View Full Version : Wonderful Thanksgiving

11-28-2008, 06:04 AM
Patricia planned, prepared and executed a sumptuous Dinner with all the trimmings yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me how she can keep all these dishes staged for preparation and cooking with no wasted motion and the dinner on the table, delicious at the stated time. :bows: Would our government had people like her. But then I wouldn't have such a wonderful life. I'm holding on to her for another 45 years. :cloud9:

I did make my usual batch of Texas Trash for the boys. Too much for us geriatric folks.

Now for the left overs, oh, soooooo good.

Today is Black Friday and one son confirms that it's a shopping nightmare. Every store is already packed to the off ramps at 5:30 AM.

Keep sober, safe and happy holidays,

The Pat's.

11-28-2008, 06:18 AM
HAPPY T- DAY To all!!!!!!!!!! and you better keep her around can we do with out are significant other?

11-28-2008, 06:54 AM
Patricia planned, prepared and executed a sumptuous Dinner with all the trimmings yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me how she can keep all these dishes staged for preparation and cooking with no wasted motion and the dinner on the table, delicious at the stated time. :bows: Would our government had people like her. But then I wouldn't have such a wonderful life. I'm holding on to her for another 45 years. :cloud9:

I did make my usual batch of Texas Trash for the boys. Too much for us geriatric folks.

Now for the left overs, oh, soooooo good.

Today is Black Friday and one son confirms that it's a shopping nightmare. Every store is already packed to the off ramps at 5:30 AM.

Keep sober, safe and happy holidays,

The Pat's.
Sounds great, Pat. I agree on the planning and preparation part .... if it was me, we'd all be eating around 2 AM next Tuesday. ;)

My youngest son & daughter-in-law invited 16 of us over to his new home for a Thanksgiving/House Warming party of sorts. It was great. I was 1st to call "Dibs" on the couch for my after dinner nap during the football game. Seems I didn't miss much. :rofl:

The wife wants me to go "shopping" with her today and then later maybe to see "Twilight" at the mall 22-MoviePlex. I am looking forward to it. :rolleyes: Maybe I can convince her that I should stay home an rake leaves. :D

11-28-2008, 07:00 AM
:rolleyes: Maybe I can convince her that I should stay home an rake leaves. :D[/quote]

I would go to the movies Charlie raking leaves suck:mad2:

11-28-2008, 07:08 AM

Having met you, I read your words and feel you are coming down with something. Maybe a cold?

Shot of Bourbon later should keep the illness at bay.

You should stay indoors today and relax. Maybe a nap is in order?

Kids are out of school today. A "10 spot" should have several neighborhood kids on leaf detail while you Supervise from inside your castle.



11-28-2008, 07:08 AM
I would go to the movies Charlie raking leaves suck:mad2:
I agree that raking leaves SUCK; but not as much as shopping (especially on Black Friday) and the movie doesn't interest me in the least. Compared to elbowing my way through the Mall, I will have a blast with my leaf blower and plastic bags. ;)