View Full Version : Got yelled at today by an Old Guy!!

11-25-2008, 04:02 PM
Before anyone flames me I will admit it.. my car is filthy.

So heres the story. I was driving over to check on my Mom's house while she is away. On my way there I see a nice clean looking MGM with quite possibly the oldest guy behind the wheel merging into traffic. He see's the Marauder and I get a happy thumbs up as I pass. I wave but notice that as I pass the look on his face goes from happy to sad to kinda pi$$y looking. I think to myself "wow what did I do?" The guy merges into traffic about 4 cars behind me and I lose track of him.

Before I head to Moms, I stop at Blockbuster to rent some movies and notice the old guy in the MGM pull in the parking lot. He idles in and rolls his window down and waves me over. I walk over not sure what to expect. Then this old dude starts yelling at me as to why I keep such a good looking car so dirty. I tried to explain to him that I have been laid up and been unable to get out to wash it when he say that he doesn't like excuses and that if I was his son he would take my car away and give it to someone who was more appreciative. Before I could say anything else he rolls his window up and drives away shaking his head leaving me standing there thinking "WTF?"

This guy follwed me for at least five minutes just to yell at me about having a dirty car. Made me want to go get her cleaned up and drive around just to find him again.

I love old folks...:)

11-25-2008, 04:19 PM
I washed my car today... I couldnt take it anymore...

11-25-2008, 04:25 PM
I washed mine on Wednesday, took it to E town, got bird crap allover it, hit the car wash on the way back, parked, got another spot on the trunk.

And its still there

11-25-2008, 04:28 PM
Got yelled at today by an Old Guy!!

John Kuhn yelled at you?




11-25-2008, 05:26 PM
John Kuhn yelled at you?




Hack, you're supposed to respect your elders. Is that car washed yet?


11-25-2008, 07:04 PM
Ummm... yeah.. it uh got washed... sparly sparkly now...

stay away from my driveway..

11-25-2008, 07:24 PM
Before anyone flames me I will admit it.. my car is filthy.

So heres the story. I was driving over to check on my Mom's house while she is away. On my way there I see a nice clean looking MGM with quite possibly the oldest guy behind the wheel merging into traffic. He see's the Marauder and I get a happy thumbs up as I pass. I wave but notice that as I pass the look on his face goes from happy to sad to kinda pi$$y looking. I think to myself "wow what did I do?" The guy merges into traffic about 4 cars behind me and I lose track of him.

Before I head to Moms, I stop at Blockbuster to rent some movies and notice the old guy in the MGM pull in the parking lot. He idles in and rolls his window down and waves me over. I walk over not sure what to expect. Then this old dude starts yelling at me as to why I keep such a good looking car so dirty. I tried to explain to him that I have been laid up and been unable to get out to wash it when he say that he doesn't like excuses and that if I was his son he would take my car away and give it to someone who was more appreciative. Before I could say anything else he rolls his window up and drives away shaking his head leaving me standing there thinking "WTF?"

This guy follwed me for at least five minutes just to yell at me about having a dirty car. Made me want to go get her cleaned up and drive around just to find him again.

I love old folks...:)........:lol:

11-25-2008, 10:31 PM
John Kuhn yelled at you?




https://proprintwear.com/images/Touche%20Fit%20Trim%20Black%20 Shorts%202.jpg

11-25-2008, 10:32 PM
At least he cares... LOL!

11-26-2008, 06:25 AM
Hack, if you were on my side of the river not 50 miles away I would wash it for you! I know it is driving you nuts not being able to do what you want to. Of course you know if I wash it there is a trade. Maybe like help on speeding tickets?? thats not right forget I metioned it dont want no trouble???


11-26-2008, 03:03 PM
he might come back with flowers and chocolate, and offer to wash it for you


11-26-2008, 03:52 PM
Before anyone flames me I will admit it.. my car is filthy. ... blah, blah, blah ... This guy follwed me for at least five minutes just to yell at me about having a dirty car. Made me want to go get her cleaned up and drive around just to find him again.

I love old folks...:)

Yeah, all of us old folks :geezer: have nothing better to do than ride around looking for dirty Marauders. ;)

If you think he was harsh on you ... you oughta see what the CAM folks do to the one with the dirtiest MM at their meets. :eek:

11-26-2008, 03:55 PM
Doesn't matter how big or how dirty, some drunk sailor would try to take it home and hump it. Wait, what are we takin' bout?

11-26-2008, 04:25 PM
The sky washed mine this morning here in Sunny Socal.

11-26-2008, 04:28 PM
The sky washed mine this morning here in Sunny Socal.
I thought it never rained there? That singer is full of ****!

11-26-2008, 04:30 PM
If you think he was harsh on you ... you oughta see what the CAM folks do to the one with the dirtiest MM at their meets. :eek:


hope not, or im not coming to berts :D

11-26-2008, 04:56 PM
Next time, just tell whoever......".I JUST STOLE IT !!! and it you think I have time to find a clean one, your nuts."...And drive away......

11-26-2008, 05:04 PM
:bandit:Next time it happens, just look them in the eye and, "Hey, I just stole the d*$m thing, and if you think I have the time to find a clean one, you nuts"

11-26-2008, 06:53 PM
She was washed and cleaned this afternoon... now where is that old coot??

11-26-2008, 07:25 PM
have you been told lately?

11-26-2008, 09:12 PM
She was washed and cleaned this afternoon... now where is that old coot??
We need pics as proof ..... speaking for all the other old coots here. ;) :rofl:

11-26-2008, 09:26 PM
I knew someone would call my bluff.

12-02-2008, 06:12 PM
omg that is hysterical!!!!!

Before anyone flames me I will admit it.. my car is filthy.

So heres the story. I was driving over to check on my Mom's house while she is away. On my way there I see a nice clean looking MGM with quite possibly the oldest guy behind the wheel merging into traffic. He see's the Marauder and I get a happy thumbs up as I pass. I wave but notice that as I pass the look on his face goes from happy to sad to kinda pi$$y looking. I think to myself "wow what did I do?" The guy merges into traffic about 4 cars behind me and I lose track of him.

Before I head to Moms, I stop at Blockbuster to rent some movies and notice the old guy in the MGM pull in the parking lot. He idles in and rolls his window down and waves me over. I walk over not sure what to expect. Then this old dude starts yelling at me as to why I keep such a good looking car so dirty. I tried to explain to him that I have been laid up and been unable to get out to wash it when he say that he doesn't like excuses and that if I was his son he would take my car away and give it to someone who was more appreciative. Before I could say anything else he rolls his window up and drives away shaking his head leaving me standing there thinking "WTF?"

This guy follwed me for at least five minutes just to yell at me about having a dirty car. Made me want to go get her cleaned up and drive around just to find him again.

I love old folks...:)

12-02-2008, 08:14 PM
Don't mess with us old coots you young whipper snapper. Pics up.