View Full Version : The zombies are coming...

10-30-2008, 06:41 AM
...for those that have firearms, what amount of ammunition do you feel comfortable with having on-hand for personal consumption. Do you horde thousands of rounds or just keep a few boxes at any one time. Also, if the upcoming election goes a certain way are you planning on making any special weapon or ammo purchases?

10-30-2008, 06:54 AM
...for those that have firearms, what amount of ammunition do you feel comfortable with having on-hand for personal consumption. Do you horde thousands of rounds or just keep a few boxes at any one time. Also, if the upcoming election goes a certain way are you planning on making any special weapon or ammo purchases?

I already informed Becky I will be visiting the gun store if Obama wins.

It is my firm belief he will be assassinated and it will spark a civil war between B&W's, ultimately ending on December 21st, 2012.

I will be ready.

10-30-2008, 07:12 AM
Let us pray, that something like that won't happen. anyways our law enforcements will be out in force makin sure that stupids don''t do anything retarded.

10-30-2008, 07:12 AM
I have about 5000 rounds for my AR. I found it on sale not too long ago and bought a ton. I'm sure I made some sort of tracking list somewhere. I have about 400 rounds of .40 cal and about 200 12 gauge rounds or all sorts.

I'm a firm believer in that fact that you can never have enough amm or guns.

I just watched a horrible zombie movie where these guys were being chased by zombies and the came cross (naturally) a weapons store room. They stocked up inside, each person taking one weapon and one magazine for each weapon. The rest of the movie was them blazing away and then running out of ammo and throwing the guns... HELLO... you had access to a ton of ammo and you too 30 rounds... irritates me when I see people run out of ammo and just throw the gun down.. just me. Damn zombies.

Black bart
10-30-2008, 07:20 AM
:shake::shake:I reload ammo for all of my firearms; therefore I inventory adequate quantities of ALL the components for just this sort of impending eventuality.

Suggest other follow suit, as it will be a long and bitter future.

Black Dynamite
10-30-2008, 07:24 AM
I won't be buying any new guns but I do have a small stockpile of ammo right now.

~500 7.62X39 for my AK
~200 .40 cal
~100 7mm WSM
~300 .22 WMR
And God knows how many .22 LR I have. Couple of thousand maybe?

Another civil war? Please, none of us are willing to sacrifice our Sunday football to have another one of those...:D

Go Mifuni
10-30-2008, 07:42 AM
I would say the correct answer would be as much as you can afford....and lawfully possess of course. Yes, it won't be long until the SHTF as they say. The first "big event" will happen in February as slipped by Biden. My guess is it will be the collapse of the dollar (the Secratary of the Treasury will declare Force Majeure and de-monetize the dollar) and "our only hope" will be to join Mexico and Canada as the North American Union and with that comes the issuance of the Amero. I've probably typed enough key words in this email to pop up on Homeland Security's (i.e. Big Brother's) email monitoring system so I'll shut up now.

I wish third party candidates weren't purposefully excluded from the final debates and free press the media gives the "mainliners".

I can't vote for Paul, unfortunately, so mine will go to Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. Living in MA, my vote doesn't count anyway but my voice does. I just can't, with a clear conscience, vote for either the Dem or Rep candidate.

I'll probably be moving to Montana when they secede too. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you there as well.

10-30-2008, 07:51 AM
This is a good reminder to pick up more ammo.... who has the best prices on larger boxes (cases) of 12 gauge slug ammo?

10-30-2008, 08:31 AM
Ah, the fear...


Let's hope the next few years can remove some of the paranoia that is rampant today.

Your guns are safe, folks.

10-30-2008, 09:15 AM
Its a gunshow this weekend in MD...I shall be there!

10-30-2008, 09:40 AM
Ah, the fear...


Let's hope the next few years can remove some of the paranoia that is rampant today.

Your guns are safe, folks.

And let us hope that some crazy idiot does not shoot Obama or it will be like the '60s after MLK was assinated, only worse!

10-30-2008, 09:43 AM
Well, call me a little paranoid but with all the known experimentation in genetics and DNA let alone all the unknown research going on, its not too far fetched a scene of there being a viral outbreak that can alter an otherwise normal person's actions. I firmly believe that in my lifetime I will see this event. Whether it will be truly an accident, a means of one nation attacking another nation, or merely the coordinated global "thinning of the herd" by the Skull and Bones people in order to bring their one world government plans to fruition.

I need more 12 gauge.

10-30-2008, 10:12 AM
I keep around 1000 rounds on hand for the long guns, but need to pickup some more handgun ammo.

10-30-2008, 10:14 AM
...or merely the coordinated global "thinning of the herd" by the Skull and Bones people in order to bring their one world government plans to fruition.

I need more 12 gauge.

Your on the outside looking in, you need to be on the inside looking out. Better view.

10-30-2008, 10:17 AM
I have 0 rounds on hand. My Remington 870 shotgun has never been fired. I bought it on a whim to exercise my 2nd amendment rights.

O's Fan Rich
10-30-2008, 10:53 AM
I will not discuss on a public forum what does or does not exist.

10-30-2008, 11:13 AM
I will not discuss on a public forum what does or does not exist.

Rich, do not worry none of this is real it is all your imagination.

O's Fan Rich
10-30-2008, 11:32 AM
Like the time I was street racing in Mexico?

Black Dynamite
10-30-2008, 11:33 AM
Well, call me a little paranoid but with all the known experimentation in genetics and DNA let alone all the unknown research going on, its not too far fetched a scene of there being a viral outbreak that can alter an otherwise normal person's actions. I firmly believe that in my lifetime I will see this event. Whether it will be truly an accident, a means of one nation attacking another nation, or merely the coordinated global "thinning of the herd" by the Skull and Bones people in order to bring their one world government plans to fruition.

I need more 12 gauge.

OK, your paranoid

10-30-2008, 02:22 PM
I'm getting my 29 state concealed carry permit on Saturday. I'll be using my full size Kimber 1911.

Right now I've got almost 1,000 rounds for it.

I've got several bricks of "silenced" rounds for the .22's and a whole bunch of bricks of standard rounds for them.

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

10-30-2008, 02:26 PM
"It's best to have this 45 and not need it, then to need this 45 and not have it. So I developed this habit, of packing this automatic to handle static."

10-30-2008, 02:36 PM
"It's best to have this 45 and not need it, then to need this 45 and not have it. So I developed this habit, of packing this automatic to handle static."

Lol! Perfect!

I wasn't sure about this whole "redistributation" idea at first. Upon further thought though, if someone really needs my bullets, I'll make to sure to let 'em have 'em.

Just trying to be "fair". ;)

10-30-2008, 02:56 PM
Lets just say i'm prepared "enough".

10-30-2008, 03:16 PM
Zack it's nothing to fear if Oboma wins. I am a black man, a police officer and a officer for the D.C. Army National Guard. Trust me when I say if any body try to kill Oboma their will be a race war, and people of color will out number white people. So Zack load up if you can.........

10-30-2008, 03:20 PM
Zack it's nothing to fear if Oboma wins. I am a black man, a police officer and a officer for the D.C. Army National Guard. Trust me when I say if any body try to kill Oboma their will be a race war, and people of color will out number white people. So Zack load up if you can.........

It wont be a pretty site...

10-30-2008, 04:39 PM
"You're all green!!! You're not black, white, red, or pink. Everyone here is green!!!"

Those were the first words I heard from my Drill Instructors when I entered basic training.

I liked that saying so well I never forgot it.

It's the socialists I don't like. I'm not sure what has happened to the country. We used to shoot socialists and communists. We used to free people and countrys from them. Now we're gonna elect one. :confused:

10-30-2008, 06:32 PM
Lets just say I'm prepared and leave it at that.

10-30-2008, 06:57 PM
So what would happen if a black man shot Obama? Its not like this couldn't happen, i've heard of many that are not on his side. Or what if a purple man ate McCain? There was a thread of purple people eaters here that i recall!!!!

10-30-2008, 07:08 PM
Zack it's nothing to fear if Oboma wins. I am a black man, a police officer and a officer for the D.C. Army National Guard. Trust me when I say if any body try to kill Oboma their will be a race war, and people of color will out number white people. So Zack load up if you can.........

Just remember that white is a color as well.

Are YOU ready?

10-30-2008, 07:33 PM
nature will get us... watch the happening woo wooo



10-30-2008, 07:39 PM

Dr Caleb
10-30-2008, 07:51 PM
It's the socialists I don't like. I'm not sure what has happened to the country. We used to shoot socialists and communists. We used to free people and countrys from them. Now we're gonna elect one. :confused:


/sound of feet running

/sound of door slamming


10-30-2008, 09:20 PM
I wish I could join in on all the gun shaking but we're neutered in NYC where a handgun will get you 5 to 10 upstate, and long arms are as easy as dragons teeth to obtain. That being said I don't live on the better side of the borough and I have spent my fair share on the range, so I'll take the 5th now.

I already informed Becky I will be visiting the gun store if Obama wins.

It is my firm belief he will be assassinated and it will spark a civil war between B&W's, ultimately ending on December 21st, 2012.

I will be ready.

Well I'll keep and ear out for that V10 MM then.

And let us hope that some crazy idiot does not shoot Obama or it will be like the '60s after MLK was assassinated, only worse!

If they thought Rodney king was bad . . . ohh boy I wouldn't know which side to be on law and order, or outraged mob. Humm you'll probably see me on the video reel for the ny riots. And you know they only now just caught a bunch of skinhead out for obama and a bunch of other people.

Well, call me a little paranoid but with all the known experimentation in genetics and DNA let alone all the unknown research going on, its not too far fetched a scene of there being a viral outbreak that can alter an otherwise normal person's actions. I firmly believe that in my lifetime I will see this event. Whether it will be truly an accident, a means of one nation attacking another nation, or merely the coordinated global "thinning of the herd" by the Skull and Bones people in order to bring their one world government plans to fruition.

I need more 12 gauge.

You're only paranoid if you're wrong . . . And they way we abuse science, I'm already making plans. There was just another headline in the BBC about some virus breaking out in Indonesia that was contained where the victims took on cannibalistic qualities.

You may need more ammo, but I'm gonna have to find a new place to live

Your on the outside looking in, you need to be on the inside looking out. Better view.

Take me with you :depress:

Rich, do not worry none of this is real it is all your imagination.

Just like Plato said . . .

So what would happen if a black man shot Obama? Its not like this couldn't happen, i've heard of many that are not on his side. Or what if a purple man ate McCain? There was a thread of purple people eaters here that i recall!!!!

It'd be the DC Sniper all over again . . .

nature will get us... watch the happening woo wooo



We're just a bunch of parasites on the planet, and in the extreme long run we're all gonna go extinct, unless we colonize mars and or Venus, and then on out from there. But humanity's not even worth it, not the way we are not at least.

10-30-2008, 10:03 PM
"You're all green!!! You're not black, white, red, or pink. Everyone here is green!!!"

Those were the first words I heard from my Drill Instructors when I entered basic training.

I liked that saying so well I never forgot it.

It's the socialists I don't like. I'm not sure what has happened to the country. We used to shoot socialists and communists. We used to free people and countrys from them. Now we're gonna elect one. :confused:

We used to shoot socialists?

10-30-2008, 10:57 PM
I have 3000 rounds of .223, 1000 rounds of 10mm, 600ish rounds each of .38 special, .40, .45 and 9mm. Most are FMJ but I also have about 300 of each caliber in hollowpoints, either SXT's or TAP.

Yes...I have stocked up to be ready for the zombies. I keep every gun in my safe loaded with one in the hole with a minumum of 2 mags next to each gun loaded.... The AR-15 has 9 mags and 4 are kept full all the time. The only gun I don't keep one in the hole with is the AR-15 because it does not have a decocker or can be decocked like my S&W's and 1911. (All are TDA except the 1911) What am I gona do with an unloaded gun? Throw it at someone? "Hey guy...can' you do me a favor and wait while I put my mag in, rack one back, then shoot ya?" I do have a few other surprises but they don't need to be published for the world to see. Muahahhaahhaahah

Also my plan is to get parts within the next week to build a (.308) AR-10. I'd rather not do car stuff and get it built incase Osama really does cause some drama in the whitehouse.

10-30-2008, 11:04 PM
P.S. race wars are incredibly stupid. I can understand something like this happening maybe in a local town if that but I don't see another civil war happening. If that does I'm gettin the hell out. Killing someone for their color or race is the dumbest damn thing ever. If you feel that way personally you should do the world a favor and fall down a 4 story flight of metal edged stairs (the kind at ski resorts)

10-31-2008, 12:40 AM
Chuck Norris doesn't need guns!

10-31-2008, 01:17 AM
The 1st thing communists do is take firearms away from the people. Buy now before Comrade Barry takes over as Chairman of the Peoples Republic of Amerika.

10-31-2008, 03:42 AM
:flag:i personally own 15 guns. all of them registered and legal. half of them sit in a gun safe and never get fired as they are family heirlooms from my grandfather... as for the ones i do shoot (can be seen on myspace page www.myspace.com/magres50cal (http://www.myspace.com/magres50cal)) i like to keep in the neighborhood of 100 rounds minimum on hand. i have a concealed pistol license and can usually be found carrying a heckler and koch usp .40.:shot: although sometimes in the winter with a heavy coat ill pack my desert eagle .50. thats where magres50cal comes from... Magnum Research .50 caliber... as for the upcoming election... obama has a very bad opinion on owning firearms and im worried what will happen if he takes office.:loco: talks of banning hand guns, taking away my concealed pistol license, and semi automatic weapons:uzi: is all very scary and very real. illinois is one of the very few states in the u.s. that doesnt honor a michigan concealed pistol license.:bs: keeping the guns out of the hands of the people who abide by the law ill not keep the guns out of the hands of the people that commit the crimes.:gunfire: or as i once heard it put.... outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. so if youre going to buy any weapons id consider doing it within the next week.:up: and remember kids gun control means using both hands.:flag:

disclaimer: the above comment is in no way an endorsement for john mccain. i just have a strong view on gun ownership. thanks...

10-31-2008, 04:20 AM
illinois is one of the very few states in the u.s. that doesnt honor a michigan concealed pistol license.

Chicago, NYC, and DC have some of the most oppressive gun laws in the country. And some of the highest crime rates, too. Seems like it's working, huh?

so if youre going to buy any weapons id consider doing it within the next week

Keep in mind inauguration is in January. Look for a buying spurt for the next few months, we're already seeing a huge increase in TN. The press blames it on fear of crime increases due to the economy but we know it's really due to fear of Obama winning and re-instituting Clinton's gun bans (and worse). Maybe a good time to buy stock in a few gun companies!

O's Fan Rich
10-31-2008, 05:27 AM
We used to shoot socialists?

The Nazi party was socialist. GI's shot a few of them and the USofA executed a few.
Mussolini's Gov. Was Socialist.. A few of them went out with lead poisoning.

10-31-2008, 07:22 AM
The Nazi party was socialist. GI's shot a few of them and the USofA executed a few.
Mussolini's Gov. Was Socialist.. A few of them went out with lead poisoning.

Does your Mom get medicines on Medicare/Medicade? Did you use any VA benefits? Did you use FHA on your mortgage? There is a big list you know. WWII was not fought over socialism. I think all this paranoia over a likely Obama win next week is hilarious. The guy cant possibly be any worse that the idiot thats been in the White House the past eight years. I have a lot of respect for McCain, he really is a hero. In fact, I supported him in the 2000 primary. That was the one where he got smeared by Bush's campaign in South Carolina. I just think over the past few years he has changed some of his opinions and gotten close to Bush just to get the right wing Republicans to support him and thats unfortunate. Even more unfortunate was the selection of somebody who is clearly out of her league as his running mate. Nothing personal but she makes Dan Quayle seem bright. The thought of her negotiating with Putin, a former KGB operative, is, well, scary. On the gun issue Im not sure what will happen, the Dems will likely control congress and they could bring in a new assault weapon ban, but nobody knows right now. Remember, the law enforcement community lobbied hard for passage of that law the last time. I strongly recommend buying one now if you want one but dont own one yet. Im very pleased with my DPMS Panther Lite.

O's Fan Rich
10-31-2008, 07:51 AM
Vortex, I was just pointing out some socialists that were shot....

Oh and the answers: No. No. and No.
VA Benefits are socialist? I thought they were earned through service, dedication and hard work.... huh, guess I'm naive.....

10-31-2008, 08:03 AM
You are absolutely right, VA benefits are earned thru service, dedication and hard work. I should know, I went to university on the Vietnam Era GI Bill. Its still a social benefit program. Regardless, getting back to the original point of all this, though I dont believe the laws regarding assault style weapons will change anytime soon, it might, so better get them now. Dont forget extra magazines.

10-31-2008, 09:17 AM
I need more ammo
i have 286 rounds of .223
152 rounds of .45acp
8 rounds of 7.62x54R
and 18 rounds of .50AE

I need to stop being lazy and buy my reloading press

10-31-2008, 10:53 PM
I have about 5000 rounds for my AR. I found it on sale not too long ago and bought a ton. I'm sure I made some sort of tracking list somewhere. I have about 400 rounds of .40 cal and about 200 12 gauge rounds or all sorts.

I'm a firm believer in that fact that you can never have enough amm or guns.

I just watched a horrible zombie movie where these guys were being chased by zombies and the came cross (naturally) a weapons store room. They stocked up inside, each person taking one weapon and one magazine for each weapon. The rest of the movie was them blazing away and then running out of ammo and throwing the guns... HELLO... you had access to a ton of ammo and you too 30 rounds... irritates me when I see people run out of ammo and just throw the gun down.. just me. Damn zombies.

I just saw the same movie, where they sailed away at the end?

I've got 200 12g slugs, 100 "00", and 500 9mm. (Hey, I'm a pansy, ok?) Since I would legally be in trouble if I admitted I still have a .223 that SHOULD have been grandfathered in but wasn't, I'll just have to say that I most certainly do not have seven full 30rnd clips for such an imaginary gun as this. I'd probably get my Canadian citizenship stripped.

We have to have long gun mags pinned to allow a max of 5 rnds per clip...yet keeping my tricked out 870 with 8+1 slugs is just fine. Go figure....

Zombie killin, slug throwin, rifled barrel 870s FTW!

10-31-2008, 11:20 PM
It wont be a pretty site...

If obama gets capped, the revolution will start.

Good thing my town is 99.98% white and 60% old :banana:

11-01-2008, 07:57 AM
I dont mind talking about guns, enjoy it really. Ill talk guns/ammo anytime. Lets stop all this talk about political assassinations and race wars. Its just ugly.

O's Fan Rich
11-01-2008, 09:02 AM
I dont mind talking about guns, enjoy it really. Ill talk guns/ammo anytime. Lets stop all this talk about political assassinations and race wars. Its just ugly.


That talk is just nuts.

11-01-2008, 09:14 AM
I dont mind talking about guns, enjoy it really. Ill talk guns/ammo anytime. Lets stop all this talk about political assassinations and race wars. Its just ugly.

+1. Can't we all just agree that no one likes anyone and that eventually we will all be destroyed by a comet smacking the earth.....

Then a new civilization shall rise out of the ashes. It will be ruled by a breed of walking talking chimps, orangutangss, and gorillas. I saw a show on the Discovery channel like this. :D

11-01-2008, 10:05 AM
I just saw the same movie, where they sailed away at the end?
Sounds like the ending to Maximum Overdrive (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091499/). What a stink fest movie. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already. Instead of zombies, machines go crazy and a convoy of semi trucks keeps a group of people hostage inside a truck stop. Naturally there's a weapons cellar full of automatics, bazookas and stuff.

11-01-2008, 10:37 AM
Chuck Norris doesn't need guns!

Did you know that before Chuck Norris was born "nun chuck's" were known as nun barry's, and to this day, NOBODY knows what happened to Barry?

Aren Jay
11-01-2008, 04:36 PM
I have a few thousand rounds. Plus some collector sets from my cartridge collecting days.

11-01-2008, 05:34 PM
I just saw the same movie, where they sailed away at the end?

I've got 200 12g slugs, 100 "00", and 500 9mm. (Hey, I'm a pansy, ok?) Since I would legally be in trouble if I admitted I still have a .223 that SHOULD have been grandfathered in but wasn't, I'll just have to say that I most certainly do not have seven full 30rnd clips for such an imaginary gun as this. I'd probably get my Canadian citizenship stripped.

We have to have long gun mags pinned to allow a max of 5 rnds per clip...yet keeping my tricked out 870 with 8+1 slugs is just fine. Go figure....

Zombie killin, slug throwin, rifled barrel 870s FTW!

The one were they sail away at the end is the updated Dawn of the Dead. It was actually not a bad movie in the zombie flick genre. The movie I was talking about was like Return of the Living Dead part 90, Yes we are still making these. They went into a giant weapons store room and only took one magazine for each weapon they took. :mad:

Is that an 870 you are holding in the pic? Thats a wicked looking peice!!

11-01-2008, 09:59 PM
Is that an 870 you are holding in the pic? Thats a wicked looking peice!!

Yup, my alter ego "Officer Tackleberry" would go into great detail, but I'll just list the major mods.

Stock Desert Recon 870 (fugly CADPAT camo, ftl!)
Magul Custom Fit Pistol Grip
Command Arms M4 stock
Adjustable cheek piece
KAS 1913 Rail
Docter Holosight
Samson pop up iron sights
8+1 cap.
Enidine recoil buffer tube (AWESOME!)
Breecher standoff device
Vang Comp s/s follower

Ordered it all and banged it together. More Vang Comp work to follow! We now return you to your regular programming...

11-01-2008, 10:01 PM
+1. Can't we all just agree that no one likes anyone and that eventually we will all be destroyed by a comet smacking the earth.....

Then a new civilization shall rise out of the ashes. It will be ruled by a breed of walking talking chimps, orangutangss, and gorillas. I saw a show on the Discovery channel like this. :D

Isn't that pretty much Ralph Nader's party?;)

11-01-2008, 10:04 PM
Yup, my alter ego "Officer Tackleberry" would go into great detail, but I'll just list the major mods.

Stock Desert Recon 870 (fugly CADPAT camo, ftl!)
Magul Custom Fit Pistol Grip
Command Arms M4 stock
Adjustable cheek piece
KAS 1913 Rail
Docter Holosight
Samson pop up iron sights
8+1 cap.
Enidine recoil buffer tube (AWESOME!)
Breecher standoff device
Vang Comp s/s follower

Ordered it all and banged it together. More Vang Comp work to follow! We now return you to your regular programming...

Ah, English translated???? a lot of hard core crap made into a huge lawnmower/subdivision relocator?

11-02-2008, 12:25 AM
I have a few thousand rounds. Plus some collector sets from my cartridge collecting days.

Has a few thousand rounds and has a collector set... now that's SCARY! :eek:

11-02-2008, 05:01 AM
i myself have a model fs92 9mm and couple 100 rounds w/clips. but i hope i never need to use them on my fellow americans. not saying i would`nt to protect what is mine .but reading this post tells me you guys have it taken care of. and thats all i have to say about

11-02-2008, 08:08 AM
Ah, English translated???? a lot of hard core crap made into a huge lawnmower/subdivision relocator?

Yeah, up here in Canada, you have to be pretty creative if you like firearms. Just to transport ANY semi-auto style weapon, you have to call ahead and get a permit. You have to state when you're leaving/when you're coming home/where you're going/your route etc etc. It's quite crazy. Mags have to be modified to hold no more than 5 rounds, concealed carry is available to about .002% of the people who apply.

A pump action shottie is completely legal to carry around all the time, no transport permits, and ANY barrel length is allowed so long as it is "factory made". We have many companies up here offering 12+14 inch barreled pump guns. Talk about stupid gun laws.

I have mine set up for slugs/sabots, and I rarely use anything else. I also bought the 18" barrel, which makes it very easy to bring into your country for training and competition events, and allows for 8 rounds ready to go. Think of it as an AR-15 that shoots a really, really, really big bullet at you, and is good for headshots right out to 110 yards. I can't see myself ever having to make a shot outside those distances in a MOUT setting. Buckshot is fine for shooting clays and stuff, but this is a dedicated platform for zombies and and any whackos on a shooting spree in schools/churches/malls. Gotta be precise AND available.

A handgun does me no good in my safe at home, since I follow the applicable gun laws in this country, and cannot get a new permit for transport each and every day.:mad2:

My wife is a teacher at a rough high school (her choice), I live 2 blocks from a very large regional mall, and our church is a very visable one community-wise. 2 of these 3 have had shooting incidents, and the third came under threats. And though we have at least 5 off duty officers there on any given Sunday, they are not allowed to carry if not on duty and in uniform. As per an "agreement", my car is always parked in a designated area, providing access to a few individuals who know my code and could retrieve my long gun if needed. There will be no Virginia Techs or Columbines up here on my watch.

The question isn't if I'm paranoid....it's am I paranoid enough.