View Full Version : Think of THIS in your rear view mirror!

12-12-2008, 08:52 AM
Too bad Ford doesn't find a way to make this (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,465329,00.html) the new Taurus SHO.

12-12-2008, 09:19 AM
Yes it is a great concept ... but I want to see if they really make it affordable for local departments. So far, IMHO, it leaves me with the feeling that us in DHS, DoD, etcetera, would really only be able to afford it.


12-12-2008, 09:24 AM
By the time you factor all the stuff that has to be put on the cop cars these may not be that far off on price. Plus it looks like they will be more durable and have a longer life. We have not even talked about fuel savings.

12-12-2008, 09:25 AM
I was reading about the E7 months ago, pretty cool but like Marauder386 said Federal govn't would probably be the only ones to have the cash flow to support a fleet of them. Local and state departments could probably only afford one or a few.

Then the question comes into play of repair cost.

12-12-2008, 09:35 AM
"You would never send a pickup truck to go put out a fire," Li said. "Why would you send a family sedan to go take care of a homeland-security issue?"

I dont really agree with all that. Some of the best Emergency vehicles are built off of Commercial and public vehicles. You WOULD send a pick up truck to a fire if it was outfitted with the correct equipment. Infact almost every rural, paid-or vol. depts. DO have a brush truck.... wich was at one time was a pickem' up truck. Same goes for Police crusiers, alot of depts. outfit the vehicle for there needs.

I do agree with Marauder386. DoD will buy these up in a few years. Fort Hood has got like 200 impalas, all outfitted exactly the same.

12-12-2008, 09:41 AM
"Li said the car's 300 bhp forced-induction 3.0-diesel engine will deliver 420 lb-ft of torque and propel the vehicle from zero to 60 mph in 6.5 seconds, with a governed top speed of 155 mph."

Carbon Motors has contracted with a European manufacturer to supply the E7's power train, but has yet to publicize the name of that manufacturer. "Our customers will be favorably impressed when we make the announcement,"

Anybody wanna take a guess as to where they got the engine?

So, im confused... this is not a ford? looks like a Taurus concept. Or is this a stand alone company?

12-12-2008, 12:51 PM
I'd drive it. I love my CV but that looks sweet. If it can do all the same things that a CV ca do and withstad the abuse we put them thru it would be awesome. I still want roof lights.

12-12-2008, 01:08 PM
Thats been discussed on CVN for a long time now, for the price of 3 crown victorias, you can buy that heap of crap.

Its a useless over priced car with fisher price sirens. It wont sell well

12-12-2008, 01:08 PM
"Li said the car's 300 bhp forced-induction 3.0-diesel engine will deliver 420 lb-ft of torque and propel the vehicle from zero to 60 mph in 6.5 seconds, with a governed top speed of 155 mph."

Carbon Motors has contracted with a European manufacturer to supply the E7's power train, but has yet to publicize the name of that manufacturer. "Our customers will be favorably impressed when we make the announcement,"

Anybody wanna take a guess as to where they got the engine?

So, im confused... this is not a ford? looks like a Taurus concept. Or is this a stand alone company?

Its carbon motors, its not a ford. It uses a BMW engine if i remember correctly.