an ambulance (actually, wind took a door off), police car, looking to crash an aircraft carrier next......any help?

Inspecting welds? When is the next "Kerr-McGee" or "China syndrome" to be expected? Can we place bets now that it will have your prints on it? :lol:

Why do you wake up with a "baner" each day?

Welcome back.......................and be stranger, you're better that way. :D

10-16-2008, 06:24 PM
welcome back!!!

i noticed your absence since we both had Super Trooper avatars but glad to have you back.

glad to hear you stuck up for your beliefs and all worked out!

10-16-2008, 09:18 PM
:poke: 'Bout time. Geeze, thought I was going to have to send in the extraction team to get you back here. Update: my car is 134 of 327 (and I have the plate to prove it). Still love my dogs. Still hate your cat. I still don't drink, but there is a nasty rumor involving a jell-o shot. Still counting daze (not days) 'till my 20 is in, (22 as of today). Drove a Fire truck, wrecked an ambulance (actually, wind took a door off), police car, looking to crash an aircraft carrier next......any help?

Inspecting welds? When is the next "Kerr-McGee" or "China syndrome" to be expected? Can we place bets now that it will have your prints on it? :lol:

Why do you wake up with a "baner" each day?

Welcome back.......................and be stranger, you're better that way. :D

100 327 here (plates to prove it as well......thanks to Knine :bows:)!! Gotta love them BLUE ones :beer:

10-16-2008, 09:26 PM
I was wondering where you and your super troopers avatar went, wb :D

Aren Jay
10-16-2008, 10:37 PM
I hadn't seen you for so long I thought you were just another summer Hallucination.

10-17-2008, 09:43 AM
100 327 here (plates to prove it as well......thanks to Knine :bows:)!! Gotta love them BLUE ones :beer:
It's true :)

10-17-2008, 09:50 AM
Welcome back dingle-berry... We'll see you at a CAM meet in the near future... :D

SC Cheesehead
10-17-2008, 10:28 AM
Hey, welcome back!

Thought maybe you just got PO'd at us and decided to take your ball (car, self, etc.) and go elsewhere!

Also, congrats!

We just recently decided to open the highly exclusive ranks of membership to the illustrious and world-renown MM Blues Brothers, so:

Whereas we are deeply appreciative of your years of faithful and competent military service, and

Whereas you demonstrate a unique and colorful personality, and

Whereas you are known to enjoy and indulge in the occasional :drink:, and

Whereas you are 1 of 327,

Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universitartus Committiartum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby confer upon you the title of BLUES BROTHER.

No need to thank me, just pick up the tab for the first round of Blue Moon the next time we get together to confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with our brother MM owners.:beer:

10-17-2008, 10:33 AM
Holy cow you have returned. Sorry that I couldn't make the retirement party. Glad you made it out of rehab. This song is for you.

I was at VA Beach in Aug. passing through Hampton Roads and was wondering if you were in the Tidewater area. You have missed some great meets. You need to buy my Medicine.

10-17-2008, 02:52 PM
I was wondering where you and your super troopers avatar went, wb :D
Same here!:pumpkin:

10-17-2008, 04:46 PM
Awww, you folks are making me feel all happy in my funny place and funny in my happy place! Butt seriously, it's good to see most of my favorite peeps are still here and actually chimed in. I miss you all, especially those I met at the Marine Corps Museum/German dinner hause gathering. Holy crap, that is about the only car gathering where I felt seriously under powered. I think 3/4 of the Maruaders there would have given my old 'vette a serious run for the money. Gordon's car prolly still has a little bit of my drool on it. Who was the tall guy with the silver 'rauder, and what was that engine he had stuffed under the hood? I just remember it being pretty bad ass.
RoyLPita broke the Davinci code? Holy smokes, how? What? Who? Where? When? Hey Roy, didn't you hook us all up with what day our cars were made a couple years back? You rule, dude. How much you charge for the new info?
Merc, my brother from another mother, I see by some of your pics you are still supporting various tire companies by consuming thier products. You and Pam came thru here and didn't stop? FOR SHAME, SIR!
I don't know that my away time rehabed me any, I'm just high strung to begin with. I was told I don't have a fuse and when someone tries to light me up and run it's too late, I've already went off in thier face. Pretty accurate I guess. Life is too short to tolerate being messed with. YOU HEAR ME, CAT?! (She doesn't know it, but I'm dropping her off at knine's house this spring, tee hee!)
Golly, so much has happened in the last 11 months, I don't even know where to start talking. So I won't, muhahahahaaaaaa....I'll post pics in a day or 3.

10-17-2008, 04:55 PM
I didnt even read your post, dont care :D

Welcome back, you're a natural born comedian!

Cant wait to meet up in the spring :beer:

10-17-2008, 06:15 PM
I didnt even read your post, dont care :D

Welcome back, you're a natural born comedian!

Cant wait to meet up in the spring :beer:
Zackattack! Yeah man, we have to get together. By we I mean me, you knine, and any other poor souls brave enough to join us. The first thread I saw when I logged back on was from you, what the fulk are you building, dude?! I was going to ask on that thread but...well...let's just say you got more banned than K.C. and The Sunshine. But I love disco, so keep up the good work. Speaking of work, I have more Pabst Blue Ribbons to work on, I will quit typing for the nite before I can't type straight anywayz.
Peace and rear gear grease!
