View Full Version : Automotive Video/Recorder

11-04-2008, 11:20 AM
Would anyone have a recommendation for a good recording system for the car? Something like the cops use but with a couple of inputs for different camera views would be nice. I like the idea of time/date stamps being superimposed on the display.
I'm in the market because I'd like to start covering my ass when I'm driving following a depressing court case wherein an incompetant LEO covered up his gross inability by weaving wonderful lies while on the stand. As I put between 100,000 and 150,000 km on per year, the odds are good that I'll have to defend myself again.
Note: This is NOT a LEO bashing thread. I have good friends who are cops and I respect them personally and professionally. In this case I was unfortunately enough to have encountered an incompetant who shouldn't be protecting so much as a Walmart. If we ever cross paths again (likely), then I want video evidence on my side.
Any suggestions for a good system would be most appreciated.

11-05-2008, 06:26 AM
I honestly thought of creating one of these 2 years ago,the cams would have to be tiny,wide angle and wireless to be easy to install, the systems are out there but not cheap.

11-05-2008, 07:21 AM
The problem is going to be affordability. The pioneer reverse cameras would work perfectly. They are small, wide angle and very durable. they put out a standard NTSC signal.

your next issue will be the MUX. You'll need one that either puts the signals in 4 square or rotates between them.

Then split the output signal. One to a monitor or indash navigation system and the other to a recorder.

The ONLY reson I haven't done it is cost. You'd be pushin 2K - 2.5K to do it right and be reliable and easy to operate.

I have it down to flippin 1 switch to active EVERYTHING, but it ain't cheap. My setup idea includes piping the nav screen (showing mph and GPS info) to the recorder. The only thing I haven't found is the MUX, but that's not real hard.

The cool thing about a system like that is using it to record races, track time and that kind of stuff!

11-05-2008, 07:34 AM
Rich, does the system you have in mind use disc or tape?

O's Fan Rich
11-05-2008, 07:57 AM
I get catalogs from these guys all the time:

Look at some of their digital and flash drive dvr's. many are 12dc powered... they also have tiny little cameras and microphones in there...

11-05-2008, 02:23 PM
Rich, does the system you have in mind use disc or tape?
That would just depend on you. I have a Sony external DVD burner that'll take an NTSC (yellow RCA) input, so that's what I would use. However, Back when I was installing such systems in police cars, it was tape.

11-05-2008, 02:35 PM
Just curious. I thought disc would be a better media. RW formats would allow for reuse, and they could be right protected to prevent erasure if an incident is recorded. It is not something I need. Just trying to get a little insight.