View Full Version : I-Phone questions

12-15-2008, 02:20 PM
Like it says.
Work is getting me an I-phone 3G.(Now you can work 24/7):rolleyes:

Anybody got any experiences, good/bad, other?
Pros, cons? You'll love it? You'll hate it?

I'm rough on phones,was getting a Samsung Rugby. Tough phone. "Military rated".:confused:

We have AT@T for service, I'm used to Mac OS, have a Mac G5.
Just curious, need to get it this week.

Lucky me? Or no? THANKS

12-15-2008, 02:30 PM
Iphones are fun toys. :)

Aren Jay
12-15-2008, 03:21 PM
.............................. .

12-15-2008, 03:32 PM
It depends if you are paying for it or if work is.

If you are paying for it, get a cheap phone, $15 per month plan or some such, and a Touch.

If they are paying for it, get the works and enjoy.

Just don't put naked pictures on it, and don't leave it somewhere.

Are semi-naked pics OK?
Work is paying for it. I don't pay for anything I don't want.:D

12-15-2008, 03:40 PM
What questions you got? I'm the resident iPhone king and guru

12-15-2008, 03:45 PM
What questions you got? I'm the resident iPhone king and guru
Any known problems? Battery, screen lock-ups,crashes,etc.
Are the reported bugs ironed out.

I just want a phone that works. With all the bells and whistles, how is it as a phone? Up here we have pretty decent 3G coverage. Can I get my e-mails in a reasonably quick time?

How fast do maps load?

12-15-2008, 03:50 PM
Like it says.
Work is getting me an I-phone 3G.(Now you can work 24/7):rolleyes:

Anybody got any experiences, good/bad, other?
Pros, cons? You'll love it? You'll hate it?

I'm rough on phones,was getting a Samsung Rugby. Tough phone. "Military rated".:confused:

We have AT@T for service, I'm used to Mac OS, have a Mac G5.
Just curious, need to get it this week.

Lucky me? Or no? THANKS

I've had mine since February and I like it for every thing except a phone.
It's a great information and entertainment source but the touch screen sux when you have your hands full and you need to answer a call.

Very hard to answer or call out one handed. If you use it in your car then
Bluetooth is a must.

I still have my Razor and usually use it to do most of my calling.


12-15-2008, 04:11 PM
Easy to answer with one hand just slide. No true turn by turn but it's coming. You will benefit. Push is not active yet so emails can be manual or set to check every 15 min at minimal. The Internet is the best in the business. Also I'm not sure how computer savy you are but the phone can be jailbroken to allow you to add third party apps. Then that's when the real fun begins.

12-15-2008, 04:54 PM
Not to start a war or anything or burst anyone's bubble, but 3G internet has been around longer than the iphone and lots of phones do it faster. Same goes for touch screens. They just don't look as pretty doing it. That's the iphone -- pretty and slick. The display is perhaps among the best, but it doesn't offer anything that isn't available elsewhere.

If I got one for free, I'd use it. If I had to pay for it myself, I'd go with any of half a dozen other models which are faster, more reliable, have expandable memory, have a user-replaceable battery, can copy/paste, already have push email, already have true gps and turn by turn, already have thousands of apps to do everything (downloadable and for free on the geek forums) etc. :D Heck, my 2 year old Mogul does all of this and I'm not even current anymore.

Like I said, they are fun toys to have if you want to ID songs on the radio or have a cowbell app. Other than that, there are better devices out there.

12-15-2008, 05:14 PM
You may want to take a look at a Samsung Instinct:

touch screen
slide to answer
larger key board
etc, etc.
very user friendly

love mine.

12-15-2008, 05:30 PM
Thanks for all the replies, so far!
Apparently, my other choice is a blackberry something.
I do have a couple of bluetooth headsets,maybe I'll give it a try.
I can always "break" it and get something different.

NOT my choice of phone. But, I'm not paying for it.The "boss" wants all the GMs to "look modern".:rolleyes:

12-15-2008, 05:47 PM
The iPhone 3G is sweet and they're finally available on att.com as of last week. Indeed they're selling the refurbished iPhone 3G today, who knows how long inventory will last, they ran out in a day or 2 the last time.

The BlackBerry is probably the new Bold. I want one, I use the 8800 and it's great for phone and email. The Bold has a great display and is reliable and now has a camera.

The iPhone on the 3G network screams on the internet and with the high res display movies, pics all look as good as it gets. iPhone has a pretty good camera too.

Good luck.

12-15-2008, 06:25 PM
Don't to the haters the iPhone is a great phone and media device. Look at how long it has been out compared to everything else. Give apple a few more years and it will be only the iPhone. Two thumbs up.

12-15-2008, 07:32 PM
iPhone has a pretty good camera too.

Only a 2mp camera and no flash, for the camera or the multimedia. Also no tethering your laptop using an iphone as modem, no password storage, or video recording. No forwarding text messages, either. No full keyboard.

It just is missing too much stuff. Too bad, really, cuz Appletosh is usually way ahead on this stuff. And, it does not predate other phones in function or in touch screens -- Steve Jobs just wants you to think it does.

12-15-2008, 07:39 PM
Everything you just described I do everyday with the iPhone. Do your research. It's called third party apps. You don't know enough about the iPhone to comment on it.

12-15-2008, 07:45 PM
Thanks people. I'll find out tomorrow what I get.

Btw, my nephew is an IT guy. He's already said he can hook me up with the "jailbroken" stuff, if I want to.

I have no clue, but he says its good.:confused:

12-15-2008, 07:57 PM
trust him he is a very wise man

12-15-2008, 09:38 PM
My wife has one, and I think it's F***ing AwEs0mE! Plus it give me something to do, when I'm out shopping with her...MM.net! Definitely not a good toy for me, I go with the military nextel phones, but for x-mas she got me the Lotus, but I'm not supposed to know, hehe!!!

12-15-2008, 09:56 PM
yeah, 3rd party apps make up for lack of hardware :lol:

how do you expand your storage? :P

Everything you just described I do everyday with the iPhone. Do your research. It's called third party apps. You don't know enough about the iPhone to comment on it.

12-16-2008, 06:43 AM
yeah, 3rd party apps make up for lack of hardware :lol:

how do you expand your storage? :P

Im tethering from my iphone to my laptop now...and you are right no storage expansion but my iphone is 8gb i dont know anyone who needs more than that on a phone if you need anymore just put your whole laptop in your pocket. Also I have a ATT HTC Tilt. So I use both and by far I like the iphone better more user friendly, easier on the eyes, and wayyyyyyyyyy more fun. Iphone or just get a pager :lol:

12-16-2008, 07:06 AM
The reason one might need files on their phone is if they also use it as a pda for meetings. That way no need for a laptop. Heck, I've run presentations off mine. The full keyboard is much faster and easier than any touch screen keyboard. Tactile response rules, and the TS keyboard can't offer that, even with vibrations or clicks or what have you.

That and music - I have 3 8GB cards, 2 for music and one for other stuff depending on what I'm doing. My phone runs my music in both my cars and at work. I also use it in class when my students need to hear a recording. And if the battery runs down I don't have to run to a charger, I can swap in a fresh one. Or two.

These are things the iphone should have included. Like I said, it's a slick package, but for anyone who uses the device for all it can do needs something more IMO.

Im tethering from my iphone to my laptop now...and you are right no storage expansion but my iphone is 8gb i dont know anyone who needs more than that on a phone if you need anymore just put your whole laptop in your pocket. Also I have a ATT HTC Tilt. So I use both and by far I like the iphone better more user friendly, easier on the eyes, and wayyyyyyyyyy more fun. Iphone or just get a pager :lol: