View Full Version : Evil lurks in my....laundry.

11-07-2008, 06:04 PM
The face of EVIL
As some of you may know, I made the mistake about a year and a few months ago of putting a saucer of coffee creamer on my front porch for a little ball of dryer lint with fangs that showed up one night, hoping it would shut the hell up and be on it's merry way. Wrong. In hindsight, what I should have done was stuck to my MO and stapled a 20 dollar bill to her forehead and left her at the Motel 6 and made my get away while the roofies were still kickin'. But I slipped up, and now I'm stuck with this...this...furry little kiss from Satan.
Flash forward to recently, I finally replaced the screen in my big sliding glass door. Amy and I were at the local Lowes, or Home Depot, can't remember which. I just remember half of everything was printed in Spanish to REALLY confuse people who slept thru English class in school. Anyway, we are scoping out the various grades of screen and Amy says "Oh snap, (she's half gangsta *****, appearantly) this ****z is made out of kevlar!"
I said "Great, cause bullets just seem to cut thru our regular screens like butter. Jackass." (side note, I didn't get any sweet sweet lovin that nite)
Now, as you can see in the second picture, Halas is much bigger, and her claws are made of Adamantium. Not the freaky British singer, but that stuff that pops out of Wolverines hands and groin. Amy, the half Italian, half gangsta *****, took a picture first THEN yelled for me to come see this:
Me being the calm, soft spoken person I am, went Berserker. When I finally caught Halas, the recliner was tipped over, another sitting chair was turned over, and a 7 foot couch was flipped over. And that was just in the living room. My arms were scratched to bits but I caught her.
Amy: "Seriously, did you have to go all 'Bourne Supremacy' on her?"
Me: "YEAH! Wait, was that the first or second one?"
Amy: "I think it was the third one."
Me: "There's 3?"
Amy: "Yeah, and they are talking about a 4th."
Me: "What the fack? What is this one going to be called, The Bourne Redundancy?"
Amy: "I don't know, but you shouldn't be so mean to her."
Me: "Would you feel better if I went Walker, Texas Ranger on her?"
Amy: "What's that, you spend 29 minutes tracking her down, then spend the last minute with your boot on her throat, saying something wholesome like "Brushing 3 times a day promotes good oral hygiene, and your going to need it where you're going."
Me: "Uhhh......yes?"
Amy: "No. You're only mad at her cause she's a jackass who runs around like an idiot, pops up in places she shouldn't be, gives people dirty looks, and pees where she isn't supposed to."
Me: "You just described ME in every foreign city I've ever visited. And half the US cities. And Canada. I can't hate her for things I've done."
So we got her fixed last week, hopefully it helps calm her down. Now she just lounges around, staring at her shaved lower region. Again, kind of like what I do...

11-07-2008, 06:17 PM
There she is Je'sus Sa'tan, the cat from HELL!!!

11-07-2008, 06:28 PM
Dawgs say :food:

11-07-2008, 06:52 PM
Your devil cat stories never get old:2thumbs:

11-07-2008, 07:40 PM
I have 5 evil cats. I know your pain of replacing the screen. When my wife was just my girlfriend I would go over to her apartment and spend the evening. She had adopted a cat named "Pepper" or as I like to call him "Evil Pepper." Evil Pepper would stalk me around the apartment and bite at my ankles when I wasn't paying attention. When bed time came, I quickly learned that I had to turn the light out and back to the bed and jump in. The first time I just turned the light off and walked to bed he ran at me from under the couch and latched his entire 13 # body onto my calf and proceeded to eat me. This happened a couple more times before I realized that he only attacked when my back was turned. I still have scars on my legs and we still have Pepper. He has mellowed with age but still bites me whenever the urge strikes him and the best part of it all... he poops in front of the litter box. I can clean it out and replace the litter with brand new litter but no, he poops right in front of the box. The only time he is a cute cat.. is when he is sleeping.

11-07-2008, 07:59 PM
CBT, ive never laughed so hard. :rofl:

11-07-2008, 08:04 PM
I have a cat and a dog (pug) long story short the cat was staring at the dog sleeping in his bed, when the dog got up the cat eased on over to his bed proceeded to pee on it and walk away like nothing happened. There is NOTHING worst than the smell of cat pee:puke:

11-07-2008, 08:19 PM
oh i have one of those devil cats too, same breed of siamese. Thing is the spawn of satan. we have stare downs.

11-07-2008, 08:21 PM
oh i have one of those devil cats too, same breed of siamese. Thing is the spawn of satan. we have stare downs.

I bet you lose the stare down's :rofl:

11-07-2008, 09:32 PM
Dang, those stories are messed up! My two cats Tom and Monster both males let my kids carry them around, sit on them, beat the up, put make up on one of them, you name it. They rarely run and hide, they usually just take it, and at night they even sleep with the kids.:dunno:Retarded?

11-08-2008, 10:56 AM
HA! So I'm not alone! Funny stuff. Halas will stalk Amy and appear out of no where and attack her azz/ankles/calves, pretty much any part of the back side of her body as she walks thru a room. Amy will fall to the ground, grab her ankle or whatever and let out a string of expletives, spinning around in a circle trying to see what hit her. (Kinda like Brett Favre on any given Sunday.) Halas tried that ankle thing ONCE with me. Just so happens she caught my right ankle as I was already lifting that foot to take another step. Well I'm a little high strung :rolleyes: so my reaction was to instantly and violently lift that leg straight up toward the back o' my neck at about a hunnerd miles an hour. Halas hit the back of my head on the way up, boinked off the ceiling, and hit my shoulder on the way down. I ducked down, covered my PBR with my left hand and I think I yelled "INCOMING!!" before I figured out it wasn't a member of the 'Al Quieda In My Kitchen' brigade. Amy jumps off the couch yelling "JEEZ, SHE'S NOT A SOCCER BALL!" and runs after her to check for damage. I checked for damage, too. On my ceiling! Luckily for Halas she didn't scratch the paint.

11-08-2008, 01:52 PM
Yea, we had a cat that would lurk under the bed and latch on to your ankle when you walked thru. I just hopped over to the wall and bashed my new fashion furr-lined tennis shoe into the wall. VOLA! no more attacks. Me-ouch!

11-08-2008, 01:54 PM
I bet you lose the stare down's :rofl:

usually, untill i go psst! and scare the **** out of her. little *****! :rolleyes:

Mike Poore
11-09-2008, 05:07 AM
Great post. Glad to see you back. :)

Now, you guys with devil cats, go find an Ocicat, and live happily evermore. It's a dog in cat's clothing.


11-09-2008, 12:40 PM
It's hunting season here and right now I've got 6-8 trucks sitting in my yard. Last night the hunters had set up several grills and a table for grilling venison.

They left the food in coolers but left a full lb. of butter on the table. An hour later they returned from getting supplies and found the big Tom barn cat Wookie (Wookie looks and sounds like Chewbacca from Star Wars) had eatten three full sticks of butter. Paper and all!

He's gonna have some "intestinal distress" today! :lol:

11-09-2008, 01:15 PM
I had a dog eat 4 sticks which later necessitated the replacement of the livingroom carpet.

11-09-2008, 07:26 PM
I had a dog eat 4 sticks which later necessitated the replacement of the livingroom carpet.

LMAO!! Four sticks of what, dynamite?!

11-09-2008, 08:30 PM
Hahahahaha, this is one of the best reads I've had in awhile! I can't stop laughing