View Full Version : L/M. Sell how many units?

12-20-2008, 09:48 AM
How many units do Lincoln/ Mercury sell per year?

-Besides the Navigator, which I am willing to bet doesn't sell well now, I see almost no Lincolns on the road ( maybe some limo Town Cars).

-Besides the Grand Marq. what does Mercury sell? I don't mean what's available, what do they sell in large numbers to keep the dealers in business?

I honestly see more Porsches/ Bentleys on the road everyday than new Lincolns/ Mercurys.

12-20-2008, 10:15 AM
i work at a ford dealer but we do have some lincoln vehicle on the lot. we sell alot of the MKZ and MKX along with the new MKS. but around here aside from the grand marquis i don't think any other mercury cars are sold here in ontario. since i live in a boarder city with the USA, i see a lot of sable/milans...etc with american plates but have yet to see any canadian mercurys on the roads or in car lots

12-20-2008, 02:33 PM
The last Ford product bought in my family was 2008 Sable and I can say with a straight face that it is a GREAT car.

More roomy than the Marauder, very safe, has been very dependable (only 7K on the odo so take that with a grain of salt), doesn't look half bad for a family sedan, and is a pleasure to drive (as one would drive with their family).

The only issue I see is that I almost NEVER see ANY on the road. I honestly see more exotic cars than the new line of Lincoln or anything other than the Grand Marq. from Mercury.

12-20-2008, 08:48 PM
Here on Long Island Lincolns are plentiful including Navigators.

12-20-2008, 08:58 PM
I see a ton of Lincoln LSs, MKZs, MKSs, MKXs and Navigators in these suburbs over here. But the Town Cars are def the least popular of them all now.

Really wish I had an 06 or so Lincoln LSE..:drool:

12-21-2008, 09:09 PM
I'm told it was the special order status of the town car that was the final blow for our local L/M dealer.(who had previously sold quite a few) they stayed afloat with jeeps, but it wasn't enough. several local ford dealers sell the grand marquis, so that diluted the sales for the Lincoln dealer as well.

I see a few town cars, but tons of grand marquis. honestly I cant tell the remaining Lincolns apart from each other or other cars

12-22-2008, 09:58 PM
The MKS is just a tarted up Taurus/Sable/500/Montego/VolvoS60. Have seen more new Grand Marquis on the road then the MKS.

12-22-2008, 10:19 PM
I just saw an MKS when going to get food.

When they get the ecoboost they will be worth it... until then