View Full Version : Next time you see Bee's in your BBQ

11-14-2008, 09:24 PM
Better come prepared, you might find something like this :eek:

http://d.imagehost.org/view/0017/2916b1b412ea44fc43c635ed5b4922 59.jpg

11-14-2008, 09:34 PM
Holy **** thats crazy.

11-14-2008, 09:37 PM
Damn. THat would deffinately put a damper on your grilling out.

11-14-2008, 10:03 PM
I kept waiting for something to pop out at me while I was reading.....

11-14-2008, 10:22 PM
Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!

11-14-2008, 10:24 PM
free honey!

11-14-2008, 11:40 PM
Bon appetit!!

Aren Jay
11-15-2008, 12:12 AM

11-15-2008, 01:13 AM
The Queen ! The Queen !! SAVE THE QUEEN !!! ....and all this talk about "coloney collapse disorder". People are just killin' em. Oh noooooooooooooooo.

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 06:45 AM
Honey bees= Call a bee guy! Save them suckers. Any bee hive guy will come and take them away n/c!

Honey Bees ( and other types) are having survival problems and if they were to go... we might too!

11-15-2008, 07:11 AM
Better come prepared, you might find something like this :eek:
Guess that they don't use that BBQ grill very often. Don't think something like that could have built up over just one summer. :dunno:

11-15-2008, 07:14 AM
The images don't load on the website as of 0914 today.

11-15-2008, 08:35 AM
Honey bees= Call a bee guy! Save them suckers. Any bee hive guy will come and take them away n/c!

Honey Bees ( and other types) are having survival problems and if they were to go... we might too!

you could have called a bee keeper a Hive that size thery would not only remove the Hive but probably pay you some money considering Farmers are having huge problems getting enough to pollenat there specific crops. If you have to have a bee keeper bring a hive to youre place for pollenation it will cost you I have 5 peach trees and 10 apple and the last 2 yrs only half got pollenated. HONEY BEES ARE ARE FRIENDS!!!!!!!

11-15-2008, 08:48 AM
I saw a show on tv about how all the honeybees are dying off and how it really could be bad news for all of us. Not some bs like the snail darter fish, bees are super important little buggers. Too late here but if this ever happens to anybody here, call a beekeeper and they will get them for free.

11-15-2008, 09:18 AM
Honey bees= Call a bee guy! Save them suckers. Any bee hive guy will come and take them away n/c!

Honey Bees ( and other types) are having survival problems and if they were to go... we might too!


That guy was a moron.
I can see erradicating wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets....but killing an entire hive of endangered honey bees?

DICK. :mad:

11-15-2008, 09:21 AM

That guy was a moron.
I can see erradicating wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets....but killing an entire hive of endangered honey bees?

DICK. :mad:

youre right cruz that sucks! we need our food chain to survive!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Ms. Denmark
11-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Hope we can all learn something from this. Think twice before killing any insect. That hive was a good thing( in an inconvenient spot). Honey bees are under pressure. NEXT TIME YOU SEE BEES......... PROTECT THEM!

11-15-2008, 12:41 PM
You sir are a MASS MURDERER... LOL! WOW, those honey combs are huge, look at all that FREE honey, mother nature at it's best.

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 12:54 PM
You sir are a MASS MURDERER... LOL! WOW, those honey combs are huge, look at all that FREE honey, mother nature at it's best.

Now it's POISONED honey.....

Joe Walsh
11-15-2008, 12:58 PM
Now it's POISONED honey.....

That's exactly what I was thinking...Not only did he kill the entire colony, he destroyed all that honey with that pesticide 'bomb'...:(

BTW: Rich....imagine the size of the hive that could 'set up house' on YOUR BBQ!!! :eek:

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 01:01 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking...Not only did he kill the entire colony, he destroyed all that honey with that pesticide 'bomb'...:(

BTW: Rich....imagine the size of the hive that could 'set up house' on YOUR BBQ!!! :eek:

Couldn't even use the wax for a candle....

11-15-2008, 01:03 PM
How many of you would be crazy (i.e. stupid) enough to stick your head near that grill to look under the cover? How many know the difference between a hornet, yellow jacket or a honey bee? My daughter and I were attacked this summer, when I accidently stuck a shovel into their colony, We didn't stick around to ask questions, I bombed their AZZ.

When you all are perfect, cast the first stone...


O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 01:33 PM
How many of you would be crazy (i.e. stupid) enough to stick your head near that grill to look under the cover? How many know the difference between a hornet, yellow jacket or a honey bee? My daughter and I were attacked this summer, when I accidently stuck a shovel into their colony, We didn't stick around to ask questions, I bombed their AZZ.

When you all are perfect, cast the first stone...


I am Ken, I'm crazy enough ....I can tell the difference between bees, hornets, wasps, etc... because I take the time to learn about the environment that surrounds me. I don't just arbitrarily kill things.

Heck, I won't even kill a Copperhead when I find them, because I know the benefits they present.

So consider the first stone cast in this instance.

11-15-2008, 01:36 PM
I am Ken, I'm crazy enough ....I can tell the difference between bees, hornets, wasps, etc... because I take the time to learn about the environment that surrounds me. I don't just arbitrarily kill things.

Heck, I won't even kill a Copperhead when I find them, because I know the benefits they present.

So consider the first stone cast in this instance.But not everyone is as knowledgable as you! :bows:


O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 01:43 PM
But not everyone is as knowledgable as you! :bows:


Oh, sooo true.
That's what makes me the guy I am.

Thanks for the acknowledgment. :beer:

11-15-2008, 01:44 PM
I will kill anything that is a threat to me or my familly, i don't care if its the neighbors pet dog fluffy. Who in their right mind would lift that cover up to see what kind of bee is making all that racket? But in situations like this and the 2 1/2 foot hornet nest in my tree last year i normally call an exterminator anyways.

11-15-2008, 01:52 PM
He should've just got that chic from the Bee Movie to come over and talk to them. She could've let them know. Wonder which one had the Seinfeld voice!?!

11-15-2008, 02:05 PM
I live in the country surronded by farmers I know 1st hand the problems they are having. I for one am not afraid to ck and see 1st. the pesticides are the lasting result of honey bee depletion. Have any of you guys actaually had fresh honey striaght off the comb whoy the taste!!! Iam not a huge enviro person but have enough knowledge to know please dont kill honey bees.
Besides Honey bees are less likely to sting than the others IE: wasp,hornet,yellowjacket,groun d bees but I will say ground bees do look very similar to the honey bees. I just think we should all try and learn a lesson from this.

Todd :beer::beer:

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 02:13 PM
I will kill anything that is a threat to me or my familly, i don't care if its the neighbors pet dog fluffy. Who in their right mind would lift that cover up to see what kind of bee is making all that racket? But in situations like this and the 2 1/2 foot hornet nest in my tree last year i normally call an exterminator anyways.

Oh, don't get me wrong, JB.. I'll kill things that need killing,
the rabid Raccoon in the front yard. The rats in the shed and the rock walls. Groundhogs digging under the shop. I've shot feral cats, after asking the neighbors if they were theirs first ( yeah used a camera, showed the pics). Years ago, we had to shoot a large pack of wild dogs that were raiding my in-laws farm regularly...
so it's not a matter of not killing, it's just a matter of not pulling the trigger too soon.

If this fellow would have identified the bees ( REAL easy these days with the internet and all) he may have learned more and taken a better route to solve his problem and made himself some cash, as was pointed out. Besides honey bees are a lot less aggressive than the wasps and hornets are.

I bet most of would spend more time looking up information on oil and filters then we would bees anyway.
So if no one speaks up about this VERY important issue that has caused crops to fail, prices to rise and difficulties for agriculture through out the USA, because we all"are not perfect" and should not judge others... how will the problem be solved?
Or maybe we should all just wallow in our ignornace on topics that we find uninteresting and muddle through. Until that is you can't get your fruits and veggies, or your favorite nuts are gone, or you can no longer put honey in your tea......
So, call me a smart ass, or think I'm being a jerk, don't care. Because on this subject I am 100% correct.

We gotta think sometimes, not just react.

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 02:15 PM
If you all want to learn just Google "honey Bees"

Yeah....it's that simple.
This IS a serious issue.

Knowledge is power. Even if what you learn ticks you off.

quick check in my local yellow pages 3 listings under "bee and wasp removal"

11-15-2008, 02:38 PM
Smart ass. But thats actually in a compliment way:beer:

11-15-2008, 02:39 PM
I am Ken, I'm crazy enough ....I can tell the difference between bees, hornets, wasps, etc... because I take the time to learn about the environment that surrounds me. I don't just arbitrarily kill things.

Heck, I won't even kill a Copperhead when I find them, because I know the benefits they present.

So consider the first stone cast in this instance.

Copperhead - This one hangs out in our backyard. He keeps the rodent population down and the neighborhood rug rats out of our yard.


11-15-2008, 02:39 PM
This sums it O's:! Iam a advent hunter but Iknow what and why iam killing it 1st

Todd :beer::beer::beer::beer:

Oh, don't get me wrong, JB.. I'll kill things that need killing,
the rabid Raccoon in the front yard. The rats in the shed and the rock walls. Groundhogs digging under the shop. I've shot feral cats, after asking the neighbors if they were theirs first ( yeah used a camera, showed the pics). Years ago, we had to shoot a large pack of wild dogs that were raiding my in-laws farm regularly...
so it's not a matter of not killing, it's just a matter of not pulling the trigger too soon.

If this fellow would have identified the bees ( REAL easy these days with the internet and all) he may have learned more and taken a better route to solve his problem and made himself some cash, as was pointed out. Besides honey bees are a lot less aggressive than the wasps and hornets are.

I bet most of would spend more time looking up information on oil and filters then we would bees anyway.
So if no one speaks up about this VERY important issue that has caused crops to fail, prices to rise and difficulties for agriculture through out the USA, because we all"are not perfect" and should not judge others... how will the problem be solved?
Or maybe we should all just wallow in our ignornace on topics that we find uninteresting and muddle through. Until that is you can't get your fruits and veggies, or your favorite nuts are gone, or you can no longer put honey in your tea......
So, call me a smart ass, or think I'm being a jerk, don't care. Because on this subject I am 100% correct.

We gotta think sometimes, not just react.

O's Fan Rich
11-15-2008, 02:43 PM
Copperhead - This one hangs out in our backyard. He keeps the rodent population down and the neighborhood rug rats out of our yard.


Dang that snake is pretty!!!

11-15-2008, 02:48 PM

I bet most of would spend more time looking up information on oil and filters then we would bees anyway..True, but I've never been attacked by oil and a filter.



11-15-2008, 03:16 PM
...or your favorite nuts are gone.

We gotta think sometimes, not just react.

When my favorite nuts are gone :eek: , please come over and shoot me. ;)

Rich, I agree with your last statement and have learned something from this thread. Had the same thing happened on my back porch or BBQ grill, I would have initially viewed them as a nuisance and a potential threat. Contacting a bee keeper through the county may not even have crossed my mind. I can tell the difference between a wasp, yellow jacket and honey bee -- all are dangerous if they swarm. This thread has been informative for me.

Aren Jay
11-15-2008, 07:02 PM

11-16-2008, 04:45 PM
Did you know honey never spoils? There is one other food that never spoils, althought it will break down into a goopy mess over time, but it is still safe to eat right up until it disappears. Any guesses?

11-16-2008, 04:50 PM
Did you know honey never spoils? There is one other food that never spoils, althought it will break down into a goopy mess over time, but it is still safe to eat right up until it disappears. Any guesses?

11-16-2008, 05:00 PM

Great, now I want a Twinkie! But no, bananas. Bananas don't spoil. The peel by itself will break down over time and become deadly (phosgene gas) if left in a sealed environment, but the banana itself will not rot. Even in a slimy pile of goo after being left out for weeks, you can still eat it. Through a straw maybe, but still safe to eat.

O's Fan Rich
11-16-2008, 05:03 PM
Great, now I want a Twinkie! But no, bananas. Bananas don't spoil. The peel by itself will break down over time and become deadly (phosgene gas) if left in a sealed environment, but the banana itself will not rot. Even in a slimy pile of goo after being left out for weeks, you can still eat it. Through a straw maybe, but still safe to eat.

Ummmmm.. You FIRST, Buddy!!!:banana::banana::banan a:

11-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Sorry you now need a twinkie!!! But if your goin out anyways grab me some ho ho's please.

11-16-2008, 05:08 PM
All I got fo snax is Chex mix, the crappy chedder kind :(

11-16-2008, 06:08 PM
yum.... fresh honey

11-16-2008, 06:29 PM
If you look in the background of his yard there are palm trees which tells me he is in Florida or Socal. Unfortunately in this area people are told to kill the bees because there is a high amount of Africanized honey bees (aka killer bees) around here. My wife is a manager for a pest control company and she refuses to kill them anyways. She has a bee guy she contracts with and like it was said no charge if they are good honey bees. Unfortunatly there are several companies out there who will kill them without checking just to make a profit.

11-16-2008, 08:50 PM
Did you know honey never spoils? There is one other food that never spoils, althought it will break down into a goopy mess over time, but it is still safe to eat right up until it disappears. Any guesses?I ws gonna guess Oleo margarine, that stuff that is one molecule away from plastic.

Sorry you now need a twinkie!!! But if your goin out anyways grab me some ho ho's please.Where da ho's? :dunno:


11-17-2008, 03:58 PM
That copperhead would be a dead mf if he was living in my backyard. Hell, they probably already live there but if I see one they are a gonner. Not the same thing as a honeybee.

11-18-2008, 04:48 PM
"Perhaps the most feared and sensational of all foreign imports is the Africanized honeybee, better known as the 'killer' bee.

Brazilian scientists brought aggressive African bees to Brazil in 1956 in an effort to breed a better honeybee. Unfortunately, the experiment failed and some of the African bees escaped and bred with local species. The insects' offspring have gradually moved northward and killed an estimated 1,000 people. "


11-18-2008, 04:50 PM
"A Blanket of Stinging Bees

A Texas man died after being stung 40 times as he was attempting to remove a nest. Since January 2000, two serious attacks have been reported in Las Vegas. A 79-year-old man was stung 30 times, but survived. In March, a swarm blanketed a 77-year-old woman walking down the street, apparently attracted to something in the bag she was carrying. Firefighters wearing special equipment doused the woman with water to remove some 200 bees swarming over her. Stung more than 500 times, the woman nonetheless survived"

:shake: :banned:

11-18-2008, 05:13 PM
"Perhaps the most feared and sensational of all foreign imports is the Africanized honeybee, better known as the 'killer' bee.

Brazilian scientists brought aggressive African bees to Brazil in 1956 in an effort to breed a better honeybee. Unfortunately, the experiment failed and some of the African bees escaped and bred with local species. The insects' offspring have gradually moved northward and killed an estimated 1,000 people. "


"A Blanket of Stinging Bees

A Texas man died after being stung 40 times as he was attempting to remove a nest. Since January 2000, two serious attacks have been reported in Las Vegas. A 79-year-old man was stung 30 times, but survived. In March, a swarm blanketed a 77-year-old woman walking down the street, apparently attracted to something in the bag she was carrying. Firefighters wearing special equipment doused the woman with water to remove some 200 bees swarming over her. Stung more than 500 times, the woman nonetheless survived"

:shake: :banned:

Park Ranger Dude....:P
We're discussing honey bees...not hybridized killer bees duh.

When's the last time you heard of honey bees killing something? :stupid:

11-18-2008, 05:52 PM
I agree about not harming honey bees.
I think this guy is also a dope because now I wouldn't eat anything off of that grill if you paid me! Ever read the lable on one of those foggers?!!
"Do NOT use near food storage or preparation areas."
This guy may be in contention for this year's Darwin Award!

Joe Walsh
11-18-2008, 06:32 PM
Great, now I want a Twinkie! But no, bananas. Bananas don't spoil. The peel by itself will break down over time and become deadly (phosgene gas) if left in a sealed environment, but the banana itself will not rot. Even a slimy pile of goo after being left out for weeks, you can still eat it. Through a straw maybe, but still safe to eat.

I thought that you might be commenting on Senator John Edwards....after his cancer ridden wife found out that he had an affair AND a 'love child'!!

11-18-2008, 08:20 PM
Park Ranger Dude....:P
We're discussing honey bees...not hybridized killer bees duh.

When's the last time you heard of honey bees killing something? :stupid:

From my experience with bees here in FL it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a honey bee and a killer bee until they feel threatend.

I remember when a neighbor called pest control to remove a nest and the bees attacked all who were near. I ran for almost a mile while they chased me just for being near. My brother and many other got "hit" a number of times and many could not leave their house for hours.

11-18-2008, 09:26 PM
bzzzzzz... what the hell? Kill em' all-Kill em' all. Mmmmm, Honey Bar-b-que!

11-18-2008, 09:26 PM
We had a nice swarm, slightly larger than a basketball, that was hanging in a tree. Made a few calls after some quick online searches for local bee keepers/wranglers and they were all busy. They said what we described was common, the bees were temporarily stationed in the tree while feeding and protecting the queen which was in the middle of this wicked ball of bees. The bee wrangler said to hang out and watch them work, some would be flying off looking for the next place to swarm until they found a hole in a tree or open space to get in an attic...and some would get food. It was awesome to watch. I got pics/vid about a foot away from the swarm. I'll post some pics when I find 'em. Heck, there were probably 20 people outside watching the action and no one got stung. The bee guy said to leave them alone and they'd split within a day or two just as soon as they found a new place to swarm or build a hive. The swarm was gone the next day, it would have been cool to see them leave.

That's a shame the dude bombed those bees. I figure most people would know if there's that much bee traffic in and out of the BBQ there was some work going on under there. That was a really dumb move but hey, maybe the guy will know to call a bee wrangler the next time rather slaughter the bees.

11-18-2008, 09:29 PM
Killa Bee's

11-18-2008, 09:30 PM
Killa Bee's

Yep... as dead as the Wu-Tang Clan!

11-19-2008, 07:01 AM
Do the Killer bees make good honey too?

Do they polinate crops like the good guys?

11-19-2008, 07:18 AM
When my favorite nuts are gone :eek: , please come over and shoot me. ;)

Rich, I agree with your last statement and have learned something from this thread. Had the same thing happened on my back porch or BBQ grill, I would have initially viewed them as a nuisance and a potential threat. Contacting a bee keeper through the county may not even have crossed my mind. I can tell the difference between a wasp, yellow jacket and honey bee -- all are dangerous if they swarm. This thread has been informative for me.

Ditto - I would have acted first then thought later.:(

11-19-2008, 09:33 AM
Park Ranger Dude....:P
We're discussing honey bees...not hybridized killer bees duh.

When's the last time you heard of honey bees killing something? :stupid:

Dude - take it easy on the coffee.
Some people are unable to differentiate between the two type bees.
My point was if you have a covered Q with serious bees underneath I would be hesitant to rile those buzzers knowing that people get stung to death by the bad ones. Better to call an expert - such as yourself.

11-19-2008, 02:04 PM


11-19-2008, 05:58 PM
This thread is kinda funny...I think if he figured they were a threat or a nuisance...kill em...he thought on instinct...not HEY I wonder if those bees are good bees or bad bees...Ill google a wrangler...who knows what would have happened in that time? His house...his grill...his decision... Only fair...

11-20-2008, 04:59 PM
Just amazing.. 63 posts now just for bee's. Ok we all know now to call a bee keeper. Lets not get heated up over this done deal.:grouphug:

11-20-2008, 05:17 PM
Just amazing.. 63 posts now just for bee's. Ok we all know now to call a bee keeper. Lets not get heated up over this done deal.:grouphug:
+1. Who the he!! brought the interests of the Bee's up anyway??? Oh, wait, .....................oh snap!