View Full Version : One Week From Today Guys!

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2008, 07:02 PM

12-19-2008, 05:10 AM
Christmas is one week from today. What are your plans? Mr. Man and I will be sticking close to home. His family is in New Hampshire. We spent Christmas up there last year. Couldn't leave the house 'cause of all the snow! LOL. My family is in California. We often go out there at Christmas. Not enough time this year. We're invited to friends who live 15 miles away this time. We wish all of you safe travels wherever you may be heading.:)
It seems to get here quicker and quicker every year.

My oldest son and his family are here this week visiting from CA so we are doing some of the Christmas stuff even earlier this year. The wife and I will be staying local and visiting relatives in the area and attending a couple Christmas Parties, too. :2thumbs: I have got a house full today .... all the kids, spouses, kids and dogs too. Spent some quality time with my oldest at the pool hall. Played 10 games and won one honestly. Getting better than the last two years. :D

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.




Mike Poore
12-19-2008, 08:19 AM
Snuggling with Calvin & Hobbes out on the sun porch, with a hot cup of tea, enjoying the deer, and one another. We've enjoyed a wonderful 40 together and will reflect and reminisce at our good fortune.

Something I found to share: counting our blessings, from Baxter Black: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0rQzUVQjd8

12-19-2008, 08:50 AM
Going to Oxford, Mississippi

12-19-2008, 03:03 PM
We are doing the usual, staying close to home Christmas Day. Britty is in the play at church Christmas Eve, a shepard this year. When she was a new born she was the baby Jesus, held by her sister Jessi who played Mary. My older children will be over in the morning for a few hours. Divorces make Christmas difficult, especially when #2 and #3 despise each other. We don't need a fistfight on Christmas. Plus I don't need to be bailing Beep out that day.

Christmas afternoon at the inlaws for dinner, prime rib, done by Uncle Jim :food: melts in the mouth.

Travel to Rochester, NY on the wekend to see my family. Used to do it on Christmas day, but made it much to hectic.

New rules at work mandate that I have to put in a couple days New Years week :shake:

Aren Jay
12-19-2008, 10:43 PM
.............................. .

12-19-2008, 11:41 PM
Familly invading my house as usuall:( Oh well better than me having to leave and go there. I've never been a real big family get together guy, i suck at hosting as well. I'm also very truthfull. I would like just one year before my kids get to big that we can have christmas eve/day all to ourselves just to lounge around in our robes all day playing with all the new toys and having great family time without the invasion of extended family. Flame suit on.

12-19-2008, 11:57 PM
can have christmas eve/day all to ourselves just to lounge around in our robes all day playing with all the new toys and having great family time without the invasion of extended family.
Screw the flame suit
You need a couple :beer:

12-20-2008, 12:00 AM
Attempting to wake up just a little earlier before the kid... I just hate the rude awakening at the most wonderful time of the year. Kid dragging me down the stairs, breathe stinking, hair looking cRaZy! I'd like to have just enough time to do my morning ritual, then open presents and clean up the mess. I traditionally cook a HUGE breakfast... BRING IT! Ms Denmark I too have family in California and Christmas there just didn't feel like Christmas, so I won't be doing it anytime soon. I do need the snow to complete a picture perfect Christmas. We'll see if I change my my mind when I'm older and those bones start to ache from the big chill.

Ms. Denmark
12-20-2008, 01:20 PM

12-20-2008, 01:36 PM
As of now 12/20 how many shopping days do have?

12-20-2008, 03:05 PM
I agree with you! I grew up in snow country and that's how I expect Christmas to be. There's nothing so deflating as a sunny 70 degrees and palm trees on Christmas morning. lol But I love my family, and Christmas isn't the same when we're not together. Fortunately, the weather can be cold ( 35 degrees @ night) in Sacramento in December. Or if we're on the Central Coast, it can be quite nippy as well. Cold enough for a warm coat, gloves and scarf. And cold enough to sit beside the fire with some hot spiced wine. Of course the Sierra Nevada Mountains are an option when you want several feet of snow, ice skating, skiing, snowboarding and sleighrides. We've spent Christmas all together up at Yosemite in the past. That was awesome! :)
I just returned from California on Thursday. When I left Dulles on Monday it was 65 degrees. LAX was in the mid 50's and when I arrived in Palmdale Monday night around 11pm it was 30 and very windy! Tuesday was a little nicer when I drove back to LA. Many of my friends stayed Palmdale Wednesday and were stuck. It was 14 degrees and snowing heavily. They closed Route 14. Good to be home. It's my last trip of the year and taking the next two weeks off. All the kids and grand kids are coming here for Christmas dinner. Yes, I'm cooking so wish them luck!

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday! Diane and I bought ourselves a nice red (Supercharged) truck for Christmas.

:xtree: What's under your tree? Maybe a new set of tires?

12-20-2008, 03:10 PM
Spent some quality time with my oldest at the pool hall. Played 10 games and won one honestly. Getting better than the last two years. :D

How did you win the rest?;)