View Full Version : Star Trek

11-17-2008, 07:41 PM
Any one seen the new Star Treck clip? It looks insane :)
here is the link


what do you think?

11-17-2008, 07:43 PM
Star trek sucks!

11-17-2008, 07:59 PM
I stand by my opinion. But that being said, yes i've seen the preview for almost a year now and it does look to be good.

11-17-2008, 08:01 PM
even the new clip that just came out?

11-17-2008, 08:49 PM
I'd watch it!

11-17-2008, 09:49 PM
Star trek sucks!

^^^+1^^^ yawn yawn

Aren Jay
11-17-2008, 09:54 PM

11-17-2008, 10:04 PM
I stand by my opinion. But that being said, yes i've seen the preview for almost a year now and it does look to be good.
Click on the link. This is probably a preview you haven't seen yet, since it came out late last week attached to the new Bond flick, Quantum of Solace.

what do you think?
I was very pleased and I'm anticipating the new film. I've been a Star Trek fan for about 15 years and I've loved almost every part of the franchise, although it has its faults. Nemesis, though, was a death rattle.

JJ Abrams has done reasonably well with Lost, Cloverfield, and Mission Impossible III and I trust him to do the same here. Being a long-time Trek fan, I was apprehensive about Abrams re-writing the early history of Trek, but at the same time, Gene Roddenberry's original vision, now over 40 years old, is getting tattered and is showing its age. It needs a refresh/reboot/reimagining if the franchise is going to survive. Shoot, we loved it so much that we've invented half of the stuff Roddenberry dreamt up in the 1960's! People want less technobabble and more action. Mainstream audiences don't care how a lightsaber is constructed; they just want to know what a man worth his mettle will do with one against unfathomable odds. People don't care how the wizard came back from the dead after being pushed in the pit by the monster; they just want to know who asses will be kicked and whose names will be taken now that he's back in the sequel.

I hope that Abrams holds on to the spirit of hope in humankind and revering life, but I'm pumped for explosions and scantily clad aliens girls.





SC Cheesehead
11-18-2008, 06:52 AM
I've been a fan since the original series premered in the 60's and am looking forward to this latest iteration.

Gene Roddenberry was the visionary that started it all, let's hope Abrams carries on the tradition.

Live long, and prosper, eh?

11-18-2008, 07:41 AM
My wife and I went to see Quantum of Solace on Saturday and they showed the Star Trek preview. Looks good. Even my wife was impressed, and she's not a sci-fi fan - she'd go see the movie when it comes out.

11-18-2008, 08:01 AM
I think it looks bad ass!

SC Cheesehead
11-18-2008, 08:17 AM
I think it looks bad ass!

Yeah, from the trailer it looks to me like they did a good job of casting Kirk and Spock; hopefully the story line is good.

11-18-2008, 09:04 AM
I liked the trailer

11-18-2008, 12:45 PM
Scantily clad alien girls? Count me in.

11-18-2008, 12:55 PM
Opening night, I'm there!

SC Cheesehead
11-18-2008, 12:55 PM
Opening night, I'm there!

Save me a seat, Ed!

05-13-2009, 08:54 PM
Went to see the movie with Patricia and the cost of tickets for us senior citizens was only $11.00, but the cost of one small coke and two small popcorns was $17.50, I fainted and had to be revived.

Well that set me in a negative mood and so I picked the movie apart a little.

First, the time travel invented (apparently) by this Romulan gang of overcoat wearing, tattooed, thugs driving a huge ungainly, technically improbable space craft was pathetic. Haphazard would be a word to describe the design of their ship, not even railings on the obstacle course they call walkways.

The wife of the heavily tattooed leader, was a normal appearing, beautiful woman, although we only saw her head. Why didn't she have tattoo's like the men. Cultural imbalance.

The Romulan ship at one point in the movie was reputed to be a mining vessel. so how did it become a warp drive warship? The movie depicts one ship, and that not even a classed as a war vessel, attacking one planet thereby setting the Federation on it's ear. Baloney. This Navy is run by amatures.

The absolute absurdity of handing over a major portion of the Federation's star ships to a bunch of partially trained recruits, regardless of the emergency is insane.

It would be like General Schwartzkopf sending his tanks into the desert with basic trainees in the turrets. They would kill themselves quickly. Which proves my point when the enterprise was going to jump to warp speed and in front of it was a bunch of star ships chugging along at impulse power. A crash would be unavoidable, but lets not let a traffic jam stop the movie.

Feats of extraordinary physical abilities such as shooting through the sky from space in a super long sky dive without any foundation for this type of expertise is ridiculous.

The character of Scottie is not fully established, he just comes out of some ice box laboratory because he ticked off some lesser official. The actor seems to portray him as a buffoon.

The character of Ohura is too free with her charms.

James T.Kirk is promoted from recruit to captain of a Starship overnight, what kind of Navy does that?

I could go on but why, it's not as good as the other star trek movies.

The one bright spot is the younger Spock. He was credible and bears a close resemblance to the TV character Leonard Nimoy.

Recommendation, save your money and wait for the DVD.

05-13-2009, 09:44 PM
Star trek sucks!

Good call, sorry for you Trekies but serious??? Good luck in life.

05-13-2009, 09:50 PM
Long time Trekker here. Sorry you had a bad experience. I'll explain some of your technical gripes, although I think the direction Trek is taking is away from the starship-manual-holding-dweeb and towards everyone, so the technical gripes aren't all that important.

For those that continue reading, I am about to let many cats out of the bag and spoil many things, so if you don’t want to find out now, you want to skip the below.

First, the time travel invented (apparently) by this Romulan gang of overcoat wearing, tattooed, thugs driving a huge ungainly, technically improbable space craft was pathetic. Haphazard would be a word to describe the design of their ship, not even railings on the obstacle course they call walkways.
On the topic of time travel, no one invented any time travel in this movie. Spock was trying to save the Romulan homeworld from an ultra-supernova and accidentally created a singularity which sent him and the Romulan ship back in time: the Romulans to meet the USS Kelvin, and Spock 25 years after that.

On the topic of their vessel, its design, and its armament, there was a prequel comic called Star Trek; Countdown {http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Star_Trek:_Countdown}. Nero’s ship was once very small and ordinary. The comic describes that after Romulus was destroyed, Nero gained upgraded warp and weapons technology, including Borg/Romulan hybrid repair nanotechnology. The Borg craft from the TV shows were also not always intuitive, but were very powerful.

This is what Nero’s mining vessel, the Narada, looked like before all this went down:

Regardless, one only needs that prequel comic to bridge the gap if one is planning to nitpick.

The wife of the heavily tattooed leader, was a normal appearing, beautiful woman, although we only saw her head. Why didn't she have tattoo's like the men. Cultural imbalance.
The tattoos were done as a part of Nero’s cultish group’s sorrow and revenge plot for the destruction of Romulus. The tattoos and his wife, who died on Romulus, didn’t occur at the same time. We also shouldn’t presume that if one gender does something in a culture that the other would as well. If this were the case everyone would have one hair length.

The Romulan ship at one point in the movie was reputed to be a mining vessel. so how did it become a warp drive warship? The movie depicts one ship, and that not even a classed as a war vessel, attacking one planet thereby setting the Federation on it's ear. Baloney. This Navy is run by amatures.
Again, Borg technology. Also, even a mining ship 100 years more advanced would not be at great odds with Federation tech in Kirk’s Academy years. If an oil tanker with light armaments was attacked by a Navy from 100 years ago, it wouldn’t go down without a fight.

The absolute absurdity of handing over a major portion of the Federation's star ships to a bunch of partially trained recruits, regardless of the emergency is insane.
Vulcan, Earth’s closest ally, and the other most important founding member of the Federation, just issued a planetwide distress call. I’d send in everybody, including the cadets, the Coast Guard, the Knights of Columbus, and the Girl Scouts.

Which proves my point when the enterprise was going to jump to warp speed and in front of it was a bunch of star ships chugging along at impulse power. A crash would be unavoidable, but lets not let a traffic jam stop the movie.
There were ships beside it, but I didn’t see any in front of it.

Feats of extraordinary physical abilities such as shooting through the sky from space in a super long sky dive without any foundation for this type of expertise is ridiculous.
Kirk, Sulu, and the late engineer in the red spacesuit were beaten by several hundred years in their attempt, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was basic training at the Academy:

James T.Kirk is promoted from recruit to captain of a Starship overnight, what kind of Navy does that?
The kind that just lost its Academy in a battle over Vulcan and also saw this kid save Earth. And he also has the strong personal recommendation of the Captain of the Federation flagship.

I could go on but why, it's not as good as the other star trek movies.
I think I still prefer First Contact. But my opinion is that movie is easily better than a half dozen other Trek films.

The one bright spot is the younger Spock. He was credible and bears a close resemblance to the TV character Leonard Nimoy.
I’d judge him on how well he struggles with his own character’s duality, not how well he resembles or mimics someone from 40 years ago.

Recommendation, save your money and wait for the DVD.
You could, but this won’t be coming back to an UltraScreen anytime soon. I’m going to go see it again :D

05-13-2009, 09:53 PM
I just had to live up to my avitar lol. If I see this at all then I would want it to be on the big screen.

Sorry it sucked for you Pat.

05-13-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm not a fan at all, but I saw it this past weekend and I must admit...... I thoroughly enjoyed it!

05-14-2009, 04:00 AM
All the Star Trek films of the past were.....(What's the word)...CHEESEY.

Hope this is better.

05-14-2009, 05:09 AM
Sorry you didn't like it Pat. BUT I LOVED IT!!!!!! :banana2: Can't wait for the second installment. Movie Prices, yeah i know. Ww can get in for a matinee in DE for $7.50 but a large popcorn and Drivk is $11.00:eek:. And that's a special!!

05-14-2009, 05:30 AM
Bring baggy pants with your own drinks and food, sad to say but this is what i've resorted to! Me and three kids last i knew was $37.00 just to get in and then figure another easy $30.00 in food!!!!!! How can the American familly afford ANYTHING anymore?

Plus last time we went, I took them to see speed racer and on the way out I noticed the new incredible hulk was just starting so we "accidently" went in to watch that too!

05-14-2009, 06:35 AM
We saw the new Star Trek last weekend. We both thoroughly enjoyed it, even though kadiddlebabe is a little bit Trekky but not familiar with the original 1960s Star Trek episodes or characters.

Lots of action and humor. If you are familiar with the original series, you'll recognize some of the lines and laugh about twenty percent harder than everyone else. I liked nearly all of the casting for the "new" crew.

If you are a true, die-hard Trekkie, you'll probably love it. It truly captures the spirit of the original series even though the cast is a little young - keep in mind this is a chronological prequel to the original TV series.

If you are not a Trekkie, but like a good space yarn with action, romance and humor you will enjoy it.

If you don't fall into either of the above categories, you probably just won't "get it". Wait for DVD rental.

05-14-2009, 06:40 AM

See what 45 years age difference can do. While you were assimilating the fast moving intricacies of the movie I was taking a short nap. :sleepy:
Did I miss anything? :lol:

I recant points one and two,:wflag:

but I stand by the rest of my story and I'm s-s-t-t-ticking to it. :whistle:

For the rest of you kind folks, enjoy the movie.


05-14-2009, 06:47 AM
A lot of my friends who aren't real big Star Trek fans said they enjoyed the movie. I'll give it another week or so and catch it during the day time. I like to wait until I can sit in a mostly empty room so I can enjoy the movie and not hear other people and sit where I want to sit lol.

05-14-2009, 07:26 AM
been there saw it ,,,,,,,, would see it agian IMAX sound s good to me ... i liked the fact that the movie and its charactors can stand alone they change it up i liked that i hope theres a 2nd ..... and the f/x were pretty great also ( sorry pat about your experince) im not going in to the movie im sure people here havn't seen it and would like 2 .............................h ttp://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/icons/icon14.gifhttp://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif from me

05-14-2009, 07:37 AM
been there saw it ,,,,,,,, would see it agian IMAX sound s good to me ... i liked the fact that the movie and its charactors can stand alone they change it up i liked that i hope theres a 2nd ..... and the f/x were pretty great also ( sorry pat about your experince) im not going in to the movie im sure people here havn't seen it and would like 2 .............................h ttp://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/icons/icon14.gifhttp://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif from me

Star Trek: The IMAX Experience

‎2hr 6min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Scifi/Fantasy/Action/Adventure/Drama‎
AMC Hoffman Center 22
206 Swamp Fox Rd., Alexandria, VA - Map
1:10 4:10 7:10 10:10pm

AMC Columbia 14
10300 Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, MD - Map
11:30am 2:30 5:30 8:30 11:30pm

AMC Potomac Mills 18
2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Woodbridge, VA - Map
1:10 4:10 7:10 10:10pm

SC Cheesehead
05-14-2009, 07:49 AM
E-Dubb and I went to see it last weekend. I enjoyed it, IMO, the only character I thought was little weak was Kirk. Spock and McCoy were great, and I liked Scottie as well, "that's all she's got cap'n..."

The time warp stuff and the destruction of Vulcan did some mind games on me, but I'm certain that prequel #2 will 'splain it all.

05-14-2009, 08:15 AM
"that's all she's got cap'n..."

The time warp stuff and the destruction of Vulcan did some mind games on me, but I'm certain that prequel #2 will 'splain it all.[/quote]

it's not a prequel now its all new they changed reallity and started over all new........ and as for kirk your right ..

05-15-2009, 05:20 AM
Great flick. I will be seeing it again!

05-15-2009, 11:38 AM
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is the best Star Trek movie to date.

Dr Caleb
05-15-2009, 11:52 AM

05-15-2009, 12:45 PM
I also saw the new Star Trek the opening night. It was a GREAT movie for a sci fi movie! I loved it. I loved seeing potrayals of the old familiar characters. I've been watching Star Trek since my dad set me in front of the TV as a child. He has watched it since it first came out. That being said, I've loved the last 40 years of Star Trek TV and movies (except maybe insurrection and nemisis) and had mixed feelings because of the new timeline changes in this new movie (some are calling it a alternate reality/timeline/dimension to explain the changes). The destruction of Vulcan and the death of Spock's mother obviously didn't occur in the Star Trek I'm familiar with and I'm not sure was necessary to make this a great Star Trek movie. Frankly, I love the Kirk and Spock days as I grew up on the stuff but would much rather have seen a GOOD Next Generation movie. But I do want to buy this when it comes out on DVD and I would see a sequel. Wrath of Kahn and First Contact are still my all time favorite Star Trek movies.

Everyone seems to like it and I'm on board. Just not sure the crew should be so young, undisciplined, and the ship insides so convoluted. The Engine Room was a mess. Didn't get to know the characters very well. The Captain Pike was the only older person there. Where was Starfleet Command? Captain Kirk the youngest to ever make Captain in the fleet? Wasn't he supposed to serve on the Farragut as helmsman and other ships before he got the Enterprise? Not to mention that they all weren't really supposed to meet until later in their careers.

05-15-2009, 08:48 PM
McCoy was the best impersonation of the original.

05-15-2009, 08:57 PM
Although I am one of the biggest treky haters, I must say it was a very good movie!

05-18-2009, 08:13 PM
Meh. I thopught it was ok but not all that great myself. I was a big fan of the original series and think if they were going to put the real Spock in the movie they should have had the real Kirk do a voiceover at the end or something.