View Full Version : Frequent travelers - How would you handle this hotel failure?

12-11-2008, 03:28 PM
I am wondering how some of you frequent travelers would handle the following issue, and what type of resolve would YOU expect in this scenario.

As many of you know, I travel a lot with my job. I stay in hotels for weeks, and occationally months at a time.
Typically I choose the Extended Stay / Homestead Studio Suites group because their King Deluxe rooms just hit the max for my per diem allowance, and have a living room with full kitchen.

I am currently on day 12 of a stay at the Homestead here in Waltham.
I started out in a double, and moved by choice to a deluxe over the weekend.

Yesterday, for the first time since Sunday, I inadvertantly dozed off on the couch in the living room. (Bear in mind, I bring all of my personal bedding, and covered their couch with spare linens from the pantry.)
I awoke several hours later, and oddly became itchy. And more itchy. And before long it was very apparent I had just had my ass, well...my shoulders, arms, and hands, handed to me by fleas. Gotta be fleas...the bites look right, and itch like hell.

I called the front desk, and they confirmed they did allow pets. I had no idea, or I would not have stayed here. I was promply given another room. I spoke briefly over the phone today to the property manager, and however apologetic she sounded, she still sounded a bit apathetic.

She started to say she would offer me several free night vouchers OR a free night refund on this trip. I told her I wanted to speak and make disposition face to face. We meet tomorrow after work.

Now...my company reimbursts for my lodging, so free vouchers mean shat to me. When I travel on my dime, I stay at Hamptons or preferably Hilton.

To add fuel to their fire, on the Saturday I checked in, I loaded the fridge with two weeks worth of food. I left the room for the day, and did not check the fridge until the next day, nearly 22 hours later. I was stunned to find that the cleaning staff had turned the fridge off at some point. All my meat soured. A call to the desk yielded that it was not policy to turn off refridgerators, and it should not have been done.

I need to bring this up to the property manager as well.


What do you folks feel would be an acceptable reparation?

12-11-2008, 03:42 PM
Dinner date leading too????????????????

Stranger in the Black Sedan
12-11-2008, 03:44 PM
YES!!!! best answer

12-11-2008, 04:50 PM
Dinner date leading too????????????????:rofl:

Do you have any enemies? Do they know where you are staying?? Was your pizza order cancelled??? Sounds fishy!! In before the Lock!!:D


12-12-2008, 05:22 AM
What do you folks feel would be an acceptable reparation?
No one turns off a refrigerator. What did they do ... unplug it before checking if it had any contents? :dunno:

I would demand immediate and full restitution for any items that were spoiled because of the incident (whether the thing was turned off, unplugged, or just plain broke). Make a list of the spoiled items and their estimated price and take it to the meeting assuming that you did not retain the receipt. I would also asked for a reasonable inconvenience fee (something that you feel is appropriate (e.g. 10-20% of the total??) based on actual inconvenience and time/difficulty in replacing the items.

With respect to the fleas, I am not really sure what to do other than bring it to the attention of the manager. I suspect that the "spare" linen rarely gets a routine laundering unless people leave it out after use rather than jamming it back in the closet. Seems that both you and the hotel bear at least some responsibility for the incident. You didn't check on the hotel's "pet policy" and used linens that I would have considered suspect from the get-go. Obviously, the hotel had not laundered the spare linens since the dog used them. It is an unfortunate incident; but I am not sure restitution is warranted. If the hotel wants to give you a couple "free" nights -- I'd take them. If you can't use them .... give 'em to someone who can.

I would also let the management know that you intend to send a letter to the hotel chain or that you will note these problems in the inevitable hotel survey that comes after any stay (I get them all the time). Tell them that you will inform them of the action taken by the on-site staff and management to respond to your complaints.

Hope this helps.

12-12-2008, 07:30 AM
i travel on occasion still and have seen the small refrigerators turned off but not the full size ones. in this economy alot of establishments are cutting costs whereever they can like cutting thermostats off in rooms not currently occupied. I would request reimbursement for the cost of the spoiled food and come complimentary time for the fleas. and hope for the best.

Aren Jay
12-12-2008, 08:18 AM
.............................. .

SC Cheesehead
12-12-2008, 08:41 AM
I would also let the management know that you intend to send a letter to the hotel chain or that you will note these problems in the inevitable hotel survey that comes after any stay (I get them all the time). Tell them that you will inform them of the action taken by the on-site staff and management to respond to your complaints.

Hope this helps.


I've had problems with lodging before (though not to your extent) and a letter to the corp. office usually results in decent resolution.

Word of advice, keeping a civil, professional tone to any letters or phone calls will get you a lot farther than simply b!itching. Also, don't be afraid to state what you believe to be fair compensation.

As a last resort, don't forget the Better Business Bureau. My :twocents:

12-12-2008, 02:19 PM
i travel on occasion still and have seen the small refrigerators turned off but not the full size ones. in this economy alot of establishments are cutting costs whereever they can like cutting thermostats off in rooms not currently occupied. I would request reimbursement for the cost of the spoiled food and come complimentary time for the fleas. and hope for the best.

This ^^^ is a good point. Since this was one of the extended stay places, it is possible that the room/suite was vacant for awhile and the refrigerator had been shut off or unplugged to save electric until the next occupany. Could be that it was not working/plugged in when Barry checked in. Not sure. He may not be sure either. Regardless, I would still seek reimbursement for the spoiled items since occupants should have a reasonable expectation that major appliances in the room/suite are fully operational. That's my :twocents:

12-12-2008, 03:51 PM
I think you might be the only dude that stays in Hotels as much or more than me. I wold go with the letter to corporate route and take all that they offer....but push for more than one night discount. Two nights is about right.

If they dont feel pain in the pocket are they really sorry? You afterall got bit up and inconvenienced. I would definitely submit food receipts for a CHECK reimbursement. I never take a "Discount" off my bill when I took cash out of my pocket to pay for the food to begin with. I like to make sure they are at least slightly put out since I was TOTALLY put out.

Always take yor reparations now...bird in the hand better than two in the trees...or whatever!

12-12-2008, 05:12 PM
Yes indeed.

[quote=Peace2Peep;693129]Two nights is about right....

My thoughts exactly.

I had a meeting with the property manager tonight. She was very understanding and apologetic. I acted very calm and rational.
I presented her with a diagram of how/where bad I was bitten. I quit (lost) count after 73 bites.

She reimburst me (cash) in excess of the grocery loss.
I requested, and subsequently received two night's rate credited back to my Amex. (approx $190)

She wants me to check in with her on Monday as well to see how I am doing.

Other than a hell of a lot of itching and cortisone, I now need to wash all of my gear with pet flea shampoo before I leave the property.

Basically I am satisfied. From what research I did on the internet regarding similar accounts by travelers and hotel restitutions, I did about as good as I could.

Thanks for everyone's input, including the (few)lame attempts at humor.:P

12-12-2008, 05:32 PM
I was thinking flea COLLAR. Contact CBT, have him drop-kick his cat, ...er, I mean drop-ship his cat, squeeze the pee out of it on the Managers jackest when he's not looking.

12-12-2008, 06:43 PM
Thanks for everyone's input, including the (few)lame attempts at humor.:PYou're welcome, I do what I can! :D


Ms. Denmark
12-12-2008, 07:00 PM

Word of advice, keeping a civil, professional tone to any letters or phone calls will get you a lot farther than simply b!itching. Also, don't be afraid to state what you believe to be fair compensation.

As a last resort, don't forget the Better Business Bureau. My :twocents: Umm, this advice seems like it could come in handy in other consumer vs vendor conflicts...... :confused: I'm sure if I think hard enough.......:thinker:

12-12-2008, 07:01 PM
I.... squeeze the pee out of it on the Managers jacket when he's not looking.

'nine...the manager is a woman.

A young, hot, woman. Absolutely georgeous brunette.
If I weren't happily married, a dinner date would have been a part of the reparation. :P:cool:

12-12-2008, 08:07 PM
'nine...the manager is a woman.

A young, hot, woman. Absolutely georgeous brunette.
If I weren't happily married, a dinner date would have been a part of the reparation. :P:cool:Hey, didja get a number for me? ;)



SC Cheesehead
12-13-2008, 07:28 AM
Hey, didja get a number for me? ;)



Ken, I was thinking the same thing!:D

12-13-2008, 08:24 AM
'nine...the manager is a woman.

A young, hot, woman. Absolutely georgeous brunette.
If I weren't happily married, a dinner date would have been a part of the reparation. :P:cool:
In tht case, you'll need a dog. Ahem....KNINE here, may I offer my services. :rolleyes:

12-14-2008, 07:42 AM
In tht case, you'll need a dog. Ahem....KNINE here, may I offer my services. :rolleyes:

Aww man, there goes my reason to send the cat:(

12-14-2008, 08:32 AM
I didn't see a ring on her finger....but I didn't smell fish either.:P