View Full Version : Does anyone still make a basic cell phone?

12-08-2008, 06:13 PM
I need a new cell phone because mine is well.... junk. I want to know if anyone makes a cell phone that you can simply dial and that's it. No memory, no text, heck maybe no caller ID. I want just the basics. Does this still exist?

12-08-2008, 06:16 PM
Usually free with any new two year contract. Mine is as basic as it gets. Because i would destroy anything nice at work.

12-08-2008, 06:29 PM
get a jitterbug!

12-08-2008, 06:48 PM
Dude...ALL providers offer a cheap phone only phone and call plans without text or pictures.

Ask me how I know....

My company provides me with a pos sprint phone that is lucky to get service in the areas I travel.

12-09-2008, 04:56 AM
get a jitterbug!

.........................+1... .........:geezer::D:jk:

Mike Poore
12-09-2008, 05:50 AM
I have the basic LG provided "free" with my Verizon contract. They offered me another just like it about a year ago upon renewal. No camera, no special features, it's just a simple dark grey & silver flip phone, with a stubby 1 1/2" antenna, and it works. Battery lasts about two days. :D

Aren Jay
12-09-2008, 10:19 PM
.............................. .

12-09-2008, 10:52 PM
I need a new cell phone because mine is well.... junk. I want to know if anyone makes a cell phone that you can simply dial and that's it. No memory, no text, heck maybe no caller ID. I want just the basics. Does this still exist?

The "base" phone is now a "super" phone if you compare it to what was offered say 5 years ago.

Now you need memory.
You do not "need" text:)
Call ID is now basic service, thats a good thing.

You really need to get out more...:rofl:

12-09-2008, 11:38 PM
First, what cell phone provider do you have...

bying a phone w/o a contract stinks, ask me how i know lol

a basic nokia Bar phone will do. nothing fancy, heck i still have one that used to be in our work truck that doesnt even have a color screen..... still turns on and gets reception though. we have since upgraded because its not cool, no matter how oldschool you are, to have a brick for a phone.

get a blackberry.

on a side note, for all of the older folks, when my mother was unpacking some of her belongings she had packed years and years ago, she found her old bag phone. saying how cool it was to carry a briefcase of a a phone around.:rolleyes: :lol:


12-09-2008, 11:50 PM
I don't know what I hate more... black berries or iphones. Probably iphone because apple ruined everything about having music, but what sells a phone to me is how big the buttons are. A black berry has very small buttons and I have pickle fingers so I need buttons the size of jelly beans.

12-09-2008, 11:51 PM
You really need to get out more...:rofl:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

I don't like what I see.

I am I too young to be saying stuff like this? :confused:

12-10-2008, 05:41 PM
Try firefly!

12-10-2008, 05:44 PM
.........................+1... .........:geezer::D:jk:

+2 :P

Jitterbug da da da da dada

12-10-2008, 05:46 PM
but what sells a phone to me is how big the buttons are.
Real big buttons!!!!!

12-10-2008, 05:54 PM
Seriously dude, I do not know you but...

You are acting like a kid who was rejected and is now reversing against the "norm" that rejected him. Your 23 years old, I know you are still soul searching and trying to find an identity but if you do not realize that you are not defined by your cell phone, and that the type of music you listen to does not define you then I am sure you have a lot more searching to do.

Technology is not something to fear, especially at your age. You are setting yourself up for failure by not getting use to change now. Itunes exposes people to all genres of music, its up to the user to find whats good. Blackberry's changed how business is done, period. Nextel push to talk changed small business forever. Corporations are not evil, the men who run them are. Strive to take their place and bring change to this world.

Like I said I am just observing your threads and your attitude toward things. I understand people like what they like, but you seem to be reaching and searching.

Just my 02 cents. Striving to be different makes you normal among others. Watch the south park episode about gothic kids, priceless.

Not a flame just noticing things :)

12-10-2008, 07:32 PM
Who do you have for cell service Dom? I have a nice like new Sanyo from Sprint that doesn't have a camera and junk just laying around here cause I told Sprint to shove their "service".The Sanyo phones were good and worked okay with my mitts.

12-11-2008, 11:13 AM
Eric I don't have a television so I cannot watch South Park. I sure modern technology makes everything easier, but you just wait... it's a way to track everything you do. I want a basic phone because if we just call someone on the phone by finding their name as suppose to dialing it, we are using less brain power. To be all honest with you I think I'm pretty stupid most of the time and I do whatever I can to make sure I'm using what little brain power I have left. These are just a few reasons.

Larry I am with U.S. Cingular, but as of now I'm open to anything. I might go store to store friday looking for a different company to go with.

12-11-2008, 11:19 AM
Eric I don't have a television so I cannot watch South Park. I sure modern technology makes everything easier, but you just wait... it's a way to track everything you do. I want a basic phone because if we just call someone on the phone by finding their name as suppose to dialing it, we are using less brain power. To be all honest with you I think I'm pretty stupid most of the time and I do whatever I can to make sure I'm using what little brain power I have left. These are just a few reasons.

Larry I am with U.S. Cingular, but as of now I'm open to anything. I might go store to store friday looking for a different company to go with.

Dom: When I told you need to get out more this tells me I am right on the money!

All you need to do is stop into a few stores (Best Buys, Wal-Mart, Target, etc..) And look at phones. It really is that simple, That is how we simple folk do it. Yes it's works.

As for "U.S. Cingullar" it is now going by the name "ATT" :)

And it does not matter how much brain power you think you have just use what you have.

Works for me:up:

12-11-2008, 12:10 PM
I'd like to add to the OP statement.

I've always said that if someone made a basic phone that does nothing but send and receive phone calls BUT had GREAT reception/signal strength no matter where you were, they'd make a fortune on them. I personally love technology and my phone does everything my home PC does and more. But I would say a majority of people I know don't text, have no desire to check their email or even take pictures with a phone. The more crap you shove on a phone, the more things to break a malfunction. And let's face it, nothing they make anymore is designed to last anyway.

Joe Walsh
12-11-2008, 12:53 PM
I'd like to add to the OP statement.

I've always said that if someone made a basic phone that does nothing but send and receive phone calls BUT had GREAT reception/signal strength no matter where you were, they'd make a fortune on them. I personally love technology and my phone does everything my home PC does and more. But I would say a majority of people I know don't text, have no desire to check their email or even take pictures with a phone. The more crap you shove on a phone, the more things to break a malfunction. And let's face it, nothing they make anymore is designed to last anyway.

I'm so tired of the crappy reception and sound quality on my company supplied Blackberry that I would love to crush the POS!
I DON'T need to know what the Tokyo stock exchange is doing or download the latest videos or text message...I just want to make a friggin' phone call on my cell phone!

12-11-2008, 01:29 PM
I'm so tired of the crappy reception and sound quality on my company supplied Blackberry that I would love to crush the POS!
I DON'T need to know what the Tokyo stock exchange is doing or download the latest videos or text message...I just want to make a friggin' phone call on my cell phone!

Yup that is my soul intention too.

Jim I get out, but I don't really know what's going on in the world as you know. I still really don't know why that certian someone went to jail. :rolleyes:

12-11-2008, 01:36 PM
Dom my I suggest the NEXTELS, military version for blue collar workers. I've never had any problems with this brand of phone. It's simple, built tough, and does it's job! I've beat up on them easily 1,000 times, dropped the phone in water, snow, slush, also stepped on accident in a muddy vacant lot. Still it keeps goin' and nicely fits in the hand. Yes I got a new one because my wife and co-worker both agreed the phone looked as if it was from 1988 and it was time for change...LOL, Bastards!

12-11-2008, 01:40 PM
Eric I don't have a television so I cannot watch South Park. I sure modern technology makes everything easier, but you just wait... it's a way to track everything you do. I want a basic phone because if we just call someone on the phone by finding their name as suppose to dialing it, we are using less brain power. To be all honest with you I think I'm pretty stupid most of the time and I do whatever I can to make sure I'm using what little brain power I have left. These are just a few reasons.

Larry I am with U.S. Cingular, but as of now I'm open to anything. I might go store to store friday looking for a different company to go with.

If you are concerned with using brain power and fear that a television or cell phone decreases that you really need to read more books. Seriously man, its fine to question authority and to think for yourself. But if you live your life in fear and looking over your shoulder you are more ego centric and self centered then you think. I know the government tracks people, but what makes you so special? Do you really think you are anything more then a blip on the radar if that?

Television does not make you stupid, TRL does. Try watching some of the "boring" chanels like PBS, Nova, History Chanel, you know the ones that actually teach you something. And I seriously doubt looking for a phone number is going to make you smarter then simply hitting send on the phone.

Seriously focus your energy into school, reading and analytical writings, you will much more satisfied.

Take care bro

12-11-2008, 03:00 PM

12-11-2008, 04:14 PM
what makes you so special?
Take care bro

Hang out with me for an hour and you'll see why. Ask anyone on here who's met me, they call me "special". :D

I read books too, but not that often. Maybe once every two weeks, but some I just cannot put down. This past summer I actually finished one in about 20 hours and it was not Ispy!

Mike Poore
12-11-2008, 04:18 PM

Hey! I know Field Day when I see it.....de W3CAR