View Full Version : Resolution

12-10-2008, 12:41 PM

In the wake of all the BS that has been on the site for the last few months...Where was problem solver? Some ppl got banned, some post got edited, some threads got closed, some moderators got mad, SOME MEMBERS ARE LEAVING THE SITE...All and all I saw no resolution. I understand that talking down about ppl is not allowed on this site...but if a customer is not happy with his/her buying experience, they should have a voice in that...if its on here, the company website or the BBB, they should be heard. If its positive...its no problem where its displayed. NO company I am aware of has 100% positive customer reviews. I am not going to get into anymore I just want to know what should/would be done so these occurrences are not going to happen in the future.

12-10-2008, 01:51 PM
There's only one way to solve this. Dance off.

12-10-2008, 02:03 PM
Personally, I think it's a ploy to garner new members.
Look at the number of viewers of late.

Haven't seen numbers like this since the old Mac 'n Martyo days.

(Anyone else remember that comic duo?)

12-10-2008, 02:06 PM
There's only one way to solve this. Dance off.


That being said...I agree Tito. When do we see a resolution?
This seems to be a trend.

MM.net member complains of bad service.
Other MM.net members jump in to show it's not a fluke
Members get banned

I KNOW of others who have had the same issues and chose to never speak up, simply because of the way it is handled.

I thought the stepping down was supposed to turn a new leaf...

apparently it hasn't.

on a side note, i believe the domain name MarauderDrama.net is not taken yet

12-10-2008, 02:07 PM
The solution is simple but sharp around the edges.

A community needs to have a place to express itself and voice its opinion. A community needs a forum. This site has been censoring, changing posts, and closing threads. While some threads need to be closed (IE the political threads) certain threads need to remain open. A thread pretaining to a vendor of the community is important to have.

The problem is that is results into personal attacks, insults, and in some cases threats. All communities go through this and it can not be avoided. The more you police it the more it spreads. We need to understand that this will happen from time to time.

All you can do is quietly refer members to the Terms of Service that they all agreed to sign when they registered for the site. Follow, with Private messages informing members that they are in violation of the agreement and future behavior will result in punishment is more then enough.

However, closing threads, editing posts is not the way to achieve this. All it does it allow the fire to spread. Simply enforce the rules in a private setting and stop doing it in the public eye - it adds fuel to the fire. You are drawing attention to the matter and thats all they want in the first place, so it enables future behavior.

If the moderators simply informed violators via PM of their behavior, and then followed the warning with action of a ban, this would of been nipped in the but a lot faster. Instead, closing threads, replying to threads, and editing posts only further drags things into the spot light and creates more attention and more fuel for the fire to burn.

I love watching the folly of the masses.

12-10-2008, 02:09 PM
"We don't have dance dance revolution.....so... Your dumb."


People can only whine for so long and it'll go away, but don't worry. There will always be something to "drama" about.

12-10-2008, 02:42 PM
Meows about a group hug?:hug2:

12-11-2008, 02:11 PM
WOW...ppl chime in to voice their mind on the problem...but no solutions...ok...:alone:

SC Cheesehead
12-11-2008, 02:19 PM
WOW...ppl chime in to voice their mind on the problem...but no solutions...ok...:alone:

I've got to agree with Vortech, there will always be drama, just go with the flow.

As my old Uncle Heinrich used to say, "this, too, shall pass."

12-11-2008, 02:22 PM
Ok cool...I am fairly "new" anyway, so you guys have seen more then I have on this site...


SC Cheesehead
12-11-2008, 02:41 PM
Ok cool...I am fairly "new" anyway, so you guys have seen more then I have on this site...


In before the lock:


12-11-2008, 03:22 PM
The solution is simple but sharp around the edges.

A community needs to have a place to express itself and voice its opinion. A community needs a forum. This site has been censoring, changing posts, and closing threads. While some threads need to be closed (IE the political threads) certain threads need to remain open. A thread pretaining to a vendor of the community is important to have.

The problem is that is results into personal attacks, insults, and in some cases threats. All communities go through this and it can not be avoided. The more you police it the more it spreads. We need to understand that this will happen from time to time.

All you can do is quietly refer members to the Terms of Service that they all agreed to sign when they registered for the site. Follow, with Private messages informing members that they are in violation of the agreement and future behavior will result in punishment is more then enough.

However, closing threads, editing posts is not the way to achieve this. All it does it allow the fire to spread. Simply enforce the rules in a private setting and stop doing it in the public eye - it adds fuel to the fire. You are drawing attention to the matter and thats all they want in the first place, so it enables future behavior.

If the moderators simply informed violators via PM of their behavior, and then followed the warning with action of a ban, this would of been nipped in the but a lot faster. Instead, closing threads, replying to threads, and editing posts only further drags things into the spot light and creates more attention and more fuel for the fire to burn.

I love watching the folly of the masses.

Felt the need to chime in and address the items you listed above that hopefully will shed some light on what we do as owners of this board:

We will react to language, atacks, threats, etc. This is a family oriented forum that houses younger age folks and others that are sensitive to what has been expressed here recently.

Everyone is welcome to express their opinions. providing it is done with civility and respect to others that can read those opinions as this is an 'open' forum.

We are working on a vendor forum for this reason, but as Bunny mentioned, there is a server migration currently underway, and we must get past that first. Please be patient with us. OK?

Years ago, the former owner opened up an 'unmoderated' forum for people to vent on this board.

Members were attacked, deeply hurt, saddened and scars left that are still felt today. Some mebers walked away to never be seen again.

We were tested. And the test proved one thing...

Moderation will be a part of our lives on MM.net for the aforementioned reasons.

We have referred members to the forum rules, resulting (in most cases) to be scrutinized for said rules. PM's sent to no avail. Warnings of vacations only to hear 'heavy-handed' moderation is taking place.

(You would be amazed at the amount of reported posts us owners receive on a weekly basis wishing threads would be closed) Seriously.

We have seen that PM's are no longer held 'private', in some cases thus defeating the purpose of 'private messaging'

The reason I have replied to your post is that it is very well written and with a sense of urgency in your verbage.

Hopefully, I have helped not only you, but several others that will visit this thread in the upcoming days?



12-11-2008, 06:45 PM
Might I suggest a solution? Too bad, here goes;

Since 95% of the major blow-outs around here have something to do with vendors, why not get rid of them?


"But they pay the bills!" Fine. Bring out the pop-up ads instead. Yep, pop ups and lots of them. A never ending stream of annoying, singing, dancing, flashing, scrolling, and blinking pop-up ads! Awesome! Find some real "snake oil" ones too. Porn pop-ups would be a nice touch. There! Bills are paid!

"But pop-up ads suck!" Fine. I know they do. Eliminate them for paid members. Done deal. Bills are paid. People who are true fans of the Marauder won't have an issue with paying modest dues. Most do already. This should help cut down on the incoherant blogging by some of our really bored "members" as well.

Think about it. Who actually pays for ABC, NBC, or CBS? No one, that's who! Some days it like "Two guys Garage" on Speed channel. You have to sit there for the last 5 minutes of an episode and watch these guys hock some obvious garbage. Those guys can't do anything about it....unless they moved to HBO. You get what you pay for. As a contributing member I'm actually paying for ABC! Get rid of the commercials!

"But what about the poor vendors! They'll starve without us!" WRONG. If they are good businessmen they can run their own site, and handle their own issues. Why are their problems OUR problem?

"But where will noobs find parts?" Simple. Post a link to the vendors site. Done deal. The vendors forums can also be eliminated thereby reducing the cost to run this site.

I'm tired of watching some (not all) vendors beat people up around here.

It's time we put their feet to the fire. They owe us. Not the other way around. Turn the tables. We support them and it's time they figured it out.

12-11-2008, 07:07 PM
I work in a data center and I know how expensive to run these sites. I am sure it is very difficult to balance the money brought in by vendors, and freedom of speech. My $.01 is to leave the vendors on and allow the negative posts. Most intelligent people know that only the unhappy people post and make a big stink. Have you ever bought an item off of an Ebay store with 100% positive feedback? I haven't even seen one yet, but they still sell 1,000s of items. If the vendor does bad business often, it will catch up and he will have to close his doors. I agree with straight up deleting a post, but I think it is absoultely incorrect to edit a post.

Ms. Denmark
12-11-2008, 07:16 PM
TiTo, this isn't about poor customer service and everybody knows it. This is a highly personal vendetta with all the dirty laundry hung out for the rest of us to see.:argue: :puke: :flamer: Customer service issues are dealt with by contacting the business not taking up sides on the Internet. I'll bet most of us have never had direct dealings with the accused vendor and are only cheer-leading for one side or the other. :banana: We are all abundantly aware of some members extreme displeasure with their shopping experience. :mad2:(And I think it goes a lot deeper than shopping) But :censor: do they want us to do about it? :confused: Resolution of the problem is between the vendor and the customer. It has nothing to do with the rest of us as far as I can see. It's devolved into some bizarre mob mentality. The resolution I'm looking for is everybody shut up already.;) JMHO

12-11-2008, 08:41 PM
TiTo, this isn't about poor customer service and everybody knows it. This is a highly personal vendetta with all the dirty laundry hung out for the rest of us to see.:argue: :puke: :flamer: Customer service issues are dealt with by contacting the business not taking up sides on the Internet. I'll bet most of us have never had direct dealings with the accused vendor and are only cheer-leading for one side or the other. :banana: We are all abundantly aware of some members extreme displeasure with their shopping experience. :mad2:(And I think it goes a lot deeper than shopping) But :censor: do they want us to do about it? :confused: Resolution of the problem is between the vendor and the customer. It has nothing to do with the rest of us as far as I can see. It's devolved into some bizarre mob mentality. The resolution I'm looking for is everybody shut up already.;) JMHO

With all due respect, I think a website has a certain responsability to it's members to endorse only GOOD vendors. That is to the benefit of it's members.

Anything else is placeing the cart before the horse.

Do a search for the phrase "pro-zack" and you'll see what happened when a member accidentally asked a vendor a question the "wrong way".

A vendor was allowed by management to taunt and tease a member that just asked a question.

I suppose if McDonalds were run the same was as .net is I'd have to come in there and say "May I please have a #5 with cheese? Pretty please? "Just take my money. I don't want it. You're so awesome. I owe my happiness to you.

Or perhaps say "Last time I was here the service was awfull. I appologize for being upset with you I promise I won't tell anyone"?

12-11-2008, 09:10 PM
Felt the need to chime in and address the items you listed above that hopefully will shed some light on what we do as owners of this board:

We will react to language, atacks, threats, etc. This is a family oriented forum that houses younger age folks and others that are sensitive to what has been expressed here recently.

Everyone is welcome to express their opinions. providing it is done with civility and respect to others that can read those opinions as this is an 'open' forum.

We are working on a vendor forum for this reason, but as Bunny mentioned, there is a server migration currently underway, and we must get past that first. Please be patient with us. OK?

Years ago, the former owner opened up an 'unmoderated' forum for people to vent on this board.

Members were attacked, deeply hurt, saddened and scars left that are still felt today. Some mebers walked away to never be seen again.

We were tested. And the test proved one thing...

Moderation will be a part of our lives on MM.net for the aforementioned reasons.

We have referred members to the forum rules, resulting (in most cases) to be scrutinized for said rules. PM's sent to no avail. Warnings of vacations only to hear 'heavy-handed' moderation is taking place.

(You would be amazed at the amount of reported posts us owners receive on a weekly basis wishing threads would be closed) Seriously.

We have seen that PM's are no longer held 'private', in some cases thus defeating the purpose of 'private messaging'

The reason I have replied to your post is that it is very well written and with a sense of urgency in your verbage.

Hopefully, I have helped not only you, but several others that will visit this thread in the upcoming days?



We do not need a "Vendor Forum". A simple feedback thread like this: will do.

A place where the good and bad regardless of vendor status or purchace made elsewhere. We can all share info that way.

12-11-2008, 09:57 PM
Ms. Denmark has posted EXACTLY how I feel as well...

12-11-2008, 11:52 PM
The '57 Chevy would be a soup can today if it weren't for its fans/enthusiasts.

You can't credit vendors for it. Think about that.

Is .net an enthusiast site? Is it geared toward the enthusiasts needs?

Enthusiasts are supposed to be driving this whole thing. Vendors are supposed to be catering to their needs.

Enthusiasts make demands.
Vendors are there to work hard and meet that demand.

Enthusiasts are the customer.
Vendors are the employees.

What happened to 'service with a smile'?

What happened to the customer always being right?

PM's welcome. I'm outta here

12-12-2008, 12:22 AM
Personally, I think it's a ploy to garner new members.
Look at the number of viewers of late.

Haven't seen numbers like this since the old Mac 'n Martyo days.

(Anyone else remember that comic duo?)

I thought it was the Todd & Marty show?

Mike M
12-12-2008, 12:22 AM
There's only one way to solve this. Dance off.

Pants off Dance off

12-12-2008, 12:33 AM
We do not need a "Vendor Forum". A simple feedback thread like this: will do.

A place where the good and bad regardless of vendor status or purchace made elsewhere. We can all share info that way.

BINGO! That is exactly what this site needs.