View Full Version : MMORPG anyone?

12-18-2008, 07:56 AM
Ok, who else like playing the MMORPGs when you aren't on the car sites?

Legend of Kesmai
Ultima Online
Asheron's Call
World War II Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Everquest II
Warhammer Online

World of Warcraft
Dungeons and Dragons Online
Age of Conan

That's my short list, probably a few that I can't remember right now that should be on there.

Anyone else?

12-18-2008, 08:00 AM

I would play WOW but I just don't have the time.

Though I did play Elder Scrolls series on Xbox back before I got married lol.

12-18-2008, 08:57 AM
... the original EverQuest...been with it since Beta...looked at all the other CareBear games ( WoW,etc.) and didnt like the lack of brain stimulation with them...


12-18-2008, 09:01 AM
I will never play those games. If I start, no one will ever see me again. I will look like Cartman in the WoW episode.

I have read they tried to make those games as addictive as possible, and now people are wondering why players skip work to play, skip eating to play, skip sleeping to play...

12-18-2008, 09:31 AM
Lol, WOW is fun for a while, but a little too addicting for me. I'd play for a month or so and get my friends addicted, then quit :-)

12-18-2008, 09:42 AM
World of warcraft - I am an addict I do not need help because its not a problem. I am super cool in the game and I fail at life. But when the robots take over and plug us into the Matrix all you noobs will be begging for help when you see how leet I am!

Damn...I need help.

12-18-2008, 02:12 PM
i play warhammer online

can you guess what class i play as :D

12-18-2008, 02:23 PM
Warrior or some form of DPS

Step up to WoW warhammer is only good for RTS


Ghostlands my name is Eriic - yep its that far gone

12-18-2008, 02:25 PM
I'm more the Twisted Metal fan.

No one can beat me in Twisted Metal 2 when I'm Mr. Slam.

12-18-2008, 03:00 PM
I used to play counterstrike all the time

12-18-2008, 09:44 PM
I used to play counterstrike all the time
Half life and counterstrike ftw!

12-19-2008, 12:48 AM
Lord Of The Rings Online.

Fourth Horseman
12-19-2008, 09:55 AM
It's not really an MMO, but anybody else playing Left 4 Dead? It's always fun teaming up with people to shoot zombies. :cool:

12-19-2008, 10:34 AM
Haha, left for dead is amazing. You play on a 360?

Fourth Horseman
12-19-2008, 04:38 PM
Haha, left for dead is amazing. You play on a 360?

No sir, I'm a PC geek.

12-20-2008, 06:46 PM
Thats too bad. I spend way too much time on it tho. My favorite feature is being able to play as a zombie against other people online. its sweet.

12-21-2008, 10:22 AM

You just HAD to tell us that.

This sounds too good to pass up. I can be the zombie and just annoy other players? Does the zombie gain in strength like the PCs do or do you just get unlimited zombies?

It's a high temp of -3 here today so I'm not even going out to move snow until tomorrow. Some zombie time might fit the bill.

Thats too bad. I spend way too much time on it tho. My favorite feature is being able to play as a zombie against other people online. its sweet.

12-21-2008, 12:11 PM
Haha, each zombie that you can play as has a special ability. A Hunter pounces on the human and shreds them, a smoker strangles them with a tounge or something, and a boomer vomits on them and the vomit attracts the "regular" zombies. Its pretty addictive, lol.